over 2 years
ago -
Age of Empires
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Transcript (by Youtube)
11s | thank you |
55s | thank you |
56s | [Music] |
84s | foreign |
119s | foreign |
153s | foreign |
205s | thank you |
206s | [Music] |
229s | hello everyone and welcome uh welcome |
231s | back it's been a little while since our |
233s | last stream but we're here today for a |
235s | special preview and developer discussion |
237s | kind of stream here on |
239s | the big Age of Empires anniversary |
241s | update coming very shortly for those who |
244s | haven't tuned into a stream before I'm |
245s | Grant Wall one of the Age of Empires |
247s | Community managers here over at Relic |
249s | entertainment and yeah we are under a |
252s | week away from the upcoming anniversary |
254s | update which is super super exciting so |
256s | we wanted to gather around and chat |
258s | about some of the some of the different |
259s | things we have coming in that update uh |
261s | the patch notes actually or the update |
263s | notes just went out earlier today as |
265s | well you can take a look there but we're |
266s | gonna be chatting just a little bit |
268s | broader strokes and we've got some |
270s | people joining us as well uh the update |
272s | itself does drop on the 28th there or |
276s | 28th no 25th as I can't speak for some |
279s | reason apparently uh and so the big |
282s | update is on the 25th to celebrate the |
284s | Age of Empire's 25th anniversary as well |
286s | and there's a lot of fun coming with |
288s | that but before we get started I guess I |
291s | should bring out some of our guests here |
293s | and so we've got a new face joining us |
296s | today from World's edge here everyone |
298s | give a warm welcome to Justin |
305s | hi this year I'm on the community team |
307s | for Age of Empires helping out with |
309s | social media copywriting video editing |
311s | all that kinds of stuff and uh these |
313s | days I'm a Molly in Maine awesome thank |
316s | you for joining us today and as I'm sure |
318s | chat has also seen we've got the |
322s | everyone's favorite Eric Robel here from |
324s | the balance team |
326s | hey thanks for having me uh I am the |
329s | lead of the balance team and while |
331s | balance is our primary focus um because |
334s | my team is playing the game for hours |
336s | and hours every day we're looking at |
338s | every single piece of the game and |
340s | trying to improve and make better every |
343s | issue that we find |
345s | I mean and you make everything better |
346s | right all the time exactly |
349s | awesome so thank you so much for both of |
351s | you joining today I know it's a very |
352s | exciting stream we've got some really |
354s | cool stuff coming up with this update |
356s | that it it's been a while and I've we've |
359s | we've seen this all as it's being |
361s | developed and super super excited to get |
362s | there to celebrate and again 25 years |
365s | for the Age of Empires franchise is |
366s | absolutely insane like to think of a |
368s | title being around that long to see it |
371s | still have such a passionate community |
372s | and to have Age of Empires 4 is a new |
374s | title as well for people to play and |
376s | this big update we've got coming uh yeah |
379s | so along that note the most exciting |
382s | thing is that we do have two new |
385s | civilizations coming to Age of Empires 4 |
387s | here |
388s | yes uh to do sieves uh that's obviously |
391s | the thing that most people are most |
393s | excited about there's a lot more uh |
395s | Beyond just that but yeah we should |
396s | probably start with the thing that |
397s | people are most excited about which is |
399s | of course the juices being added to the |
401s | game which is the Ottomans and malians |
403s | uh which is the first new sieves to be |
404s | added to Age of Empires 4. yeah super |
408s | super exciting uh and I know a lot of |
412s | people have had experience with these |
413s | already in the public update preview |
414s | that was out just a reminder in the |
416s | future if you're interested in checking |
417s | things out early there is the the pup |
419s | you can go to the Age of Empires website |
421s | and sign up for that as well |
424s | now yeah so we've got the Ottomans and |
426s | the malleons both coming and so along |
428s | with these two new sieves there is a new |
