Welcome heroes to another exciting update! It’s jam-packed with fixes and balance goodness plus a ton of new features, including Photo Mode, an alternative layout editor, and the 2025 New Year Event! So take a peek at the notes and then jump in to the latest for Age of Mythology: Retold!
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Thanks again to our amazing community members, all of whom have helped to make Age of Mythology: Retold a success thus far!
—The Age of Mythology Team
🢂 Download on the Microsoft Store
Remember that you’ll need to update your game in the Microsoft Store:
- Open the Microsoft Store.
- Click the [∙ ∙ ∙ ] symbol next to your profile picture.
- Select Downloads and updates.
- Press the Get updates button to automatically detect, download, and install the latest changes to your game!
- Open the game. The title screen should show you on Build 17.64528.
If you are unable to launch the game after downloading the update, make sure you add (or re-add) the Age of Mythology: Retold client or folder as an exception to your firewall and antivirus program.
That’s it; you’re ready to play!
🢂 Download on Steam
Remember that you’ll need to update your game in Steam:
- Open Steam.
- Click on Library to see your games list.
- Click Downloads at the bottom of the Library window.
- [If the new build does not download automatically,] click the Download Now button to manually download the new update.
- Open the game. The title screen should show you on Build 17.64528.
That’s it; you’re ready to play!
🢂 Download on the Xbox App for Windows 11
Remember that you’ll need to update your game in the Xbox App for Windows.
- Open the Xbox app.
- Games that are installed show up on the left side of the app.
- Hover over the game or click it, and then select Update.
- [If the new build does not download automatically,] hover over the game, select More Options (…), choose Manage. Under the Files tab, choose the option to Check for Updates.
- Open the game. The title screen should show you on Build 17.64528.
That’s it; you’re ready to play!
Please note that custom mods may not be compatible with the latest game update. If you are experiencing issues launching or playing the game after downloading the new build, try disabling your installed mods before trying again.
Still having trouble? Visit our support site!

Build Spotlight
New Year 2025 Event!
2025 is here and with it the New Year 2025 Event! Complete 25 challenges to earn new profile icons from January 23rd to February 26th! One new challenge will be added each day from the event’s start, and challenges will remain available until the end of the event for all who want to complete them. Plus, unlocked challenges can be completed in any order and simultaneously!
January 23rd – February 26th

