almost 2 years ago - Age of Empires - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

82s [Music]
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604s [Music]
608s hello everyone and welcome to a
613s somewhat sad somewhat special uh stream
616s here we've got going so this is part of
618s our road to ranked series which we've
619s been doing the last we've done a few of
621s these over the last few weeks here um
624s but today's is
627s very special but also sad because this
629s is elliot's final stream with us here so
632s this is gonna be his last shot on road
634s to ranked
635s uh for those that might not know elliott
638s today is a
639s a day that's going to be happening
643s uh yeah yeah um i'll i'll take it from
646s here go for it uh grant i know you
648s prefaced this with you know sad but also
650s you know it is still an exciting stream
652s but um yeah i'm uh wrapping up my time
655s here at relic i think we announced the
656s last the tail end of the last stream if
658s you missed it but
660s yeah i mean i wrote a goodbye letter to
662s the community because honestly
665s being part of the age community for the
666s past five years especially with age four
668s under development uh we had a lot of
670s time to help focus on age one two three
673s definitive division and being a part of
675s that all was just such a blessing and
677s such an honor so
678s um yeah am i going to apple then you
680s know i'm not gonna
682s that might be me games like they don't
684s make games like how we make games so no
686s no i'm the apple fanboy here ellie it's
688s all pc all the way
690s yeah uh i am definitely you know i have
693s a full fully pc here i built here i'm
696s definitely an android user
698s so yeah
699s but hey nothing wrong with it you know
701s you like apple okay i don't want to get
702s into this that's not the point this so i
704s just posted in chat but i wrote a
705s goodbye letter to you all um because
707s it's been an honor and honestly been a
710s joy to be part of the age community for
712s the past five years and it is
714s you know it's definitely super duper
715s bittersweet that this is the last stream
717s grant um it feels weird it feels like
720s you know we've been doing this so much
722s so often that like
723s to call this the final stream just feels
725s so weird it's gonna be weird fridays
728s without you it's like where's elliot
729s what's happening because yeah it was
732s close to three years ago for me when i
734s started at relic and meeting elliot
736s getting to work alongside him it's been
737s absolutely amazing he's
739s definitely a huge huge member of the
741s community but he also he is there to
743s champion for you all and it's going to
745s be sad without him so but there are so
747s there are obviously like i'm still here
749s and then all of the partners that we're
750s all dead so we're going to definitely be
751s continuing to champion for all of you uh
753s but it's always sad seeing someone
756s leave and i'm definitely elliot not
758s gonna be a stranger i'm gonna definitely
760s keep in contact with you yeah no i'm
763s definitely gonna keep in touch with all
764s the folks i've been working with so yeah
766s um someone asked where's my hat uh i
768s felt like you know especially with how
770s intense
771s comp game gets it gets a little warmer
773s so i'm just trying to maximize the
775s airflow in my head right now you need
777s like a nice headband like one of the
778s like gaming headbands
780s yeah like we keep there we go there's
782s there's some swag
783s team there is the next swag uh red or
786s blue low headbands done yeah yeah needs
790s to happen
790s uh we gotta kill that right uh
792s yeah no not yeah we definitely get you
794s know patent pending no um yeah so i'm
796s not wearing a hat today um and then age
799s of empires asked uh what's my favorite
801s age mom from the last million years i've
803s been working here um i have a million
804s years wow
806s i would say honestly gamescom 2017. uh
809s we got to travel to cologne germany and
811s we did a huge fan event in this like i
814s think it was like a retrofitted castle
815s or like
817s some kind of like battlement or it was
818s something like it was like retrofitted
820s to become an event space so
822s we got to announce h4 there and just
824s seeing the crowd do that like react the
826s way they did was just epic so
829s you know that on top of the many
830s different competitions we've seen on
832s stream like and being you know being
833s able to be at ecl uh
835s excuse me ecl finals in uh in the uk
838s back in 2019 and exo 2019 is also pretty
842s dope so
843s yeah lots of lots of cool moments that
845s uh been part of the age stuff
847s yeah definitely
849s it's gonna be sad but
851s it's been great to see how far we've
853s taken age four so far like watching
855s together seeing everything everything go
857s into it i'm sure it's been a great
858s moment for you elliot to see this
860s this come from basically fruit like
862s concept all the way through to launch
864s and seeing it as a live game here with
865s everyone playing it seeing the community
867s like the excitement people loving it
869s it's great yeah yeah and just the fact
871s getting age h4 out the door was such a
873s long journey that i'm uh
875s it's been such a core part of my day
877s every day that it's gonna feel weird
879s tomorrow where i'm like
881s oh i don't i don't need well i'm going
883s to i think it's just a habit at this
884s point but i don't need to pick the h4
886s news or subreddit or forums um
889s and it's gonna be a sad but you know
891s that being said i'm gonna put a small
892s plug in we obviously have the uh
894s egc golden league that's going on so
896s that is exciting to watch and i cannot
898s wait for the epic final conclusion in
900s two weeks time so i am so excited to see
902s that um
904s and yeah
905s yeah no definitely exciting uh
907s yeah so i guess we're gonna get this
909s thing on the road in just a second yeah
911s let's get started before we do i just
912s want to mention one
914s little bit of housekeeping on these
915s streams
916s obviously with this shift it does mean
919s we need some time to probably take a
920s look at what future streams are going to
922s turn into so i believe
924s and
925s we will confirm on socials when the next
927s stream is but i think at least for the
929s next week we might be taking that off to
931s do a bit of
933s figuring it out making sure who's gonna
934s come on stream with me here if we have
936s someone else and what that looks like so
938s we'll probably be taking next friday off
940s and we'll let everyone know what our
943s streaming plan in the future looks like
944s beyond that point just because with
946s elliot leaving us we want to make sure
947s we have everything covered we want to
949s make sure we're doing everything for the
950s community and while these streams are a
951s lot of fun and i'm happy to be here uh
953s there's definitely other exciting stuff
954s as well to make sure we've got covered
957s yep
958s absolutely
960s awesome so yeah these are road ranked uh
962s last time let me just switch over see
965s where we ended up last time here on your
966s screen elliott look at that
970s so just chatting a little bit about this
972s obviously we roll out ranked with the
973s season one update uh that happened last
976s month um
978s grant to conquer three when um oh no
981s never never
983s not unless i like we do some edits to my
986s account
987s yeah
989s uh in photoshop
991s just photoshop photoshop
992s uh
993s too excited uh we've been doing this
995s road to break series where i'm playing
996s ranked on stream um seeing how we can do
999s and how p thank you for the raid uh
1001s welcome everybody for joining in we're
1002s about to start the road to rank series
1004s today uh which will be the final one for
1006s me because i am wrapping up my time here
1008s at relics so uh last we dipped down
1011s silver two but now we're going back up
1013s to the silver three with the win uh last
1015s stream uh we placed gold in the first
1017s stream and yeah i'm gonna try to get
1018s back to gold before we wrap things up so
1020s hopefully in a win or two uh we can do
1023s that and then call it so yeah thanks
1025s everybody who joined just joined in um
1026s you're joining tuning in on our road to
1028s ranks so uh yeah it's great should we
1030s just get started like i think so i think
1033s yeah this is this is all about getting
1035s some games in seeing if we can get you
1036s to gold uh spending some time with the
1038s community for your last last bit of time
1039s here my last stream yeah to everyone
1042s watching this like this this stream is
1044s gonna go we're gonna try to go to around
1045s 4 p.m um so this is going to be one of
1047s the last things elliot actually actually
1049s is doing it right like we're spending
1051s our time he's spending his time here
1052s with all of you so hopefully you enjoyed