431s | set of challenges as well that you get |
432s | to put your skills to the test with uh |
434s | yeah and |
437s | yeah they're just super super exciting I |
439s | know many of you are in chat are excited |
441s | let's see in chat what what's your |
443s | favorite of these two newsives what are |
445s | you looking most forward to everyone |
446s | just give us a shout out in chat |
450s | and yeah as mentioned these are all part |
453s | of the anniversary update coming on |
455s | October 25th and the best thing I know |
457s | we've said before but this is a free |
459s | update can't go wrong with free always |
462s | nice I will like anything free you just |
464s | sure sign me up my favorite price |
466s | absolutely did you want me to do a quick |
468s | sort of like gameplay breakdown on the |
470s | two sieves and some of the differences |
472s | that you'll see in game yeah for sure |
474s | take it take it away |
476s | okay so the the malleons you know it's |
479s | sort of talking about their gold gaming |
482s | so like the mechanically the way that oh |
485s | sorry should I start with the Ottomans |
486s | go with whatever you like |
488s | macmalians Works let's go with them uh |
491s | yeah so for the the malians they have |
493s | this building it's called an open pit |
495s | mine and they build it on top of the |
497s | gold mine so it's kind of like the you |
499s | know the Mongols building the ooVoo |
501s | except they can build multiples so each |
504s | age they can build more and not only |
506s | does that just like generate gold for |
508s | you it doesn't take away gold from the |
511s | gold deposit so it'll make infinite gold |
513s | for you and if that wasn't like sweet |
516s | enough already |
517s | their houses will also contribute to the |
521s | amount of gold earned so you can build |
522s | houses for them around this and it'll |
525s | it'll crank up that amount of gold that |
527s | it's generating uh and their houses are |
530s | they're cheaper too they cost uh they |
532s | only cost they cost like half amount of |
534s | wood and they give half the population |
535s | so you can really crank out a big little |
537s | like mining Community around the area to |
539s | really boost that amount of gold that |
540s | they're generating so that's that's one |
542s | really cool thing we love about the |
544s | balions and then the other really stand |
545s | out feature for them is their core unit |
548s | roster is completely unique like all |
550s | their units are different so they have |
553s | um in terms of like a you know like a |
555s | light Cavalry they have their Scout is |
557s | like a they have a warrior Scout instead |
559s | so that's their like late Cavalry and so |
560s | it can like you know Auto heal a little |
563s | bit |
564s | um as as well as you know being really |
566s | good at revealing things and the upgrade |
569s | where you can carry the deer carcasses |
571s | is super good for them because they'll |
572s | have a bunch of these Warrior Scouts |
574s | because they're just like really good at |
575s | fighting so their entire core roster all |
578s | has unique units which is like super |
579s | cool and really fun and refreshing so we |
582s | love the malions uh for those many other |
585s | reasons but those two in particular are |
587s | quite exciting for us |
590s | awesome |
594s | and then yeah so |
597s | let's see I see Chad's having fun with |
599s | her oohs yes |
601s | please no why did I say that |
605s | someone's gonna clip that always a |
608s | challenge always a challenge every time |
610s | I see it |
611s | all right uh yeah so definitely exciting |
614s | to see those coming uh |
618s | let me just and then uh yeah so we're on |
620s | the admin slide so yeah let's go over |
621s | those real quick for you |
623s | um so yeah two really cool things to get |
624s | the Ottomans so one is that this uh this |
627s | Council system |
629s | um that's basically what all their |
631s | unique texts for the most part are sort |
633s | of put into this window and all of these |
636s | texts are free they don't cost any |
639s | resources and they research instantly so |
642s | that sounds massively overpowered but |
645s | don't worry like we did some balancing |
646s | so you get these texts sort of |
649s | throughout the game over time slowly |
651s | like one at a time and you earn them |
653s | just like by producing units right so no |
