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Nothing triggered me harder during the livestream than when Ben attempted to blame the community for the luck stat, claiming it was "misunderstood" by the playerbase. Give me a f*cking break.

Most every other loot game - notably Diablo 3 - has walked away completely from a magic find stat. The reason is obvious; having to run magic find for drops is in direct tension with the goal of progression via gear upgrades.

Practically every other developer is aware of this and removed the magic find concept without the community needing to complain. That we needed to spoon-feed this to the developers was ridiculous enough. To then suggest that we simply "misunderstood" the mechanic is outrageous.

We didn't misunderstand a damn thing - Bioware did. They simply missed concepts and an industry trend that would have been clear as day had they been paying any attention to other games in the genre. Ben's blaming the community for luck's reception and removal reaches new heights idiocy and is emblematic of Bioware's bad attitude toward the community.

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almost 6 years ago - /u/BenIrvo - Direct link

I really didn’t mean it that way. I meant that it was complicated, and we made it complicated. You all didn’t like it so we removed it.

So to be clear, luck was a bad idea, it was our bad idea so we removed it.