Day 1 |
🔒 Train 25 Scout units in a single match. 🏆 Profile Icon Unlock – Scout |
Day 2 |
🔒Win 5 Skirmish or Multiplayer games. 🏆Profile Icon Unlock – Ajax |
Day 3 |
🔒Train 25 Hero units as the Greeks in any amount of Skirmish or Multiplayer Games. 🏆Profile Icon Unlock – Omniscience |
Day 4 |
🔒Cast Ragnarök power as the Norse. 🏆Profile Icon Unlock – Gjallarhorn |
Day 5 |
🔒Collect 2025 Food, Wood and Gold each in a single match. 🏆Profile Icon Unlock – Tartarian Gate |
Day 6 |
🔒Train 25 myth units in a single match. 🏆Profile Icon Unlock – Dwarf Miner |
Day 7 |
🔒Play 5 scenarios from the Arena of the Gods. 🏆Profile Icon Unlock – Vision |
Day 8 |
🔒Train 2025 Animals of Set in any amount of Skirmish or Multiplayer Games. 🏆Profile Icon Unlock – Champion War Elephant |
Day 9 |
🔒Deal 2025 damage using Meteor or Tornado as the Egyptians in a single match. 🏆Profile Icon Unlock – Legend |
Day 10 |
🔒Build all 5 Monuments as the Egyptians in a single match. 🏆Profile Icon Unlock – Isis |
Day 11 |
🔒Play 5 Deathmatch games. 🏆Profile Icon Unlock – Anubite |
Day 12 |
🔒Collect 2025 favor points using the Norse in a single match. 🏆Profile Icon Unlock – Long Serpent |
Day 13 |
🔒Cast 25 god powers in any amount of Skirmish or Multiplayer Games. 🏆Profile Icon Unlock – Titan Smash |
Day 14 |
🔒Reach The Wonder Age 5 times with 5 different Major Gods in any amount of Skirmish or Multiplayer Games. 🏆Profile Icon Unlock – Servant |
Day 15 |
🔒Deal 2025 damage using Implode as the Atlanteans in a single match. 🏆Profile Icon Unlock – Oranos |
Day 16 |
🔒Cast the Sentinel God Power 5 times as Hades in any amount of Skirmish or Multiplayer Games. 🏆Profile Icon Unlock – Heal |
Day 17 |
🔒Deal 2025 damage using infantry units in a single match. 🏆Profile Icon Unlock – Petrification |
Day 18 |
🔒Win 10 Skirmish or Multiplayer games. 🏆Profile Icon Unlock – Will of Kronos |
Day 19 |
🔒Deal 2025 damage using Lightning Storm or Earthquake as the Greeks in a single match. 🏆Profile Icon Unlock – Divine Shield |
Day 20 |
🔒Summon Nidhogg or Fenrir as the Norse in a single match. 🏆Profile Icon Unlock – Thor |
Day 21 |
🔒Train 25 Throwing Axemen, 10 Raiding Cavalry and 5 Portable Ram as the Norse in any amount of Skirmish or Multiplayer matches. 🏆Profile Icon Unlock – Caravan Greek |
Day 22 |
🔒Complete any campaign mission on the ludicrous difficulty setting. 🏆Profile Icon Unlock – Valhalla’s Chosen |
Day 23 |
🔒Deal 2025 damage using myth units in a single match. 🏆Profile Icon Unlock – Transfiguration |
Day 24 |
🔒 Promote 25 units using the Atlanteans in a single match. 🏆Profile Icon Unlock – Buck |
Day 25 |
🔒Fully upgrade the Military Academy, Archery Range and Stable as the Greeks in a single match. 🏆Profile Icon Unlock – Zeus |
New Feature: Photo Mode

- A new Photo Mode has been added allowing you to capture the perfect screenshot!
- Launch Photo Mode from the Pause menu in single player games.
- Photo Mode can also be opened using Ctrl + F12 on the keyboard.
- Settings/Hotkeys are available to control how you experience Photo Mode.
Note: This feature is currently only available on PC clients and will release to console users in a future patch.

New Feature: Alternative Editor

- A new alternative layout editor has been added in addition to the editor you may already be familiar with.
- The old UI will be active by default. To open the new alternative editor go to the UI Settings and locate the “Enable Alternate Editor UI” option. Enabling this option will swap the editor UI you launch into. This setting can only be changed from the Main Menu.
- The Alternative Editor UI provides a different UX experience whilst providing the same features you have come to expect.
- Feedback is welcome as ongoing improvements continue for the editor.
Note: The editor is only available on PC clients.

