over 2 years ago - Age of Empires - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

7s We are coming to the end of the show today.
9s So we wanted to make sure we go out with a proper bang.
12s Or in our next guest case, an ancient battle
15s And what better way to do that than to talk ancient conquests with book
18s Big Men Studio Heads from Forgotten Empires.
20s Hello and welcome, Burt.
22s Hey, Charlie. Good to be back at Gamescom.
24s After all these years with vampires. Absolutely. Yeah.
26s And I tell you what, before we dove into anything,
28s I do want to ask you how good it feels to be back with the German fans,
32s because I know how much age really resonates with them.
35s It's amazing.
36s Like, there's such a massive fan base here in Germany like this,
39s walking around all the halls which are age, vampires, shirts.
43s Yeah, people are just stopping you.
44s Like, Wait, h where can I please can I find that?
48s And they actually they have stories to tell us.
50s Well, I played this for years. I played those kids.
53s I'm still playing it's. It's amazing.
55s It's such a such an amazing franchise.
56s And I have got to say, we did do a X-Box fan fest last night,
60s and I was over in the corner playing it for 90 minutes
62s instead of talking to anyone And I don't regret a second.
65s It feels at home when I'm playing.
67s It's, you know, it's just so lovely.
69s A warm, a perfect goose. Years of your time here.
72s Yeah, that's nice. Right.
73s Okay, let's dove into and start talking about from that.
75s So in the trailer we just saw, we saw that there are two new civilizations
79s on the way joining age high school, and they are the Ottomans and the Malians.
82s So we're going to talk about both them,
84s but I want to kick things off with the Ottoman.
86s So what have you got to tell us about the loads?
89s So good.
89s Let's let's start with the history because in the end,
92s everything and age of empires is ground to mastery, right?
95s Yeah.
96s So we're looking at the Ottoman Empire.
98s What's this all happening?
99s Anatolia in the Middle Ages. Yeah.
102s And yeah, if you think about that, there was an empire that lost a very long time.
107s It was very basic military and militaristic, very organized,
111s and a lot of military signs going on there.
113s Regiment, its army that's really controlled its
116s massive area in the Middle East for a very, very, very long time.
120s And then the question was, how do we turn that into a game?
123s How do we turn that into age of empires?
125s And it was really like, OK, we have all this military peace.
129s Yeah, that's
130s that sounds like something we can translate
132s and I actually want to dove straight into the gameplay.
134s OK, so for example, the Ottomans, they have the military school.
139s OK? Yes.
139s A brand new building they can build it in the dark age.
143s Straight from the beginning. Straight from the. Beginning.
145s I don't know what this building does.
146s You have a game changer that it's a media, I think actually.
149s A game changer. Absolutely. Absolutely.
153s So you built a military school and it's automatically trains the units
157s that you selects like have all toggles for old units in the ultimate roster. Wow.
161s And you can select which one you want to create for free.
165s I feel like there's a bus coming, though, right?
167s There is a. Bus going there. It's about coming.
169s Yes. The training goes very, very slowly.
171s OK, but I suppose the sacrifice of a slow training is Free Army.
176s You still get the Free Army, you.
178s The folks
179s who want to do the combat victories and you're not draining your resources.
182s You can just build this.
184s Wow, this massive empire meanies.
187s Everyone up. Exactly.
188s Yeah.
188s So it's and that's also kind of how the Ottomans play out.
192s Like you jump into the game as the Ottomans
194s and it's really all about the military
196s and the military conquest and the winning through very military means.
200s That's that's how you win as the ultimate. Yes.
202s Well, it's also myself with the Ottomans.
203s It's like the first time I played it like a pretty advanced version, though.
207s It's like you feel straight at home,
210s like you have plates, older age of empires for civilizations
213s and they're all quite different from each other. Yeah.
215s But you get the hang of it quite quickly,
217s so it's really resembles the rest you feel at home.
219s And so there's not a steep learning curve on it.
221s Not, not too much though.
223s OK, so could you tell us any more about any of the military units
226s or any of the buildings? Yes.
228s So we have the military school right that they kept straight
231s all the units and they have quite a few unique units as well.
235s First, they have the chancery
237s bit of a fan favorites like the tennis every was an age of empires
240s through wasn't much of a grocery.
