about 2 years ago - Age of Empires - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

3s Welcome to the Season One Update:
5s Festival of Ages.
7s Our latest update to Age of Empires IV.
10s Unsheathe your swords,
12s nock those arrows, and celebrate
14s with the arrival of competitive Ranked Seasons,
16s Events, and the all-new Content Editor.
22s Compete in ranked seasons
23s against fierce opponents in your path to conquest and triumph.
27s Demonstrate your strategic prowess as you compete for exclusive rewards.
34s Seasonal Events arrive in
35s Age of Empires IV. Complete challenges for rewards
39s and show off your accomplishment in your matches.
43s Shoot for Gold in the
44s Art of War Mission: Advanced Combat.
50s Want to battle it out
51s on a custom map with a Knight's strength set to overpowered?
54s Customize your play any way you want
57s with the Content Editor. Make history your story indeed.
62s Revel in the chaotic play of MegaRandom.
66s A completely random way to play and truly test
69s your skills.
70s Including Campaign Tuning, quality of life and balance changes
74s and that's just a sneak peek at our Season One update.
78s Join us in the festivities.
81s Coming soon.