Original Post — Direct link

Freelancers, early launch is finally here!

This Megathread will serve as a place to discuss bugs, errors, and issues. These can include: crashes to the desktop, game freezes when doing something, issues loading the game, animation errors, cutscene freezes, etc. We will redirect the majority of relevant threads to this megathread.

They do not include issues with the Storm being overpowered, the Colossus being too weak, weak loot dropping from bosses, etc. Those are not bugs, just a feature™.

Also, please do NOT spoil people in this thread. When discussing spoilers around the subreddit, use proper spoiler tags. We will ban people using spoilers, either mistakenly or maliciously. To mark for spoilers, do so like this >!!<. For example: >!Owen is a cutie pie!< would look like Owen is a cutie pie, but all story discussion should take place outside this thread. Also, people may request [No Spoilers] in their own thread by tagging it as such.

Please keep in mind that your issue may have been addressed (perhaps even by a Bioware dev) in yesterday's bugs and issues thread. You can find yesterday's bugs and issues thread here.

Message from Bioware regarding bug reports (source here)

Hey everyone -- Just a quick reminder that we love all the feedback, and we are reading it. It would also be super awesome for us if you all don't mind helping us by reporting any bugs you find with us at our Answers HQ, and if you're having technical difficulties or need game support, EA Help.

Obviously, we will continue to read this subreddit, but those places are the best to ensure we're able to track your issues and get you personal help.

Thank you!

Public Service Announcements from BioWare

For those with audio issues...

PSA: Please ensure *ALL* your audio devices are set to 16bit/48k. Switching between devices with different settings is known to cause sample rate issues (speed up/slow down/artifacting).

This includes Analog, USB and Bluetooth devices.

You can find out more info here: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_10-other_settings/how-to-change-sound-control-panel-settings-in/5a70718b-7ecf-4547-a64a-22efda8da0c2?auth=1

Keep in mind that because of the many different hardware options out there, your process to modify these settings may be different per device. SOURCE

When reporting a bug or issue, we encourage you to use the following template:

**SUMMARY:** Summarize the problem in a short sentence.  

**BUG/ISSUE:** Explain exactly what the problem is, how it's affecting you, the game, etc.   

**REPRODUCTION:** If possible, write out the steps that led to the problem in the first place.  

**TECHNICAL INFORMATION:** Your platform, operating system, hardware, etc.   

**ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:** Include screenshots or a video here, link to them.   

Just copy and paste, and fill out as much as possible.

Please review these updates from BioWare.

An Update from Chad Robertson, Head of Live Service which discusses potential issues that have already been fixed in the launch build. He also mentions their server status page.

Post-Launch Roadmap from Ben Irving, Lead Producer of Anthem. He also discussed how to retrieve your rewards for preordering or purchasing Legion of Dawn and also provided some clarification on things he said during the the last stream on crafting here.

Exceptions to the Active Megathread Clause can be granted on a case-by-case basis for posts including high quality discussion threads, PSAs, guides, informative suggestions, and some satire.

We would also like to take this opportunity to remind everyone of the subreddit's policy on spoilers, which you can find here. We understand the hype will be at maximum levels but still please follow our rules, be excellent to each other, and enjoy the game.

See you out there, Freelancers!

External link →
about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by ATG_Bot

Freelancers, early launch is finally here!

This Megathread will serve as a place to discuss bugs, errors, and issues. These can include: crashes to the desktop, game freezes when doing something, issues loading the game, animation errors, cutscene freezes, etc. We will redirect the majority of relevant threads to this megathread.

They do not include issues with the Storm being overpowered, the Colossus being too weak, weak loot dropping from bosses, etc. Those are not bugs, just a feature™.

Also, please do NOT spoil people in this thread. When discussing spoilers around the subreddit, use proper spoiler tags. We will ban people using spoilers, either mistakenly or maliciously. To mark for spoilers, do so like this >!!<. For example: >!Owen is a cutie pie!< would look like Owen is a cutie pie, but all story discussion should take place outside this thread. Also, people may request [No Spoilers] in their own thread by tagging it as such.

