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Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition is celebrating Halloween with a new event!

The Halloween Event: October 26 through November 2

While this event is active, everyone will be able to play. We’re including a fun group of challenges specific to our Halloween alongside some super cool rewards.

New Rewards!

Now through November 2nd, complete the in-game tasks within the time limit to unlock exclusive rewards!

Each of the following challenges must be unlocked in order and on separate days:

Day ~ 🎯 Sign into Xbox Live.
🏆 Unlocks the Old Amelia Black in a Witch Costume
profile icon.
💾 Required* if you want to save any rewards unlocked during the event!
*Each of the following challenges must be unlocked in order and on separate days:
Day 1 🔒 Convert an enemy unit using the Incan Priestess’ special ability
🏆 Profile Icon Unlock – Plague Doctor Missionary
Day 2 🔒 Send the Age IV Home City card German Mercenary Contracts as the Swedes
🏆 Profile Icon Unlock – Black Rider with a Pumpkin Head
Day 3 🔒 Reach maximum villager population with any civilization
🧱 Profile Icon Unlock – Zombified Villagers
Day 4 🔒 Win a single player Skirmish or Multiplayer Game on the Plymouth map
🏆 Profile Icon Unlock – Capybara wearing a hockey mask
*Note that the Day 4 challenge cannot
 be completed on Large Plymouth

Event F.A.Q.

Q: Do I have to complete the challenges on consecutive days?

While challenges don’t have to be completed on consecutive days, only one challenge can be completed per day.

Only the Xbox Live challenges can be completed *any* day before the end of the event!

Q: When is the last day I can complete the daily challenges?

The Halloween Event concludes November 2nd.

Q: Do I get to keep all of the event unlocks?

All you need to do is log into your Xbox Live account before the end of the event to keep all of the profile icons and mods you unlock; it’s as easy as that!

Q: What do I do if I accidentally unsubscribe from a special mod?

No problem! All you need to do is click your Profile Icon on the main menu, select Event Mods (under Collection), and then check the unlocked event mod you want to enable!

Q: How do I change my profile icon?

You can update your profile icon in your profile:

  1. On the main menu, click the Profile Icon next to your name.
  2. You should now be in the Profile Icons tab under Collections.
  3. Select your favorite icon, then click the Select Icon button to lock in your choice.
  4. You’re done!
Q: How do I download and enable mods?

For information about how to subscribe to and prioritize your mods, visit this article.

Keep It All (Forever)!

Remember: if you sign in to Xbox Live during the event, you’ll get to keep all of the mods and profile icons you’ve achieved! Sign in, earn your rewards, and enjoy!

We hope you enjoy celebrating The Halloween Event!

—The Age of Empires Team