656s | matter what unit you're producing |
657s | villagers Horsemen Siege weapons and |
661s | aging up as well that sort of like |
663s | contributes experience to this Council |
665s | system and once you've reached enough |
666s | Council experience you'll level up |
668s | you'll get a point and then you select |
670s | one of these uh free researches so it's |
673s | a it's a really cool way to sort of |
674s | expand you know your sort of powered |
676s | influence over time and it's also |
679s | limited to help sort of each game feel a |
682s | little bit different because you only |
684s | get to pick five of these nine |
686s | Technologies |
687s | so depending on which map you're on or |
690s | which Civ you're playing against you |
692s | might be picking different Technologies |
694s | and stuff like that based on the |
695s | situation that you're in so that's super |
697s | cool and then the other thing is they're |
699s | military schools allow them to produce |
702s | units for free and it'll just it'll just |
706s | you get to select what you want you're |
707s | like do I want an Archer do I want a man |
709s | in arms like whatever you have access to |
711s | to be able to produce whatever age |
713s | you're in you can get those units for |
714s | free |
715s | uh and so that sounds pretty overpowered |
717s | too but don't worry I got you guys |
719s | balance wise the building is both pretty |
722s | expensive and it trains the unit slower |
725s | than you normally would be trading a |
727s | unit if you were just like to purchase |
728s | it so those are sort of the |
729s | counterbalances in the system to make up |
731s | for these for use but a lot of cool |
733s | stuff there with the Ottomans and also I |
736s | guess that was too but like third thing |
738s | real quick mentioned fan favorite uh is |
740s | their their new Canon |
743s | um it's more expensive than a bombard |
744s | but it's just like a huge gigantic Canon |
747s | of AOE damage so it's just really |
749s | powerful and fun and awesome to use yeah |
751s | no absolutely and I mean we had some fun |
754s | with that in the the trailer that came |
756s | out at Gamescom there as well uh |
759s | why don't we take a look at that trailer |
760s | once really quickly I know you've all |
761s | seen it a bunch but since we're talking |
762s | about millions and Ottomans and building |
764s | up some hype uh we'll jump into that but |
766s | also just before we do I see in chat a l |
769s | Bots an Elliot over there familiar face |
771s | hopping in chat thanks for joining us |
775s | we miss you we miss you Elliot |
778s | one day we'll have to find some way to |
779s | get you back on here don't worry it'll |
781s | happen |
782s | uh |
784s | but let's take a look really quickly at |
786s | this the trailer from Gamescom here and |
787s | we will be right back in just one second |
791s | [Music] |
794s | there's more than one way to win a |
797s | battle and every Empire must find their |
800s | own path to Victory |
810s | whether you strike from afar or Ambush |
813s | up close the malians will use which and |
816s | strategy to outmaneuver their opponents |
818s | and gain the advantage on the |
820s | battlefield |
827s | with powerful Siege tools and the |
830s | ability to Rally large formations the |
832s | Ottomans can keep the pressure on to |
834s | bring down their enemies defenses |
842s | [Music] |
848s | when the drums of War beat how will you |
851s | emerge Victorious |
857s | history is in the making |
859s | and your place in it has just begun |
867s | [Music] |
886s | oh there sorry we yes we would we got to |
889s | do that all again |
891s | enough fun of doing this live uh yeah so |
894s | I don't know I don't know about you but |
896s | for me watch watching that trailer there |
899s | there's no way you can't be excited |
900s | about these two SIDS |
903s | and both tips very exciting trailer very |
907s | exciting great music choice not |
909s | everybody loves the smoke on water but |
911s | everyone here loves it so yeah |
915s | it's different it's different than what |
917s | you've seen before it has |
919s | it just has that feel though like you |
921s | get so into it |
922s | um yeah |
924s | and so I guess we can move right along |
927s | and talk about some of the other the |
929s | other new stuff coming Eric if you'd |
931s | like to take us away |
934s | oh you want to hear about navel |