1054s hopefully have some fun watching him
1056s play
1057s i think it's poetic because you know
1058s what without the community we wouldn't
1060s be able to do what we do so it is from
1061s the bottom of my heart a huge thanks to
1063s you guys for
1064s being a part of all this and welcoming
1066s us honestly and all the age different
1068s age titles so
1069s um that being said i don't know if i'm
1071s gonna play english or hre hra's like my
1073s absolute favorite sim to play but like
1075s english i have a better time and it's a
1077s little easier for me so
1079s i feel like i don't know what to do and
1081s one thing i want to emphasize with these
1083s streams is please please please backseat
1085s like please
1086s oh my god the chad that that does not
1089s seem like a good uh
1096s so uh we'll see how it goes is that
1098s bronze or gold i i think it's bronze i
1100s think that's bronze
1102s yeah
1103s ozzy drongo hello welcome to the stream
1106s i'm good to see a lot of familiar faces
1107s and names here um yeah let's start with
1110s the english if i get the dub here then
1111s maybe i'll do hre next so uh yeah we'll
1113s get started we're going to be on
1114s hillandale and yeah
1117s and start here oh man if you get gold
1119s this first time ellie you got to make
1120s sure we keep it i know that's that's the
1123s stressful part so again as i said
1124s earlier we 100 outbacks
1127s please let me know if i make a mistake
1129s if i've idled anything like this is for
1131s you guys to also help us out we're now
1133s nowhere near a pro player we are just
1136s here to play and have fun so yeah let's
1138s uh let's let's get to it
1142s all right and i forgot i'm supposed to
1144s actually build a scout to begin with
1146s that was the first lesson that i learned
1148s uh playing this
1151s so what i like to do is grab the sheep
1152s initial sheep that's around my base and
1153s then drop it off right away so i can
1155s have
1156s a source steady source of food
1158s um
1159s yeah where's my gold
1162s let's uh build a gold mine there
1166s scout's idling i've already i'm already
1168s falling behind
1182s all right let's get the other scout on
1184s the road and what we want why we want to
1186s get another scout house to deny our
1188s opponents their food
1189s uh if that makes sense because we want
1191s to make sure that we are having the full
1193s advantage here on our opponents
1195s missed the sheep there yeah i did i
1197s think he picked it up there we go we got
1198s three sheeps there so we're already on a
1200s good pace there
1201s uh pop cap reach which is fine because
1203s we're gonna still produce more villagers
1204s as it's happening
1205s yeah and then uh
1208s just getting the show on the road here
1213s if he tries to tower rush you have to
1214s kill him with your villager balls yes i
1216s will keep that in mind
1218s oh am i playing the ma i am playing the
1219s mongols aren't they yep i've been
1221s playing the models
1223s okay
1224s this is gonna require some uh speedy's
1226s oh no what's going on
1228s already
1232s okay we're gonna get start chopping on
1234s some wood
1236s hey this is
1256s yes it killed him i did it yo nice i did
1259s it
1260s i killed you
1263s i did it
1265s see i learned that from stream you guys
1266s told me i have to do that so i did
1275s that feels so good yes it does it does
1277s feel good to steal my opponent's sheep
1280s although you only had one it also feels
1281s good to just kill the company again you
1283s learn from stream
1285s fellow silver three player yes represent
1288s 100
1295s where is my opponent i'm actually very
1297s curious
1299s um now i think i've got the ratios right
1301s now i'm starting to pump food so i can
1302s age up a little quicker um
1307s i'm not sure i guess i could have built
1308s the mill because i think one thing is to
1310s do a mill oh a spy sheep that is correct
1312s he's
1313s he's oh there he is there is our
1315s opponent okay nope he's trying to do
1316s what he did to me
1318s ha ha not this time sir
1320s [Music]
1322s not this time
1324s elliot's on to you
1327s yeah
1328s there we go and we can age up there
1330s nice that's a quick age up going here
1332s first three minutes
1345s where'd the blue sheep go i need to make
1347s sure i pick him up before my opponent
1350s does something else
1358s oh there he is there's the blue sheep
1360s hello blue shield you are now mine
1362s excellent
1380s okay let's explore the rest of the map
1381s that's a little dark still
1386s then finish it up and then come back to
1388s base here
1391s now the meta on english delay your age
1392s up to stargate wheelbarrow and fortified
1394s yeah i you know what i tried to follow
1396s the build there and i failed miserably
1398s last time on stream which is why you
1400s know i'm just kind of going with what i
1401s know but again if i miss anything please
1403s let me know um happy to try to make
1405s adjustments as b need be but you know
1408s like i said i am by no means a pro
1410s player whatsoever so hence why uh
1412s why you know we're trying to do what we
1413s can yeah clutch scout save definitely
1416s again i've been learning watching people
1418s play and also just seeing how people
1420s react on stream so that's also why you
1422s know trying to make sure that um you
1424s know
1425s yeah i realized i didn't have enough
1426s villagers on uh on wood which is why um
1432s yeah because i actually can't start
1433s producing long moments
1438s now we can get started
1443s i wonder about new builds during the
1444s middle of the game yeah i know but we we
1446s tried doing the beastie qt build to
1447s begin with and i just failed miserably
1450s yeah last last stream we had tried that
1452s didn't necessarily go in your favor
1454s that's the one thing with new builds is
1455s like it takes time to be able to execute
1457s them right right yeah that's the thing i
1460s didn't
1460s really do
1462s oh that's kind of weird
1464s he's hitting me from behind
1470s i don't need my gold right now so i'm
1471s not hurting it's still annoying sir
1474s to be attacking my poor villagers
1482s and make sure you're constantly pumping
1484s out villagers because that's going to
1485s help boost your eco
1490s he just hit the fuel
1495s he's not too far behind
1498s but i'm wondering if i can start
1499s harassing
1501s i can't yeah
1504s but he already has an elf oh wait
1512s whoops i pop popcapped myself
1516s oh you got some messaging from chat
1517s saying wheelbarrow don't forget the
1518s wheelbarrow
1521s yes wheelbarrow good call y'all
1545s all right and then said something about
1546s farms but i think i need more villagers
1548s actually on
1549s woodstock
1551s falling behind but that being said i'm
1552s gonna pull one when i can
1554s but yeah we're gonna loop around and see
1556s if we can harass around
1558s around the way that's good
1562s still
1563s some chaos here
1568s hey i'm going to pop cap again already
1572s we also get a
1575s blacksmith going so i could start uh
1578s doing some things like you know a ram
1580s you know
1590s [Music]
1592s hello
1610s oh no silly villagers you're going the
1612s wrong way
1617s [Music]
1633s i'm wondering if i should upgrade
1634s anything
1636s i feel like i'm going to try see if that
1638s doesn't
1649s shhh
1655s oh let's stop this guard house i think
1657s it might be too late but i'm gonna get
1658s at least a couple more villagers picked
1659s off
1660s for uh
1661s before he can finish this
1663s okay that's good i've done the damage i
1666s think i've done the damage i've done
1667s enough of her ass let's get going out of
1669s here
1676s let's get out let's pull up we're gonna
1678s pull out now and just focus on getting
1680s eco going
1682s um yeah i need to make sure i'm not
1684s losing focus here so definitely have
1687s done that
1693s they say
1694s they aren't next year tc still get
1696s really cheap oh do i i do oh my goodness
1699s that is a good call
1700s see this is why we talk to y'all on
1702s stream
1708s oh my god so many idols this is i was
1710s wondering what's going on here
1714s this again not full double play for a
1716s reason
1717s uh gdlc mlp thank you so much and uh
1720s yeah i'm still gonna play on the ladder
1721s even though again i'm not gonna be great
1723s but um you'll still see me around so
1725s it's not like i'm not um
1726s i'm disappearing uh for whatever it's
1729s worth but yeah yeah um
1731s i can't imagine you just disappearing
1733s age is such a part of it like elliot the
1735s first thing you do in the morning when
1735s you wake up is gonna go check check out
1737s reddit doesn't it
1739s i mean i do that anyway so it doesn't
1742s that doesn't change my habits to be
1743s frank but it's gonna you're gonna be
1745s like let's check out what's going on age
1747s let's go see it all oh man this guy
1749s really really wants to okay no i could
1751s do the same
1755s the one thing they're learning here is
