over 2 years
ago -
Age of Empires
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Transcript (by Youtube)
56s | hmm |
74s | [Music] |
224s | [Music] |
280s | [Music] |
287s | [Music] |
380s | hello everyone and welcome to another |
382s | asian empire's four live stream here uh |
385s | been a little while since our last |
388s | stream |
389s | uh obviously for those who aren't aware |
391s | we were doing a bunch of streams during |
392s | season one for age rounders four here uh |
395s | and we |
396s | season two is well underway definitely |
398s | if you haven't had a few minutes ago |
400s | check that out get some sweet rewards do |
402s | that |
403s | uh but we're here actually today to talk |
407s | more about it joe empire's four |
408s | obviously i'm grant one of the community |
410s | managers here |
411s | on the relic side |
413s | and for those that don't know |
416s | just last week there was a little thing |
418s | called gamescom |
420s | and |
422s | just a few exciting announcements came |
425s | out from that and that's what we're here |
428s | to talk about so we're going to kick |
429s | things off |
430s | we'll take a look in just a second at |
432s | some of that stuff but later in the show |
434s | we're going to have some guests as well |
436s | from the relics side here to |
438s | chat uh about what went into that but |
441s | okay yes hello chat hello all of you and |
444s | i saw people trying to do giveaway in |
446s | chat there's no giveaway here on stream |
447s | but if you go over to our twitter |
450s | recommend doing that after the stream |
452s | you can go there now if you want but if |
453s | you go over there there is |
455s | a giveaway we're doing that's pretty |
457s | awesome there's a cool mouse you can go |
460s | get your hands on potentially |
462s | but let's get things going so just to |
466s | start off i just want to roll the |
468s | gamescom trailer most of you have |
470s | probably seen this by now but just in |
471s | case you're tuning in and |
473s | aren't a gamescom person aren't a |
474s | convention thing person just want to see |
476s | this again like i love this trailer and |
479s | i'm just gonna hit play and let you all |
482s | take a look at the awesomeness the |
484s | epicness so here we go |
488s | [Music] |
490s | there's more than one way to win a |
492s | battle |
493s | and every empire must find their own |
496s | path to victory |
506s | whether you strike from afar or ambush |
509s | up close |
510s | the malians will use wit and strategy to |
513s | out maneuver their opponents and gain |
515s | the advantage on the battlefield |
524s | with powerful siege tools and the |
526s | ability to rally large formations the |
528s | ottomans can keep the pressure on to |
530s | bring down their enemies defenses |
539s | [Music] |
544s | when the drums of war beat how will you |
547s | emerge victorious |
553s | history is in the making |
556s | and your place in it has just begun |
563s | [Music] |
567s | all right i don't know about the rest of |
569s | you in chat but to me that music there's |
571s | just such an epic feeling of battle |
573s | coming in here and as you saw these are |
576s | the two civilizations we have coming |
578s | later this year to aj members for in our |
580s | free anniversary update the ottoman and |
582s | malian civilizations here |
584s | uh yeah the music is |
586s | so great i've watched that trailer so |
588s | many times as we were getting ready to |
591s | unveil everything for gamescom for you |
593s | and it's just so nice that it's out |
594s | there that you can feel that epic epic |
596s | beat you can watch all this crazy stuff |
597s | going on and i mean the biggest thing |
600s | there's two sieves coming and they're |
602s | both part of our free update |
604s | can't you can't go wrong with free uh |
605s | but yeah so these are part the brand new |
607s | civilizations coming to aging fires for |
610s | later this year on october 25th now this |
613s | is part of the larger update we have our |
615s | free anniversary update with more |
616s | information on that |
617s | coming at a later time but these are |
619s | just we wanted to give you all a look at |
621s | these two sieves coming here |
623s | uh and to that note we do have oh let me |
627s | just go just keeping an eye on chat here |
629s | everyone but yes uh so to that note we |
633s | have some special guests joining us from |
635s | the relic side over here |
638s | i believe this is their first time on |
