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...please, don't do this. Twice today, I opened a chest in a public game. No one else opened one, and that's fine, it should be expected. But then, with two seconds left before the stronghold ended, someone opened another chest. On the opposite end of the one I opened, mind you, so of course I was barely paying attention at that point and wasn't able to get the item. Am I right to think these people are the scum of the earth?

Maybe they could simply change it so chests can't be opened in that last 10 second count-down. Or at least the last 5 seconds. This was just rather frustrating and it turns me off to opening chests in public games.

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almost 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by Joshuwaka

The game auto loots for me. I don't even pick the drops up anymore and I haven't missed one.

Maybe the auto loot fails if the timer is about to go out, idk. I've never had someone wait till the last sec.

Yep, loot from the Elysian chests is automatically picked up. 😊

almost 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by Mr_July

This. Is. Amazing. Now, please do this for legendary. If my friend picks up a legendary, please auto loot for me.

It's supposed to do that as well... MW and higher are supposed to be auto looted, but we've got reports of it working inconsistently and are investigating the problem now.