Please keep in mind that your issue may have been addressed (perhaps even by a Bioware dev) in yesterday's bugs and issues thread. You can find yesterday's bugs and issues thread here.

Message from Bioware regarding bug reports (source here)

Hey everyone -- Just a quick reminder that we love all the feedback, and we are reading it. It would also be super awesome for us if you all don't mind helping us by reporting any bugs you find with us at our Answers HQ, and if you're having technical difficulties or need game support, EA Help.

Obviously, we will continue to read this subreddit, but those places are the best to ensure we're able to track your issues and get you personal help.

Thank you!

Public Service Announcements from BioWare

For those with audio issues...

PSA: Please ensure *ALL* your audio devices are set to 16bit/48k. Switching between devices with different settings is known to cause sample rate issues (speed up/slow down/artifacting).

This includes Analog, USB and Bluetooth devices.

You can find out more info here: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_10-other_settings/how-to-change-sound-control-panel-settings-in/5a70718b-7ecf-4547-a64a-22efda8da0c2?auth=1

Keep in mind that because of the many different hardware options out there, your process to modify these settings may be different per device. SOURCE

When reporting a bug or issue, we encourage you to use the following template:

**SUMMARY:** Summarize the problem in a short sentence.  

**BUG/ISSUE:** Explain exactly what the problem is, how it's affecting you, the game, etc.   

**REPRODUCTION:** If possible, write out the steps that led to the problem in the first place.  

**TECHNICAL INFORMATION:** Your platform, operating system, hardware, etc.   

**ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:** Include screenshots or a video here, link to them.   

Just copy and paste, and fill out as much as possible.

Please review these updates from BioWare.

An Update from Chad Robertson, Head of Live Service which discusses potential issues that have already been fixed in the launch build. He also mentions their server status page.

Post-Launch Roadmap from Ben Irving, Lead Producer of Anthem. He also discussed how to retrieve your rewards for preordering or purchasing Legion of Dawn and also provided some clarification on things he said during the the last stream on crafting here.

Exceptions to the Active Megathread Clause can be granted on a case-by-case basis for posts including high quality discussion threads, PSAs, guides, informative suggestions, and some satire.

We would also like to take this opportunity to remind everyone of the subreddit's policy on spoilers, which you can find here. We understand the hype will be at maximum levels but still please follow our rules, be excellent to each other, and enjoy the game.

See you out there, Freelancers!

@Mods can we unlock the Day 1 issue thread? I am actively responding to peeps in multiple threads and this just cutoff my ability to respond.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by AncientHorizon

No personal Javelin footsteps? When I walk I don't hear my own Javelin's footsteps, is this a bug or by design?

Bug for sure. Try going back to Tarsis and re-entering your Javelin.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by Musely

Sorry about that! We've unlocked it.


Thanks! Can you also repost my PSAs? Answers some basic issues a lot of users are experiencing, namely the cutout and the sample rate issue.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by Latitudes

Thought I was banned or something while in mid reply to you haha. Anyway this is all I had left to add:

"Awesome, f**k you're quick haha. Guess ole Pirndel will have to wait a few days to continue giving me shit about cleaning :)"

hahaha...nice! They've unlocked it now :)

about 6 years ago - /u/UNTDrew - Direct link

Hey everyone -- Just a quick reminder that we love all the feedback, and we are reading it. It would also be super awesome for us if you all don't mind helping us by reporting any bugs you find with us at our Answers HQ, and if you're having technical difficulties or need game support, EA Help.

Obviously, we will continue to read this subreddit, but those places are the best to ensure we're able to track your issues and get you personal help.

Thank you!

