7 months ago - Age of Empires - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s we want to build the title that's in
2s your head right not because when you
5s actually think about the games that you
6s grew up with and play like you remember
8s fondly and is amazing right so but when
12s you actually try to play the original
13s for real and look at it and say like
15s that's not what I remember at all so so
18s we want to build the one that's actually
20s in your head and how it looks like how
21s it feels like so that's the goal so and
25s yeah really want to thank the fans for
26s supporting us for so long for all the
29s different editions but for R told R we
32s are going beyond what we have done in
34s devel editions so on top of all the
37s graphics and all the gam playay from the
39s original we actually trick it and added
42s a bunch of like new things to it as well
43s and it is just amazing