1756s they never have enough villagers
1758s never enough
1762s until you have too many i need to start
1764s killing them
1766s yeah exactly you're absolutely right
1768s then again
1776s [Music]
1807s realizing i am already
1809s pop cap is being dealt with but
1812s thanks i'm already
1829s no definitely
1836s it's like the build orders to start your
1838s day ellie you got to keep your build
1839s orders ready check reddit check discord
1857s [Music]
1861s he's already kind of
1863s like there's a bit of a basically like i
1865s could wall this off too afterwards um
1867s which i will get to that
1869s um
1872s yeah it's uh
1873s yeah we're getting the comments
1901s yeah other than that um obviously we're
1903s getting there might as well yeah i'm
1904s gonna start welling up this side with
1905s some stone just to protect the two sides
1907s here
1908s [Music]
1914s we're gonna cause some havoc here
1916s i think maybe we'll see
1947s oh i remember what you guys said start
1949s building farms
1973s let's put some pressure
1976s yes
1992s yes it's working
1994s i'll kill the villagers
2003s make the villagers pay
2008s i'm not surprised how easy that was to
2011s do
2011s i guess there's a reason why this works
2015s and then let's keep pumping out
2017s units to put the pressure on
2046s all right uh yeah english abuse yeah
2048s definitely yeah
2050s i think he's live on stream oh that was
2053s never the intention let me see that
2055s crystal clear
2061s i'm not gonna pronounce this right but
2062s to salami11 uh thank you so much for
2064s joining with your rating party there
2066s thank you so much and to everyone
2068s joining welcome this is
2070s elliot here one of the community
2071s managers on h4 playing some road to
2075s ranked we're calling it where he's going
2076s through playing some ranked game play
2078s during the seasons to see where he winds
2080s up
2081s he's
2082s currently silver three
2084s and going trying to get gold
2087s uh
2087s this is also
2089s to those who might not know this is
2091s elliot's last stream on this since today
2093s he he is a very sad moment but he is
2097s leaving all of us here at relic he is
2099s going on to hopefully do exciting things
2101s as well um but definitely a sad moment
2104s but we're just watching him play having
2106s some fun uh on his last day
2109s yeah
2111s let's let's get rid of this stupid
2112s staple yeah that's right no wait
2115s it's on armored what are you doing what
2116s are you doing sir what are you doing
2118s that was
2120s unarmored
2121s [Applause]
2128s you know i i like what chad's saying
2130s let's get conqueror today elliot you
2131s can't leave until your conqueror
2134s can't leave until on conquer um
2136s unfortunately that's not how it works um
2138s we might be able to get a last minute uh
2140s change to your contract unable to leave
2142s until conqueror
2145s uh i mean yeah i can't really stop that
2147s yeah actually isn't that in the contract
2149s somewhere you didn't get that
2151s yeah didn't read the fine print elliot
2154s guess what surprise
2156s uh we're almost there for food finally
2158s oh my goodness
2159s oh wait what can i just cancel these
2163s all right let's age up while we're
2164s having the pressure
2166s um i want to keep booming so let's uh
2169s let's put that over here
2172s [Music]
2188s [Music]
2197s i'm actually okay with the fact that
2199s he's committing so many villagers to try
2200s to stop my rams i know it sucks to lose
2202s like that but like
2204s he's putting so much effort to do so
2205s that i'm stopping his production yeah
2208s [ __ ]
2209s diabolically i would say yes
2212s and let's uh start
2214s let's pull back a little bit so i can
2217s make sure i don't lose any units
2218s recklessly
2220s oh what am i more idols not good not
2222s good y'all ever to have idols
2224s that's the keeping the age of empires
2227s never
2233s yeah we're going to regroup and once we
2235s get some
2236s more siege again or at least get a
2238s thunder force here we're going to put
2239s some more pressure
2241s you know let's let's sneak around let's
2242s see if he walled up like he should have
2244s at that point
2249s cheeky little bugger here
2251s the age has begun excellent let's wall
2253s up here to make sure we don't get rated
2266s we haven't stayed
2275s into the mix here yes and obviously we
2278s need to oh my god what is with this farm
2280s placement
2302s oh
2313s is
2319s [Music]
2324s [Applause]
2327s hey there's some troops we can kick off
2331s [Music]
2332s i'm just gonna keep doing this i think
2334s until we can
2335s start continue to overwhelm yeah our
2338s opponents here which is ultimately the
2340s goal here is to get to a point where
2344s [Music]
2348s i'm losing a lot of spear though which i
2350s don't like
2351s so it's actually let's pull these guys
2352s back over here
2367s become chillier don't don't don't be
2369s don't walk away from your friends here
2372s oh my goodness i have so many idols this
2374s is
2374s so much a bad example of what you should
2376s or shouldn't be doing
2379s also apparently our villagers are lazy
2381s and hate walking so someone says they
2382s want you to build a lumber camp on your
2384s wood line
2385s yes oh my goodness this is why we have
2387s y'all talking and figuring out why i'm
2390s doing everything wrong here
2392s let's uh i'm actually gonna pull village
2394s here we're gonna build some siege
2395s workshops here
2397s get started on that
2416s oh there we go
2418s congratulations elliot that makes it
2421s correct um yeah a lot of mistakes here
2424s i always forget to refresh my lumber
2426s camps and i just it's something like one
2427s of the things that i'm just like
2428s whatever i don't have to worry about it
2430s but obviously yeah uh
2432s definitely uh i mean i i definitely once
2434s i put the pressure on like he couldn't
2436s expand out right we've had troops coming
2437s in and constantly harassing um which is
2440s why as a mongol player it is they're
2442s very difficult if he's not the one being
2443s aggressive on me i'm the one who's able
2445s to put the pressure on so
2447s yeah oh i hit gold
2449s congratulations
2455s i don't know i think we gotta play at
2457s least one more game elliot okay wait
2459s hold up before we get started so there's
2461s no fun if you're not struggling to keep
2462s gold you got to make sure you have that
2464s that tension going on um is it intended
2467s that we have more people in bronze
2468s silver i mean i think it's like that for
2470s most competitive ranked letters i don't
2472s have the exact numbers and statistics so
2474s um we'll have to be um it's like it
2476s didn't peace out folks yeah corporal
2479s no i will do one more game because um
2481s you know we it's the road to ranked and
2483s you know what like to be frank like even
2485s if you hit the goal you want like it's
2486s never going to be an end right like i
2488s want to make sure that um you know there
2490s there's got to be you got like i know
2492s it's anxiety it is trust me i've played
2494s a lot of ranked games across different
2495s games and there's always a bit of you
2497s know ranked ladder anxiety and the only
2499s way to really get over is that you gotta
2501s you gotta get into it and play to be
2503s frank right like that's the only way to
2504s um
2505s really get comfortable and really get
2507s used to it and obviously knowing
2508s builders helps knowing when to pivot and
2510s adjust but the biggest thing for this i
2512s find especially in the lower tier here
2514s that
2514s excuse me that we're part of that part
2517s of at least um don't idle like make sure
2519s you're replenishing your camps making
2521s sure that you uh don't make sure your
2522s villagers and militarians are not idling
2524s because those are just wasted production
2525s time right so
2527s yeah so uh let's get started again let's
2528s do one more uh
2530s let's let's go from here um hopefully
2532s i'm gonna try i'm gonna go with the hre
2534s i'm gonna try something a little
2535s different so i'm gonna do a little bit
2536s of harass but i'm actually gonna focus
2537s more on trying to boom early on so that
2540s i can then um
2541s get to age three and h4 faster because
2544s what i like to do with hre is turtle up
2546s get all the relics i can and then just
2548s basically pump out hand cannon ears and
2550s men in arms and
2552s and then siege units to back it up like
2553s that's just the way i like to play the
2555s hitari so um
2557s let's let's see how it goes um but yeah
2559s if you guys are just joining in this is
2560s the road to ranked uh unfortunately this
2562s is my last stream because i am wrapping
2564s my time up here at relic
2566s um
2567s um and people are trying to make me say
2569s things that i did not say at all so all
2572s of you guys trying to do doctors on me
2573s on my last date it's not happening all
2575s right i did it for five years and
