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He appears to be the most knowledgeable about the game. You can tell he actually PLAYS the game. He was spitting information out left and right its very obvious hes in the trenches. Ben can stay at his brothers wedding indefinitely give us CHRIS!!

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almost 6 years ago - /u/BioChrisSchmidt - Direct link

Originally posted by bearLover23


Okay I dun messed up. Wow. My bad. Okay I genuinely didn't realize. I saw Chris and instantly jumped to the conclusion...

Yikes. My bad.

I am the same person. Nighguy/BioChris/BioChrisSchmidt depending on the platform. Had a great time on stream today, thanks to everyone that tuned in! Patch next week!

almost 6 years ago - /u/BenIrvo - Direct link

They did a great job on the stream yesterday! It was awesome to watch!

almost 6 years ago - /u/BenIrvo - Direct link

Originally posted by oldschoolkid203

Yea that blew my mind. I wrote him off after that Im not really interested in hearing anything Ben has to say. Hopefully someone can find another wedding for him to go to

Wow. Relax friend. Sometimes you are tired and don’t recall everything at every point in time.

almost 6 years ago - /u/UNTDrew - Direct link

I'm not sure why the insult to Ben in this post, as the guy has given a LOT of his time to the Anthem community (seriously... a lot.) I agree Chris was great on the stream this week, and there is plenty of room for a number of people to be on these streams. Remember... Stronger TOGETHER.

Thanks for watching, everyone!

almost 6 years ago - /u/BenIrvo - Direct link

Originally posted by neostrike3

Theres a difference between knowing basic knowledge of the game you're behind and not knowing specific percentages of coding that's even hidden to players.

I think the power level of end game gear falls under basic knowledge for anyone who's played more than 1 hr of end game.

Just shows to me honestly you dont play your own game

But I do know them, and I got them right on stream?

It was confusing in the moment because we talked about them changing so much during the week before the stream, I had to think for a moment to remember what was live vs what we were changing to, vs the other options we talked about and decided against.

I’ll likely stop responding now but thanks to the people offering support, that’s really nice. Thanks also to the people who are being complimentary of Chris and Jesse - they really did do a great job on the stream!
