over 1 year ago - Age of Empires - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

4s So a little bit of time has passed.
6s I've added some more town centers and they're all producing villagers
10s automatically.
11s Suddenly our Empire is thriving.
14s But with the villager priority system engaged,
17s we do have to keep on top of our drop off locations.
21s Although our villagers will automatically gather,
23s they won't automatically build buildings for us.
26s We can see to the right here.
27s Villagers have started gathering on this dear patch, so let's help them out
31s by building a mill nearby so they don't have to walk as far.
34s Selecting one of these villagers and holding the right trigger,
38s I can now select a mill from the build menu
41s and place it in the center of this deer patch.
43s That'll sort things right out. Up in the north,
46s it looks like we've got a similar problem.
48s We've exhausted all of our berries,
50s and it looks like now would be a good time to add a new one
52s to cut down on that villager walking distance.
55s Let's do that right away.
57s With the villager priority system
59s the automatic training of villagers and everything you've learned so far
62s in this video,
63s you'll have all the tools you need to build a thriving empire.