9 months
ago -
Age of Empires
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Transcript (by Youtube)
1s | [Music] |
3s | Ernest I know especially with bringing |
4s | back the the Age of Mythology um how did |
7s | you approach like some of that familiar |
9s | world but also the new and improved and |
11s | I know you mentioned having the game |
13s | that you see in your head tell me some |
14s | more about that please sure so at Well's |
17s | Edge we we pride ourselves in like |
20s | basically have a connection with the |
22s | community we try to listen to what's |
24s | their awesome Community have to say give |
26s | us feedback and honestly last few years |
29s | as we were developing the Age of Empires |
32s | def editions Age of Empires |
34s | 4 every time we make any big |
36s | announcements some fans are like in |
39s | there saying when are we going to get H |
42s | pathology so it keeps like we we want to |
44s | give them this and it was great that |
46s | during the our 25th anniversary event we |
49s | get the chance to tell the world that |
51s | yes we are working on eight of FY told |
54s | so yep the original game is 2002 so it |
58s | is a long time ago a minute so and it is |
61s | crazy how long the history of this |
64s | franchise has been and yep bring back |
66s | for the fans lots of fun stuff when |
68s | you're when you're looking at like |
70s | actually using God Powers how do you |
72s | convey that to the player make them feel |
75s | like they actually smiting right so in |
77s | the game you get to use different God |
79s | powers like depending on which |
80s | performance you pick and it is amazing |
83s | it is one of the most satisfying thing |
85s | right um internally in the team we say |
87s | like oh this is the age game with |
89s | superpowers right right so you get to |
91s | like use lightning you can use |
93s | earthquakes like tornadoes it's just |
96s | cool to actually see all the physics and |
98s | like um things blowing up and like |
100s | meteor stri literally things blowing up |
103s | um so the thing that we approach it is |
106s | one of the key thing that we notice in |
109s | the original game most of this God |
110s | Powers you can actually only use it once |
113s | and from the data we have seen as people |
115s | play the game what they do is they just |
117s | hold on to it like okay I'll use the |
119s | exact right moment um and then the game |
123s | basically ended they just hold on to |
124s | anyway so in return we're actually going |
126s | Beyond what's the original game does |
128s | we're adding new features one of them is |
131s | you get rechargeable G powers now so you |
134s | will be able to do it more than once |
136s | don't need to just save it anymore so |
138s | use it |
139s | strategically strategically that's not |
141s | happening I'm using as often as I can |
143s | and we know that which you can do |
146s | to I would love to know if you have a |
149s | personal play style you I want to see |
151s | what Pantheon you rock with for you I |
152s | want to know if you have a personal play |
153s | style and does that impact how you |
155s | develop the games that you do what's |
157s | your Pantheon and how does that impact |
159s | some of the ways you think about |
160s | development I used to be the classic |
162s | Greek guy so like to Playdoh right |
165s | that's classic right you have to go |
167s | right but uh lately especially during |
170s | development of this game like cuz each |
172s | puan you have different way to gain |
174s | favors from the gods like and that is |
177s | how you get charged with the uh with so |
179s | that you get to use the god Powers so |
182s | the for nowadays I play the no because |
185s | the way they get the power is much more |
187s | interesting to me you basically the more |
189s | you battle the more damage you do the |
192s | more the God favors you so it sounds |
194s | awesome right so like the more I do what |
197s | I already want to do the more power I |
199s | get so it's like a gray Loop that just |
202s | like keep going so is drawback to |
204s | leaning into one Pantheon too much uh I |
207s | think there's no there there's never |
210s | like the only one answer for this right |
213s | so like everyone say that their perance |
216s | is the best and like honestly we we will |
219s | try to mix it up sometimes just so like |
221s | know your enemies as well right so that |
223s | is good you're not wrong you to know |
225s | exactly how to Smite the people you yeah |
227s | but I would say like the team definitely |
228s | split between different pavion some some |
230s | people like Egyptian some people like |
232s | atan so it's awesome just to see like |
236s | all the different battles going on |
237s | between all the different pavion and at |
238s | a minimum you got the the play value in |
240s | that you got to play as each Pantheon |
242s | see exactly which one is your jam I |
245s | would love to know if there are some |
246s | some personal Inspirations for your |
