9 months ago - Age of Empires - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

3s we return to you
5s now as the
8s gods of
10s mankind all right let us continue our
13s super special strategy episode now with
15s age of methology retold and as you can
18s see we've had a bit of a wardrobe change
21s here's a sneak peek behind the scenes
22s here we don't film mus interviews on
24s this yeah we tried to but I was being
26s too much of a div and I needed rest he
28s really was yeah but we are joining by
30s some guests who are new guests here
32s today we have Ernest and Emma how are
34s you two doing from the world's Edge team
36s good thank you for having us thank you
38s thanks for being here all right for
39s people who are watching for the first
40s time tell us what you do who you are all
42s that good stuff sure hi I'm Emma bridel
44s I'm director of player engagement at
46s World's Edge uh which basically means
48s I'm thinking about all the ways that
50s we're building relationships with our
51s players whether that's Community or
53s customer support or in-game features or
55s Esports um our community have been with
57s us a long time we're going on 27 years
59s as a franchise
60s they're very very important to us
62s they're the heartbeat of what we do and
63s so I'm just constantly thinking about
65s how we build those relationships keep
67s those relationships good and keep them
69s with us as we move forward into the
70s future I love that Ernest and I'm Ernest
73s y I'm senior director of production at
76s well what that really means is I get to
78s work with all the different production
80s teams to build H games together yes best
82s job ever it is amazing and the running
84s joke in our team is I've been around for
87s more than a quarter Century in fact the
89s original Age of Empires 1 program
92s manager is the person who hired me into
94s the gameing industry oh they're proud of
95s you so so I'm going to Dive Right In cuz
98s I'm super excited so you've brought some
100s exclusive neverbe seen footage but
102s before we get into that for people who
104s might not be familiar with Age of
106s Mythology tell us about retold okay so
109s we're I'm going to strip it back for
110s Malik and anyone else who is new to
112s strategy because we want to make them
113s comfortable all so Age of Mythology
115s retold is a realtime strategy game and
118s it's set in the world of Mythology where
120s you've got humans living alongside
122s monsters living alongside Gods um so you
125s want to pick a Pantheon and in the base
128s game we've got uh the nor the atlantans
131s the Greeks and the Egyptians uh you'll
133s pick gods goddesses deities that you
136s want to pay tribute to and they'll bless
138s you with their powers uh as you build up
141s your civilization and work towards
143s battling to Victory so it's this
145s Fantastical chaotic magical world that
149s you get to control and you get to steer
151s and it's really really exciting so yeah
154s so let's talk a little bit about
154s showcase right new trailer showcase uh
157s what can you recap for us what we saw
160s and uh why should Age of Mythology fans
162s be excited right so we showed the
164s trailer which we are super proud of and
167s this is the very first time we get to
169s show in-game footage of the Age of
172s Mythology retold and yep finally people
175s get to see what the game looks like in
177s motion so very very happy to be able to
180s show that to the world and we have also
182s announced that yep it is not that far
184s off our launch date is September 4th
187s like coming up soon so very very happy
190s about that as well and pre-orders are
193s now available so PR start what waiting
197s for yeah and uh this is the first title
200s that for us we're launching day one PC
202s and Xbox so we brought H2 and H4 to
204s console but we brought them post the PC
206s L sure this is day one both platforms
209s find it in game pass find it on Console
211s find out on PC and everyone can play
212s together from day one that's amazing I'm
214s so excited exced yeah I feel like
216s console fans have always been um kind
219s because we have the restrictions of the
220s controller so to speak we all did a
221s great job with Age of Empires but it's
223s always been a thing like the input of a
225s controller is not as easy for those
227s games as a keyboard and mouse for
228s example we basically brought h of
230s Empires 2 and H of Empires 4 to the
232s console so honestly they took a lot of
235s work to get it to the place that and and
238s I'm very very happy to see that our fans
240s fa that we were successfully being able
243s to bring LTS working really well on
245s console and we are now taking all those
247s learnings and applying them to the both
250s the PC and Xbox version of each of
253s Mythology ret so for example in the
255s console version one of the Innovation
256s that we did is what we call the Villager
259s priority system so what that does is so
262s once you can actually set what the
263s villagers do so they can actually go
266s take care of some of those tasks for you
269s so for example you want some of them to
271s go off to go get the food some of them
273s to go get the wood so and they will go
275s do that for you so you can concentrate
