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A previous update to Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition brought with it two additional campaigns for owners of the Return of Rome DLC! Both of the campaigns selected by community vote; Glory of Greece and Voices of Babylon are now available for you to play and enjoy.

You can access the new campaigns by transitioning your game into Return of Rome, then navigating to Single Player and selecting the Campaigns option. From here, select the new ‘Return of Rome‘ tab on the side of the campaign menu.

You can read more details about the Glory of Greece and Voices of Babylon campaigns below!

All Campaigns Available in Return of Rome

  • Ascent of Egypt
  • The First Punic War
  • Pyrrhus of Epirus
  • Sargon of Akkad
  • Trajan
  • Glory of Greece (NEW!)
  • Voices of Babylon (NEW!)

Return of Rome is available on Microsoft Store, Xbox or Steam. Remember, you must own or have Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition via Game Pass to play.

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Glory of Greece

Battle to establish the Greek Empire and create history as one of the world’s mightiest empires across 8 scenarios in the Glory of Greece campaign. Set out and earn the reputation of the Greek Empire, take command of the mighty armies of Alexander the Great, and topple the walls of Troy during the Trojan war!

Follow the Greeks from their Bronze Age beginnings to the height of the Hellenic era. Step into the sandals of famous Greek heroes like Achilles, Pericles, Xenophon, and Alexander the Great to build a civilization spanning the ancient world from the Mediterranean to India.

Glory of Greece Scenarios

“War! The rivalry between Hellas and Persia has reignited after the irruption of the Macedonians into the region, and the Greeks have been united under you, Alexander of Macedon.”

=> Scenario List Here

  1. Claiming Territory
  2. Acropolis
  3. The Conquest of Crete
  4. The Trojan War
  5. Colonization of Ionia
  6. The Siege of Athens
  7. Xenophon’s March
  8. Alexander the Great

Voices of Babylon

Guide Babylon to power through her struggles, and onto greatness throughout 8 scenarios in the Voices of Babylon campaign. Persuade the neighboring fledgling empires to join you, through persuasion or conquest when necessary. Defend the frontier cities from raiders, and liberate Babylon from the oppression of Assyrian invaders!

For centuries, Babylon was the envy of the world. Her Hanging Gardens and eminent ziggurats inspired legends that echoed throughout the ages. Her greatest king, Hammurabi, gave the world its first law code. Lead this majestic city from its remarkable rise to its staggering fall, and restore it once again to greatness.

Voices of Babylon Scenarios

“An Assyrian General named Tiglath-Pileser has rebelled against his king and has taken the throne. He is willing to support our new King Nabonassar to retake land lost to the Aramaeans, our common enemy.”

=> Scenario List Here

  1. The Holy Man
  2. The Tigris Valley
  3. Lost
  4. I Shall Return
  5. The Great Hunt
  6. The Caravan
  7. Lord of the Euphrates
  8. The Conquest of Nineveh

We hope you enjoy the addition of the Glory of Greece and Voices of Babylon campaigns to Return of Rome!

Return of Rome is available now on Microsoft Store, Xbox or Steam. Remember, you must own or have Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition via Game Pass to play.

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