Stability & Performance
- Improved network multiplayer performance in some situations by combining network messages and removing some unnecessary messages.
- Fixed a bug causing spectators to freeze while attempting to spectate large matches.
- Fixed a bug causing replay playback speed to be excessively slow in some situations.
- Fixed various crashes that could occur in some rare situations.
- Minor performance improvements for game simulation.
- Optimizations for minimap lighting performance.
- Improved performance when interacting with some color sliders.
- Fixed a crash that could occur in the editor in some rare situations.
- Fixed a crash that could occur after a network disconnect/reconnect during loading into an Arena of the Gods single player match.
- Fixed a couple of crashes that could occur in various situations while using a controller.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when a selected unit was defeated.
- Fixed a bug causing the warning about unsafe mods for multiplayer to not appear translated in some situations.
- Fixed a visual bug with Kastor’s Staff clipping in The New Atlantis 12b cinematic.
- Fixed timing of the Slinger’s weapon animation to match the Slinger unit.
- Adjusted Atlantean Titan’s Walk animation speed.
- Adjusted some terrain and grass types to modify the type of grass used.
- Fixed a bug causing Friend or Foe colors to not be applied correctly in some cases.
- Fixed a bug causing the edge of the world to show incorrect terrain transitions.
- Fixed a bug causing inconsistent audio experiences in the Arena of the Gods menus.
- Fixed a bug causing a restart to be required for audio to play with the correct language if you changed language while a language download was occurring.
- Fixed a bug causing sounds to play while skipping cutscenes in some situations.
- Color accessibility options can now be changed mid-game.
- Minor visual updates to various areas of the UI.
- Minor updates to improve visuals on the Villager Priority UI.
- Minor updates to improve accessibility in the Arena of the Gods UI when some settings are enabled.
- Fixed a bug causing replays with only one player to show broken UI.
- Fixed a bug causing the replay resource and power bar toggles to be hard to click in the UI.
- To prevent crashes and unintended behavior the Benchmark and Editor options are now only present while on the Main Menu.
- Fixed a bug causing some settings to reset when opening the controls popup in the settings menu.
- Fixed a bug causing the list of available resolutions provided in the settings menu to appear incorrectly.
- Fixed a bug causing the “Collapse Chat Room” UI element to show no visible focus.
- Fixed a bug causing unbuilt Obelisks to have a non-functional second site-based command.
- Fixed a bug causing a conflict between Heroic Renewal and the Flare button on Temple buildings.
- Fixed a bug preventing confirmation in the Pantheon selection screen if you de-selected all Gods and toggled Random All.
- Removed the site command on berries to construct a farm.
- Improved the user experience when errors occur due to errors from custom or invalid AI when loading saved games or with mods that cause errors.
- Fixed a bug causing the Eject All Units action on the Temple to also eject garrisoned relics.
- Added multiplayer Browser Games lobby filter for custom scenarios, victory conditions, and military auto queue.
- Filters are now correctly applied when opening the Browse Games multiplayer screen.
- The search text field in the Browse Games multiplayer lobby is reset now after changing filters and applying the changed filters.
- Removed Map Size and Game Speed filters from the Browse Games multiplayer filter options.
- Filter options will now default to showing Joinable games and observable types will now default to showing Ranked games.
- Move commands issued via the minimap will now give visual feedback.
- “Immediately Autoqueue Villagers at Game Start” and “Allow Villager Priority” settings can now be changed while in a lobby.
- Fixed a bug causing notifications to not be cleaned up properly when they became hidden.
- Mouse wheel can now be used to scroll Compendium items.
- World space tooltips will now hide when you enter a popup to prevent unintended overlaps of UI elements.
- New hotkeys options available for Photo Mode.
- Added a new Control Group Flick Selection setting for controller. With this setting enabled, holding the Control Group Menu open, highlighting a control group, then releasing the menu input selects the control group and closes the menu.
- Added God Power cost as a world tooltip while placing God Powers using a controller.
- Controller now behaves with the same rules as Mouse and Keyboard for control groups. Buildings and Units can no longer be added to the same control group.
- Added new option to modify the expanded minimap size when using a controller with a scale of 100% to 250%.
- Fixed a bug causing the garrison edit mode to not behave correctly when using a controller. A garrison forbidden icon will now show in some situations while using a controller.
- Minor adjustments to the feel of selection on controller.
- Auto-Farm toggle is now available via the D-Pad on controller.
- The D-Pad can now be used to continue moving in a direction while navigating some menus to match use of the stick.
- Fixed a bug causing an unnecessary selection change and hover sound to play when trying to use the Age-Up button while it is disabled in the controller UI.
- Fixed a bug causing narration to behave in unintended ways for tooltips when using a controller in the radial menu.
- When an action in the controller radial menu fails to succeed an invalid button sound will now play to indicate the failure occurred.
- Added hover tooltips when using a controller.
- Fixed a bug when playing on Xbox with a Keyboard and Mouse that could leave your cursor as a Hammer icon if you opened the pause menu while placing a building.
- Added Flare to the D-Pad in the controller site menu.
- The Radial menu now opens on the Garrison menu for Transports when using a controller.
- “Build Here” site commands now only require one press.
- Fixed a bug causing tech buttons to appear incorrectly when research is occurring on other buildings.
- Pressing the Left Thumbstick on controller to snap to selected units multiple times now cycles the selected units.
- Radial menu and minimap now close via the same buttons used to open them.
- Multiple villagers can now be sent to resources using site based commands.
- Added a garrison command to fishing ships for controller.
- Added a button to eject and return to work for Manors when using a controller.
- Added a rally point button for the Dwarven Armory when using a controller.

