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italian wars battle map

Are you a regular Amerigo Vespucci? Fret not! We have all your maps! With Knights of the Mediterranean, the newest DLC for Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition, not only have historical maps been added, but an additional 30 more random maps have been added! Click below to browse all the cartographic fun.

Historical Maps

Historical Maps are a brand new type of map that dive into history with Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition. As a new variation of Random Maps, they are randomly generated for endless replayability, with unique objectives for each map based on some of the most memorable conflicts on the European continent.

🌐 The Italian Wars (1494-1559)
A series of violent wars over Italy. Fought largely by France and Spain but involving much of Europe, they resulted in the Spanish Habsburgs dominating Italy, shifting power from Italy to northwestern Europe.
  • A large river separates four influential Italian City States which must be captured and held.
    • Victory condition: Control the most City States when the timer ends.
  • Players start with a Star Fort.
  • The four City States each offer unique upgrades, units, and resources.
🌐 The Eighty Years’ War (1568-1648)
Waging war against the Habsburg Spanish and later the Portuguese, the newly established Dutch Republic became a major participant in overseas trading and territorial expansion. The war concluded with the Treaty of Münster, which officially recognized the Dutch as an independent nation.
  • One player must hold off all others on a fortified peninsula.
    • Victory condition: Defend or destroy the fort Headquarters.
  • Only one player is defending the fort – the rest must attack!
  • The trade route, Command Posts, and Headquarters offer unique upgrades.
🌐 The Deluge (1655-1660)
In the middle of a war between the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Tsardom of Russia, a Swedish army flooded into Poland, plundering many towns and cities, including the capital of Warsaw. However, the tide turned as the Polish armies were able to mount a counterattack, forcing the invaders out.
  • Steppes and temperate woodlands are separated by a single trade route. The southern team must defend against early cavalry aggression.
    • Victory condition: Defeat the enemy team.
  • Teams are divided into attackers and defenders.
  • Attackers start with Cossack Camps that spawn Cossacks periodically.
  • Defenders start with villages that trickle resources; attackers can destroy these villages temporarily to plunder resources.
  • The map contains Outlaw Trading Camps that offer multiple benefits.
🌐 The Great Turkish War (1683-1699)
In 1683, Sultan Mehmed IV besieged the Habsburg city of Vienna in an attempt to take control of central European trade. However, failure to take the city enabled the newly formed Holy League to fight the Ottomans until the Treaty of Karlowitz. The Ottoman Empire lost important territories such as Hungary and Podolia, marking the beginning of its decline.
  • One team must defend their great city, while the other attacks. The city is surrounded by woodland and natural resources.
    • Victory condition: Defend or destroy the city Headquarters.
  • Teams are divided into attackers and defenders.
  • Controlling city districts provides bonuses for the entire team.
  • Powerful Fixed Guns defend the city.
🌐 The Great Northern War (1700-1721)
In the beginning of the 18th century, conflict over the Baltic Sea led Russia to form a military coalition against the Swedish Empire. The Swedes saw initial success against their many enemies, but suffered a major defeat at Poltava in 1709, forcing them to retreat and allowing the coalition to reclaim the conquered territories. The Swedish Empire died alongside its king, Charles XII.
  • A frozen coast with thick forests and two trade routes on the water. Abandoned resource crates can occasionally be discovered inland.
    • Victory condition: Defeat the enemy team.
  • Economic units have stricter build limits.
  • Advancing to the Commerce Age is cheaper and faster.
  • Resource crates will appear on the map at regular intervals. Collect them before your enemy does!
  • The trade route and Command Posts offer unique technologies.
🌐 The Russo-Turkish Wars (1853-1856)
Taking advantage of a weakened Ottoman Empire, Russia attempted to occupy the territories of Moldavia and Wallachia. England and France sought to preserve the balance of power and assisted the Ottoman Empire, taking the fight to the shores of the Black Sea. Military modernization during this time introduced railways, telegraphs and stark improvements to medical care, an effort led by the British nurse Florence Nightingale.
  • Commanding smaller armies, players must capture trade sites, factories and fixed guns throughout the map.
    • Victory condition: Claim Trading Posts and win by Trade Monopoly.
  • Economic units have stricter build limits, and population space is limited.
  • Factories and Fixed Guns can be captured throughout the map.
  • Supply Caches and Factories can be used to quickly trickle resources.
  • Advancing to the Fortress Age is cheaper and faster.
🌐 The Napoleonic Wars (1803-1815)
After the French Revolution, the prominent military commander Napoleon Bonaparte became Emperor of France and conquered much of Europe through quick and aggressive campaigns. After a failed invasion of Russia in 1812, the other European nations forced him into exile, but he soon returned for a final battle near the Belgian town of Waterloo.
  • Teams must train their armies quickly during a short treaty period and fight all over the map to seize every strategic point.
    • Victory condition: Capture all strategic points.
  • Economic units have stricter build limits.
  • A short treaty and many starting resources ensures that each player can train a large army.
  • Supply Caches can be used to quickly trickle resources.
  • Advancing to the next Age is faster and free.
🌐 The Thirty Years’ War (1618-1648) *
Threatened by Habsburg authority after a failed Bohemian revolt, France and her Swedish allies, led by Gustavus Adolphus, fought the Holy Roman Empire all the way down to the Italian border. Both sides relied heavily upon mercenaries, causing extensive pillaging and looting of the German provinces throughout the war.
  • Claim villages for an economic advantage while keeping all other players in check. Alliances are temporary, as only one winner emerges once peacetime arrives.
    • Victory condition: Control the most Villages when the timer ends.
  • Economic units have stricter build limits, and only Villages grant population space.
  • Captured Villages trickle resources, but can be burnt down to gain some in bulk.
  • The map is a free-for-all, but you can forge and break alliances with other players using the diplomacy menu!
  • The Command Post offers unique technologies.