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by Musely

We can work on getting that added to the main thread. Give us a few.


about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by AncientHorizon

I was able to fix it doing as you instructed. I was also able to replicate the problem. What happened was I swapped to my headphones and changed the audio setting from Speakers to Headphones in options. That replicated the issue, reloading fixed it. Thanks for the reply, hope my info helps.

Also the sound design in this game is phenomenal on the whole, thanks for such amazing work. :)

Great to hear! Thanks so much for the kind words and the patience :)

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by King_noa

Yes and this is not colossus related, had it on my storm in one mission I had 8 Segmentes, normally I have 2 but then out of the blue all the components stop working and the health is down to 1.

Edit: and btw can someone explain me, how these hp bar Boxen work? The number feels so random, sometimes you increase the health but get less boxes idk. Maybe /u/benirvo or /u/biocamden

I’ll take a look and see if we have a bug in this already. I know we saw this in the demo. If not I’ll get one entered.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by AkioDAccolade

FYI, Setting SSAO to "HBAO FULL" has a gigantic performance impact for some reason. /u/BiowareJer

You guys should really set a warning on that one. Drops my 2080ti about 45 fps in fort tarsis from 100.

Hahaha, I actually don't even know what that is. I will however, pass it on to the right people!

about 6 years ago - /u/UNTDrew - Direct link

Originally posted by DifferentThrows

What is up with my save essentially being corrupted server side? I unlocked my second javelin, switched to it and the game immediately crashed. I can now no longer load the game (crashes on load into fort tarsis). I can make a new pilot and start the game over (sadness) but any attempt to load my first pilot results in a crash to desktop after loading the game fully; it goes through both loading screens then crashes to desktop.

Hey, can you shoot me a DM with your origin ID and I’ll see if someone can loom into this?

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by AkioDAccolade

Also, just so you know, turning sound ducking off in windows fixed most audio issues

Thank you, that's good to know.

about 6 years ago - /u/UNTDrew - Direct link

Originally posted by Velthem

I had this same issue since yesterday, also related to second javelin and accessing the forge. Many players are having this issue across reddit and EA forums, so please communicate this to the team.

Thanks for your help.

Thanks again. Please follow the links in the post I made so we can best look into your issues.

about 6 years ago - /u/UNTDrew - Direct link

Originally posted by xteches

I have this same issue. I tried to switch to a different javelin and the save got corrupted, can be the only issue as everything hardware works, no game issue itself (I can make a new character and play) but because I switched to Ranger from Interceptor I'm pretty sure the game has an issue where it thinks I'm running gear that one javelin can't wear so it crashes it.

Let's have one of our help experts look into it for you at help.ea.com. Thanks!

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by blidside

Confirming it's an issue, and a major one. Here are two screenshots on back to back free roam sessions with no changes to my loadout demonstrating the problem:

Working: https://xboxdvr.com/gamer/blidside/screenshot/11540289

Broken: https://xboxdvr.com/gamer/blidside/screenshot/11540380

Thanks for the screenshots blidside. Definitely helps.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by Manic_Depressing

I love this humility from you, Jer. It reminds us that you're all just people, and it specifically makes you seem like a good person!

Aww you're making me blush lol.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by HandHunter

You've seen screenshots already, just wanted to show how silly it can be sometimes...


Any chance you could ask the team if we can have numeric values displayed on the health bar?

Yeah I’ll pass it on thank you HandHunter

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by Latitudes

Well the finale of the game was just completely ruined for me.

Final boss has one bar of health left after a brutal fight. Screen suddenly goes black and to a loading screen. "Cinematic loading in progress. Please wait". Okay? But we hadn't finished killing him yet...

Wait 3 minutes for the bar to load. Finishes. No cinematic plays. Get put on the end of expedition screen.... okay? Exit that screen. Game loads into an in-game cinematic. No sound. Cinematic finishes, talking about... whatever I missed out on during the end game cinematic which never played. Fade to credits. Load back into Tarsis. No UI, escape doesn't work. Have to ALT-F4.