2577s oh boy unreal oh silver okay all right
2581s okay uh well i'm gonna go ahead like i
2583s said guys i'm gonna give this a shot
2584s with hre but uh yeah i dropped the
2586s goodbye letter i did um
2589s yeah it feels weird grant yeah
2593s we've been doing this since like 2018 i
2595s think 2017 2018
2597s been some time now yeah since 20 2018
2600s for me i think you were on some of the
2601s streams before i had actually joined uh
2603s i remember seeing some clips of you on
2605s stream as a
2607s a head on a screen behind some of the
2609s others there on the world side yep
2611s you're right yeah now it's back to the
2612s name with me the picture studios so yep
2614s you're absolutely correct
2616s um ooh absent there's the okay
2619s so the camels are gonna help their okay
2621s interesting
2623s okay
2624s this is gonna be a fun one
2625s uh it also means that i can snowball
2627s into trying to destroy their two
2628s landmarks asap so that's also
2634s okay
2635s let's get these two sheep here
2638s and drop it off right away and then uh
2660s here to build a house
2664s so we don't fall behind there
2670s a little bit of a different build here
2674s we're going to inspire our food actually
2676s gold is gonna be fine we'll be at a good
2677s taste for gold so i'm not too worried
2678s actually
2683s this will be fine for gold but let's
2684s inspire our food production our food
2687s here
2688s yeah
2689s yeah
2691s and yes we did have our goodbyes i i was
2694s i was lucky enough to be able to swing
2695s by the studio uh yesterday and say some
2697s goodbyes to some of the folks that you
2699s know we've spent years working together
2700s with
2706s oh no i couldn't do the thing fast
2709s enough
2712s all right let's try to take advantage of
2713s the fact that i know he's also scouting
2714s so let's see if we can get some sheep
2716s stolen from him
2721s let's get uh
2723s another key thing when you're rallying
2724s your town center make sure you get the
2726s blue line because that's the sign that
2727s they've got a resource they're going
2728s over to so
2730s yeah
2731s yep that blue line is very important
2738s i think he went this way already so it's
2740s gonna be interesting it's also key to
2742s find some of the relics early on so that
2744s i know
2745s where i need to send my pellets
2747s to
2748s get some cash money later in the game
2751s hre best sieve yes it is my personal
2753s favorite tip i love the hre
2759s but i am nowhere near amazing at this
2760s this to be honestly
2764s okay we're gonna actually send back our
2767s scout now so i can get the make sure we
2768s get the sheep replenished
2770s um
2787s realize i i'm actually missing one
2789s villager off my
2790s food but i think i do need more on gold
2792s to catch up
2794s because with the perlet boosting it it's
2796s actually kind of easy for them to
2800s get to that point there
2801s relic buffs hrd's up goodbye present
2803s [Laughter]
2806s uh eric zach if you're watching wink
2808s wink you know hre please just buff it
2812s please
2816s yeah
2817s yeah
2817s so i'm actually going to go over here
2819s inspire the wood line here because food
2821s is good food's at a good pace now i'm
2823s not i'm not worried
2824s uh but we'll be able to age up shortly
2829s very shortly
2831s and we're going to get the chapel
2833s because that makes the most sense
2834s honestly
2835s because that will help with the whole
2838s um
2840s eco thing
2841s oh man this is
2852s so we're gonna go inspire our food for
2853s now so we can catch up
2862s yeah
2863s and then we're going to go from here
2865s go go yeah basically yeah man at arms
2867s that's the goal so basically do dessert
2869s like basically zerg man in arms and hand
2871s can in yours and just constantly put
2873s pressure that way
2874s um i don't know oh there's my opponent
2876s okay so my opponent's over here
2878s um
2879s yeah let's keep exploring the map then
2880s at this point because
2882s let's make sure make sure to find all
2884s the relics near me so i've seen four um
2886s kind of my hat three i might have
2888s um yeah
2890s oh and i house myself
2892s silly me
2894s don't house yourselves folks
2896s it's never a good good practice
2899s oh no okay let's pull back no let's not
2901s lose her yeah
2903s okay we know where his main base is so
2906s let's keep exploring the rest of the map
2909s and then we'll be done
2911s exploring
2915s oh and he reached the feudal age before
2917s me no okay that's all good
2919s um
2928s uh i've played h2 was one of my earlier
2930s uh rts games same with uh warcraft three
2933s and um
2937s warcraft iii uh as well as command and
2939s conquer um so yeah i played a lot of
2941s those early on um
2945s and let's actually get an archery range
2947s first
2952s yeah so yeah
2956s yep uh um so we got some gold inspired
2959s here we're gonna once these sheep are
2960s pretty much we're gonna migrate them
2962s over to the
2964s wood or food bushes here berry bushes
2965s because once that is done actually i'm
2968s gonna start migrating now over
2971s but we're going to start doing this so
2972s that we can start
2978s an archery range been built villagers
2979s are still coming out so we're good there
2982s catching up on wood so we can get going
2984s on some military production buildings
3004s stop going that way
3006s scout
3022s hey interesting
3067s and yeah and that's kind of it we're
3069s gonna just keep going here and
3072s just get the eco going where will he be
3074s moving to i will announce that later on
3076s my social channels later on once i'm
3078s ready
3079s but for now
3080s yeah i'm not really ready to share that
3082s so
3084s yes we killed one
3086s take that
3102s all right we're just going to keep
3103s pumping out villagers for now until i
3105s can get my food to a place where i'm
3107s happy yeah as we said before a lot of
3110s not really such a thing as too many
3111s villagers at least at this point of the
3112s game
3113s definitely the more the merrier
3134s a little bit pressure on him
3151s anything but
3156s are you telling me to go league of
3156s legends or saying anything but league of
3158s legends
3163s which for the record i'm not going to
3164s write so that's that's not happening
3180s [Music]
3205s [Music]
3207s defensively here
3211s okay let's keep pumping on villagers
3213s though so we can get caught up here
3216s yeah and my village is going to migrate
3217s finally over to the
3219s right here so they can get inspired
3221s and yeah and then like so i'm going to
3223s keep eventually getting more and more
3225s farms built along the way
3230s full range of everything
3232s okay
3233s interesting all right
3237s um also i'm gonna get actually
3240s right now a blacksmith drop so i can
3242s start um
3245s start um getting some armor pierce armor
3269s [Music]
3276s that
3305s go let's keep getting food
3307s so we can age up
3311s over there
3312s meantime i'm going to start getting some
3313s more military production buildings so as
3315s we age up we can
3317s really start pumping out units here
3331s so we can get to a point where
3339s oh you guys have done your service with
3341s wood chopping this way yes
3351s you don't bind my units i usually do
3353s that's a good call i really should
3371s [Music]
3392s [Music]
3397s [Applause]
3401s shhh
3415s it's
3419s these are not perfect foreign
3434s all right and then we're keeping
3435s villagers out we're gonna keep pumping
3437s out units out here
3439s should we keep supporting that
3453s he's never heard of hotkeys that that's
3455s a little rude
3459s i am not a pro at this game let me make
3460s that crystal clear all right y'all
3484s food so foods can be at a good pace now
3487s i'm gonna obviously keep building more
3488s farms as we go around this um around
3490s this chapel so they can get inspired
3493s and like i said we do have the perlet
3495s that is coming along the way
3497s so we can uh start collecting some um
3501s what's it called
3503s start collecting some uh
3505s relics here so yeah
3507s i thought
3509s maybe i forgot to
3511s build my things here but we're going to
3513s upgrade right away
3514s upgrade our
3516s actually i'm gonna switch over to man at
3517s arms here
3518s so we're gonna we are gonna migrate over
3520s to that uh these guys are gonna go
3522s straight into back to wood here let's
3523s just help support that
3525s and then yeah we're gonna also while
3527s we're at it
3529s once
3543s we we're like i'm playing a little
3544s defensive because i know what he's gonna
3546s go so i need to in mass two and make
3548s sure that i've got enough firepower to
3550s kind of
3551s hold him back but like i said we're
3552s gonna start pumping on that in arms here
3553s as well so
3557s yeah yeah and then we're going to make
3559s sure we keep getting a pierce armor here
3561s cause uh he's got uh he's shown an early
3563s sign that he is going to be
3567s no this is stupid