242s It was always like the way that the Ottomans got their gunpowder
245s any earlier than any other civilization advantage.
249s Yeah, oh, yes.
250s And it's the same here.
251s And they went by source or continuing its tradition.
253s Yeah, they can built a general theory.
255s So hence kind of in the year that they create in the Castle Age.
257s So before anyone else so yeah, you can yeah.
261s Rush to your guns.
262s Yeah, they really do.
263s They definitely have that combat edge, right? Oh yes. Oh yes.
266s Saying amazing.
267s So what I want to know though is if I was to go over that piece over there
271s or when I play it when it comes out, what's the strategy behind them?
274s Is it literally just to build an empire constantly or is there a pace to it?
279s Right. How would you recommend find support?
281s There is definitely there is one completely novel thing
284s that the Ottomans have,
285s and it's the Imperial Council, and that's will play a big, big part
289s into your strategy and how you kind of play the organization.
294s The Imperial Council is kind of you built your empire
297s no matter how like researching technology is going to the next age training units,
302s you kind of gain experience.
304s I say experience points, you get visitors.
307s So who gets your empire and say, like, this has my approval,
311s I sell runs my services to you.
315s Yeah.
315s And those visitors can then say, OK, I'm going to give you a tactical advantage.
319s It's like, hey,
321s I'm going to make sure that you can conscript
324s some general service from the town centers and you can use those to your advantage.
328s In your next attack.
329s Oh, OK.
330s So it's really like you have to pick like, do I go for something more military,
334s go something more economical thing, more building up?
337s Yeah. A lot of options there.
339s And I go, You guys, let's do something a bit zany.
341s So is there anything a bit different about the Ottomans?
343s Any other characters we want to talk about?
345s There is definitely one unit that is a bit different from everything and.
348s I hope you're going to say why. I think you all.
351s We have the mess that are coming up and I apologize
353s for my Turkish accent there, but it is a it's a cavalry units.
357s Yeah, but it doesn't fight.
359s But he makes sure that people around him fight.
361s So it's that's a drummer or cavalry.
364s And depending on the beats he's drumming. Yep.
367s He kind of has an aura around him to improve nearby units.
370s OK, so if he's doing like metal music or drum and bass,
373s everyone's got a different vibe and go for. Yeah.
375s Yes, exactly. Like, I don't know yeah.
378s With rock music, you go faster with metal music, he gets a bit angry.
381s I'm not sure.
381s So it'd be like a dog buff, wouldn't it be like some,
384s like, Slipknot drums, all those. I mean. There you go.
386s There you go.
387s Very angry gemstones, thanks to you. But yes.
389s Very, very good. OK, wonderful.
391s So we're going to jump from them now to the Malians.
394s Did they have any little drummer boys?
395s But if not, what do they have going?
397s They have a lot, but a lot going for them.
401s I kind of want to start in the history again.
403s So 100% we said this is about history.
405s Let's always yes.
407s So when we look at the Malians, the Malian empire actually
410s was a massive empire in western Africa.
415s They're famous.
415s The most famous Malian ever was Mansoor Moussa.
418s And the reason he was so famous is because he was the richest man
421s to ever have left in the history of humanity.
424s Oh, wow.
425s Well, up until like even now or just up till now.
427s Up till now.
428s I just say this is be better than go into school.
430s I learned so much my history playing this game. It's it's sad.
433s There are stories about him that he went to.
436s He like to travel.
437s Yeah. Like
438s he like to trade with his trade caravan through the deserts and visits towns.
442s And he was known for going to those towns
446s spending so much gold because he had so much gold.
449s But he completely crushed the economy of every village that he passed.
454s So that's one something.
455s So anyway,
457s it's nice background to have because we're talking about all these goals.
460s Yeah. And the Malians are all about the goals.
463s When you build up
464s your empire, as the Malians have this special building called the Golden Pits,
469s and you can build it's on a gold mine
472s and then automatically extract schools from the gold mine.
475s Automatically, yes.
477s You don't need villagers.
478s And it also doesn't subtract gold from the gold mine.
482s So technically it's infinite gold.
484s And infinite gold hock. It is, yes.
487s But it's not a hack. It's actually you've just put it in the game.
490s It's it's all a bug. It's a feature.
491s So famous words. Yes.
494s That's huge, though,
495s especially for
495s some of the late game builds where gold comes into play really heavily.
