almost 2 years ago - Age DE Team - Direct link

A huge thank you to all of our Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition players for your record-setting support and to everyone who has played Return of Rome so far! This is the biggest DLC launch in Age of Empires II history! 
We’ve been listening to your feedback and would like to share our plan to address the concerns regarding your in-game experience and your desire to see Age of Empires campaigns in Return of Rome
We are actively monitoring the issues you’re reporting and will address them as soon as possible. This includes disruptions to your hotkey settings, issues preventing UI mods from loading in correctly, and games failing to load.

The hotkey disruption was a one-time adjustment. You can visit our support page if you need help getting them reconfigured.

Known Issues Page

Our teams are paying close attention to the reports you make and are thankful for your continued trust.

Age of Empires Campaigns 

We will be officially bringing the Ascent of Egypt tutorial campaign, plus three AoE campaigns to Return of Rome, including The First Punic War campaign. These campaigns will launch in future updates to Return of Rome, similar to our Co-Op Campaign content rollout. More details about their release will be available soon. 
Now is your opportunity to vote on the other two campaigns you’d like to see return to Rome! Voting is live and will remain open until the 2nd of June

This poll is closed.

You, the Age community, are at the heart of everything we do, and we are committed to continue to earn your trust. Your input plays a crucial role in shaping our future updates. We’re currently preparing a series of hotfixes to address immediate concerns with further support coming soon. 

Thank you for being with us, and be sure to vote for the campaigns you’d like to see! Wololo!