Random Maps

Knights of the Mediterranean lets you explore Europe with 30 MORE Random Maps!

🌐 Alps
“The large impassable Alps mountain ranges divide this region into three sections, each connected with narrow passages. A neutral area with a short trade route lies to the northwest and could provide a valuable edge to whichever team can secure it. The resident Houses of Habsburg and Wittelsbach may aid you in this endeavour.”
🌐 Anatolia
“A long grassy valley bisects the rugged landscape of Anatolia and at times separates teammates. Within the valley players will find the only trade route and grazing livestock. Each player begins with a local settlement of Phanariotes near their first town. In free-for-all games, a short circular trade route spawns in the center and each player begins in their own valley with one easily defensible opening.”
🌐 Archipelago
“The islands in the Aegean Sea provide a beautiful setting. The Archipelago contains many small islands and requires players to migrate to the surrounding islands to expand their territory. Two trade routes cross the map and several palaces of local and foreign royal houses can be found on the islands around the map’s edge.”
🌐 Balkan Mountains
“The Balkan Mountains divide the map from east to west. Each team has access to a trade route behind their base to boost their economy, but watch out for Hajduks! Players may also choose to capture the Battery Towers found within the mountains to secure map control and the Gold Mines within the mountains. This map is optimized for play on supremacy or treaty. In free-for-all games, players all spawn in a valley with a Battery Tower in-base and a long circular trade route around the perimeter.”
🌐 Baltic Sea
“Players spawn along the shore of the Baltic Sea, but all their Hanse towns are well protected by an imposing Battery Tower from early pirate raids. The naval trade route gives rise to a short land trade route that shares its upgrades with the former. Two islands in the sea may provide a strategic area for players to control and secure their economy, or launch a surprise attack. Powerful competing royal houses residing near the coast are willing to restore the former trading empire of the Hanse under your flag.”
🌐 Black Forest
“Welcome to the iconic Black Forest in Southern Germany! Densely packed trees form natural barriers and force players to fight in narrow clearings. Small pockets of resources appear all over these Württembergian lands. There is no trade route here, but the royal houses may reveal a path to victory through the thicket.”
🌐 Bohemia
“In Bohemia perpendicular rivers with four separate river trade routes divide the map into quarters. Each quarter is mineral-rich and contains one trading post site as well as a residence of a royal house. The position of trading posts allows all players equal access to the trade routes, but controlling an entire trade route will prove difficult.”
🌐 Budapest
“Buda and Pest are two towns separated by the Danube River. Each player will begin the game with two towns and double the starting provisions. Two trade routes run parallel to the river. Depending on the time of year, the river provides different opportunities. In winter, the river is frozen, in summer, the river will have some shallows to cross, and in spring, the river is flooded and there are no crossings.”
🌐 Carpathians
“The Carpathian Mountains lie between two long trade routes in this region. Atop the central plateau are some Gold Mines, but other resources are more abundant at lower elevation. Each team can access a trade route on their side of the plateau, but maintaining control over one or both of these long trade routes will prove difficult as they lie exposed to the enemy. In free-for-all games, players spawn atop a large plateau but there aren’t any trade routes.”
🌐 Corsica & Sardinia
“Teams spawn on the opposing islands of Corsica and Sardinia in the Mediterranean Sea. The two islands are connected by two short naval trade routes which can prove to be a site of early contention. Although players spawn with adequate resources on dry land to supply their economy, establishing a presence on the sea will be important to gain an edge over the enemy. Each player starts with a small boat for transport, so beware of early aggression and surprise attacks!”