641s | stream i could be wrong we've done just |
642s | a few streams but i just want to pull |
644s | them on here we've got matt mclean and |
647s | sean yesterday joining us today so thank |
650s | you so much for joining us here both of |
652s | you for taking the time out of your busy |
654s | day uh got some exciting stuff to talk |
656s | about but before we do i'd like to just |
658s | let you introduce yourselves and talk a |
660s | little bit about what you do here at |
661s | relic |
665s | uh should i go |
666s | yeah |
668s | yeah my name is sean um i've been a |
670s | designer here at relic for quite some |
671s | time working on a variety of our |
673s | projects such as company heroes dawn of |
675s | war space spring and finally age of |
678s | empires |
679s | uh most of the time i've been doing |
681s | system design army design so |
683s | yeah i've been at this quite a while |
685s | i'll hand it over to matt |
687s | yeah also quite a while uh not all here |
690s | at relic i've been here a relic about |
691s | three years i was working on the |
693s | campaign team before and |
695s | i'm a civ designer |
698s | awesome |
699s | well thank you so much for taking some |
701s | time i know we've got some exciting |
703s | things coming here and both of you are |
704s | also super excited about these two |
706s | sieves coming with this update here |
708s | oh yeah for sure |
710s | yeah and hey they're free did we say |
712s | free enough i know i i feel like that |
714s | just i should just toss free in here a |
715s | few more times have some like nice |
716s | pop-up graphics the nice little like 90s |
718s | pop-up free special today only |
721s | october 25th actually not today just for |
723s | everyone in chat they are not free today |
725s | they will be here with our anniversary |
727s | update uh and yeah so there is we we |
731s | have that trailer out and there are also |
732s | the civ pages on the age of empires |
734s | website if you haven't been there yet |
736s | definitely something you can check out |
738s | after the show again probably don't tune |
740s | in right now unless you you're really |
741s | really good at multitasking uh but |
743s | that's just on age of empires.com |
745s | if you choose age numbers 4 you can view |
747s | the civilization pages from there and |
750s | learn |
751s | a fair bit more as to what goes into |
753s | them and we're going to be covering some |
754s | of that today as well on the stream |
757s | here as we show off the ottomans and |
759s | malians |
762s | all right |
763s | so |
764s | sean matt i think probably a good time |
767s | to hop into |
769s | the first of the sieves here that are |
771s | coming the mallions |
774s | yeah absolutely uh |
776s | give me so a second there we go sorry i |
779s | took a second to get that up yeah so |
780s | we've got the maui here we go |
782s | uh so yeah if you're going to talk about |
783s | mali the griots of mali tell the story |
786s | of the empire's founding in their most |
787s | famous poem the epic of san dieta |
790s | in west africa in the mid 13th century |
792s | samaro kante who they in the story |
795s | called uh cruel sorcerer king had been |
797s | conquering and the pressing successor |
799s | states of the ghana empire |
800s | in response the exiled mandinka king |
803s | sandhya akita |
804s | rallied a coalition of the small |
806s | neighboring kingdoms returned at the |
808s | head of an army slayed the king with an |
810s | arrow tipped with a rooster spur and |
812s | freezes people and thus founded the |
814s | empire of mali |
817s | from there the empire grew into a uh |
819s | grew with vast gold deposits |
822s | in the jungles to the south and an |
824s | extensive trade network to the north |
825s | crossing the sahara desert by the 14th |
827s | century mali was one of the richest |
829s | nations of all time when mansa musa went |
832s | on his pilgrim pilgrimage to mecca in |
834s | 1324 he brought with him and then gave |
836s | away or spent so much gold that as he |
839s | passed through cairo he depressed the |
840s | gold economy of egypt for 12 years |
844s | with that in mind to do justice to the |
846s | empire in age of empires 4 |
848s | the malians have a military tradition |
850s | rooted in hit-and-run combat and tools |
852s | for a vast gold economy |
855s | on the gold side mali has a couple of |
857s | early additions that are going to help |
858s | out your income |
859s | they're going to have toll outposts |