- Fixed a bug causing placement of walls to be difficult in some situations when trying to place near resources or other buildings.
- Improvements to AI behavior dealing with island migration.
- Updates to pathfinding to improve handling of goals and navigation of rotated obstructions.
- Iteration on the AI to make it perform better in certain situations.
- Fixed a pathfinding bug that could cause units to slide while chasing other units with a similar speed.
- Fixed a bug that could cause unintended behavior when AI was heroizing Atlantean units due to an overlap of goals in research plans.
- Improvements for time skipping of cutscenes while in multiplayer and everyone agrees to skip. Improves cutscene skipping speed in Arena of the Gods while playing in multiplayer mode.
- AI can now cast the Underworld Passage God Power.
- Fixed a bug preventing AI from recasting Earthquake, Tornado, Implode and Meteor.
- Fixed a bug causing recalculation of a player’s population to be incorrect in some situations.
- Fixed a bug that could cause recorded games to freeze at frame 0 if your device had not been rebooted for 25 days or longer.
- Fixed a bug causing Norse Gatherers to become idle if their ox-cart is garrisoned in a Sentry Tower.
- Fixed a bug causing Greek Favor generation to be impacted incorrectly by the Player Handicap.
- Fixed a bug causing AI to resign in Arena of the Gods in some situations where they should not have resigned yet.
- Multiplayer pause restrictions now also apply when playing Arena of the Gods in Co-op.
- Fixed a bug causing range rings on monuments to show incorrectly in some situations.
- Fixed a bug allowing edge scrolling while running the benchmark scenario.
- Fixed a bug causing transformed Berserks to attempt to gather resources and ignore other commands in some situations when using the Villager Priority System.
- Fixed a bug in Arena of the Gods where the Ullr research cost/time was not free.
- Untouched foundations no longer block placement of movable units (e.g. Gullinbursti) through God Powers.
- Placement logic for non-movable resource objects (e.g. Dwarven Mine) now properly account for untouched/non-solid foundations.
- Thrown units no longer bounce when hitting an obstruction if the destination is a water tile.
- Fixed a bug causing Attack Move to not work in some situations.

- Villager: Bonus damage vs siege units reduced from 2x → 1.5x.
Sentry Tower: Adjusted as follows
- Pierce damage increased from 4 → 5.
- Build limit increased from 20 → 30.
- Fortresses: Build limit increased from 10 → 15.
- Town Center: Pierce damage reduced from 12 → 10. (This is to help make sure fast expand strategies have more room for counter-play.)
- Citadel Center: Pierce damage reduced from 15 → 12.
- Mythic Age: Cost increased from 1000 food 1000 gold → 1200 food 1200 gold.
- Hermes’ Winged Sandals: Hero movement speed reduced from +10% → +5%.
- Dwarven Horseshoes: Cavalry movement speed reduced from +10% → +5%.
- Staff of Dionysus: Villager regeneration rate increased from 0.5 → 1.0 per second.
- Fetters of Fenrir: Villager damage increased from +20% → +30%.
- Demeters Throne: House & resource drop site build speed increased from +100% → 300%.
- Demeters Throne: House & resource drop site cost reduced from -25% → 50%.
- Trojan Gate Hinge: Wall hitpoints increased from +20% → +40%.
- Skulls of the Cercopes: Relic monkey hitpoints reduced from 40 → 35.
- Tower of Sestus: Bonus damage vs myth units increased from +40% → +100%.
All Pantheon Changes