936s | I mean we can hop into navel I was going |
937s | to hop into some of the new maps but we |
939s | can |
942s | new map new maps yeah yeah yeah those |
946s | things I mean I know you're I know so as |
948s | a note Eric is really excited for Naval |
951s | and it's been his big thing he's like |
952s | Naval Naval Naval don't worry we will |
955s | get there Eric but all right we'll talk |
957s | about the maps first |
958s | um |
959s | Yeah so basically we wanted to you know |
962s | make sure we had a variety of different |
964s | you know styles of maps um so some with |
967s | Naval uh yeah yeah |
969s | um and then you know some some Flats |
971s | some open some a bit more like choke |
972s | pointy and stuff like that so I would |
975s | say you know from this list uh Mountain |
978s | clearing really stands out is offering a |
981s | quite a different experience than |
983s | players are used to because this map |
986s | you're basically surrounded in mountains |
988s | and forests so there's just a very small |
991s | area of the map in which you have to |
993s | fight so it's like super aggressive and |
997s | you're very close to the enemy so the |
1000s | action starts off uh Fast and Furious in |
1003s | this map and we've had a lot of a lot of |
1005s | fun crazy play tests on this map |
1007s | um we don't have it on the we didn't put |
1010s | it in like the ranked ladder rotation or |
1012s | anything like that um because because |
1014s | it's just such a different you know play |
1015s | style than people are used to but you |
1017s | know we thought it was like a fun option |
1018s | to give people some of the time time but |
1020s | not necessarily like oh you're going to |
1021s | want to play this map like every single |
1023s | day so kind of you know the variety of |
1025s | different kind of maps and then you have |
1027s | um Wetlands which is kind of neat |
1029s | because it just has lots of like really |
1031s | tiny ponds all over the place and each |
1034s | have you know fish in there so your |
1036s | villagers you're constantly like |
1037s | building Mills sort of all over the map |
1039s | and it can be also hard to defend right |
1042s | because you're making stuff in so many |
1044s | places all over the map so it's uh it |
1047s | ends up being a pretty aggressive like a |
1049s | fast-paced map uh once things sort of |
1051s | get going later on there's a lot of ways |
1053s | to attack the enemy so |
1055s | um I think there's a lot of a lot of |
1056s | cool things with these maps and I think |
1058s | people are really gonna enjoy them |
1060s | uh there's a couple of uh old school |
1062s | maps in there as well uh maps that |
1065s | should be familiar to uh age franchise |
1068s | fans uh long time Age of Empires |
1071s | franchise fans will be very familiar uh |
1073s | with both of the uh with the two last |
1075s | Maps Mediterranean is a map that dates |
1077s | all the way back to the Rise of Rome |
1078s | expansion uh for the original Age of |
1081s | Empires uh features a large Central uh |
1083s | lake with lots of food available |
1086s | um two Naval trade posts and two sacred |
1088s | sites |
1089s | um it's a map that tends to promote a |
1091s | mix of Naval and terrestrial engagements |
1093s | uh with water being a valuable resource |
1095s | obviously to fight over on that one uh |
1097s | the other is oasis which is another |
1099s | classic map that that this time from Age |
1101s | Two though uh features a dense central |
1103s | Forest that surrounds a small Lake and |
1106s | unlike the original the two sacred sites |
1107s | are on the shoreline and players will |
1110s | definitely want to chop their way to the |
1112s | central Oasis to wrestle control of the |
1115s | valuable resources |
1117s | awesome and so I know Eric just as a bit |
1121s | of note here I know we were going to |
1122s | talk about something else next but |
1123s | you're so excited about Naval I think |
1125s | we're just gonna jump right to it you're |
1127s | you're just like I I see your |
1129s | anticipation here so just give us a |
1131s | second and we're gonna get this going |
1132s | Eric's got a bit of a demo he wants to |
1134s | show off let me just get this on stream |
1137s | for everyone barely a demo that would |
1140s | that's that's maybe even hyping it up a |
1142s | bit too barely a demo all right here's |
1144s | here's Eric's barely a demo everyone we |