860s | which are the replacement for the |
862s | outpost |
863s | when one of your traders passes by |
865s | nearby it instantly generates 10 of the |
868s | carried gold it has goes right into your |
870s | bank up to 50 per trip it also retains |
873s | all the vision weapons upgrades that you |
875s | usually have so it pulls double duty and |
877s | defends that trade route for you as a |
879s | unique building they get to pit mine so |
881s | this can be built on a gold deposit |
883s | similar to how the mongol ovu is built |
885s | on a stone deposit |
887s | it generates gold over time however it |
889s | unlike the ovu it does not deplete the |
891s | gold deposit we start off laying you do |
894s | one in the dark age and then you get an |
896s | additional one per age as you advance |
898s | maxing out obviously at four in the |
900s | imperial age |
901s | uh the villagers can still access the |
903s | deposit under the mine so if you need a |
905s | lot of gold fast you can double up in |
906s | manual harvest as well |
908s | that's awesome so that means actually |
910s | because it doesn't deplete that it's |
912s | basically free gold |
913s | it is it is free gold uh it's the |
916s | passive generation starts pretty small |
918s | uh but it scales up actually with any |
920s | houses or mining camps you build around |
922s | the pit mine uh it kind of encourages |
924s | you to go out on the map expand build up |
927s | these little mining communities and then |
929s | you know you have to defend them |
930s | obviously |
932s | so you know you've got the gold what are |
934s | you going to do with it we have |
936s | traditional options for technologies and |
937s | units with the gold cost but the malians |
940s | they have other options to invest that |
942s | gold including the new gaia cattle which |
946s | is a food economy source |
948s | so you build them at your mill and they |
950s | cost gold and |
951s | immediately as soon as they pop out |
953s | they're worth about twice as much as a |
954s | sheep if you start gathering from them |
956s | immediately |
957s | starting in feudal vote you can start |
959s | building ranches nearby which lets you |
961s | put your cattle on the ranch and |
963s | generate that gold over time and it's |
964s | better for long-term growth |
967s | uh but obviously they're still there if |
969s | you want that food now to uh to get your |
971s | army going |
972s | uh other gold sources there's some or |
975s | sorry other gold uh spins there are some |
978s | landmark options for leveraging that uh |
981s | in age four you can build the griobara |
983s | which lets you spend gold to launch |
985s | festivals that temporarily buff your |
987s | entire army with uh food gathering |
989s | military production siege damage |
990s | whatever your focus is right now |
992s | and then in age three uh you have the |
995s | option of building the farimba garrison |
997s | which |
998s | can build packs of your infantry units |
1000s | at a discounted gold only cost so you |
1002s | can pump out archers or don so just with |
1005s | a bunch of surplus gold |
1007s | speaking of units there's a lot going on |
1009s | in the mountain roster they've got a |
1010s | bevy of unique infantry |
1012s | uh mali introduces our first javelin |
1014s | thrower unit which is an anti-ranged |
1016s | ranged unit |
1018s | the donso is a spearman replacement that |
1020s | does everything that you expect a |
1021s | spearmint to do in that role but they |
1023s | also get a javelin that they can throw |
1025s | that's on a moderate cooldown any time |
1027s | they're not in melee |
1028s | like their melee spear the dancers |
1031s | javelin is also also anti-cavalry so uh |
1035s | if you're charging them with a pack of |
1036s | knights you're to eat that javelin |
1038s | volley then you're going to hit their |
1039s | spear wall then you're going to start |
1041s | getting stabbed it's going to be a bad |
1042s | time |
1044s | probably the most unique uh infantry |
1046s | units for mali though are the mussofa d |
1048s | warriors and gunners |
1050s | fearsome female hunters |
1052s | and they're the man at arms and hand |
1054s | cannon replacements uh respectively the |
1056s | gunner starts uh in h4 standard as your |
1059s | gunpowder comes in |
1060s | uh the warrior however is a fast melee |
1063s | attacker that starts in feudal and it |
1065s | counters armored units |
1067s | uh both both musso 5d units share a new |
