Delve into the action of the next DLC for Age of Empires IV – Knights of Cross and Rose! Experience rich, historically-inspired design across a variety of additional content, including a different design philosophy behind two new variant civilizations – the Knights Templar and House of Lancaster.
Command these iconic armies straight out of history, and forge your own destiny! Lead the Knights Templar in the Battle of Montgisard as they stave off Saladin’s forces, and ensure the House of Lancaster’s survival against the Yorkists after a calamitous defeat at Towton. Knights of Cross and Roselaunches on April 8th and is available for pre-order now on Steam, Microsoft Store, and Xbox, with a 15% discount!
Knights of Cross and Rose delivers new experiences to Age of Empires IV players with:
Two new Variant Civilizations that change gameplay like never before – Knights Templar (French variant) and House of Lancaster (English variant).
New game mode: Historical Battles. Lead iconic armies in an action-packed battles inspired by history. Earn medals and test your strategic might in the optional Conqueror mode.
Ten new maps on which to skirmish, battle and forge your way to victory.
We introduced Variant Civilizations to Age of Empires IV with Sultans Ascend. Since then, the team has pushed things even further to explore a broad range of history by highlighting specific moments in time. With the feedback from Sultans Ascend in mind, we’ve applied a more direct “civilization treatment” and aimed for as high a level of authenticity as possible. We’ve added more content, more unique units, more upgrades and more abilities.
We’re excited to present two exciting new Variant Civilizations: the Knights Templar and the House of Lancaster.
Knights Templar (French Variant)
Command the indomitable Knights Templar with their valorous crusaders and blend of European military traditions, which brings a wide range of possible strengths
The Knights were a Military Order, bringing together individuals from a variety of nations. With a powerful unit roster, the Knights Templar’s unique recruitment system gives them a fun strategic edge.
With the real historic order, Templar Commanderies were established in almost every European Kingdom. In Knights of Cross and Rose, we bring this historic system to life through the Commanderie Age Up system. Select one of three allies with each Age to receive a permanent bonus and unique unit. With a broad roster of unique units to choose from, you’ll need to consider both your short and long-term strategy!
The Knights Templar’s unique keep, the Fortress, will play a key strategic role in their overall gameplay.
We can’t wait to see how things play out when you take command of this legendary Military Order when Knights of Cross and Rose launches on April 8th.
House of Lancaster (English Variant)
Marshal the resolute forces of the House of Lancaster, stepping into the turmoil of England’s War of the Roses. Possessing unparalleled tactics; the House of Lancaster utilizes their thriving economy to acquire technological advances that were new to European knowledge at the time.
The House of Lancaster were key players in two of the most influential wars which shaped European medieval history; the War of the Roses and the Hundred Years War. The Lancasters forged a reputation for their incomparable ranged battlefield tactics and an unyielding support for the arts and sciences.
These historical influences inspired much of the gameplay you’ll see when playing the House of Lancaster in Knights of the Cross and Rose. The House of Lancaster comes armed with not only a powerful ability called Synchronized Shot – a wide-ranging volley shot – but they’re also bolstered by the Manor, a unique building which generates resources.
The House of Lancaster serve as a departure from their English-based civilization while still providing an intuitive playstyle which leans towards defensive strategies, allowing players to add a fresh take on play.
Historical Battles
Live the legacy of these iconic armies in a new single-player action-packed game mode: Historical Battles – arriving with Knights of Cross and Rose on April 8th.
This new game mode deviates from the traditional narrative-focused campaign by focusing in on select moments in history that were pivotal for the Knights Templar and the House of Lancaster. With gameplay enriching cinematics and voice-acting, their standalone mission format allows real history to inspire a challenging set of objectives which put the power to defy history in your hands.
Players are scored and ranked by their performance through a medal system. As you strive for victory and a score you can take pride in, you’ll find secrets, traps, and more hidden in the maps, promoting exploration. The result is a gameplay experience that feels like a puzzle and allows for replayability as you search to discover every element that could ensure your victory and reach the top medal category. For those seeking a true challenge, unlock Conqueror mode based on decisions made during the mission.
Rally the Knights Templar and House of Lancaster in missions inspired by iconic historical confrontations. Lead the Knights Templar in the Battle of Montgisard as they stave off Saladin’s forces. Ensure the House of Lancaster’s survival against the Yorkists after a calamitous defeat at Towton.
New Maps
The shape of the battlefield is a truly dynamic part of your campaign for victory. With Knights of Cross and Rose, we’re adding ten new maps. Here’s a preview:
Relic River
Mountain Lakes
Shadow Lake
Enlightened Horizon
New Achievements
New Achievements for Knights Templar
How to Complete
Victory Through Cross and Sword
Win a Multiplayer or Skirmish match with Knights Templar.
Journey to the Sacred Land
As the Knights Templar, have 50 Pilgrims reach a sacred site.
Castle Crasher
Destroy an enemy building with the Trebuchet Emplacement.
‘Tis But a Scratch
Heal allied units by 500 health with the Hospitaller Knight.
Feeding the Rich
Generate 2000 Gold with the Pilgrim Loan at the market.
New Achievements for the House of Lancaster
How to Complete
The Red Rose Flourishes
Win a Skirmish or Multiplayer match with the House of Lancaster.
Blot out the Sun
As the House of Lancaster, hit 500 times using the Yeoman’s Synchronized Shot.
My House is Richer Than Yours
Generate 4000 Gold with Manors in one match.
Lead the Charge
Empower at least 30 units with all 4 Lords of Lancaster at once.
Knife to Meet You
Kill 50 units with the Earl’s Guard after researching Throwing Dagger Drills.
New Achievements for the Historical Battles Game Mode
How to Complete
Against All Odds
Defeat the French army at Agincourt.
Get Off My Lawn
Destroy the army besieging Safed.
Jerusalem Has Come
Capture all Sacred Sites and drive the Ayyubids out of Montgisard.
A Rose for the Fallen
Survive the Aftermath of Towton.
Conqueror of History
Complete all Historical Battles in Conqueror Mode.
Knights of Cross and Rose is a labor of love from our team and explores gameplay in new and exciting ways.
We can’t wait to see how you make these new civilizations, maps and Historical Battles your own.
Pre-order today on Steam, Microsoft Store, or Xbox and get a 15% discount. Age of Empires IV – Knights of Cross and Rose is due out April 8th! The DLC is priced at $14.99 USD (please check your store of price for your local pricing if you’re outside of the USA), and get ready for more Age of Empires IV, with another DLC to come in 2025!
Live the Legacy – Pre-Order Now!
Pre-order today on Steam, Microsoft Store, or Xbox and get a 15% discount. Age of Empires IV – Knights of Cross and Rose is due out April 8th! The DLC is priced at $14.99 USD (please check your store of price for your local pricing if you’re outside of the USA).