277s on building units to go battle Etc so
280s that really take your the level of um
284s complexity down so to actually make it
286s but while but you are still in control
288s cuz strategically you are still making
290s the decisions on how you actually want
292s those villagers to actually be apply to
294s different resources but you get to
296s control it in a way that's much easier
299s simpler for you the other for example
301s similar thing is the what we call um the
304s site menu system so you see wood since
307s we talk about like getting religious to
308s get a word so intuitively why do you
311s need to go through pick the Villager and
313s then pick build house and do those like
315s you say it takes an hour to learn
317s sometimes right what you can now do is
319s you see wood just click on it and then
321s say like hey I want someone here to
323s collect this wood and then the Villager
326s will actually come build a cam and
327s actually collect those just makes it way
330s way smoother and easier especially to
333s help a lot of new people's coming to
335s enjoy LTS with us and it comes with some
337s great presets as well so if amazing you
339s know uh your priorities are going to be
341s different in the first age of the game
342s as you're sort of establishing your
343s economy and you can just be like I want
345s the age one preset go ahead build my
347s economy whilst I go and figure out
348s that's so nice yeah and and again if
350s you're a pro player and you don't need
352s that you don't have to use it but the
353s system is there to help you get started
355s yeah oh that is so handy cuz sometimes
356s Resource Management takes so so long to
359s set up and I I don't know if it's just
361s me but I will sit there and sometimes
362s watch like did I do it right am I
364s getting the right stuff that's magic
366s that is absolute magic and even as
368s someone newer to strategy games I do
370s feel like one of the things that I
371s noticed when you brought Age of Empires
372s to console was this overwhelming like I
375s don't want to say shock but overwhelming
377s like positivity around what the work
379s that you all did to adapt it to a
381s controller so just kudos to the team on
383s that one once more because that is
385s impressive and that helps someone like
386s me who's going to be on a controller I'm
388s I'm going to be that guy I'm excited
390s great yeah that's awesome but I hear you
392s all brought some gameplay for us which I
394s I'm excited to jump in so you all can
395s kind of explain to players and and
397s obviously fans of the series what we're
398s experiencing here so let's let's take a
400s look at this and let's talk through it
401s yeah Lon and his men have been taken to
404s the prison your allies recommend a
406s diversion so you can slip in and rescue
409s him so yeah this is a campaign mission
412s so I think this is a exclusive first
413s look on actual Mission from the campaign
416s exclusive so this is great so tell us
419s what we're seeing Yep this is from the
422s Isis here my flea campaign and the
424s mission and this is in this particular
426s one you played as the Egyptian heroine
429s and you go around the level and try to
432s go to different temples and collect new
435s additional with logical units for your
438s for your army just continue like build
439s it up and then like to play for the
441s level it is one of my favorite levels
444s ever it is super fun you really get to
446s Showcase all the different mythological
449s units as you can see the uh right am
452s there and then you which is the hero
454s that you are playing s and then you are
457s one of my favorite units in the game is
461s called puchos I can't say that word Pro
464s puchos I can't say that properly so
466s internally we have been like joking
468s around and just like call it the laser
470s crop laser crop and get power of the sun
474s yeah it's a b
476s crocodile with a lens mounted on its
478s back that will focus the ray into
481s basically creat beam right so like I was
484s really excited about this game already
486s and I was already going to know saw that
488s and then I heard laser Croc and then I
491s yeah I'm in I'm in sign me up doing it
494s this game is just like crazy amazing
496s just imagine like how many games are
498s there that you get to use all this
500s differ like Greek gods versus Egyptians
504s like like different biological units
507s like here on screen we have the scarabs
509s and they are very very good like they
510s are giant scarabs these are like they
513s are Kaiju scarabs very good very good at
516s attacking uh buildings they are really
518s good and that's the lasers right there
520s so this is an army of laser Crocs oh
522s they're so
524s coolar and they're just wrecking yes
527s because the the way that the game is
529s played so since we talk about Ser gam is
531s a rock paper sciss system so very often
534s the like the mythological units are very
537s good against human units but then you
539s have the heroit units the hero units are
541s especially good against the mythological
543s units so there's like a triangle going
544s on that's super fun and really makes you
548s as a player pick different strategic
550s decisions as you play through the levels
551s it's really really cool because you can