🌐 Courland
“In this open and flat region in the Baltics players fight for control of the natural resources around a frozen gulf. Patches of ice branching off the gulf may make building walls difficult. Two trade routes and four palaces of Royal Houses are always present. Mines cannot spawn on the ice, but some herds of animals can be found migrating across the ice.”
🌐 Danish Straits
“This characteristic region of Denmark is dominated by rugged terrain, rich coastal waters, and several small islands. Minerals and fish are abundant food and coin sources. Take control of the trade route, but beware of any ships which can maintain control of the straits. Local royal houses such as the Houses of Oldenburg and Vasa can support players in their economic growth as well as provide geographical overview.”
🌐 Dnieper Basin
“In the Dnieper Basin players start on a dry steppe which contains plenty of hunts but only Tin Mines for coin and sparse patches of trees. Swift Cossack Daredevils and riders from the bordering Royal Houses will find ideal raiding opportunities in these Wild Fields. Across the Dnieper River players will find a temperate forest with Gold Mines and thick forest. Livestock can also be found grazing along the river bank.”
🌐 England
“In England the Industrial Revolution is in full swing and all trade routes are already fully upgraded! Goods in the north are variably transported on waterways or on one of England’s early railways. The nearby coal mines can fuel both the trains’ steam engines as well as your economy. Players in the south have access to the sea where they can fish and chip off revenues from the naval trade route.”
🌐 Eurasian Steppe
“Your expedition got dispersed in the vastness of the Eurasian steppe! You will find your starting units scattered across this harsh and extensive landscape. Unite your heroes and three villagers with the aid of a local scout and construct a base with the limited stockpile of wood. In this remote place you will not receive your usual starting crates and villagers once your first Town Center has been constructed. Plan accordingly and use your resources wisely!”
🌐 Finland
“Finland offers large dense forests and plenty of Gold Mines. The lakes in the center are frozen and provide open space in the forests for skirmishes. The Gulf of Finland in the south west provides an alternative way to boost your economy while the three trade routes are all linked.”
🌐 France
“Bienvenue en France! The Bourbon monarchs reside in the palace of Versailles and French minister Jean-Baptiste Colbert created a network of profitable and well-protected Royal Trading Posts to turn France into a Grande Nation. Although players may hunt in the forests or mine the key to victory lies in controlling the trading posts placed on the roads to Paris. To capture them the guards need to be released from their duties.”
🌐 Hungarian Plains
“Players meet in the Hungarian Plains, at the foot of several mountain ranges. Players will vie for control of the abundant natural resources. Take advantage of the trade routes and ally with the Habsburg or Jagiellonian royal houses to get an edge over your opponent.”
🌐 Ireland
“Lush grasslands with large flocks of sheep give rise to dense ancient forests in the middle of Ireland. The inner circular trade route and the inland lake resemble the inhabitants’ tales about stone circles and mythical lakes. On the perimeter of the map, the Atlantic Ocean contains an abundance of resources that can be used to gain an economic advantage.”
🌐 Italy
“In Italty teams are split on opposite sides of the Po River, each player with their base well protected inside a Star Fort. However, only a few natural resources exist within each player’s Star Fort so it is important to establish a presence on the map to secure natural resources and contest the many royal palaces and trading posts along the river.”
🌐 Lithuania
“Lithuania features many forests, lakes, and rivers. The small lakes are clustered in the center of the map where they, along with the two flanking rivers, create many chokepoints. Although these obstacles may provide a sense of safety players need to expand as natural resources within their bases are limited. Allying with the native House of Jagiellon grants access to swift horsemen that are useful for flanking maneuvers. In free-for-all games, the rivers and trade routes are not present.”