499s Or if you're on a map as absolutely infested with enemies
502s and you can't get to the next gold mine that's.
504s That's humongous. Wow. There is a catch.
507s However, there's always, always, always the catch.
509s Spot. Yeah. I'm so sorry.
511s You all.
512s You can bill toast golden pit's like the pits mine.
515s Sorry, old. Map.
517s But you need to be able to protect them.
519s Well, of course. And that's that's quite difficult.
521s I feel like if I was an ultimate up against Somalia,
523s and I would go for that first.
525s You would, but then the ultimate strength to Russia.
527s And then what? So it's like this.
529s You gets the gold in the pit mines.
533s Sorry, yeah. All the way out in the map.
535s How are you going to protect? It's very, very hard.
537s This is where the strategy of the game. And this is where.
540s Yeah, exactly.
541s That's where you start to and fro. Exactly. Exactly.
543s Can you tell me any more about
544s any buildings or any new units we're going to see with the Malians units?
548s It's I we don't have time to go through all of them.
551s Unfortunately, every single unit for the Malians is different.
556s It doesn't they don't have a standard roster.
558s OK, I say that they have a standards archer.
561s That's it.
562s Give them an arch yeah.
563s Everything else is difference.
564s They for example, they have a Spearman that is actually done.
568s So is there a name?
571s It's unique. Spearman It's different.
572s Because he has two spheres now. I like them already.
575s You like them already. But there's more to it.
578s It's not just like he's fighting with two spears,
580s but he takes his first sphere, throws it yeah.
583s So the first arranged the attack, and then he can fight the rest of them.
586s And there's no other nation for him to go pick it out for anything.
589s Unfortunately, no.
590s It will be brilliant. I'd love to see that but.
593s All right. You miss any outcome.
594s God, like, let me go get it again.
595s Or if he misses, I'd like. I'll come. OK.
598s That's brilliant.
599s OK, I like the sound of that. Do we have time? Talk about buildings.
601s Are you going to give me something on buildings?
602s I only get 41 more units and one more building
605s because they're actually very interesting.
606s One, we have the musafa.
608s The Musafa, the is a
612s it's kind of a hunter unit, OK?
615s And her special ability is that she is she can go into stealth mode.
620s Oh, interesting. All right.
622s So it's kind.
622s Of this method arm units that can go into stealth mode,
625s sneak around the map everywhere and then just like surprise attack.
628s Oh, we're talking like fog of war style for when when they're in forest units.
632s It's style for.
634s So yeah, it's fun by starting this has a stealth force.
636s But this this unit, she can go into stealth anywhere on the.
640s Map, anywhere OK, as.
641s Soon as she attacks, of course, she reveals herself so well. Yeah. Yeah.
644s It sounds like ghost spoken. You were in the.
646s Fight, ghost? No, no, no.
648s Then they reveal. Themselves.
650s Yeah.
650s But, yeah, that's that's kind of the story behind the hunter.
653s The Hunter woman actually.
655s Musafa do you like in Malian four power woman So we have a.
660s Lot there we go.
661s Yes. OK, and you say that they're aligned with a building and game as well?
665s Yes, indeed.
666s So they're hunters.
667s Yes. That's kind of their background.
669s And you can also one of the landmarks that you can built is the Hunter Fortress
674s and every
675s infantry unit that is kind of around this fortress.
679s Also goes into stealth mode.
682s So I don't even know what say about that.
683s Is that something you found in your historical
686s that people would disappear around it?
687s What was the logic behind adding that.
689s The story is kind of like they were hunters.
691s If you want to hunt, say yeah to yeah, hunter prey you.
694s Of course you need to be sneaky. You need to be fit.
696s Exactly. Yeah.
698s And that's kind of the story behind that.
700s It's very interesting. To play with.
701s Yeah. No, I can imagine.
702s I'm thinking about this is me imagining be playing the game now.
705s If you were to go and attack that base, you'd see this stealth fortress
709s and you would have no idea what was waiting for you.
712s Absolutely no idea the limits
713s of how many people you could hide in that radius to know they're gone.
716s Yep. Yep.
718s Amazing.
718s So we spoke a little bit.
720s Well, I should say we spoke quite a lot about mountains, not birds.
722s Sounds like there's more to come, but they are the new age of empires.
