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As I understand the system now, we are able to reinforce others playing story missions that will allow us to replay missions that others have not yet completed. Which is great and encourages helping out others.

However, as time goes on, less missions will be available as more people complete the Crit path, reducing its replayability.

Additionally, and perhaps most importantly, it will probably be almost impossible to play through the Crit path on Grandmaster difficulties. Unless you wait to reach 30 before playing missions.. this significantly limits the content available to grind in the end game. Only having 3 strongholds isn’t that bad if you could replay the entire story on the harder difficulties.

I know they scale enemies to your level, but I thought the difficulty level had to be the same (can’t play easy/grandmaster 1 in the same group).

Am I missing something?

Edit: Looks like they are aware of the issue, just another ‘Not at Launch’

Thanks to u/Dont_Even_Trip

According to this comment (https://www.reddit.com/r/AnthemTheGame/comments/amgfba/i_think_im_playing_a_completely_different_demo/efoig5i) we won't be able to replay story missions beyond the quick play option.

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about 6 years ago - /u/BenIrvo - Direct link

We are looking into this