3569s go deal with that oh hey there's a rally
3570s closer hey what am i doing
3585s being an age ahead is definitely helpful
3586s here
3587s yes but i know he's massing camels right
3590s so it's like i gotta get to a point
3591s where yeah and there oh as soon as i say
3593s that there's the
3594s there's the tie up uh
3596s it's okay we believe in you
3613s go get this other one afterwards
3617s anytime like i said we're gonna keep
3618s pumping out units here so that we have
3621s oh my god what's with these wolves
3623s bad wolves
3641s know while we're at it we'll make sure
3642s we have this fast nose production going
3644s yes
3650s i have a relic right there interesting
3652s okay that's interesting
3656s [Music]
3663s now if i recall correctly uh i can only
3666s have uh
3668s let's get
3682s celine
3708s well the goal is like once the hand
3709s cannon years get going like it's just
3711s non-stop like
3712s it's gonna be non-stop uh
3714s yeah that pretty much
3722s these guys are gonna chill with my
3723s forces here
3725s we're gonna hide here again for now
3726s because we're safe and protected
3730s and then uh i'm gonna start getting more
3732s military buildings going so that we can
3733s uh
3734s start putting out a force here
3738s start putting some
3739s pressure okay that's not perfect
3741s placement i will actually i'll make sure
3747s all right and then we're gonna start
3748s putting more pressure here this way
3755s okay i'm actually pretty stoked we got
3757s four of the five relics the last one i'm
3759s going to try
3760s we're going to try sneaker purl it over
3762s but
3763s i'm not really
3765s optimistic that he's going to make it
3766s there but we'll see
3770s let's see if he makes it there
3778s oh wait what am i doing i am wanting to
3780s get to a point where i want to be able
3782s to
3783s oh
3784s let's let's migrate over here but we're
3786s also going to keep going here so we have
3787s a bit of a defensive line here
3792s and then uh yeah we're almost at the
3794s point where we can do that and i
3795s definitely could use more food more
3797s villagers on food which i've neglected
3799s here so
3800s again don't do that
3814s yeah that's uh that's the extent of it
3816s we're gonna
3817s start building some siege units to
3819s support our backlog here
3826s and uh we're gonna have more food going
3828s so that we can get to the point where
3830s we're good y'all and
3831s with this villager that comes out i'm
3833s gonna build a house here
3840s castle's built excellent we've got now a
3845s populate a little bit of a protection
3846s here
3848s yeah uh why not let's let's take over
3850s this sacred site because we're here why
3852s not right let's get some more gold going
3854s because i said the more gold we get it's
3855s going to pump into creating more um
3859s stuff which is good for us
3884s [Music]
3890s [Music]
3900s but we are able to age up y'all so
3903s oh i want this one though
3921s yeah that's pretty much it so now at
3923s this point i'm kind of at a point where
3924s i can just pump out keep pumping on the
3926s units
3926s and uh
3928s be a pain in my opponent's butt
3932s yeah we've got that i don't i can't
3934s believe i got the third the last relic
3936s yeah
3939s i've stolen all the relics i have a
3940s sacred site right now i'm going to take
3942s over this sacred site soon too
3944s um let's actually just say
3948s yeah like we're out of power
3956s i have not been harassing my opponent so
3958s he's been able to see a job like that
3960s yeah so he's also in a good place right
3962s now um
3964s you know that being said it's not like
3966s i'm i'm also not in a bad place so i'm
3968s not too worried to be honest
3970s uh but i do need to make sure that we do
3972s have a constant
3973s barrage of units going out at this point
3977s yeah and then we're gonna
3978s like i said i'm gonna start pumping out
3980s man at arms now at this point because
3981s we're gonna stretch out forward to hand
3982s canyoneers
3984s afterwards
3988s we've got that back line protected
4004s neutralizing my
4013s [Applause]
4014s they're coming in
4022s he's also got some siege so we're gonna
4025s stay here for now
4031s where'd that blast prelate go
4048s my last
4076s this is not looking good y'all
4084s i'm gonna need to do some pivoting here
4086s let's grab one of these
4105s uh
4108s [Music]
4113s [Applause]
4125s [Music]
4130s so while we're at it we're gonna keep
4131s producing stuff here
4133s make sure that i'm not like
4140s i know he's gonna keep producing what's
4142s here
4161s uh
4180s not looking great
4183s that as i guess the problem was leaving
4185s your base here
4187s it is a gold silver rank game for sure
4190s uh i'm probably gonna lose my castle
4191s here
4208s foreign
4229s out of the harm's way
4231s yeah not looking good
4233s because i don't have a counter-attack no
4236s uh why is no emergency repair you're
4237s actually right i actually forgot about
4239s that hence why i am not a pro at this
4241s game of display
4244s the attacking landmark enemy is
4246s attacking the land
4261s absolutely right i will just repairs
4263s that but again this is not looking great
4264s for me y'all
4266s yeah just gigi grant what do you think
4270s yeah i it might be the better choice
4272s here
4273s we can probably squeeze what we're in
4276s yeah
4277s all right
4278s this is why hre is cool um i am not
4282s gonna do that again i'm just gonna do
4283s english and rush my opponent
4286s let's see what this does
4289s it will drop me down yeah one more game
4291s yeah we're gonna do one more game
4292s because i want to make sure that we can
4293s at least do one more and nakamura thank
4295s you for your kind words really
4297s appreciate it um
4299s yeah let's uh let's let's keep going
4301s here uh back down to silver three as
4303s expected uh but we're doing our game so
4306s let's get the show on the road
4310s all right so we need one more game here
4311s lack of villagers yeah i did stop keep
4313s pumping out villages you're absolutely
4314s correct i could have caught up and did a
4316s lot better um yeah so
4321s but again there's a reason why i'm not
4323s amazing this game even though we're
4324s trying to do the road to ranked um for
4326s me gold is the
4328s the goal here um
4330s i am not confident with the
4332s to be fair okay to be fair
4335s all right let's uh let's give this shot
4336s i'm gonna go obviously i'm gonna do
4338s english and i'm just gonna do uh just
4340s rush rush rush uh you can still do it
4343s i believe thank you all for believing in
4345s me i am definitely needs to get better
4347s the game which is why we're doing this
4348s so um i want to emphasize again there's
4351s a reason why um you know i think there's
4353s a good
4354s getting into this will help you learn
4357s how to get better at the game build
4358s orders and also reacting make sure you
4360s don't idle villagers make sure you're
4361s constantly pumping out villagers and to
4363s make sure that you're able to put the
4364s pressure on your opponent so yeah yeah
4367s you know we want you to get like
4369s don't be anxious with the with with the
4371s fist you know
4373s so
4374s yeah
4375s i'm pretty warm right
4378s i've got my window open i'm not wearing
4379s a hat for that reason today
4388s we are going to go straight into a scout
4390s right away because i learned my lesson
4391s from watching and getting hearing from
4393s y'all
4396s we'll drop out these two sheep and then
4398s get going on exploring the map here make
4400s sure we can kind of help deny our
4402s opponent of sheep
4404s perfect let's get started
4407s oh hello let's grab this sheet first and
4408s then let's uh
4410s let's go shift click around and then
4411s we're going to focus on getting the game
4412s going
4420s and then here we build a house first and
4422s equal mine
4434s that's really nice that is nice to see
4440s yeah and then we've we've got the show
4442s on the road oh lots of little sheep here
4445s um
4449s these two gold and the rest here i'm
4451s gonna start shipping some to wood
4455s and yeah we're on around at the pace
4457s here
4464s uh question for chad here do you guys go
4466s straight into scouting towards your
4468s enemy base or do you kind of just loop
4470s around and look for them
4472s because i am actually oh let's not miss
4473s that [ __ ]
4475s i'm just curious because the way i play
4477s i usually try to maximize my sheep
4479s finding potential first
4482s and then and then kind of
4485s oh my god it's so much cheaper
4487s let's keep exploring
4489s not so much sheep here
4491s grant what's chat saying
4493s uh let's see what we got from chat uh
4497s nothing too
4499s much for you for tips just yet chad if
4501s you've got advice for elliot some
4504s some ways for him to get his gold back
4506s let us know
4507s oh it's more just curious like do you
4509s guys like try to scout your opponents
4510s first right away and like get to there