1070s | cooldown ability to enter stealth for a |
1072s | time regardless of your train no stealth |
1075s | force required |
1076s | uh and so this pair of units can appear |
1079s | out of nowhere launch devastating sneak |
1081s | attacks disappear into the fog |
1083s | in terms of counter play the stealth |
1084s | units can be exposed a lot in the same |
1086s | way as and if they were in stealth force |
1088s | scouts and outposts are effective |
1090s | outspotting them |
1091s | and |
1092s | they can't enter stealth while they're |
1093s | in active combat if you like the stealth |
1096s | and you want to double down on ambushes |
1097s | in age four you can build the fort of |
1099s | the hundreds |
1100s | uh this lets all nearby malian infantry |
1102s | enter stealth around the landmark but it |
1105s | also adds a big damage bonus to the |
1106s | musso 5d for those first attacks coming |
1109s | out of stealth it'll uh it'll kind of |
1111s | nuke them as you pop out |
1113s | uh and that's that's a taste of the |
1115s | malians there's really more to them than |
1117s | i have time to talk about but uh you'll |
1119s | all have them in your hand soon enough |
1121s | yeah there's definitely a lot more to |
1123s | them and we're going to give more |
1124s | information obviously as time goes on as |
1126s | we get closer to this update there'll be |
1127s | a lot of information for all of you |
1129s | but it |
1130s | it's such an exciting sieve and it's |
1132s | such a unique use of that stealth there |
1134s | like it's definitely a fun a fun way to |
1136s | get in there cause some trouble |
1139s | just mess things up a little bit yeah |
1141s | you don't see them coming for sure |
1144s | all right uh |
1146s | yeah i think that's pretty much |
1148s | a good gist of it for the malians there |
1151s | uh so we actually have the opposite side |
1153s | of this of these two sieves here now |
1155s | uh we have the ottomans |
1157s | yeah uh so for the ottomans we're |
1159s | telling kind of the story of uh |
1162s | osmond the first who was a leader of an |
1164s | anatolian turkic tribe um |
1167s | modern-day turkey |
1169s | which founded a |
1171s | long-running dynasty |
1173s | there's no primary sources of osman's |
1176s | life so he's almost almost a mythic |
1179s | figure |
1180s | um but uh |
1181s | the established dynasty and um |
1185s | and kind of uh continued and expanded |
1187s | the rule |
1188s | um uh with rulers uh |
1191s | kind of |
1193s | taking over um until we get to mebid ii |
1197s | who captured constantinople um which |
1201s | ended the byzantine empire |
1204s | and kind of drove the ottomans into |
1206s | basically a superpower status i renamed |
1209s | istanbul the |
1211s | it became a city that's the key center |
1213s | of trade and culture |
1215s | and the ottomans are |
1217s | established a powerful |
1220s | military tradition |
1222s | and and really a lot of uh the firsts of |
1225s | kind of modern era military |
1229s | so |
1230s | supporting that um we'll talk about the |
1232s | first system |
1234s | which is the military school |
1235s | um so for the ottomans |
1238s | they're not going to have a lot of |
1239s | economic bonuses |
1241s | it's mostly going to be tied into the |
1243s | structure called the military school |
1245s | so the military school can be built |
1247s | directly from age one |
1250s | it is limited in the amount that you can |
1252s | produce |
1253s | based on |
1255s | one each age |
1257s | but it will |
1258s | when after it's built it can be assigned |
1260s | to produce a unit and it will slowly |
1262s | produce that unit for free continuously |
1264s | until you reach pop cap or |
1267s | um |
1268s | you know until you |
1270s | change to a different unit |
1273s | so this is obviously a strong advantage |
1275s | its weakness is a little bit of its cost |
1278s | its slow rate that slow rate can be |
1280s | improved through use of their influence |
1283s | system |
1284s | but |
1285s | if you give the ottomans time then |
1287s | they'll they'll feel the a tremendous |
1289s | military and you'll be in trouble so if |
1291s | you're playing against ottomans early |
1293s | aggression tends to be |
1296s | wise |
1297s | um so another system that |
1302s | is represent of the history is the |
1304s | imperial council |
1306s | so the imperial council plays into a |
1308s | little bit of the military focus |
1312s | when you produce a military unit you get |