1146s | are good Eric so take us away whenever |
1148s | you're ready cool yeah so there were |
1151s | quite a few things we were looking to do |
1153s | with this Naval re rework in terms of |
1156s | like what we wanted to achieve with |
1158s | players and and you know sort of like |
1160s | the gameplay patterns you get to |
1161s | experience |
1163s | so first off is we wanted |
1166s | um we wanted to have some of the the |
1168s | core things we were missing |
1170s | from the like the land experience and |
1173s | that's like like the foundation of our |
1174s | gameplay is that like rock paper |
1175s | scissors of like trying to out think |
1177s | outmaneuver encounter what the enemy is |
1180s | doing based on like what units he's |
1181s | building |
1183s | um so in order to get that we needed to |
1185s | have all those pieces available for you |
1189s | guys right at the beginning of the game |
1190s | right like if if the only unit basically |
1193s | with old Naval like the only unit you |
1195s | could build was like rock right and it |
1196s | was just like who had the most rocks and |
1198s | that person what right so that's like |
1200s | not super you know like dynamic or you |
1202s | know like super interesting so we |
1204s | decided to bring all of the the sort of |
1207s | core pieces forward so you can now build |
1209s | a galley or a Hulk or a demolition ship |
1212s | right off the get-go |
1214s | and these are also a much sort of like |
1217s | stronger counter to one another as well |
1220s | like it I think players ended up you |
1222s | know a lot of times you just like Mass |
1223s | hulks because it was like oh well |
1225s | they're kind of just like the best unit |
1227s | and and kind of deal with everything and |
1229s | they like kill docs so like why would |
1231s | you just not only Mass Hulks |
1234s | um so we made these these units a lot |
1236s | like stronger and more defined in their |
1238s | role of what they were going to do |
1240s | um so the Hulk you can still see like |
1242s | it's got the um the bonus damage against |
1243s | buildings so that's that's sort of like |
1245s | it's it's secondary role in addition to |
1248s | to doing extra damage against the Archer |
1250s | ships so it's got a big damage bonus |
1252s | against the Archer ships uh and the |
1254s | Archer ship it has a really big damage |
1256s | bonus against the incendiary ships |
1258s | um and not only that um but we also |
1260s | changed its attack a little bit so it |
1262s | actually |
1263s | um instead of just like shooting you |
1265s | know the like a line of arrows it |
1267s | spreads them out a little bit and and |
1269s | then each Arrow has a little bit of an |
1271s | AOE on it as well so it does like a |
1272s | splash and this allows it to actually be |
1275s | able to kill multiple demolition ships |
1277s | at a time which is really important |
1278s | because people generally you build like |
1281s | a mass of them then you just run them |
1283s | all in and explode the Army and when you |
1285s | can only you know hit one of them at a |
1287s | time with your galleys it wasn't really |
1288s | a very good counter to this like swarm |
1290s | of demo ships uh so it's kind of part of |
1292s | the reason for that and then lastly the |
1294s | demolition ship |
1296s | um it's got a pretty cranked up damage |
1298s | it does plus 300 against broadside ships |
1301s | so that applies to the springled ships |
1304s | and then also the the warship uh that |
1306s | player that you can build in the fourth |
1308s | age |
1310s | so we got the triangle uh it's really |
1313s | solid and the boats also |
1315s | um we want to just you know like it |
1317s | should feel good and fun to just move |
1319s | the boats around so you notice that the |
1321s | boats are a bit more like Zippy now like |
1323s | they both move and turn faster so it's |
1326s | kind of just a bit you know like more |
1328s | fun to be building the boats |
1330s | uh and then we looked at the economy |
1332s | side of the boats because |
1334s | every boat just costs wood and gold and |
1338s | so it made the economy kind of flat like |
1341s | there wasn't as much Intrigue and and |
1343s | you know you were only managing two |
1344s | resources so it just wasn't quite |
1347s | you know it was sort of like lacking |
1349s | some of the Strategic depth that we |
1350s | wanted out of the gameplay |