4512s right away or do you
4513s do you like exploring the map around you
4515s first and then eventually like kind of
4516s ending up at your opponent's place okay
4518s we gotta go for the enemy first to take
4519s their sheep is uh from luckaholic okay
4522s let's let's
4523s explore
4525s someone else just says just try harder
4526s to win it always works
4529s thank you wow
4532s that is i would never have thought of
4534s that
4536s oh second scout near home okay that's
4537s good to know
4539s is the guy i'm playing no i'm playing a
4540s bronze three member of this game right
4542s now
4543s but um
4553s okay i found a lot of the relics here
4555s let's look for our opponent here and
4556s then let's uh
4558s i don't think i can steal any more sheep
4560s though because i think he's got most if
4561s it's sheep near his base based on
4571s [Music]
4587s yes
4591s [Music]
4603s huh
4611s oh okay we found our opponent he did not
4613s micro his units to kill me so i'm
4615s thankful for that
4617s oh we found him did it
4624s okay and i see some sheep stoves this is
4626s excellent
4636s [Music]
4649s actually i wonder if i should build a
4651s mill
4652s too actually so i can uh
4654s get the next technology
4657s yeah that's probably the good call to do
4658s that actually
4666s take food bills instead yeah i'm oh take
4668s food oh that is i mean
4671s i guess that's true but i also was
4673s trying to make sure that i didn't um
4676s yeah i'm able to get too long going out
4678s right away but maybe you're right i
4679s should focus on um
4682s that instead okay let's go back to our
4685s base here this guy's gonna finish
4687s exploring the map up here and then we're
4688s gonna finish exploring the dark parts
4690s and then
4691s that's
4727s foreign
4746s now the question is where can i harass
4749s me oh i see his
4751s gold mine
4753s okay let's make sure let's get our
4755s let's get our five together so we can
4756s choose shadow villager
4758s before we do that
4775s okay let's start see if we get two shots
4777s of dangers here yes
4783s he saved the villager no
4785s okay i killed one villager
4788s one villager
4804s i'm happy to kill his villagers okay
4806s i'm happy to take free shots
4813s let's keep putting pressure on i'm gonna
4815s kill this
4816s stop his uh landmarking vote yeah i'm
4819s okay with this
4820s i'm gonna sit right here then
4828s oh hello more villagers
4849s i see what you're doing here sir and i'm
4851s going to try to stop you
4868s let's keep making villagers
4883s okay so just ask you as a player what do
4886s you do at this point your gold has been
4887s denied your uh
4890s gold's been denied and your
4892s your landmarks being denied right now
4895s and i'm just going to kill this before
4897s oh no oh no i'm trying to one-shot that
4898s bullet it's okay i'll sacrifice some
4900s there we go
4902s it's 100 gold that he lost right there
4904s the chat so far says you quit ugg you
4906s surrender restart the game
4909s [Laughter]
4911s i'm glad we're able to put pressure on
4913s uh let's keep building bills let's keep
4915s let's shift over to gold here
4917s uh food's being produced uh yeah and i'm
4920s able to start getting some spearmint and
4921s i'm gonna get a mark i'm gonna get a
4922s blacksmith going so we can get the
4924s uh what's it called the um
4930s i'm surprised he
4932s he's not able to really do anything
4933s about either of these right now so i'm
4934s going to just keep putting pressure on
4936s him
4937s actually you know what you know what
4938s let's let's do something else i'm gonna
4940s i'm gonna try to do something a little
4942s cheeky here
4943s while i'm my while my units are being
4946s produced here
4955s here we're going to get the siege
4957s workshops going and then
4967s yeah and we're gonna keep building
4968s forces here
4973s yeah we're gonna go around and i'm gonna
4975s see if i can do something a little
4976s stickier
4978s and see if i can attack his back line
4980s here because you see he is
4982s i see a bunch of barracks back there so
4984s i want to make sure that he's not able
4985s to do something back to me
4987s while i'm putting the pressure on he's
4988s still age one though so we are doing a
4990s good job here pressure
4993s oh no he's got a guard house here too no
4994s yeah it came too late
4996s oh you guys have a villager back here
4998s excellent
5014s let's go attack his millions
5022s [Music]
5024s [Applause]
5031s oh hey he did it i'm gonna keep killing
5034s these bills here well
5035s it's okay he's gonna keep doing that i'm
5036s gonna i'm okay with
5038s killing more villagers
5040s it's uh
5044s [Music]
5054s all right let's we're going to go back
5056s to the front here because oh no i'm
5057s going to kill this wheel hello villager
5059s farming
5060s die
5064s i'm uh
5065s i think i'm enjoying this too much let's
5066s uh let's start with some pressure here
5067s it's okay yep gg yeah that was the
5069s pressure right yeah so
5071s yeah
5072s that's that's the one yeah yeah at that
5075s point though right like you're
5075s constantly putting pressure here and
5077s yeah i was about to build rams so we
5078s were gonna make sure that he's not able
5080s to keep going um don't get spears though
5083s question for that is um
5085s wouldn't the spears be able to construct
5087s the oh i guess my archers couldn't too
5090s yeah uh oh i'm still silver three jaren
5094s grant i think we have to play one more
5095s oh silver three
5104s one more let's go yeah let's try to get
5106s there uh smith yeah bill billy to build
5108s siege so i do need to do that a little
5110s faster uh why is age of empire streaming
5112s we are the community team here from
5114s relic entertainment we are doing our
5115s road to rank so that you can get over
5117s your ranked ladder anxiety and try out
5119s ranked here on h4
5120s um
5122s one more this sounds vaguely familiar i
5124s mean thankfully it's not like two in the
5125s morning we're saying maybe one more
5127s match it is you know daylight it's still
5129s sure it's still bright outside uh it's a
5131s daylight let me just take a peek out of
5132s my den here and take a look oh yeah
5133s there's still some white out there we're
5135s still good
5136s yeah
5139s but as well if you guys are just joining
5140s us i am doing this as my last
5143s stream here um because i am wrapping up
5145s my time here at relic um it's been a
5147s pleasure and honestly it's been so
5149s awesome to
5150s uh play with all of you and be part of
5153s the community here um ooh ruse okay
5156s ruse i hope you are not a smurf in the
5157s making because you are unranked and i
5159s would like to
5161s finish this off with a dub
5163s to get gold
5165s but that being said uh no matter what
5167s happens win or lose i want to say thank
5169s you to everybody here for
5171s um joining in over the years and making
5174s honestly this job barely a job it was it
5177s was it's been fun the whole time and i
5180s you know i am sad to be going
5182s i'm sad to be leaving such an amazing
5184s community but you know the flip side i
5186s will be joining all people as a
5187s community member because i love age of
5189s empires and
5190s it's never going to go away from me um
5193s me and my friends still play h2h4 all
5195s the time so yeah i expect to keep
5197s playing so we still expect to see you
5199s there we'll see you coming in some games
5201s here
5202s yeah exactly right so it's not like it's
5204s gonna be and i'm sure you i'm sure
5206s you'll pop by when we do our twitch
5207s streams hop in chat say hi everyone yeah
5210s exactly yeah i mean annie popped by and
5211s said hi yeah where am i base we're in
5213s vancouver uh that is where relic
5215s entertainment's based uh but now i'm
5216s gonna do what
5218s chad advised me to do is to scout my
5220s opponents right away to deny their
5222s their cheap so let's go do that
5227s and then let's use our second scouts to
5229s scout around our base as biased
5232s so we're gonna do that and we're gonna
5234s get to the gold mine and get going yeah
5236s spare the daylight here yeah i guess you
5238s are east coast so that makes sense um
5241s right now it's still
5243s nice chill uh
5247s barely four not even four o'clock yet
5248s but you know
5250s [Music]
5253s okay we found our opponent excellent
5254s okay we know or our opponent is let's
5256s see if we can steal a sheep before he
5258s can
5259s do so is that the goal
5262s that is the goal here friends
5270s yeah
5272s that's kind of the story here um what is
5274s he playing he's playing as the
5277s abbasid right i think
5281s so i do want to put pressure on early so
5283s that i don't
5284s have to repeat what happened two games
5285s ago where he just masked and
5288s swarmed stormed me and taught me a
5290s lesson about uh
5292s shoot i think he's already explored
5293s inside the map because i don't see any
5294s sheep here so let's go let's go to the
5296s other side and see if we can steal from