1314s | a little bit of experience that |
1316s | experience |
1317s | will gradually build up and at a curtain |
1320s | certain key intervals you'll get access |
1322s | to |
1323s | what we call visio points which can be |
1325s | used to unlock |
1327s | powerful global |
1329s | technologies |
1331s | um these uh |
1334s | can allow uh |
1336s | yeah they'll |
1337s | prove one of them will improve the uh |
1341s | give you access to another military |
1342s | school or improve the production rate |
1345s | but they'll have a big impact and this |
1347s | is kind of a nod to |
1349s | the sultan and vizier system that was |
1351s | set up by osman and continued forth |
1355s | in the ottoman history |
1357s | um so moving on to some of their unique |
1360s | units uh first one to mention is the |
1361s | great bombard |
1363s | so these were special cannons that were |
1366s | actually |
1370s | built |
1371s | for |
1372s | the siege of constantinople |
1375s | they they were huge massive cannons that |
1378s | shot thousand pound projectiles |
1381s | um so this will be |
1382s | one of the strongest seized weapons that |
1384s | we have in the game |
1387s | the siege weapon that you'll see on the |
1389s | ottomans almost doesn't do the real life |
1391s | thing justice uh just because we have a |
1393s | little bit of limitations with our |
1395s | pathfinding and whatnot |
1396s | uh but this cannon will be very powerful |
1399s | um and it's gonna be a very expensive so |
1402s | it's going to be a focus of for the |
1404s | ottoman player to protect it or it's |
1406s | going to be a focus of attack to really |
1408s | put the ottoman player in economic |
1410s | disadvantage if you can kill this thing |
1412s | before it has time to set up and siege |
1414s | down your city |
1416s | the meta is a is a |
1419s | unique ottoman unit that isn't really |
1421s | right |
1422s | it's not an archetypal class |
1424s | so this is a buffing unit it's a |
1426s | horseback ward drummer |
1429s | the meta is uh were war drummers that |
1431s | were used uh that were kind of uh |
1434s | originated with the ottomans um they |
1436s | were used in combat to kind of organize |
1440s | the troops or strike fear into the uh to |
1443s | the enemy troops they were also |
1446s | used on parade when uh the ottoman |
1449s | armies left city or entering the city so |
1452s | they have a strong history there |
1455s | in game |
1456s | it is uh you have three toggles on the |
1459s | unit that can be used to buff nearby |
1462s | troops um so it can be used to buff the |
1465s | attack uh the melee defense or the range |
1467s | defense of the nearby units |
1469s | only one you can have multiple matters |
1472s | but only one |
1473s | buff can be applied to any one unit a |
1475s | particular time so you have to be |
1477s | careful about how you organize |
1480s | these amongst your troops and make them |
1482s | dispersed so you can get the greatest |
1484s | possible effect um there's also an |
1488s | imperial council technology that allows |
1490s | you to |
1491s | [Music] |
1492s | increase the movement speed of any units |
1495s | that's in formation with the matter |
1497s | so this is kind of |
1499s | um fast marching your troops up to the |
1502s | front |
1504s | so you can move your |
1505s | large army around |
1507s | the last unit that i'll be talking about |
1508s | is the sapahi this is a replacement for |
1510s | the light |
1511s | horsemen |
1513s | the sapahi |
1514s | uh |
1516s | it has an ability that allow it to |
1518s | attack uh |
1520s | quicker for a period of time um |
1523s | but at the cost of fatigue of uh |
1525s | increased |
1526s | uh taking increased damage from melee |
1528s | attacks so |
1529s | generally this is a rating unit you'll |
1531s | want it there to kind of protect the |
1533s | flanks of your large formation |
1535s | um really go in hard on those archers |
1538s | but uh be careful when you use this |
1540s | ability because it could end up |
1541s | backfiring |
1543s | uh yeah and uh that's uh |
1546s | that's all i mentioned about the |
1548s | ottomans uh and we'll move on to |
1552s | more general topics i think yeah i think |
1554s | so thank you so much just for those a |
1556s | bit of a dive here into these units |
1559s | obviously there's a lot more that we |
1560s | haven't shared here that you'll learn in |
1563s | coming time about these units uh and the |
1565s | civilizations here for all of you |
1566s | watching the stream but hopefully this |
