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I liked it. I liked it because it felt like a live stream - just gamers playing a game, talking about the game. Gamers we knew were particularly knowledgeable on the inner workings of the game, gamers we knew could call shots about the game, but still...

It wasn't scripted. At one point it was even explicitly stated that there was a thought to 'plant' a question based on what he wanted to say and he just wasn't going to do that. They didn't have people filtering chat for them, they dealt with the scroll and tried to pick out what they could respond to just like anyone else. It was live, it was alive, the devs are human and looked/sounded the part.

A glitch happened on screen and it wasn't covered up, it was just noted and... yeah. Like real streamers not everything is going to go how they plan, and like real streamers they just went with it.

This is where I get torn apart for being too supportive of the game and the devs.

The stream echoed the game itself, the project as a whole. This is something new, this is not going to be perfectly clean and right immediately out of the gate, but we're here and working on it and if you decide to throw eggs at us they will hit real people.

I'll admit, I laughed at the "THE LOOT IS LAME" shout. Because everyone I play with has said the same thing. The models are lacking, the variation feels... not quite there, and the wall players hit beyond GM2 is a complete buzzkill. But he had the courage to not just cherry pick flattering remarks or 'safe' criticisms. He reacted to that, live on camera. Smiled at the camera, made a pained expression and said "...Nah, I don't think the loot is lame." Or something to that effect.

Does he really think it isn't? Maybe. But I think what happened there was "Welp, that kinda hurt." and a gentle defense of the project without shutting it down completely. These people worked on this. Worked hard. They understand the state it's in. They know. They're going to defend it because it's big and new and difficult and they should defend it. They're also gonna give that little "Okay okay..." smile because they're not delusional.

It was an authentic reaction. It wasn't 'we hear you'. It was "I just heard that and it kinda stung but I'm going to react to it by saying my stance is that my project is not 'lame' in any way, even if it's limited and flawed right now."

Not gonna ramble. I just thought that was cool, and I'm genuinely looking forward to the next one in two weeks.

TO THE DEVS: Please keep this up. Tons of people have given suggestions on improving the stream, so I'm not gonna run that into the ground. Just please keep doing it. Please keep going. Lots of us out here agree that (even if the loot is lame right now) the project isn't. The dev stream in it. We're here for this.

TO THE COMMUNITY: They're putting themselves where we can directly communicate with them. Lets use that, and use the conversation after. But by the left boot of Tarsis herself could you please stop doing everything in your power to make this process as unpleasant as possible for the people doing the work.

They're here, we're here, lets see this be what we all want it to be.

Strong alone, stronger together.

- Icon

(Edit: I flagged this as Discussion and for some reason it says Media now. I did not do that, and I can't seem to change it.)

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about 6 years ago - /u/BenIrvo - Direct link

This is a nice message. We know we have work to do. Stuff like this keeps us going.

The biggest thing we can ask for is if you have criticisms, make them constructive. In return we will continue to listen and do our best to make the game better

about 6 years ago - /u/BenIrvo - Direct link

Originally posted by mr_funk

Gamers we knew were particularly knowledgeable on the inner workings of the game

Yeah, so knowledgeable they don't know what Inscriptions are called or what Mark of Ruin is.

I definitely don’t know everything in my head at every moment. That is true.