5297s that side
5303s yeah let's let's make sure we're not
5304s losing our side of the sheet either
5319s stayed up till 4am playing matches
5322s i mean
5324s part of the you know we love playing um
5328s like games like that's why we work here
5330s and
5331s you know i i definitely have
5333s put in some late hours playing age
5336s oh yeah so see he has not scouted this
5338s side the map so let's steal his sheep on
5339s this side there we go as i see him now
5341s he's realizing that i'm doing the same
5343s thing to him so let's make sure that we
5345s don't lose as much sheep as possible
5346s from his side
5348s um coming this way um we got villagers
5351s coming out we're good here we go ate to
5353s food we're going to shift over to
5355s actually no i want to keep i want to get
5357s going on food asap here so let's see
5359s here
5361s keep exploring and we're going to drop
5363s some more sheep off um
5365s yeah and i think nine is enough so let's
5367s switch back to wood here
5369s ellie knows when i'm up late
5377s playing okay interesting i think he's
5379s definitely done two scouts too because i
5381s see a lot of sheep that i normally would
5383s have but i did not get
5384s so it's okay let's drop this off and
5386s let's go explore the black areas of the
5387s map here that are still unknown and then
5389s we're gonna
5391s put some pressure on so i think another
5393s thing we learned from the community
5394s right is to pull your villagers here
5396s and use them oops drop off food first
5400s they should do that and then uh use them
5402s to uh build your landmark here
5409s we have enough bills going into food or
5411s wood here so that the wood line
5412s continues to grow and continues
5414s uh going here
5417s yeah okay i think he's explored most of
5420s the map here so let's uh let's go
5422s explore the rest of this area here
5424s and uh
5425s oh shoot i couldn't micro that dark too
5428s late
5429s just noticed it
5445s [Music]
5447s make sure
5460s hello sheep yeah let's go explore the
5464s rest of this area
5474s hey abby's almost done here we're going
5475s to get most of these on
5481s [Applause]
5483s why am i hearing ringing
5486s bell center why is that happening greg i
5488s don't know
5489s did he just age up too
5493s uh looks like yes
5504s yeah we're also going to get a mill
5505s started
5512s yes
5531s a
5542s yes
5552s [Music]
5554s dog force goes away both ways i cannot
5556s see where he is
5564s [Applause]
5573s okay that's the wheelbarrow upgrade
5577s myself
5584s just pulled all those villagers okay i'm
5586s okay with that
5587s i'm okay with this
5588s yeah pull your villagers off you're cold
5591s wait did you pull all wait where's all
5594s oh they're back here hello
5596s hello villagers
5614s a rod
5622s yes
5656s foreign
5659s [Music]
5675s [Music]
5682s i think i need to pivot now because he's
5685s able to shed that off quickly
5687s so in turn i think we focus on booming
5690s right and trying to get him
5693s going
5695s each time
5702s i mean what else am i supposed to do
5704s either high gold or high low pot
5710s i might have gone stream side i mean end
5711s of the day it's okay i get stream sights
5713s so be it and today we're just having fun
5715s so
5716s i'm okay with that
5719s yeah we're gonna we're gonna try to do
5720s our best here
5722s yeah
5725s uh once i've got that built
5730s [Music]
5744s so you know i'm not too worried it's per
5746s se um
5751s [Music]
5764s anyways uh that being said
5772s we are going to persevere we're okay
5774s y'all don't worry about it yeah i'm not
5775s worried we got it
5777s well you've gotta go i'm just i'm just
5779s watching
5781s yeah the thing is we are pivoting though
5782s because we're gonna essentially
5784s transition into playing a more a little
5786s defensive game until you get to a later
5787s game later in the game here pop cap try
5790s to take advantage that way yep i realize
5792s that pop cap is great
5794s but we are going to just continue to
5796s move forward here
5797s yeah
5799s all right i devils i see a lot of id
5801s nope
5803s some food here
5804s meantime keep pumping out the units to
5806s help make sure that we don't get
5808s overwhelmed
5810s [Music]
5817s [Music]
5825s yeah we're going to keep pumping our
5827s bills and making sure they start getting
5828s farms going
5836s got some units in the back here to make
5837s sure we're good i'll drop an outpost too
5839s when i can here just to make sure that
5841s the wood line is protected at any given
5843s time
5846s and then we'll also replenish the wood
5848s line
5849s as people have pointed out that i should
5851s constantly
5863s quick match rating is 300 more okay well
5865s good to know uh but we'll also see how
5867s fast my opponent can get their eco up
5869s and running especially given that
5870s they've committed some food uh resources
5873s into getting those horsemen out
5875s i do i think have an adequate defensive
5877s force here but the problem is i'm not
5879s gonna be able to put pressure on them
5880s which is what the goal was to do was to
5882s put additional pressure their way that
5883s way but
5884s so be it it is what it is we'll we'll
5886s have to pivot and just deal with it
5888s honestly
5889s uh what might actually help is i put a
5890s little bit of a wall here to make sure
5892s that i don't
5893s get attacked from that side
5895s and then while we're at it i'm just
5896s going to make sure we build another
5897s house here
5899s villagers are constantly pumping out
5901s i've got some idols here let's give it
5902s over to
5904s here
5905s and while we're at it i'm going to keep
5907s putting some farms here
5915s [Applause]
5917s yeah like so he's he's going pretty
5919s strong here
5920s horses uh i'm gonna get a blacksmith
5922s drop though so i can start putting some
5924s upgrades on
5932s yeah let's keep pumping out units here
5934s since he is obviously committing a big
5936s enough force here
5938s um
5948s all right uh yeah that's kind of the
5950s gist of it yeah
5952s to protect our back line here
5959s and that way our back line is least
5961s protected so we don't get any
5964s horsemen on our back line here uh
5967s all right let's go there let's make sure
5969s we get some armor here
5971s and yeah we're just gonna keep trucking
5973s along to get to the point where we can
5974s age up
5975s we have enough gold the issue is i
5977s actually need to pull some off to food
5979s here we're short on food right now
5981s especially since we are trying to
5982s adequately
5984s support our
5987s military production
5988s a little bit to make sure that i'm not
5990s completely overwhelmed but we there we
5991s go there's a sign able to
5995s uh now here's the question since i need
5996s to eco i feel like i need to get a town
5998s center going right versus a
6001s versus a keep here
6003s if that's what it feels like
6005s i don't know if that's the right move
6006s please let me know if i did it wrong or
6008s reading it wrong i'm happy to pivot and
6010s make changes but that's what seems like
6012s he's the right move for me um
6016s straight borrows he doesn't need to the
6018s voice archers and crashes yeah so that's
6019s hence i got the wall i got a wall at
6021s least to alert me that they're coming so
6023s my back line is protected here both
6025s sides
6026s um
6027s it is a bit of an open map with this
6028s being i think this is dry arabia so
6031s there's definitely some uh
6033s some space there for that but you know
6035s what in and today it is what it is so
6036s let's upgrade our mana arms because we
6037s are going to pivot towards that
6039s uh let's actually get some more archers
6040s to help support that and you've got some
6042s people saying tc is definitely the right
6044s way to go uh they would have done the
6045s same because you're under no immediate
6047s threat of dying
6048s so no need for the keep yet
6050s right so that that's my thinking too
6053s i'm gonna do that we're gonna keep
6054s pumping bills about 17 00 food once the
6057s berry bushes are done i'm gonna actually
6059s i'm just gonna get oh i should only have
6066s [Applause]
6075s which is the goal
6077s here uh but the meantime let's keep
6080s upgrading our current units here
6083s um
6084s make sure that they are able to take on
6086s the next fight because he just aged up
6088s too actually so he's on a bit of a rush
6090s as well uh is that signal coming oh i
6092s see
6093s i see where it's coming from
6095s hello sir
6098s while you're being a bit of a pain in
6101s ours here i'm gonna keep
6103s looking for opportunities here keep
6104s building up units
6112s oh hello
6115s [Music]
6139s that's annoying
6141s it's hiding in there
6176s a good time if i need to pivot to
6178s another mill back here
6192s get us busy
6217s i need to get to that that's the issue
6219s right now
6228s comes i cannot get to his back
6231s like
6245s do it
6259s yeah i mean he made the right move to