I am beyond pissed. And the worst thing about it is? I can't redo the last mission to see if it would work properly this time, and experience the ending for myself.

/u/biowarejer Add it to the list of bugs. This is brutal.

Wow that SUCKS! Holy crap. I'm so sorry. I will post it right away in our Slack channel.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by robdquick

I have the exact same issue.

More details below.

SUMMARY: Stuck on Challenges of the Legionnaires

BUG/ISSUE: I cannot complete the Challenges of the Legionnaires. Trying to 'Open' a tomb just gives me the initial message, but nothing pops up on the side and accepting it doesn't do anything. Initially I had 2 sets of challenges completed according to the Journal/Critical Objectives/ Freeplay: Tombs on the Legionnaires, but after flying around for a while in freeplay all of them now say they are complete and I need to explore the tombs.


If I go into my challenges to try and see what I've done/ what I need to do, Freeplay doesn't show up (Stronghold doesn't show up either even though I have completed the first stronghold!)


I'm at a loss as to what to do here. I can't progress the main story at all!

Full video with timestamps showing exactly whats showing in my cortex/journal/challenges, and me trying to access each of the tombs.

Cortex etc: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6XdPKO_b14

Gawnes: https://youtu.be/w6XdPKO_b14?t=41

Artinia: https://youtu.be/w6XdPKO_b14?t=200

Yvenia: https://youtu.be/w6XdPKO_b14?t=395

Cariff: https://youtu.be/w6XdPKO_b14?t=745

/u/BioWareJer any ideas?

Apparently there are two potential causes - I am copypasta'ing this whole post into our support slack channel...I'll let you know if they can help.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by Latitudes

Thanks Jer, I know you guys are probably as pissed as we are when stuff like this happens. I can put up with a lot of bugs, but when you've been going the "completionist" route and have done every main quest, side mission, dialogue option, and cortex entry.... to have the last act completely stripped from you is pretty f**ked.

Yeah, you are totally right. In my case specifically I have no idea what could have caused that - but I will start digging. Again, sorry - I am also that type of gamer and this would piss me the f*ck off too.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by captainxela

How about us poor f**kers who cant even get to the final mission to have it ruined?

I would like to help all f*ckers :)

I own the audio experience for the game, so there is a LOT of stuff I have no idea how to fix, I can only facilitate debugging/repro with the support team and I am happy to do it for you.

I need a detailed description including Origin ID/Gamertag and we can try to take a look!

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by Latitudes

Thanks Jer, I know you guys are probably as pissed as we are when stuff like this happens. I can put up with a lot of bugs, but when you've been going the "completionist" route and have done every main quest, side mission, dialogue option, and cortex entry.... to have the last act completely stripped from you is pretty f**ked.

Also go report it in the Answers HQ site - https://answers.ea.com/t5/Anthem/ct-p/anthem-en

This will maximize coverage.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by captainxela

Ha thanks man cause im a right f**ker xD Not an audio thing i'm experiencing, tbh thats about the only thing that seems to work right for me, so well done? Certainly not the only person with the issue, the tombs have bugged out on me when i go to them i just get a blank screen where i assume it should be giving me a quest with "space/esc to continue" in the bottom right hand corner...at this point i have, rebooted the game, my pc, the router, repaired repaired via origin, and even forwarded ports just in case. So i've essentially been totally stuck on the "challenges of the legionnaires" since yesterday with no way to progress. Submitted an official support ticket, nothing yet. Seen multiple people with the same issue, I know one guy got around it by making a new account, but id sooner refund the game than do that. Origin ID is deadlegs1991

Thanks - can you capture screens of your challenges UX? They have been asking me for those when I post to the channel.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by captainxela

Which screen specifically? I have nothing under "challenges" in the cortex that relates to the mission. Under Journal > critical objectives is the only place it seems to be logged.