553s actually keep on playing It's Kind like
555s 3D chest it's like 3D CH I love that
558s yeah I want to give props to all our
560s programmers team as well so as you see
562s the game looks way better we now support
564s rage racing we have shop Shadows that we
567s are now supporting now which is
569s fantastic
570s we have new particle system that's how
572s you like get a lot of the new effects in
573s the game so they did an amazing job so
576s yeah and J was saying it's beautiful it
578s is beautiful and like you can see the
580s distinct architecture for each Pantheon
582s and each culture different biomes if
584s you've seen any of the screenshots that
585s we've put out so far you know you've got
587s snow when he plays the Norse and it just
590s it just looks so good and then as I said
591s it's it's a little disappointing then
593s when you destroy it but you know there's
595s some beauty in there but it's also fun
598s it me it just means you have to go back
600s and do it again yeah oh no twist my arms
604s more for someone like me and I asked
606s this to the AA team like what do you
608s what would you consider winning as
609s someone who's jumping into this game and
611s like all right what's my objective like
613s how do you yeah how do you all view
614s winning in this game so I definitely
616s many different ways you can play the
617s game so for example we have a campaign
620s we have multiple campaigns that together
622s I believe there are like 15 yeah on they
626s really keep you keep you busy but most
629s people once you start playing what they
631s really enjoy is what we call the
633s Skirmish mode so you start yeah versus
635s AI or co-op with your friends against AI
638s which is super popular like 2v2 is very
640s very popular way to play the game so
642s what you do is like you take a few
643s villagers you start with a town center
646s and you just build you go through the
647s different ages you upgrade each time you
650s upgrade different ages you get to pick
652s different new power that you can
654s actually have and then continue to build
656s your army and hopefully at the end when
658s you battle you come out on top
660s if not then you still have a good time
661s so really you can try again and if you
665s want to play with players around the
666s world go for multiplayer you or you can
668s play against the computer locally yeah
670s so okay lots of choice that's awesome um
673s to build off that question um why is now
676s the best time to jump into the game for
677s fans we know that real-time strategy as
680s a genre has quite a steep learning curve
683s so we've really designed this to be the
685s most accessible game that we've done so
687s far in terms of welcoming people in
689s showing them the ropes helping them
691s build up their skills making them feel
692s comfortable so over the last few years
695s uh We've released uh our original Age of
697s Empires titles in definitive editions
699s Age of Empires 4 and we've learned along
702s the way what helps players with those
704s learn those skills and refine those and
706s so we've brought systems and features
708s from those other games and brought them
709s to retold really bringing it together so
712s that new players can enjoy this as well
714s as folks who've played it already that
716s focus on approachability is so so
718s important because you're right you know
720s sometimes when you start a new strategy
721s game it can take you 30 minutes to even
724s look at all the different units that you
726s can create I mean if you've got you know
728s gods and pantheons you have to learn and
730s figure out what are the advantages like
731s each one's unique each one's different
733s so I love that you've taken all of the
735s learnings yeah over the last you know
738s all the games that you've made and put
739s them into this that's incredibly
740s exciting we've been building up our
742s audience I mean Age of Vampires has been
743s a franchise more than 25 years we've got
746s 50 million players all over the world
748s you know some who've been with us since
749s the beginning and some who are
750s relatively new and we've been learning
751s along the way and those definitive
753s editions Age of Empires 4 have really
754s helped us learn what does and doesn't
756s work and bring all that good learning
759s into Age of Mythology retold and we
760s think that the theme is really inviting
762s as well like who didn't have a a geeky
765s mythology phase when they were growing
766s up was that just me like were you really
768s into the Greek gods is that just just me
771s I'm sure it's not just you there's no
772s way there's
774s no so we've uh the original game
777s actually so Age of Mythology the
779s original was launched in 2002 and you
782s know where I mean think back to where
784s you were in 2002 and the machines you
785s were playing on Wow picture those CRT
788s monitors you know at the internet cafe
790s or in your sort of teenage bedroom and
793s so you know we've got those fans of the
795s original and people are hungry for it
797s and we're excited to finally uh be on
799s the road to to them getting to play I
801s will say your your fan base is so
803s passionate cuz I I wanted to do a bunch
805s of research before this this weekend and