All Pantheon Changes

Greek Pantheon
Minor Gods
- Sarissa (Technology) – Cost increased from 100 wood 15 favor → 125 wood 20 favor.
- Restoration (God Power) – Favor cost increased from 80 → 100 favor.
- Ares: Deimos’ Sword of Dread (Technology) – Research time reduced from 40 → 20 seconds.
Hera: Argive Patronage (Technology) – Adjusted as follows
- Cost reduced from 300 food 300 gold 40 favor → 200 food 300 gold 30 favor.
- Myrmidon spawn rate increased from 45 → 60 seconds.
- This is to counter-act the increase in the fortress build limit, as well as making the technology more accessible by making it cheaper to compensate the nerf.
- Dionysus: Bronze (God Power) – Human soldiers, myth units, and ships armor vulnerability reduced from -45% to -40%.
- Hephaestus: Plenty Vault (God Power) – Resources generated increased from 3 → 4 per second, per resource.
Myth Units
- Colossus (Hephaestus): Favor cost reduced from 35 → 30.
Hero Units
- Hippolyta (Poseidon): Pierce damage increased from 13 → 15.
- Odysseus (Zeus): Pierce damage increased from 10 → 11.
- Chiron (Hades): Pierce damage increased from 11 → 13.
Human Units
- Hippeus: Hack armor increased from 10% → 15%.
Hetairos (Poseidon): Adjusted as follows
- Hack damage reduced from 10 → 8.
- Now has +50% bonus damage vs archers.
- Fortress: Pierce damage increased from 9 → 10.

Egyptian Pantheon
Major Gods
- Devotees (Monument Aura): Human Soldier discount increased from -5% → -10%.
Minor Gods
- Sekhmet: Bone Bow (Technology) – Chariot archer range and line of sight reduced from +3 → +2.
Thoth: Valley of the Kings (Technology) – Now gives free units less quickly
- After the upgrade is researched, the training rate of Migdol Stronghold and Barracks whilst being empowered by a Pharaoh has been reduced. (This effect was already present but has been made more pronounced.)
Example (with Levy & Conscript upgrades): War Elephants train speed whilst being empowered
- Before: 12.06 seconds.
- After: 15.08 seconds. (This is effectively a -20% reduction in train speed, when empowered by the Pharaoh.)
- Osiris: Desert Wind (Technology) – Camel Rider hitpoints, speed and damage reduced from +20% → +15%.
- Bast: Eclipse (God Power) – Duration reduced from 80 → 66 seconds.
Myth Units
Wadjet (Ptah): Adjusted as follows
- Pierce damage increased from 6 → 12.
- Poison divine damage reduced from 4 → 2.5 per second, for 5 seconds. (This results in a total of 7.5 divine damage lost, and 6 pierce damage gained per attack.)
- Phoenix (Thoth): Damage increased from 40 hack 50 crush → 50 hack 50 crush.
Phoenix Egg (Thoth): Adjusted as follows
- Pierce armor reduced from 90% → 80%.
- Phoenix rebirth timer reduced from 60 → 50 seconds.
- Hippopotamus of Set (Set): Favor cost reduced from 10 → 9.
Elephant of Set (Set): Adjusted as follows
- Hack damage increased from 9 → 10.
- Now has a 1.5x bonus damage vs buildings.
Mummy (Osiris): Adjusted as follows
- Special attack recharge time increased from 10 → 18 seconds.
- Special attack divine damage reduced from 4 → 3 per second, for 15 seconds. (This reduces the divine damage from 60 to 45 on all affected units per special attack.)
Human Units
- Chariot Archer: Hitpoints reduced from 100 → 95.
- Monument to Villagers (First Monument): favor generation rate reduced from 0.1 → 0.075.
- Monument to Priests (Third Monument): favor rate increased from 0.1 → 0.125.
- Monument to Pharaohs (Fourth Monument): favor rate increased from 0.1 → 0.15.
- Migdol Stronghold: Pierce damage increased from 8 → 9.