🌐 Low Countries
“Each player begins with a capturable Wind mill in their town which provides a steady trickle of food. More of these mills can be found all across the Low Countries and need to be released from the grip of highwaymen. Parts of the map are flooded and cannot be built on as the Dutch reclamation of land is a work in progress. Players may choose to boom their economy by securing the bountiful North Sea, or by controlling the central peninsula which contains much of the natural resources as well as two winding trade routes.”
🌐 Pripet Marshes
“The Pripet Marshes are one of Europe’s largest wetlands, and dry land is at a premium. Teams are separated by a vast marsh and thick forests which are ideal to set up ambushes. Several local settlements and most of the mines lie on the outskirts of the marsh. Each team has access to a safe Trade Route behind their base.”
🌐 Pyrenees
“Teams start on opposite sides of the Pyrenees Mountains. Each team has access to adequate resources on their respective French or Spanish side of the mountains, but extending out to control the short, winding trade route and Gold Mine contained in the mountain range can save victory.”
🌐 Saxony
“In the German lands of Saxony teams are separated by a long winding river containing a trade route. The river flows near the foot of some small mountains creating tight chokepoints that can be used to aid the defense of your town. The abundance of resources in this region should entice players to extend out of the comfort of their cities. Make sure to win the support of the different German royal houses that are native to this region. In free-for-all games, the river and trade route form a ring in the center of the map.”
🌐 Scandinavia
“A bountiful sea on each side of the Scandinavian peninsula and an abundance of natural resources on the land mass provide a variety of ways for players to boost their economy. There are always two trade routes here, they can spawn wither along the coasts or behind each team’s base.”
🌐 Scotland
“The Scottish highlands and lowlands are separated by a river trade route. Another trade route runs further south through the lowlands where players spawn. As natural resources on land are limited taking control of the trade routes as well as the surrounding sea will provide the players with an advantageous position. On the outer isles you find treasures and useful wood supplies to maintain a coastal navy.”
🌐 Spain
“In Spain players can take advantage of natural chokepoints between the tall plateaus as well as Bourbon and Habsburg palaces to create defensible positions for themselves. The Spanish beaches are not only beautiful but also provide an excellent opportunity to boost the economy through fishing. Two parallel trade routes always spawn on the coasts of this map.”
🌐 Vistula Basin
“The long winding Vistula river divides these fertile Polish plains and separates the teams. Capturable mills cover the grassy countryside and provide a steady trickle of food to anyone who frees them from rogue guardians. Assert dominance over the long trade route and abundance of natural resources by hiring powerful native units like Winged Hussars and Lipka Tatars from the Royal Houses.”
🌐 Wallachia
“In Wallachia teams spawn in a valley and are separated by the Danube River. The river contains three trade routes that share their upgrades. The plateaus behind each team can be used to gather natural resources safely or players may choose to be more aggressive and take control of the Trading Posts and Gold Mines on the delta. The Black Sea also provides a potential economic opportunity.”
Please note that this list is subject to change and should not be considered a comprehensive list of all the stats and features coming at launch. The above is to give you a glimpse inside the new content in Knights of the Mediterranean.

Pre-Order Now!

Ready to explore and battle it out with all the new things? Knights of the Mediterranean is available now to pre-order from the Microsoft Store and Steam!