about 1 month ago - Age DE Team - Direct link

To our Age of Empires III Explorers,  

Last year as part of the New Year New Age event we announced another DLC for Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition. After serious consideration, this DLC has been canceled.

Please understand, this decision was not made lightly. 

We apologize that we haven’t provided updates to you since our announcement of the DLC. While considering the inclusions for last year’s show, we wanted to ensure that Age III: DE players felt part of the franchise celebration as we know you have huge passion and love for the game. However, pushing to ensure that the game was included meant we announced content before it had been built, and we now feel that announcement was premature. 

We know that this is a huge disappointment, and many of you were excited for more content. We were able to put out a patch for the game towards the end of last year but understand that it was not the size and scope you were hoping for. 

It has been a joy to bring Age of Empires III into the modern day with the Definitive Edition and all the content we’ve added since launch in October 2020. We hope you continue to enjoy everything it has to offer. Seeing what content our community creates is a fantastic part of working on this franchise and our modders continue to surprise us. You can browse here: Age of Empires III: DE mods 

Whilst we will not be moving forwards with this DLC content for Age III: DE, we will continue to maintain servers, rotate civs through the free trial version, and provide Customer Support for any issues you may encounter whilst playing. 

The Age of Empires team