807s so there was I think like an hour long
809s or 4 minute video of someone analyzing
811s screenshots oh yeah and just looking at
813s like this is this character I think this
815s is this like and the excitement the
817s enthusiasm and the passion like I was
819s excited before and now I'm even more
821s excited because seeing how the fans have
823s reacted to what you've shown them so far
825s and what they're going to react to today
826s they're the Beating Heart of the
828s franchise that's why we've been going
829s for 27 years this year you know the the
832s fans have kept the franchise going and
834s we've brought them on side with us you
836s know we have a a player Council who've
838s been helping to build retold with us who
840s are fans of the original game who know
842s what it should feel like and look like
844s and sound like and play like and we
846s still want that feeling of the original
849s as we bring retold to life and they've
851s been helping us shape that telling us
853s what works and telling us what doesn't
855s and how we can make it better so they're
857s they're very much a part of the team yep
859s we say like for well SE right we for all
861s our titles our fans that have been like
864s they have been with us for so long now
866s you know we really do care about the
869s community a lot I've now Met fans that
871s talk about like oh I'm now teaching my
873s kids how to play this game and so is now
875s cross generational so it is amazing yeah
878s parents playing with kids uh during
880s lockdown we had people homeschooling
882s history with Age of Empires games shuts
885s and you know people who've gone in and
886s become history teachers because they
888s learned history from the game so we are
891s very lucky to do what we do and we we we
893s are well aware that we're in a very
895s wonderful position we're very grateful I
896s I hate to sound like a broken record but
897s I feel like all week we've been hearing
899s from from um developers who again like
901s that connection with the community is
902s super important so I won't be labor
904s anymore but it is great to hear that
906s fans and players around the world can
908s connect mentioning it yeah there you go
910s exactly give it a shout out to the
911s players what we do so one thing I've
913s always had a question on and I'm glad
915s that you two are here to kind of clear
916s this up for me so how does a retold
919s title like this differ from something
921s like like a definitive edition title
922s what is the specific difference good
925s question M okay so I work on all the
927s definitive editions so far so I can
930s definitely say that the goal for the
932s definitive edition is like the
933s definitive edition we try to build the
936s awesome game that people remembered so
939s that they are updated with like new all
941s new graphics all new way of playing the
943s game to make sure that you really get to
946s play the game that's in your head that
948s how exactly how you remember it you
950s remember but not exactly how it really
952s was so but like that is the game that we
955s want to build so but for retold we do
958s everything that have been doing for
960s different additions but we go beyond
962s that we are actually going to add new
964s mechanics new features in the game so
967s it's not just about preservation we are
968s going to like add new ideas and new game
971s to really because I think we are we're
974s lucky enough that at 2024 we finally
977s have Hardware that can do this concept
980s really the justice that deserved so it
982s is fantastic we get to add some new
985s features that um that people will really
988s really like so
989s yeah going Beyond a those I do want to
991s go back to what you said a little bit
993s now um on the idea of games looking now
996s like we thought we they looked back then
998s because that is something that I have
1000s just discovered so recently but I'm like
1002s wow to me on the CRT TV this looked
1005s amazing and then you go back and you
1006s play you're like oh you you go yikes
1009s okay that's not quite what it look like
1011s yeah and so um I hear you brought a few
1013s images to really showcase to players who
1016s are viewing this uh the difference and
1018s really that jump yeah defin let yeah
1020s yeah so um the first one that we're
1022s going to show so this is a screenshot
1025s from a campaign mission from 2002 so
1028s again Envision it on that CRT Monitor
1030s and you know in your I don't know the PC
1032s room at your University yeah take take
1035s yourself back to
1036s 2002 and this is what it looks like in
1039s so this is the same shot from the same
1041s Mission it's the first mission of the
1043s campaign and you can see the difference
1045s yeah the level of detail in in the water
1047s obviously the ripples in the water and
1049s additional foliage and trees and just
1051s that added level of detail so you all
1053s really went deep in oh yeah that the art
1055s team basically everything has been
1057s redone reimagined retold if you will I
1060s had a friendly Kraken oh is he shaking
1063s his hand like I friendly yeah quite
1067s friendly like they're shaking Am I Wrong
1069s it looks like they're sh it's nice that
1071s it looks that way I wouldn't necessarily
1073s say you're gonna have to play to find
