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After finishing the GM2 Temple of Scars, I have received one epic "cursed" item among various loot.

I simply couldn't salvage it on a loot screen. Salvage process was active for it during a loot screen but with no result (no disappearance) so i was unable to dismantle it.

Here it is:


Item info says: "Flamethrower | Epic Heavy Assault Launcher Blueprint" (???). It DOESN'T have GEAR POWER, it DOESN'T have GEAR STATS (damage/recharge/status/etc), it takes 1 slot and it always looks equipped regardless of current gear slot item and other slots of my javelin. So i'm still unable to salvage it. Even in a Vault, even when all my Colossus loadouts are deleted!

Moreover, i am unable to equip this item. Trying to do this results in a gear reset for this slot (the slot become empty).

Right after that I discovered strange things. This incorrect item conflicts with sigils showing the BRAND NEW ERROR MESSAGE "There was a problem with the payment information provided." Haven't seen it before, haven't heard about it before. It happens with all sigils on all my javelins - that's the most dissapointing thing.

Here is the video:


1) 00:00 - 01:39. Demonstation of the problem, demonstation of inactive salvage buttons in the Forge and in the Vault.

2) 01:39 - 03:14. Expedition without sigils on a colossus. Everything is fine. In game ammo values: Autocannon ammo 620/752, GL ammo 10/54.

3) 04:18 - 05:55. Expedition with 2 sigils on a colossus. Autocannon sigil +30% dmg/ +30% reserve ammo. Grenade launcher sigil +30% dmg/ +30% reserve ammo. Error message on a start: "There was a problem with the payment information provided." In game ammo values: Autocannon ammo 620/752, GL ammo 10/54. So, there is NO sigil effect.

4) 07:21 - 08:15. Deleting a colossus loadout; no colossus loadouts at all. Salvage button for Flamethrower blueprint in a Vault is still inactive.

5) 08:35 - 10:00. Expedition without sigils on a storm. Everything is fine, no erros. In game ammo values: Heavy pistol 1 ammo 9/126, Heavy pistol 2 ammo 9/126.

6) 11:25 - 12:56. Expedition with 1 sigil on a storm. Heavy pistol sigil +30% dmg/ +30% reserve ammo. Error message on a start: "There was a problem with the payment information provided." In game ammo values: Heavy pistol 1 ammo 9/126, Heavy pistol 2 ammo 9/126. So, there is NO sigil effect.

I have no idea what to do now. I cannot salvage this blueprint Flamethrower item. Removal of colossus loadouts doesn't help. Reparing the game doesn't help too.

I was tolerant about Anthem issues and i really enjoy the game as it is. I really want to play further. But this is a game-breaking bug for me with this unsalvageble item and sigil conflict. I simply cannot play. I use sigils on a GM1 and there is no point to even start a GM2 without sigils.

In theory i can try new pilot, but that's not an option for me. I've spent 174 hours in this game. I have selective Masterworks for all javelins and a lot of legendary items. I can't just drop it and start the game again.

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almost 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Please reach out to EA Help, they can likely get you sorted out. https://help.ea.com/

Separately, I'll raise the issue on our side and we'll see if we can figure out what is going on.

Sorry, you're running into this. 🙁

almost 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by MojoThePower

Just have posted a ticket to EA support forum. So there is too early.

However i have found people with same problem:https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/Wrong-payment-info/td-p/7578025

However they don't have an blueprint item (or they didn't notice). They have the same error and they suggest to play without sigils. But that's not an option. I'd rather don't play than play as a weak ineffective party member.

Can you DM me your account name and platform? It might help us figure out what is going on.

almost 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by RandomLettersMS

Hello Brenon

Different issue if you monitor the millions of replies you get to posts...

The blue sigil blue prints; I was awarded items instead of the blueprint

Do I contact support for that? Or is it an incoming patch that would fix something like that?

I do look at all the replies! 😊 (Though it's hard to respond to them all)

Contacting support is generally a good idea if you have a critical account problem - it also helps us ascertain how many people are affected when we have to triage issues.

I'll make a note of this on the active discussion section of this issue. If this is affecting your ability to play, I'd also recommend you reach out to EA help.