1567s | gave you a little bit more taste of what |
1569s | to expect |
1571s | but i think now yeah as you mentioned |
1573s | we'll try to go a bit more and have more |
1574s | of a discussion here about what goes |
1576s | into making a sieve and some general |
1577s | discussion because obviously |
1579s | hearing both both of you talk matt and |
1582s | sean there is |
1583s | and i can hear it in both of you but |
1584s | there's this huge passion for history |
1586s | there's there's a lot that goes into |
1587s | making these like there's |
1589s | so much research uh just open up to the |
1592s | two of you to tell us like a little bit |
1594s | of how |
1595s | how your experience has been and what |
1597s | goes into all of that |
1599s | yeah i mean it's got to start with the |
1601s | history uh |
1602s | when we pick up a new civ it's just a |
1604s | big deep dive on research we're looking |
1606s | at books articles |
1608s | journals art architecture uh as we're |
1611s | pouring through it all trying to get a |
1612s | sense of the timeline and the big |
1614s | players in an empire we're flagging |
1615s | anything that jumps out as interesting |
1617s | we're looking for major figures weapons |
1619s | technology |
1620s | the language the government the religion |
1622s | tactics major battles anything that |
1625s | might spark kind of a gameplay idea |
1627s | uh |
1628s | eventually at the end of it we have a |
1630s | kind of a tome of historical research at |
1632s | hand and then uh with a good overview uh |
1636s | we get that we enlist the help of our |
1638s | passionate team here and we start to |
1640s | distill that into a form that fits into |
1642s | age of empires |
1643s | uh |
1644s | we start to establish okay uh i feel |
1647s | like these guys are gonna be cavalry |
1648s | focused or you know this is really |
1651s | defensive or relics are gonna be a big |
1653s | deal in the case of like hre |
1656s | and then anecdotes from a battle become |
1657s | a unique unit uh you know you find |
1660s | abandoned blueprints for a tower and oh |
1662s | that'll make a great landmark |
1664s | uh maybe oh a nomadic culture sure pack |
1667s | up all your buildings move them anywhere |
1669s | how hard can that be right |
1671s | uh and then |
1673s | we eventually have a consolidated design |
1674s | and then we can start running that by |
1676s | our subject matter experts |
1680s | yeah despite you know uh what matt |
1683s | mentioned where we delve into the |
1685s | history we don't consider ourselves |
1687s | experts so |
1688s | uh we want to vet those uh kind of our |
1691s | ideas |
1692s | we want to vet our distillation of |
1694s | history |
1695s | and the ideas that we |
1697s | generate from that with subject matter |
1699s | experts |
1700s | which we specifically |
1702s | seek out um historians |
1705s | that have a wide |
1708s | breadth of knowledge in the area that |
1710s | we're talking about |
1712s | um so we can make sure that we're not |
1715s | you know we're not missing anything |
1717s | important |
1718s | that we could |
1721s | use to represent these civilizations and |
1724s | obviously that we're ensuring that |
1726s | everything is an honest respectful |
1729s | representation of the civilization that |
1731s | we're trying to |
1733s | to uh depict in the game |
1735s | um |
1737s | we uh kind of continue that |
1739s | collaborative |
1740s | effort with uh the rest of our team as |
1743s | well we make sure that the art is uh |
1746s | kind of vetted top to bottom the |
1748s | architecture |
1749s | is uh representative we have our our |
1753s | ages which represent different |
1754s | historical periods |
1756s | um |
1757s | so we have to kind of maintain that |
1759s | consistency |
1760s | um and that identity but |
1762s | uh bring the basically the |
1765s | characteristics that are were most |
1767s | common to those civilizations |
1769s | um |
1771s | audio is is a very important things uh |
1775s | in |
1775s | terms of history so |
1777s | we always want to may have a good |
1778s | conversation about speech |
1781s | and music |
1783s | since those are big factors in our game |
1786s | with the speech kind of evolving as you |
1788s | get through the later ages |
1792s | that |
1792s | that can be tricky without the help of |
1795s | experts to help us along the way |
1797s | um and just general collaboration with |
1800s | sip design we definitely don't do it all |
1802s | ourselves |