Looks like this:


about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by Latitudes

Something went awry when the boss hit the critical level of health which was supposed to trigger the cinematic. Usually cinematics load instantly, this is the first time I'd seen a loading screen for one. Even had unique "cinematic is loading" artwork I'd not seen before. Guessing it's either a trigger issue or a memory one.

Wouldn't have been my PC being overloaded, running an 8700k, 32gb ram, nvme m.2 ssd. Typical all my loads are fast, well, fast for Anthem.

K. Will loop back.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by captainxela

I do not have that screen, under Challenges > Expeditions I only have "Critical" and "Agent" as options, there seem to be two I am missing based on that screenshot.

Hrm. Can you post a screen of what you are seeing?

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by robdquick

I posted the solution in a reply to the parent of my comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/AnthemTheGame/comments/ark1lb/cannot_progress_past_challenges_of_the/egnpfc1/

I'll summarise here anyway.

Game crashed on me after the cutscene of the mission before the tomb section unlocks (Finding old friends). This meant that the 'Finding Old Friends' achievement never unlocked for me, and this seems to be what was causing the issue.

I jumped into quickplay until I managed to find a group doing the 'Finding old Friends' mission, finished the mission without crashing and then I could see the requirements for the challenges both in my cortex and outside the tombs. None of them were started or completed (and I heard from other sources that they are meant to be retroactive) but I completed them all and have now progressed on with the story.

Just to confirm I'm playing on PC.

Hope this helps!

I posted the solution in a reply to the parent of my comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/AnthemTheGame/comments/ark1lb/cannot_progress_past_challenges_of_the/egnpfc1/

I'll summarise here anyway.

Game crashed on me after the cutscene of the mission before the tomb section unlocks (Finding old friends). This meant that the 'Finding Old Friends' achievement never unlocked for me, and this seems to be what was causing the issue.

I jumped into quickplay until I managed to find a group doing the 'Finding old Friends' mission, finished the mission without crashing and then I could see the requirements for the challenges both in my cortex and outside the tombs. None of them were started or completed (and I heard from other sources that they are meant to be retroactive) but I completed them all and have now progressed on with the story.

Just to confirm I'm playing on PC.

Hope this helps!

Thanks I will share with peeps.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by captainxela

I do not have that screen, under Challenges > Expeditions I only have "Critical" and "Agent" as options, there seem to be two I am missing based on that screenshot.

From another user who solved this (at least in their case): I posted the solution in a reply to the parent of my comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/AnthemTheGame/comments/ark1lb/cannot_progress_past_challenges_of_the/egnpfc1/

I'll summarise here anyway.

Game crashed on me after the cutscene of the mission before the tomb section unlocks (Finding old friends). This meant that the 'Finding Old Friends' achievement never unlocked for me, and this seems to be what was causing the issue.

I jumped into quickplay until I managed to find a group doing the 'Finding old Friends' mission, finished the mission without crashing and then I could see the requirements for the challenges both in my cortex and outside the tombs. None of them were started or completed (and I heard from other sources that they are meant to be retroactive) but I completed them all and have now progressed on with the story.

Just to confirm I'm playing on PC.

Hope this helps!

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by captainxela

Well here is my screenshot anyhow! https://imgur.com/YE2aHUo But ill go give that a shot! I had to try that mission 4/5 times before it stopped crashing after the cut scene and having to start again...guess watching the cut scene one final time is better than starting the entire game over.

Thanks - keep me posted.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by captainxela

That couldn't have gone more perfectly, first quickplay I joined was that quest....at the end of the final encounter, pretty much just watched it load in then back to Fort Tarsis. Can confirm that has opened up the tabs in my Cortex now, will go check the doors now! Edit: Yep when i go to the doors the quest/challenge pops up with progress bars, seems we have the fix.

Sweet! Feel free to kick off a thread for this, a lot of folks are hitting it.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by BioWareJer

Sweet! Feel free to kick off a thread for this, a lot of folks are hitting it.

Also was Finding Old Friends available to do (outside of quickplay) after you crashed out? Trying to debug.