1074s out maybe play to find out well his name
1077s is George now and he looks really
1078s friendly to me I'm open to being wrong
1080s it kind of sounds like and that's Canon
1082s now this is my truth this is my truth
1085s yeah um but we're going to take a look
1086s at some units as well so this is an
1087s atlantan Titan uh so you can see on the
1090s left 2002 looks great good it looks
1093s great yeah retold looks better greater
1095s uh yeah greater yeah I like that yeah I
1098s can tell he's made out of magma yeah
1100s he's had a glow up and L literal glowing
1103s with the particle effects yeah so he he
1105s looks great um we can take a look at
1107s some of the building destruction
1109s so you can see the original uh and then
1112s coming through to retold um our art
1114s director Melinda does a great she Al do
1117s an action and a a sound for like the
1119s original versus retold and you see you
1121s know the building gets impacted and it
1123s just sort of drops and then here we've
1125s added the particle effect it crumbles
1127s you've got all the the dust as it as it
1130s and sometimes watching the buildings get
1133s destroyed is actually one of my favorite
1134s Parts in our games actually because it's
1136s done so destroy Beauty kind of cathartic
1138s right it's heartbreaking when you build
1140s this beautiful city and then you know
1142s but you it's heartbreaking if it's yours
1144s it is and there's still some beauty to
1146s it being destroyed I guess it's a
1148s beautiful disaster and then you get to
1150s build it try it again definitely so uh
1152s here we've got aranto so Aros is the
1155s hero of the campaign and again he's he's
1158s just looking a little bit more defined a
1160s little bit he's got more detail to him
1163s we can see him looking great he's ready
1164s to go and uh tackle a whole load of
1166s Adventures and then on the right you've
1168s got Athena from the Greek pantheon uh
1171s and so yeah again 2002 versus retold you
1174s can just see the the level of detail
1176s that we've been able to to bring in
1178s retold uh we wanted to include some
1180s animals for Jen yay and I'm loving this
1184s so you want the Trojan Horse technically
1186s you animal like but then wej animal
1189s adjacent and then we've got our goat and
1191s our a do um who are just you know
1194s looking just fantastic in in ret I would
1198s pet all of slight upgr IET all of One
1201s Thing our executive producer Tim loves
1203s is uh as the animals eat they get fatter
1206s no way you actually built that in yeah
1208s that's amazing you feat in Dynamic
1210s animals I love that yeah yeah um so
1213s we've got the Behemoth here uh again
1216s just just looking so good in retold and
1220s just the definition in those tusks and
1221s the fangs and all oh my just look so
1224s good we've got curus here um so if folks
1227s watched our new year new age event uh
1229s actually recreated him in AR sort of
1231s life not quite life life uh true life
1234s scale um and then we've got the Sphinx
1236s as well um so we've got distinct visual
1239s upgrades and it's just looking so so
1242s good uh again you play it in 2002 you
1244s think it looks great you're on the
1246s technology of the time you know but
1248s we've really really sort of brought it
1250s up to date 4K retracing all the models
1253s have been redone we've added new details
1255s it's just looking fantastic so huge
1257s Kudos had no part in this to the art
1260s team uh it's looking amazing and this
1262s honestly this also not just because not
1265s just the art ride the sound was
1273s upgraded the all the other features is
1275s upgraded as well and I do want to give
1278s kudos to like emble who created the
1280s original game I'm a big fan of and the
1282s game was already super fun but honestly
1285s the hardware at the time there was
1286s limitation it was the first 3D games
1288s that in the Age of Empire Series so
1291s people probably did not even remember
1293s that was 3D game was a big deal at the
1295s time and honestly at the time I felt
1296s like Graphics will never get better than
1298s this this is amazing so
1301s right it was great and but there were
1304s some limitation for example one of the
1306s features that in the original game we
1309s notice that people when they play
1311s against each other there you can
1313s actually most of the god Powers you can
1315s only use it once M so what ends up
1318s happening is people I'm going to save it
1320s I'm going to save this for the right
1322s moment but like but what end up
1324s happening is the game the match will
1326s actually end and then they never
1328s actually get to use it but those are the
1329s coolest things that you get to do in the
1331s game so what we are doing in retail
1333s that's an example of new features we're
1335s adding it now God powers are
1336s rechargeable nice so you can use it
1339s multiple times and strategically that
1342s like change how you think about how to
1343s use those and it is like much more fun
1347s in fact we also added a new age called
1348s the Wonder age and during the like
1351s during the Wonder age you would actually
1353s be able to use the god powers for even
1355s chaper costs so at a discount so you get
1358s to use it even more so God Powers
