about 1 year ago - Age of Empires - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

6s >> Let’s play some Age of Empires II on the Xbox,
9s with a controller.
10s >> This is not a port.
11s Nobody believed us in the beginning when we said we're going to bring this to Xbox.
27s >> Everyone is excited for the matches.
29s And having a good time.
30s >> It’s so special,
31s seeing the faces behind the nicknames.
33s What it’s all about, right.
35s >> It motivates you to go back home
37s and play the game as well.
39s >> Oh, she’s not late to anything, dude.
43s He’s sending the villagers.
44s All these nine games for this moment.
47s Here is the Flemish Revolution. The button has been pressed.
50s And he calls the GG.
51s Hera winning NAC 4.
72s >> There are those among us who still believe in Rome.
87s >> What a great surprise.
89s Age of Empires IV: Anniversary Edition,
92s an award winning game on PC,
94s is now available on Xbox consoles today.
100s >> We knew it was important to bring RTS and Age to as many
104s people as possible.
110s >> Some of us even prefer to play on the controller now
112s because it is so good.