6262s get a magnol up and going but uh yeah i
6265s can't really stop that that magnolia was
6267s the right move
6268s unfortunately
6269s i'm not able to
6271s yeah really stop it here
6274s even with uh even with this even if i
6276s was defended off a little bit like i
6279s am not going to say gg uh one more one
6281s more i don't think so unfortunately it
6282s is 4 10 so uh you guys will have to
6284s check out my socials because i will try
6286s to get back to gold before the season
6288s ends here because obviously
6289s uh that's that but
6291s unfortunately that's the way that
6292s sometimes cookie crumbles and it is
6295s unfortunately unable to get dub as the
6297s final win here
6298s but you know what
6300s uh point being here is that you gotta
6302s destroy yourself out there and just get
6303s into ranked and uh that's how you'll get
6305s better so
6306s uh yeah um try to do an early rush
6308s didn't really work out and it is what it
6310s is so yeah um
6312s again
6314s two more
6315s uh you know that being said out my macro
6318s out villager yeah it happens like i said
6320s i'm not
6320s you know i'm not really too too upset
6322s with this um timeline was yeah i mean
6324s we're doing dc well and then it's the
6326s age three difference here right even
6327s though i was getting double villagers
6328s going he was able to put pressure on me
6330s and uh take it from there so it is what
6332s it is unfortunately um you know villager
6335s 82 to my 52 yeah so you definitely did
6337s out villager me uh but that being said
6339s you know uh still a pleasure still uh
6342s you know great to be able to be on
6344s streams to play this um i'm still silver
6346s three so i still can looks like i just
6348s need to get maybe two more wins maybe
6350s three more wins i'll be back into gold
6351s so um i can get there but that being
6354s said
6355s uh grant this was it this is the final
6357s street
6359s yeah this was it's
6361s this is it yeah it's a sad moment it's
6364s definitely a change of
6366s change up over here
6368s yeah gorbal says uh grant no pressure
6370s but you're up for rank right oh oh
6373s no that sounds that sounds terrifying
6376s yeah i think i i would actually be
6378s playing on the team
6381s they're able to
6382s yes sad tears ashley i know i know
6385s like i said for those who don't know
6387s this is my last stream this was our
6389s final road to ray yes lbots is my twitch
6392s so i do occasionally streamline it there
6395s um
6396s it's you know
6397s i'm still staying in game dev so i will
6399s not be a stranger to a lot of folks here
6401s and i'm really looking forward to seeing
6403s what the age team comes up with across
6405s the age franchise
6406s i'm very excited to know what's coming
6408s up and no i will not bandy answering any
6409s questions because that's what the nda is
6411s for
6412s so all i have to say is stay tuned
6415s yeah one of those things stay tuned
6417s follow us on our social channels follow
6419s us on twitch grant i know you're going
6420s to continue streaming i think we did say
6422s that we're going to take a break though
6423s right yes
6425s so just as we mentioned
6427s yeah part of this transition for elliot
6429s leaving the team uh also just to make
6431s sure we're on top of things i want we
6433s are going to probably be taking off at
6435s least next week
6437s for streams i know we were saying we're
6438s going to try to do something every
6439s friday uh but we're going to take a look
6441s at what it means and what streams we
6442s want to have for you so if there is
6444s streaming content you like if there's
6445s stuff you've really enjoyed watching
6447s do do let us know uh and yeah as soon as
6450s we have an update to what we're looking
6451s at for our schedule for our next stream
6453s we'll let you know but at the very least
6454s i think we're taking off this next
6457s friday stream going to come up us but we
6459s wanted to go out today on a bit of some
6461s fun here with elliot watching him play
6463s some uh some ranked games hoping he
6465s could maybe hit gold which he did for a
6468s very brief a brief moment uh yeah
6473s uh yeah it looks like i will have to do
6474s an
6475s aoe4 grind here or until sniper is
6477s calling me out here um
6480s that is my old schedule i did stream for
6482s a while um just for fun playing valorent
6484s and such um but yeah i'll i'll
6486s definitely be playing some more age so
6487s uh yeah i'm not trying to encourage
6490s people to follow me because it is you
6492s know i'm just gonna be playing for fun
6493s and uh it's just to get back to goals
6496s it's the goal here at this point but
6499s yeah um great it's been sliced it's been
6501s amazing to work with you and your team
6502s so yeah it's been great it's been crazy
6505s how quick that time went it feels like
6507s it was just just yesterday but it's been
6510s almost three years for me it's been
6511s quite a bit longer for you
6513s yeah it's been just over five years for
6515s me so
6516s um i did post in chat the uh goodbye
6519s letter i did to the community because
6520s again it's been such a blessing to be
6522s part of the age community and have you
6524s guys all welcome me
6525s grant and the others in um on on such a
6528s great for seriously great community um
6531s there's a reason why the franchise has
6532s been around for 25 years um
6534s and uh yeah that's uh
6537s yeah i i don't know what else to say
6539s here it's uh it's bittersweet it is yeah
6542s but it's
6543s on behalf of myself and everyone else
6546s we all wish you the very best
6548s thank you grant i have adrenaline going
6550s from the last few rain games so it's not
6552s really
6553s but uh yeah buzz blaze thank you for the
6556s kind words here um
6559s um yeah and ashley thank you as well as
6561s always um and oriental sniper i promise
6564s i'll play some h4 on my personal channel
6566s because i want to get back to gold and
6568s maybe get a little bit above gold so
6569s that i can have a bit of a buffer so i
6571s don't keep dropping every time yeah
6573s where every game you play you have like
6574s the chance of either being silver or
6576s gold yeah
6577s yeah um but that being said again it's
6580s been great it's been amazing uh i want
6582s to thank everybody here and yes i will
6583s still lurk around do not worry and if
6586s you guys have any community games down
6587s the road i'd be more than happy to jump
6589s in if you'll have me so
6591s yeah all right
6593s this is it's one of those things i don't
6594s want to stream because when we
6595s understand that's pretty much wrapping
6596s up my work day slash work time
6599s yeah
6600s so if i don't hit the end stream button
6601s it's never over it's what i'm hearing
6603s it's never over right yeah no snakes
6606s uh thank you
6607s rip axe thank you
6609s um spectrologic thank you very much you
6612s know thank you one more
6614s actually i kind of want to so the stream
6616s doesn't end but you know unfortunately
6618s all good things must come to an end um
6620s you guys are the convenient whole you
6622s guys are in the good hands of grant
6623s ashley turk and many of the other
6625s community folks we have on team here and
6628s um really i am so excited for what's
6630s coming for age you guys don't even know
6634s elliot
6635s that's obviously that's all i'm gonna
6636s say that's all i'll say that's all i'll
6638s say lots of good things in hand that's
6640s all that's all i can say and we'll see
6643s you wanted your like little bit of an
6644s eric moment here didn't you no i'm not
6646s doing an eric moment sorry there's a
6648s reason why we're community managers we
6650s are the ones that are very aware of what
6652s we can can't say yeah and there's a
6654s reason for that so
6655s but that being said a lot of good things
6657s to come for the age franchise so i'm so
6659s excited for you and the team and and
6661s everyone at both relic world's edge
6662s forgotten empires tantalus wicked witch
6665s we've got such a great team of
6667s developers and publishers for the age
6669s franchise so yeah yeah i think that's it
6671s i think this is where we wrap it up
6674s unfortunately
6678s i know boo it feels weird but it
6680s unfortunately it is what it is
6683s i want to thank everybody for joining in
6684s today it's been a blast thank you for uh
6687s watching me suffer in those two great
6689s games there uh sorry the games i lost
6692s the ones i won great but you know but
6694s yeah uh i think that's it yeah i i i
6698s i think it is uh yeah yeah
6701s thank you so much everyone for joining
6703s us for this stream and for
6705s watching along as elliott plays his last
6707s few official as a community manager
6709s games have ranked over here
6711s yep
6713s and yeah i think that's it i think we
6715s should just say goodbye here so thank
6716s you everybody and
6718s i'll see you guys around all right thank
6720s you everyone
6721s bye
6759s [Music]
6772s you