about 1 year
ago -
Age of Empires
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Transcript (by Youtube)
2s | Prostagma! |
4s | Hello Heroes. |
5s | I'm here in the studio today using augmented reality |
8s | to step into the world of Age of Mythology Retold. |
11s | Yes, I am standing next to a Titan Gate and yes, |
13s | we will get to that very soon. |
15s | My name is Melinda Rose, |
16s | And I am the Art Director here at World's Edge. |
18s | and I feel so honored to be a part of this |
21s | team and to be able to show off this game to you |
24s | that we all have been working so hard on and we love so much. |
27s | In Age of Mythology Retold we're not only upgrading |
31s | the engine and bringing all of those quality of life |
34s | improvements that you've come to expect from World's Edge, |
36s | but in addition to that, we're doing even more to update the art. |
39s | That means all-new 3D models |
42s | all-new animations, textures, UI, VFX, the whole sha-bang. |
46s | We are going to be showing off three |
48s | characters from the Greek civilization Medusa, |
51s | Pegasus, and Cerberus. Usually you'd be seeing |
54s | them from high up in the sky as you |
55s | command your battles, but I'm biased and I wanted |
58s | to show the characters as close to life size as |
61s | we can fit them. |
63s | Well, without any further ado, |
65s | let's bring Medusa into the studio. Are you excited? |
68s | I am so excited. Oh, hello. This is so cool to |
71s | see her in real life like this. |
74s | She's not so low-poly anymore, is she? |
77s | From this distance, you're able to see all the details |
79s | we've added to her model to tell her story. |
82s | Each strand of her hair is an individual wild snake. |
86s | She wears Grecian-styled golden snake armbands. |
89s | Her armor is made up of flexible scale mail to mimic scales. |
92s | And if you're brave enough to get super close |
95s | and risk being petrified and turned to stone, |
97s | you can even see her vertical snake-like pupils. |
100s | All right, well, I don't have any good counters |
102s | for Medusa in the building today and we got |
104s | to keep this rolling, so I'm just going to cut |
106s | straight to her death animation. Medusa, I'm so sorry to see you go. |
113s | Oh, that's brutal, isn't it? |
116s | Well, next up let's bring in Pegasus. |
119s | Hi, Pegasus. |
121s | Oh, he's so cute, isn't he? |
122s | Pegasus is the majestic winged horse who serves as an archaic |
127s | age aerial scout for the Greek civilization. |
129s | This Pegasus looks a little fancier than you may |
132s | remember, and that is because in Age of Mythology Retold, |
135s | when you upgrade your |
136s | myth units through technologies, those units will |
138s | get a brand new visual upgrade to reflect that |
141s | increase in power. |
142s | So we're looking at the upgraded version today. Say hello, Pegasus. |
146s | Pegasus: [Nays] |
148s | I don't want to keep us too long |
149s | from the Titan that you're all excited to see |
152s | So, I'm sorry, Pegasus. We have to say goodbye. |
157s | Oh... |
158s | That makes me so sad. |
160s | All right, last but not least, let's bring in Cerberus. |
165s | Cerberus: [growling] |
166s | This is the Hound of Hades and Titan of the Greek civilization. |
171s | He's a little smaller, again, |
172s | than he will be in game, but believe it or not, |
175s | this was one of the first models that we made for |
177s | Age of Mythology Retold back when we were trying |
179s | to decide what we wanted this game to look like. |
183s | He wears heavy chains and tattered armor, |
185s | which represent his escape from the underworld, |
187s | as well as the mark of Hades on his shoulder pauldrons. |
189s | Titans have been upgraded to be more powerful against walls and buildings, |
194s | and even rivers and oceans won't be able to stop |
196s | their wrecking power. |
197s | With three ferocious heads |
199s | and more destructive power than ever before, |
201s | Cerberus will be a formidable opponent or a powerful ally in Age of Mythology Retold. |
206s | Cerberus: [roars] |
209s | Okay, well, he is obviously raring to go |
211s | and we will see him on the battlefield eventually. |
214s | I'm sorry, Cerberus, you got to get going. |
218s | I wish I could do that to my opponents in game. |
222s | So to wrap things up, our goal is to not only pay |
225s | homage to the past, but to breathe new life into |
228s | this game and maximize the mythology. |
230s | And one more thing before I go, I would like to reveal our |
233s | official cover art. |
235s | Featuring so many of the |
236s | iconic gods and heroes players will remember. |
241s | I am excited to announce that Age of Mythology Retold |
244s | will be available on day one on both PC and Xbox. |
250s | So follow us on socials for behind the scenes |
253s | concept art, as well as before and after |
255s | comparison images of the three models that we've |
257s | showcased today. And don't forget to wishlist us |
260s | to stay informed in the future. |
262s | Arkantos will awaken in 2024. |
266s | Thanks for watching, everyone. |