1351s | so in order to combat that |
1355s | um you know we're kind of like |
1355s | brainstorming talking about it and I was |
1357s | like well |
1358s | how come you never use food to build |
1360s | these boats right like these boats have |
1363s | Crews like they you know they're hungry |
1364s | they need food too right so we actually |
1367s | added in a food cost so now you're |
1369s | paying you know food and wood or food |
1371s | wood and gold for these ships so there's |
1374s | a lot more uh interesting Dynamics in |
1376s | terms of managing your economy and it |
1379s | flows really well with the fact that you |
1381s | can build fishing ships that give you |
1384s | food and then you can actually spend |
1385s | some of that food to build the ships |
1387s | because it was you know you got a couple |
1389s | of fishing boats but then you just had |
1390s | so much food and not a lot to do with it |
1392s | it kind of like didn't make sense so |
1394s | Incorporated uh not only that element |
1396s | but uh Stone was was kind of a missing |
1399s | piece as well from this gameplay |
1401s | so we've added this Naval Arrow slits um |
1405s | so this you pay stone for it and it puts |
1407s | a defensive Arrow out of this with like |
1411s | a very long range because you know since |
1413s | it's kind of like a bit back and like |
1414s | right on the coast it needs to have like |
1416s | a really nice range so it shoots quite |
1418s | far |
1418s | and it allows a bit more of that sort of |
1422s | core strategic gameplay we have where |
1425s | you're kind of trying to figure out do I |
1426s | want to you know like boom up my economy |
1428s | do I want to build a big military and |
1430s | attack the enemy or do I want to take up |
1432s | to the next age and giving this piece |
1436s | this Naval Arrow slits really helped |
1439s | with |
1440s | choosing a strategy where you were like |
1441s | booming and building more fishing boats |
1443s | or if you were wanted to take up to the |
1445s | next age this would protect you to be |
1447s | able to do that |
1448s | and then now that you're in the next |
1451s | stage like what do you get right like |
1452s | why was it worth |
1455s | spending you know all that huge amount |
1457s | of resources to join the castle age well |
1458s | we've added a whole bunch of text here |
1461s | so each boat has its own uh unique |
1464s | technology that will upgrade it in the |
1466s | in the castle age and then we also have |
1467s | this armored hole that just like beefs |
1469s | up all your ships giving them extra hit |
1472s | points and extra ranged armor |
1474s | and we also do that for the Imperial age |
1476s | as well so there's you see this armored |
1479s | hole it's a one of two so there's a |
1481s | imperial age version of that too where |
1484s | you can crank up its hit points even |
1485s | more and then you have some even more |
1488s | spicy new Imperial age technologies that |
1492s | you can research for these ships to to |
1494s | give them even more interesting you know |
1496s | standout type of attacks and abilities |
1498s | and stuff like that |
1499s | so |
1501s | we're we're really happy with you know |
1503s | how the gameplay has changed and evolved |
1507s | um and well of course this is you know |
1509s | you can play like these maps that are |
1511s | exclusively Naval it also really adds an |
1514s | interesting Dynamic to these hybrid type |
1515s | of maps that might just have like a |
1517s | river or a lake as a partial feature but |
1519s | now there's a lot more interplay back |
1521s | and forth types of things you can be |
1523s | interacting with the opponent on sort of |
1525s | all types of maps |
1527s | so I think that covers uh the vast |
1530s | majority we what we've done with the |
1531s | naval stuff |
1533s | awesome yeah no it's looking really nice |
1535s | Definitely exciting and I think people |
1536s | are gonna have a lot of fun playing it |
1537s | and it'll hopefully make people really |
1540s | excited to try out some Naval here as |
1541s | well |
1542s | yeah we've been having so much fun with |
1544s | it we've been doing a bunch of like |
1546s | internal play tests and like tweaking |
1547s | the numbers |
1548s | we also um you know like we we had like |
1551s | this General problem where like the |
1552s | boats were so strong they would just |
1553s | kill every land unit so when we change |