727s But the list is pretty long.
728s Of how many civilizations there are now, right? Yes.
730s We were not all within that civilizations.
733s So we had eight civilizations that launched last year.
736s We have the the English, the French the Mongols, Chinese,
741s many more in Europe and Asia.
743s And now we're expanding to Africa
745s with Somalians and the Middle East with the Ottomans.
747s You're probably going to say these 271.
749s I'm curious, do you have any personal favorites
752s or any civilizations you think you play the most?
754s I you know what I mean?
757s I really, really loved to play this thing each the Malians.
761s OK, this one more that I really, really loved about playing them.
765s I built this whole empire, right, with all of my
768s my trade through it's my gold mines, my little mining towns.
771s Yeah.
772s And at the end of the game, OK, I won't again say I'm not bragging.
775s But a win win.
777s My regards to the win
779s I. I looked at my empire at the end of the game and I was like, this looks good.
783s This actually looks like a big Malian empire.
787s And it felt so good that you've built something.
789s Yeah, you destroyed something. Of course.
791s Yeah.
791s But, like, the victory felt even better.
794s Yeah.
794s No, I think such it goes a very long way.
797s I would love for you to start grading us on the aspect.
800s I'm very purposeful when I build about where I put everything.
803s So I'm like, Oh, a normal village would have a house here.
805s I know what I'm going to do.
806s My little housing area in a little suburb and whatnot.
808s So. Exactly. I'm totally with you on that one.
811s Yeah, I totally agree.
811s The way that you can just build and create very realistic, authentic villages.
815s Yes. Is incredible.
817s I do want to touch a little bit, though,
819s on the fact that it has been ten months since Age of Empires Fall came out.
823s How much is a game evolved since that.
825s Relic and older dev partners have been incredibly busy.
829s So there have been many updates, many patches in many various ways.
834s Like we've had features, new features coming in like we have had
837s color pictures for people, we had more removable hotkeys,
841s we've had loads of balance changes, we had new maps,
845s you zoom levels like I yeah, loads.
848s The list just goes on and on and on.
850s And I'm going to take us back in time.
852s Now, if there's anyone out here
853s who didn't know that Age Vampires was first released in 1997. Yes.
857s And I'm curious how the developers keep building on a franchise
861s to keep it new and fresh when the focus is on history.
864s It's just so incredible.
866s It's I mean there's just
867s so much world history and anything goes in the age of empires.
871s It's like if it's, if it happens, we can probably put this in the game in some way.
874s Yeah.
875s And if we're just looking at the last 12 months like we've had the release of age
880s one by four, we've had two expansions through the season, four of them
884s by through Definitive Edition and to the Elks for age one by three.
887s That's in the definition now.
888s So it's clear that you've got definitive editions as well.
891s It's people want so much age.
893s People want so much age.
895s There's more and more age to come.
897s So that's we've got that squared away.
899s And it's also thinking about like the franchise has been going on since 1997.
903s 25 year anniversary.
905s Right exactly. Yeah. Yes.
907s The fact that like this is if anything
910s the best time to join the age of empires because there's just so much going on.
914s So even if you're like, hey 25 years, I've never tried it, try it.
918s Now I will.
919s Say it's a very wholesome game, but the community
921s that's deeply devoted and love the game so much and I wanted to ask
925s what it's like to work on a franchise that is not only positive.
929s We've seen so many games just on the show today that everyone loves
931s is very positive, but you're with someone that's been positive for 25 yes. Yes.
935s People love it. What's that like?
937s I mean, it's amazing.
938s Like just looking at my own personal history,
942s I've been working on the game for ten years now.
944s I started to play the game when I was ten years old.
947s If you told ten year old me that I would be sitting here today,
950s I wouldn't have believed this. I'm going to.
951s Say, Do you tell ten year old me I'd be sitting here talking about it?
954s I, I'd weep and I wouldn't believe it, but I'd probably ignore
958s you and keep playing go.
959s So and that's and that's the beauty about it. Like that.
961s The community is so large, so vibrant, so.
964s Active, yeah. Yeah.
965s It's, it's just, it's just amazing.
967s It really is. Yeah. Yeah. It's such a tree.
970s So what we're going to do
971s is going to talk a little bit now about looking ahead new stuff like that
975s and how these civilizations are introduced.