1803s | we get the supports of our gameplay |
1806s | teams uh the programmers um the balance |
1809s | team obviously crucial um |
1812s | you've seen them before on the stream |
1815s | they |
1816s | we work in collaboration with them to |
1818s | make sure that |
1820s | everything that we put out uh |
1823s | though it seems strong on paper such as |
1824s | the military schools uh we work closely |
1827s | with the bounce team to make sure that |
1828s | uh they're as balanced as possible when |
1830s | they get to |
1832s | get into the game |
1834s | yeah and they all those teams do great |
1836s | jobs like have you seen the malleon art |
1838s | those walls |
1840s | yeah |
1841s | yeah i think that's the great thing of |
1842s | seeing all of this to come together all |
1844s | these different teams within the studios |
1847s | all this knowledge this expertise |
1849s | kind of all this passion comes together |
1851s | into this nice package like it it feels |
1854s | so satisfying when you have your hands |
1856s | on it when you see not just not just the |
1858s | final product like final |
1859s | what you end up with but watching the |
1861s | process as well watching these things |
1862s | come together seeing |
1864s | like the |
1866s | things from design like as soon as you |
1867s | have like a rough idea seeing that |
1868s | evolve and over time make sure from the |
1870s | balance side like is this fun to play is |
1872s | this what we're looking for the |
1873s | experience for our players in the game |
1875s | and watching it all kind of come from |
1877s | there from all these different |
1878s | disciplines and seeing everyone's kind |
1880s | of craft specialty here |
1885s | it's definitely a wild ride to go from |
1887s | writing on your notepad but what if cow |
1891s | months later here we go |
1893s | yeah |
1894s | yeah there's a lot of important steps in |
1896s | there um especially with things like |
1898s | readability |
1899s | um there's a lot of back and forth |
1901s | between uh |
1903s | you know the concept |
1905s | as it is generated by the arts uh i mean |
1908s | informed by the history as is generated |
1909s | uh by the art into kind of |
1912s | just uh drawing concepts to |
1915s | the actual readable object in the game |
1917s | uh there's a lot of uh kind of back and |
1919s | forth and important steps that |
1922s | really go into |
1924s | making these sieves play well |
1927s | but stand out |
1931s | awesome yeah no it's definitely exciting |
1933s | i really just can't wait for everyone to |
1934s | get their hands on these sieves here and |
1936s | check them out themselves in game |
1938s | obviously this is coming october 25th as |
1940s | part of our free update i see some of |
1942s | you in chat chatting with ashley lynn |
1944s | here uh if |
1946s | if you're interested definitely do check |
1947s | out the ig empire's website and take a |
1949s | look at the public update preview |
1950s | program the pup there you may |
1953s | find yourselves with opportunities to |
1955s | test content before it kind of comes up |
1957s | through that program it's a great thing |
1959s | if you're really interested in the game |
1960s | and want to help us as well along the |
1963s | way |
1964s | but otherwise keep your eyes peeled for |
1966s | october 25th as we get closer and as we |
1968s | get closer again there'll be more and |
1970s | more information we're able to share |
1971s | with all of you as well |
1975s | uh yeah so |
1977s | sean matt i just want to say like thank |
1980s | you so much for the the dive into this |
1982s | if there's anything else you want to |
1983s | chat about otherwise like i'm totally |
1984s | fine if we want to |
1986s | wind things down end up with the trailer |
1988s | again just for everyone but yeah i'll |
1990s | leave it if if there's anything else |
1993s | i don't know the excitement's pretty |
1994s | real for me like i'm just |
1996s | it's |
1997s | seeing seeing the announcement seeing |
1999s | all of it at gamescom come to be a |
2000s | reality is just it's so satisfying |
2003s | watching all of the chats all like |
2005s | watching reddit feedback everywhere |
2006s | everyone's just like oh my god it's free |
2008s | i didn't expect that |
2010s | yeah uh trust me we were |
2013s | pinned to those reddit threads and uh to |
2016s | all the youtube reactions and twitch |
2018s | reactions it was uh it was a big day |
2020s | yeah a lot of fun to see |
2022s | yeah and to all of you |