1556s | like the costs of these things we made |
1558s | the boats a bit cheaper on resources and |
1560s | made them like kind of a bit less |
1562s | effective against land units like they |
1563s | have a bit less hit points and stuff |
1564s | like that so you could make a much more |
1567s | substantially sized Naval Army which is |
1570s | in general it's just like a lot more fun |
1572s | having like a big army of stuff there's |
1573s | more things to micro there's more like |
1575s | back and forth battles and breeding and |
1577s | stuff like that so yeah we're we're |
1580s | certainly you know we wouldn't say that |
1582s | like anything in the in the game is ever |
1583s | like perfect but we're just really proud |
1586s | of the steps we've made forward and |
1588s | advancing the gameplay and just making |
1589s | it really fun |
1591s | so you're saying is there's a lot of |
1592s | balance that's gone into this |
1594s | absolutely yeah |
1596s | awesome well that that was you're super |
1599s | excited to share with us a little bit of |
1601s | Naval barely demo as you phrased it a |
1605s | fairly demo yep |
1609s | awesome let me just hop off of this |
1611s | stream there we go all right so we're |
1615s | just gonna hop back up to something else |
1618s | we were wanting to talk about something |
1619s | that all of you are probably very very |
1622s | excited to hear about is taunts and |
1625s | cheats so these are some things that |
1627s | something that fans have been looking |
1628s | for for a long time we've heard we've |
1630s | heard seen all the messages being like |
1632s | we want taunts and cheats we want taunts |
1634s | and cheats yes they are they are a |
1635s | hundred percent part of the franchise |
1636s | and they are something that people have |
1638s | come to know and love in |
1641s | basically every age vampires game that's |
1643s | out there uh yeah it's definitely often |
1646s | requested fan favorite |
1648s | and some of the players again this is |
1650s | the public update preview that you have |
1651s | the option to take part in if you sign |
1653s | up on the Age of Empires website it's |
1655s | currently done but they they do spin up |
1657s | from time to time and a bunch of people |
1659s | did get a chance to check out all this |
1660s | content including constant cheats and we |
1662s | heard just amazing feedback from our |
1664s | players on it uh definitely doing things |
1667s | a little different uh in how how it's |
1670s | presented in the client but it's really |
1671s | cool so they can be used in both Lobby |
1674s | or in game chat for taunts uh there are |
1677s | more than a hundred of them and we've |
1680s | got a lot of different types of taunt |
1682s | here taunts going on here uh we've got |
1684s | some stuff that are like witty banter |
1686s | and I'm just going to toss some of these |
1687s | just give me one second to see where |
1689s | this is happening here I'm going to toss |
1691s | some of these on the stream I've got |
1692s | some just little recordings of clicking |
1694s | around and playing with them just so you |
1696s | can hear some of what we've got and not |
1698s | all 100 of them but this is true I am |
1701s | not playing |
1703s | King king of observes |
1705s | hey I'm in your town |
1709s | start the game already |
1712s | sure blame it on your ISP |
1715s | yeah so those are some of the like more |
1717s | witty banter we've got we've got some |
1718s | more important Communications as well |
1720s | that you'll probably find yourself using |
1721s | a fair bit in game as well simple yes no |
1723s | are you still there |
1725s | GG no re |
1727s | GG Ree let's go for a conquest victory |
1733s | ever a classic that everyone's grown to |
1735s | love |
1737s | hello |
1744s | everyone's whoa |
1747s | these are and so as you see here this is |
1750s | actually in the client there's a way to |
1751s | actually preview all of these you can |
1752s | listen to them you it tells you the |
1754s | number there so you know what you're |
1755s | using uh super super cool you'll be able |
1758s | to unlock actually more in the future as |
1760s | well and |
1762s | just so people are aware these are an |
1764s | assortment of some of our fellow |
1766s | relicans here these are just we people |
1768s | who are interested we went to the studio |
1769s | we had our sound team work with us to |