247s | individual teams um as they were putting |
250s | together these projects uh especially |
252s | coming back to a game 2002 um I'm sure |
256s | for a lot of people is near and dear to |
258s | their hearts because they played the |
259s | first one so working on it um a big |
262s | thing are there any personal |
263s | Inspirations and how did y'all kind of |
265s | put your personal touch on it as fans of |
268s | this thing that you're making on so |
270s | give you a personal story this is a |
272s | veryit interesting we we have an Aron |
275s | angel in our team I've been in the team |
277s | for more than a quarter Century so the |
281s | person who hired me into the industry |
283s | thank you T um is the original program |
287s | manager for Age of Empires one so for me |
290s | I feel like I come full circle to be |
292s | able to work on this franchise again and |
294s | this is fantastic and because the |
297s | franchise has been so long we now see |
299s | multigeneration |
300s | people playing like parents teaching |
302s | their kids to play together so it and |
305s | also we get letters from fans saying hey |
308s | I'm now literally being a history |
311s | Professor because they learn like all |
314s | the history and get interested in |
316s | history because of Age of Empires age of |
318s | mythologies and all those games so it's |
321s | it's great it's just like seeing all the |
324s | people being able to get inspiration |
327s | absolutely love it those are those are |
329s | the heartwarming stories especially when |
330s | you you get to beat on your kids in in |
333s | ag of Empires like that that's that's |
335s | what you really want you get that for a |
338s | little bit and then the kids will beat |
340s | you very don't tell don't tell people |
342s | that then they're not going to want to |
343s | play if the kids are going to eventually |
344s | get good co up against AI That's my |
347s | recommendation all right that's what we |
349s | we work family angle and just Co-op as |
350s | we look at evolving a game from like 20 |
353s | years ago um can you talk to us about |
356s | some of the quality of life stuff uh a |
358s | little bit more in depth if if you if |
360s | you can sure how do we that the way that |
364s | wellat has been approaching and this |
365s | titles is um one of the principle we say |
369s | we want to build this all this beloved |
372s | titles in the way that you remember in |
374s | your head so this really important |
376s | actually let's be clear about this |
378s | because as many folks have like play hey |
380s | I remember that game like for example |
382s | even the original uh inter mythology |
385s | when I first played it I I I swear that |
387s | Graphics has Peak there was like will |
390s | never get better than that right so |
393s | that's exactly how I felt at the time |
394s | and then now looking back trying to play |
396s | the original and to say like H it's not |
398s | exactly how I remember it watched this |
402s | right so the the way that we want to do |
404s | it is we want to make sure that we build |
406s | the game that you remember it so when |
407s | you first play it's like this exactly |
410s | how I remember the same feeling comes |
412s | back so that is very important to us um |
415s | so but for retold we are again we are |
417s | going beyond that so there's a lot of |
419s | new featur we're adding quality of life |
421s | features but uh strict out features as |
424s | well because I think we're lucky enough |
426s | that years now 2024 we have Hardware |
429s | that's like powerful enough um that can |
431s | really realize some of the original |
433s | concept and we have also learned a lot |
435s | over the last few years to uh on the |
438s | other titles to see how do we can make |
440s | strategy games and especially real-time |
442s | strategy games a lot more approachable |
445s | and this is like h of pathology retail |
447s | is the most approachable like Age games |
450s | we have ever built so we have added a |
452s | lot of features to make it much easier |
455s | for people to play the game so like all |
458s | sort of things being at what are we |
459s | leaving people with with respect to age |
461s | mythology reto Age of Mythology reto is |
466s | from my standpoint looking at it right |
467s | there's no other game they have the |
469s | fantasy where you have the Greek gods |
471s | for G the NS for against like the utan |
473s | sons of RA and then like allenan as well |
476s | it's just it's just amazing it is just |
478s | like a such a cool talk box that |
481s | everyone actually like play your power |
483s | fantasy like you say right the battles |
485s | is just amazing so I hope more and more |
488s | people get to try it and play it so that |
490s | would be fantastic I'm already telling |
492s | youall Egyptian Pantheon if you're |
493s | curious about where I'm going Egyptian |
495s | Pantheon see my man know what I'm |
496s | talking about |
500s | [Music] |