977s So you're dealing with ancient armies and deciding which ones to add to the game.
980s And so I'd love to know a little bit more about what the process is.
983s On deciding which ones you're going to go for
985s and how to keep it historically correct and authentic.
988s So I know that some of you guys really, really care about.
990s Yeah. So let's let's take the Marlins as an example.
993s So first thing you do is you go to the library
996s and you go to the section of Western African history.
999s You take anything you can. Yeah.
1001s And you overcome bookworms. Yeah.
1003s And basically you start reading, you start reading, you start picking a path
1006s like the facts, the military battles,
1010s interesting things that happened, interesting
1011s buildings and changing military tactics. That they employ.
1014s It just put everything together.
1016s And from that you start to distill gameplay
1018s and think like, Oh, hey, we talked about the Hunter woman.
1021s Yeah, we. Can do something with that.
1022s We can do something with that.
1024s And like, that's you kind of just evolve it.
1027s You have to design, you put it in the game,
1029s and at that point you kind of want to see like, Hey, what do I have here?
1032s Is this still a bit authentic?
1034s This is still a bit real.
1035s And we talk a lot to experts in the fields.
1038s Like, we're not going to say that we're experts in Malian history.
1042s It's not at all.
1042s Enthusiasts that history that.
1046s We love what we're doing, but we need to have a pro-voice in there
1049s that says like, hey, what you're doing.
1050s Is that actually still a bit accurate?
1052s Are you still representing Malian culture in the way those kind of.
1055s Voices answer that for you?
1056s Is it researchers, historians?
1058s Exactly. This team,
1059s we get in touch with universities, get in touch with experts like you.
1064s There are people who specialize in weaponry of Western Africa.
1069s Yeah.
1069s Well, you can talk about to those people about these specific weapons
1073s but more practically, like, for example, the languages that we have in the game,
1077s if you play as the Malians, you start in the dark age,
1081s they speak their ancient Malian language.
1084s But as you advanced through the ages, they speak more and more multiple
1087s languages.
1088s Now, that's a dedication to authenticity that I truly respect.
1091s It is amazing.
1092s It's been so good to just, like, feel your empire evolve here.
1096s Yes. Yes. But again, I don't speak Malian.
1099s We need to go. It's we still have someone who does.
1101s Exactly. Exactly.
1102s And this kind of balance we try to find
1104s because in the end, it's still a video game, right?
1106s Yes, it is a video game. It needs to be fun.
1109s But we want to make sure that civilizations that are in the game
1112s are represented in a way that is respectful.
1115s Absolutely. Yeah.
1116s Especially when you give that back to the community.
1118s And I'd love to talk to them a little bit now because the
1121s I've seen how personally committed they are, myself included.
1124s I'm part of a group called the Core of Ages,
1126s which is a bunch of women who like to play chess, and it's just
1129s the most wholesome place ever.
1130s And I'm curious to know
1132s how the community of actually impacted or helped each for along the way.
1136s That looks.
1137s Good tonight. Yes.
1139s No. So let's keep it like that.
1141s So for the longest time, the Age of Empires community
1144s has been involved with developments like, hey, do you like this?
1148s Here's a beta, here's an alpha version, let's play let's develop, let's give
1152s feedback, and let's build the game that we all want to play in the NFL.
1156s And that also continues today.
1157s Like we have the h h that Parks insiders go up ourselves
1161s called sign up as an insider and just register for future betas.
1165s You can go to the forums like all the developers are there.
1168s That just wait.
1169s So yeah, we we, we, we talk there a lot on the forums
1174s and just like, yeah, we have pro council, we have other councils,
1176s we have so many groups of players that just provide feedback
1180s and yeah, we work with everybody to try and make and bring the best in.
1183s So I, Trump.
1184s Is amazing
1184s and I feel like I need to, I need to be the voice
1186s of the community here and I feel like I have to ask you,
1189s we know about the addition to the Ultimates on the Marlins.
1192s Can you maybe give us a hint about maybe any upcoming ancient civilizations
1196s that might be added? I've got a tribal. Yeah. Yeah. Tiki
1200s so first of all, Age of Empires is of course more than civilizations.
1204s We have more maps coming. Oh, features. Yeah, yeah.
1206s That's all that is coming later as well with this new civilizations huh?
