The Cypher’s Kiss is an interactive choice-based romance. At the bottom of each section, you’ll find two options, choose one to continue. If you’d like to begin again at any time, just return to the “Prelude."
It isn't unusual for a Freelancer pilot and their cypher to fall in love, but you know that it’s forbidden.
The reasons are important and entirely practical. Emotion and conflict are a clear path to javelin lockup and, once locked, a pilot might be in extreme danger, even tumbling out of the sky to their death. It had happened.
You know that. The Freelancer code is very clear... and yet… and yet.
Your morning alarm has only just gone off and already you're staring at the ceiling thinking about Ammien. Your cypher. Daydreams of their eyes, their voice, their touch, but even more, the wonderful feeling of the cypher connection. The electricity of being completely connected to someone that you love.
If it is love.
Maybe it isn't. As old as you are, no matter how much you’ve ached for it, love — real love, romantic love — has eluded you. Your parents were Regulators. "No life for a child," they'd said. "We want something better for you.” And they'd sent you and you brother to live with your grandparents in Third Hope. It hadn't been easy. You didn't care for school or for working in the family's store. You weren't easy, if you're honest — always getting in trouble and lashing out. Angry? Maybe. Scared? Probably. A loner? Absolutely... and, it seemed, hard to love. On the bright side, without any distractions, you'd become a Freelancer in record time and now you're well respected. Freelancer Haluk says that you're a rising star in the Fort Tarsis Enclave. Respect is like a kind of love.
The alarm sounds again. You should be heading to the Enclave now, but instead you lie in bed, staring at the ceiling, reliving your time last night with Ammien. Oh, Ammien.
They’d grown up in the capital city of Antium, born into the comfort and privilege of being connected to some branch of the royal family. However, that privilege didn't change the fact that, when they were discovered to have the special gift of ‘the Altered’, they were still sent to the Satomi for training. It's often said that every cypher is a little broken, but if that’s true for Ammien, you don’t see how. Wild and impulsive and fun, yes – but that’s not broken.
When the young cypher had come to Fort Tarsis, Freelancer Yarrow had asked you to take Ammien under your wing and make them feel welcome. That however was months ago and yet you still get together almost every night. You make food. You laugh. You share stories. You've never known anyone like them. Ammien is joy. Is fire. Is somehow promise and hope.
But last night... Last night the knock on your door sent your heart leaping, as it always did these days. You’d flung open the door and Ammien tripped on the doorstep and tumbled into the room. You caught them in what became an awkward embrace. Impulsively, they pulled you in tight and whispered in your ear.
"I love you. I can feel that you love me, too. Please, say that you love me."
You'd paused, unfamiliar feelings trapped in your throat.
“We’ve sworn an oath to the Freelancer code,” you manage to stammer. “It’s forbidden. I... I’m... I don’t know what to think.”
“How can we turn away from this? What if I never find anyone like you, again?"
You know it’s true, and deep inside, your unlovable heart begins to ache. You’re torn – caught between whatever these feelings are for Ammien, and the respect of the Enclave and your love of being a Freelancer.
1) You tell Ammien, "I love you."
2) You tell Ammien, "I'm not sure. I'm confused."
Special thanks to Jay Watamaniuk, Ryan Cormier, Jeffrey Campbell, Mary Kirby, Amanda Kelsko, and Karin Weekes.