5 months ago - AoE Official - Direct link

While we’re still planning for a slightly larger patch before the end of the year, we wanted to roll out a few pointed fixes earlier based on your feedback. Today’s minor patch is focused on stability, Multiplayer Pause adjustments, and some additional early balance tuning in response to player input regarding the changes to Siege. 

Keep an eye out for our next patch, and in the meantime, be careful when there’s a Full Moon! 

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Thanks again to our amazing community members, all of whom have helped to make Age of Empires what it is today!

—The Age of Empires Team

=> Download on the Microsoft Store

Remember that you’ll need to update your game in the Microsoft Store:

  • Open the Microsoft Store.
  • Click the [∙ ∙ ∙ ] symbol next to your profile picture.
  • Select Downloads and updates.
  • Press the Get updates button to automatically detect, download, and install the latest changes to your game!
  • Open the game. The title screen should show you on Build 12.0.2246.

If you are unable to launch the game after downloading the update, make sure you add (or re-add) the Age of Empires IV client or folder as an exception to your firewall and antivirus program. That’s it; you’re ready to play!

=> Download on Steam

Remember that you’ll need to update your game in Steam:

  • Open Steam.
  • Click on Library to see your games list.
  • Click Downloads at the bottom of the Library window.
  • [If the new build does not download automatically,] click the Download Now button to manually download the new update.
  • Open the game. The title screen should show you on Build 12.0.2246.

That’s it; you’re ready to play!

=> Download on the Xbox App for Windows 11

Remember that you’ll need to update your game in the Xbox App for Windows.

  • Open the Xbox app.
  • Games that are installed show up on the left side of the app.
  • Hover over the game or click it, and then select Update.
  • [If the new build does not download automatically,] hover over the game, select More Options (…), choose Manage. Under the Files tab, choose the option to Check for Updates.
  • Open the game. The title screen should show you on Build 12.0.2246.

That’s it; you’re ready to play!

For more installation help on the Xbox, please visit Xbox Support!

Still having trouble? Visit our support site!

Please Note: As part of updating to this latest build, any saved games and observable matches made on previous builds will be unable to be loaded or replayed.

Multiplayer Pause Changes

  • Based on your feedback, we’ve brought the period of required pause time for a player’s first pause back down from 60 to 30 seconds. We’ve also limited each player to only 3 pauses instead of 5. Let us know how we can continue to tune these values to ensure a fair but effective match! 
  • Fixed an issue that caused players to become stuck in the Multiplayer Pause menu after the match completed. 

General Changes and Fixes

  • Fixed two crashes related to Full Moon mode, including one that could occur when werewolves spawn in Team games.  
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when using projectiles.  

Balance Changes

  • Silk Bowstrings range improvement for Archers reduced from 2 to 1.5.
  • Silk Bowstrings range improvement for Mounted Archers reduced from 1 to .75.
  • Mangonel bonus damage vs ranged increased from 8 to 10.
  • Increase Mangonel and Nest of Bees range armor increased from 80 to 85%.
  • Ribauldequin health reduced from 225 to 215.
  • Ribauldequin Melee armor reduced from 15 to 10.


Community-Reported Issues:
  • Your reports continue being crucial to our prioritization and implementation of fixes and features in the game. Keep them coming!

For other known issues, please visit this page to see what’s being tracked!