1210s I can't say more than that.
1212s So all I can say, Age of Empires is alive and.
1215s Yes, alive.
1216s Well and thriving. Yes, absolutely.
1218s Absolutely.
1219s So I will do that and say, with it being alive and well, are there any events
1223s or updates coming up that we can look forward to in that? Yes.
1227s So first of all,
1230s just to rephrase the 25th of October.
1232s Yeah, the Ultimates and the Marlins will be coming for free.
1236s Keyword free three. Wow. OK.
1239s Two age of Empires for.
1241s So if you have what's age of Empires for in the past on any platform,
1244s you will get the news to civilizations for free.
1248s Doesn't include game pass as well.
1249s Yes, that includes game by.
1250s Oh my goodness.
1251s I love this conversation.
1252s Everybody gets the new civilizations. Yes.
1255s Speaking about things that are for free.
1258s Right now at this very moment you can play a vampire four for free on steam.
1263s Wow. OK, so if you are on the fence like, hey Bill, I like that game,
1268s go try it out go to steam one up to age, one by sport, you can try it out.
1271s Yeah, everything is unlocked.
1272s So you can play the whole game till the 29th of October.
1276s Yeah, October, August, 39 of August.
1278s Sorry, sorry, sorry it happened.
1280s We're live. It's fine. There's a lot of dates.
1282s So there you go.
1284s So you can try it for free and if you like to buy it.
1286s And later it's now for sale.
1288s On sale as well.
1289s 50% off from both the Microsoft Store and Steam.
1292s So you can pick it up as an opportunity.
1295s I'm really looking forward to all of those.
1297s I'm curious though, as I've been walking around
1299s Gamescom, I've been seeing loads of people rapping, age, vampires, swag. Yes.
1304s Is there anything that you want to maybe showcase what's available online?
1308s Or maybe for folks while they're here?
1310s Well, we have
1310s we have one more announcements and then it is probably
1312s going to be the least sexy thing that we will see in this boat.
1316s Show, but it'll be great where we go going.
1318s So we're going to button the bits and we're going to show, oh. Yes.
1322s We are going to be celebrating 25 years of age of empires later this year.
1328s So the 25th October.
1329s Yeah, it's been 25 years since the original release by.
1331s The 25.
1332s We're going to be celebrating with all the games in the franchise.
1336s Everybody's invited and yeah, it's going to be lovely.
1339s It's going to be an online global event.
1341s There will be more announcements.
1343s So I would say yes as a developer, but also as a fan.
1346s Yes, you will to and then you don't want to miss it.
1349s And you go you Twitter you at age of Empires to find out more information.
1352s Yeah. Website, so. On.
1353s So exactly it just look age of empires on any social media, you'll be
1357s definitely kept up to date.
1359s Amazing.
1359s I'm also curious, I shared a picture on my Twitter last night.
1362s I mentioned I was at games called that some bread bowls around.
1365s Are you up to something with Red Bull at the moment?
1368s Yes, we are. Yes, we are.
1369s So Red Bull will wallow legacy is coming up.
1373s It's it's a big tournament where we're covering vampires one, two and four
1378s and we also will end of October that's all culminates
1382s in the large finals in a castle here in Germany.
1386s That's that's pretty cool.
1388s I do have to ask, though, are we playing the game
1390s or is it just people going to wall and seeing who does it best?
1393s We are playing the game, but I definitely want that to be a tiebreaker.
1396s Or something.
1397s When you type in there as well, just add some spice.
1400s You know. I'd like to see that.
1401s I'd like to see that.
1402s So, yeah, the best players in the world
1404s all gathering together in that German castle here, playing a different pass.
1407s 4 minutes.
1408s It's childhood dream, it sounds like.
1410s Yeah, it's true, honestly.
1411s And I've got to ask, the sure is it's catching the lights.
1414s So while right now you need my version
1416s is there a way for folks to get a hand on that shop?
1418s Yes. This shirt is available on the Xbox gear surface.
1420s Well.
1421s Alongside a lot of older age vampires, t shirts and merchandizing.
1424s I think a lot to pick up that's amazing. I know what I'm doing.
1427s That's right.
1428s But it's been phenomenal to have you here.
1430s I've loved talking to you
1431s and of course, everyone else who's tuned in today, that is the end of the show.