2023s | like our team we understand there's so |
2026s | many different places for you to share |
2027s | feedback there's all of you like we we |
2029s | do scour we look at what you say in |
2031s | every venue whether that's reddit on |
2032s | random twitch videos we're out there |
2034s | taking a look at this but also the age |
2036s | of empire forums are a great place to |
2038s | share your feedback or even discord as |
2040s | well we have the age of empires discord |
2042s | and it's a great place to chat with |
2043s | other players as well and you can also |
2045s | get paint of any updates to end that |
2047s | there as well |
2048s | uh yeah |
2050s | so i think |
2052s | with that said i might just hop over and |
2055s | take a look at this trailer one more |
2057s | time with everyone here on this it's |
2059s | just so satisfying let's take one more |
2061s | look i know everyone's like smoke on the |
2063s | water it's the drumming time here we go |
2066s | [Music] |
2069s | there's more than one way to win a |
2071s | battle and every empire must find their |
2074s | own path to victory |
2085s | whether you strike from afar or ambush |
2087s | up close |
2088s | the mallians will use wit and strategy |
2091s | to out maneuver their opponents and gain |
2093s | the advantage on the battlefield |
2102s | with powerful siege tools and the |
2104s | ability to rally large formations the |
2106s | ottomans can keep the pressure on to |
2109s | bring down their enemies defenses |
2117s | [Music] |
2123s | when the drums of war beat |
2125s | how will you emerge victorious |
2131s | history is in the making |
2134s | and your place in it has just begun |
2142s | [Music] |
2147s | all right i just i had to play that one |
2149s | more time for all of you it's so |
2150s | satisfying i |
2152s | i am just so thrilled with how it turned |
2153s | out and i know all of you are pretty |
2154s | excited here as well uh so just to recap |
2158s | this is part of our free anniversary |
2160s | update coming october 25th |
2162s | if you're interested at all in checking |
2164s | things out uh keep an eye to our socials |
2166s | hop on the discord join the pop the |
2168s | public update preview program there if |
2170s | you can on the agenda's website we'll be |
2172s | getting tons and tons more information |
2174s | about not just these civilizations what |
2176s | you're seeing with the malians and |
2177s | ottomans but also |
2179s | with the free anniversary update and all |
2181s | that that entails there's a lot of |
2182s | exciting stuff uh definitely stay tuned |
2186s | to all of you here in chat i just want |
2187s | to say thank you so much for tuning in |
2190s | thank you for joining us for the ride |
2192s | that is aj vampires 4 here and seeing |
2194s | all of the exciting stuff coming we |
2195s | can't wait to get it in all of your |
2197s | hands |
2198s | i also do want to give a huge shout out |
2201s | to our guests sean and matt to thank |
2203s | them both for taking time out of their |
2205s | day to be here with us on stream uh sean |
2208s | matt thank you so very much |
2212s | and that was a pleasure yeah thank thank |
2215s | you so much i'll pull you back up on cam |
2216s | one more time as we sign off from this |
2218s | so thank you so much everyone thank you |
2220s | for tuning in we will definitely look to |
2222s | have more streams in the future as well |
2224s | and give you more up more information on |
2226s | this content as soon as we can |
2229s | so thank you so much for tuning in |
2231s | everyone |
2233s | alright see you next time |
2235s | bye everyone |
2238s | [Music] |
2241s | there's more than one way to win a |
2243s | battle and every empire must find their |
2246s | own path to victory |
2257s | whether you strike from afar or ambush |
2259s | up close |
2260s | the mallions will use wit and strategy |
2263s | to out maneuver their opponents and gain |
2265s | the advantage on the battlefield |
2274s | with powerful siege tools and the |
2276s | ability to rally large formations the |
2278s | ottomans can keep the pressure on to |
2281s | bring down their enemies defenses |
2289s | [Music] |
2294s | when the drums of war beat |
2297s | how will you emerge victorious |
2303s | history is in the making |
2306s | and your place in it has just begun |
2313s | [Music] |
2339s | [Music] |
2353s | my |
2354s | [Music] |
2389s | [Music] |
2416s | [Music] |
2437s | [Music] |
2452s | [Music] |
2505s | [Music] |
2538s | you |