1361s everywhere more your storms just more
1365s I'm into that yeah I'm very into that
1366s it's just chaos our designer lead
1369s designer Kristen calls it the bakanal of
1371s chaos it's just at the end of the game
1373s everything's cheaper you can just go for
1374s it and just unleash everything you've
1376s got and it's just fun
1379s that's such a good thing to do honestly
1381s cuz I I don't know about you but any
1382s game I play where I can like hold on to
1384s something and then some important
1386s resource I get to the end of the game
1388s I'm like I never use this ever or like
1389s when you know you're about to win like
1391s in a strategy game like this and you
1392s know like you're like I'm not losing
1394s past this point and then you do it just
1396s because you can but it's not that it
1398s helped you at all like it wasn't a
1399s strategic thing you're just like I'm
1400s doing it now cuz I just want to make
1402s sure I do it yeah yeah so Wonder age is
1404s just going to be really really fun more
1406s is more I love that I love that more
1410s yeah that's um so now I know the game
1413s hasn't even come out yet but did I hear
1417s that you might be able to talk about
1418s some of the future additional content in
1420s expansion please pretty please I wanted
1422s well as you said pretty please uh yeah
1424s okay so uh there are going to be two
1426s expansions for Age of Mythology retold
1428s and if you uh pre-order our Premium
1430s Edition those will be included so you'll
1432s get the game and the expansions and
1435s we're not ready to talk about the second
1436s one yet but we are going to tell you
1438s that the first expansion for age
1439s mythology we're told is going to be an
1441s all new Chinese Pantheon oo and uh we're
1445s not ready to show it just yet but we're
1446s going to tell you that it's amazing it
1448s looks great I think players are really
1450s going to love it so that you can get
1452s hold of that as the first expansion well
1454s that's exciting because not only do
1456s players have September 4th to look
1458s forward to September 4th September 4th
1459s September 4th pre- but um I think any
1463s player is always going to want more you
1464s all really view that I'm imagining as
1466s really a starting point for the game
1468s expansions to continue to keep as the
1470s kids who say keep them fed I think
1472s that's what they say I don't know I'm
1474s sure that's right sure I'm we like to
1476s like we like honestly all our titles for
1478s our fans that have been playing our
1480s games they know that we like to think of
1482s our titles are evolving titles so really
1485s like the launch launch day September
1487s September 5th is really only just a
1489s start we'll continue to update the game
1491s we'll take feedback from our community
1493s and then continue to keep improving the
1494s title but since you mentioned September
1497s 5th and the Premium Edition I do want to
1499s point out that like the people who get
1501s the premium Edition will be able to play
1503s the game up to 7 days early so they get
1506s early access to the game get to like
1509s play it so it is going to be fantastic
1512s and in fact the Premium Edition has more
1513s than just
1515s early wait more not more than more than
1519s just like seven days early access they
1521s have the two expansion packs later on
1523s that will be coming they also have the
1526s uh New Gods pack called Freer which is
1528s new new to the game and also for the
1531s fans that remember the original so like
1534s we have an additional pack that you can
1536s change the portrait of the Gods to be
1539s the Original Classic look so you can go
1542s retro just for the hardcore fans that
1544s they they would love them I highly
1546s highly recommend the Premium Edition
1548s just like it is just really it's great
1551s there's so much good stuff in it it's
1552s going to be really really good Early
1554s Access that's hard to beat ear hard to
1556s beat I'm no mathematician but s days
1558s before 4 September 4th means August so
1560s that means players can play in August if
1562s they get the premium all right I love
1563s that more is definitely more more is
1565s more I think that's like the banner of
1567s more monsters more chaos more Graphics
1570s more pixels all things more fun yeah
1573s well em and Ernest thank you so much for
1574s stopping by uh and obviously like tell
1577s the team like great job and I know
1579s players all around the world are excited
1580s to jump in Age of Mythology yeah awesome
1584s um September 4th let September PC and
1587s console there we go there we go cool
1590s well I think that wraps it up for us
1592s today on our special strategy focused
1594s episode of the official Xbox podcast so
1596s huge thanks to the r and Age of
1598s Mythology retold teams but we've got
1601s lots of other special episodes for you
1602s to check out this week here's the
1604s schedule and we're looking forward to
1605s welcoming even more special guests so
1607s make sure to join us back here tomorrow
1609s and in the meantime check out anything
1611s you may have missed earlier in the week
1613s on
1613s youtube.com/ Xbox and on podcast
1616s Services by searching for Xbox podcast
1619s see you tomorrow