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about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Stalkrr1989

Shield delay in - would make sense but this makes me think that it’s a bad thing. Would be good to get a dev response.

While this wording is confusing the inscription is indeed a positive benefit to your shield delay time. Meaning you shield starts regenerating 10% earlier than it normally would. Only the base stats (in-line descriptions) on components have the instances of positive/negative traits. All inscriptions are positive benefits. Thank you for the feedback.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by FrozenLaughs

There needs to be more information within the text. Your team is just using too many vague terms. Anthem isn't a newspaper ad, you guys aren't being charged by the letter. We aren't afraid of a few extra words! Look:

  • Shield Recharge Speed (+% is obvious buff) assumption- more shield points per second until full?
  • Shield Recharge Delay (+ or -% are both confusing) assumption- number of seconds safe before recharge starts?
  • Shield Recharge Timer (-% is obvious buff) assumption- safe time required to go from broken shields to charging/full?

See how all three examples are worded "basically" the same? See how all three buff percentages can be misunderstood? See how all three examples are contextually identical, but have different expectations because of a single word? You need to settle on a universal glossary to your terms:

  • If every value on gear/inscription is a Positive bonus, then the fact that there is no "debuff/penalty" balancing needs to be made EXPLICITLY clear.
  • If, like most other rpgs, the gear is designed with balancing bonuses and penalties- which is what every player expects- then you need an internally logical system to illustrate that. You can't just have some "+ values" be buffs, and "- values" be penalties, but only depending on which stat we're talking about.
  • Either all bonuses need to be displayed as "+ values" and reworded to clarify, (same with - ) or the universally accepted format of Green bonuses and Red penalties needs to be implemented.

Actually UI considerations for space, especially localized text, was exactly the reason many of these are abbreviated.