Norse Pantheon
Major Gods
- Human soldier & hero bonus damage multipliers reduced from +25% → +20%.
Gullinbursti (God Power): Adjusted as follows
- Birth damage reduced from 50 hack → 20 hack.
- Birth damage now increases by 20 hack each age. (This should make the initial impact of the god power a little weaker early on, but stronger in later stages.)
Minor Gods
- Servants of Glory (Technology) – Idle build-up movement speed diminishes -66% slower.
- Ydalir (Technology) – Research time reduced from 25 → 15 seconds. (62.5 → 37.5 seconds for Freyr.)
- Vidar: Silent Resolve (Technology) – Idle build-up damage diminishes -60% slower.
- Njord: Ring Giver (Technology) – Jarl hitpoints reduced from +25% → +20%. (This is to compensate for the Jarl base hitpoints buff.)
- Bragi: Flaming Weapons (God Power) – Human soldier and hero damage reduced from +75% → +60%.
Myth Units
- Fire Giant (Hel, Baldr): Population cost reduced from 5 → 4.
- Fafnir (Vidar): Hitpoints increased from 1300 → 1400.
Hero Units
- Godi: Bonus damage vs myth units increased from 5.5x → 6x.
Siege Units
Ballista: Adjusted as follows
- Crush damage increased from 12 → 15.
- Population cost reduced from 4 → 3.
Human Units
- Huskarl: Train time reduced from 9.5 → 7.5 seconds.
- Jarl: Hitpoints increased from 180 → 190.
- Hirdman: Hack damage increased from 4 → 5.
- Hill Fort: Damage increased from 7 → 8.
- Asgardian Hill Fort (Ullr): Damage increased from 7 → 8.

Atlantean Pantheon
Minor Gods
Atlas: Implode (God Power) – Adjusted as follows
- Cooldown increased from 60 → 180 seconds.
- Unit min/max pull time increased from 0.1/0.15 → 0.15/0.25.
- Implode escape radius reduced from 40 → 35. (Units are pulled in slower, and the escape radius is reduced, this should hopefully allow enough room to escape the implode, particularly with faster moving units.)
Myth Units
Man O’ War (Mythic Age Naval Unit): Adjusted as follows
- Attack range reduced from 12 → 10.
- Divine damage reduced from 40 → 35.
- Promethean (Prometheus): Cost increased from 90 food 8 favor → 90 food 9 favor.
- Caladria (Oceanus): Movement speed reduced from 5.3 → 5.0.
Behemoth (Rheia): Adjusted as follows
- Hitpoints increased from 650 → 700.
- Damage increased from 9 Hack 18 Crush → 20 Hack 90 Crush.
- No longer has 5x bonus damage against buildings.
Lampades (Hekate): Adjusted as follows
- Flipped order of chaos and transfiguration abilities, so its first auto-cast attack will always be the transfiguration ability.
- Ranged attack and special attacks range increased from 12 → 14.
Hero Units
- Citizen (Hero): Bonus damage vs siege units reduced from 3x to 1.5x. (This was much higher than originally intended, and now brought into line with the other villager units.)
Turma (Hero): Adjusted as follows
- Movement speed reduced from 5.8 → 5.6.
- Attack range increased from 12 → 13.
- Contarius (Hero): Food cost increased from 45 → 50.
- Cheiroballista & Hero: will now hit 2 projectiles more accurately, rather than than just one per volley. (This is an attempt to make the cheiroballista more consistent, particularly at longer ranges.)
Human Units
Turma: Adjusted as follows
- Movement speed reduced from 5.5 → 5.3.
- Attack range increased from 12 → 13.
- Contarius: Food cost increased from 60 → 65.
- Palace: Pierce damage increased from 8.5 → 9.5.

- Fixed a bug preventing use of the Black Map and Fog toggles in the editor.
- Object placement in the editor will now try to show the unit icon for the object currently being placed if one is available.
- Added new KB functions including: kbProtoUnitHasTrainCommands
- Added trGodPowerCancelAll as a new default trigger option called God Power: Remove All.

As always, we are continuing to track issues reported by the community for future updates.
For other known issues, please visit this page to see what’s being tracked!

What's on the Horizon?
Coming Up…
Welcome to Age of Mythology: Retold in 2025! We are really excited about our upcoming content releases and know that the community is aching for news too. With this update in your hands, we are now heads-down working on our next exciting update which will bring new challenges for everyone to enjoy!
Speaking of things to look forward to, we are also hard at work on Immortal Pillars, the next chapter in the AoM: Retold saga. We can share that it’s been a journey and a labor of love for all of us, so be on the lookout for more as we finalize all the details!
Please note that this list is subject to change and should not be considered a comprehensive list of all the known issues we’re tracking. The above is to inform you of the team’s current priorities, which will change as other issues arise or take precedence.
For the latest updates and announcements, please visit our social channels.
Minor Update 18.419
- Fixed issues with Campaign AI not activating as expected in certain missions.