1771s | get these all recorded and you'll hear |
1773s | some familiar voices in there I I'm in a |
1775s | few of them I think there are a lot of |
1778s | different people around the studio so |
1779s | definitely play through them give them a |
1780s | listen and enjoy them they were a lot of |
1782s | fun and the team spent a lot of time |
1784s | figuring out which ones which ones to |
1787s | add and where they want to go in the |
1788s | future too |
1789s | did you demo any of the ones that you've |
1791s | done Iris yeah that'd be cool I did not |
1794s | uh people will have to go find them |
1796s | themselves when it's out there it's one |
1797s | of those things you don't like hearing |
1798s | yourself so I don't want to play my own |
1799s | you guys can go find it oh you're |
1801s | embarrassed okay yeah yeah but it was a |
1803s | lot of fun going in getting to do that |
1805s | all and I mean |
1806s | it's a cool thing to say your voices in |
1808s | the game |
1809s | uh yeah it's it's fun just like I'm |
1811s | playing the game and then I hear the |
1812s | taunt and I'm like wait where is where |
1815s | is Christina I hear her voice but I |
1816s | don't see her yeah I know for sure |
1818s | someone someone else has done the taunt |
1820s | to you and you're like oh yeah uh yeah |
1822s | yep yep |
1824s | uh yeah and so the other sides of taunts |
1827s | and cheats would be cheats uh so we've |
1831s | shown some of these already in blog |
1833s | posts or on social they are very cool |
1835s | they're enable you can choose to enable |
1837s | them in the lobby of a custom match when |
1838s | you make it uh same thing open in-game |
1841s | chat and you just enter whatever the |
1843s | secret code is uh there's a few that |
1845s | I've got that people can get started |
1847s | with I'm just gonna go through and just |
1848s | show off really quickly uh so let me |
1851s | just make sure these are going to queue |
1852s | up right the fun of this so there's big |
1854s | bad sheep uh let's see if this plays |
1857s | there we go |
1858s | so you open up chat type in big bad |
1860s | sheep and what do you know all the Sheep |
1863s | are wolves |
1866s | it's a fun one uh there is one of us |
1870s | which |
1872s | again same thing open up chat you've got |
1874s | some enemies coming one of us all of a |
1876s | sudden they're converted |
1879s | probably one of my favorite is |
1882s | this is fine because nowadays everything |
1885s | is the response is just this is fine |
1888s | and yeah I don't know what more you |
1890s | would expect other than everything being |
1892s | on fire |
1895s | uh there are a lot more of these I'll |
1898s | just do one more but there's there's |
1900s | gonna be a bunch and there is an FAQ on |
1903s | the pages the patch notes that went out |
1905s | today that takes you to fa two tons of |
1907s | cheats to tell you a little bit more |
1908s | that but this is Smorgasbord you just |
1910s | get a hundred thousand of all resources |
1912s | uh there are other ones that do things |
1914s | like reveal or hide the map reveal fog |
1917s | of War there's even some fun ones that |
1919s | do like a bullet time slow-mo or |
1920s | different things like that as well so |
1923s | there's definitely I mean taunts and |
1924s | cheats both of them are super super |
1926s | exciting and people I think you'll have |
1928s | a lot of fun checking them out up yeah |
1930s | and there are more than a hundred |
1932s | different uh taunts as well so you can |
1934s | go through play them as much you want |
1936s | just go click that button listen to any |
1938s | of them as many times as you want have |
1939s | some fun um but yeah they work in for |
1942s | taunts work in either Lobby or in-game |
1945s | and then cheats you have to enable |
1946s | before you start a custom match and you |
1948s | can use those in game as well |
1950s | no there are not 100 treat sheets there |
1952s | are over 100 taunts uh number of cheats |
1955s | don't actually recall down my head but |
1957s | there are still quite a few of them |
1959s | it's like |
1961s | 10 ish something like that there's it's |
1964s | more than a few more than a few uh yeah |
1968s | uh we still have a little bit more to go |
1971s | over I think Eric you mentioned you |
1972s | might have to hop off very soon so if |
1976s | you'd like to you're more than welcome |
1977s | to we can have you say goodbye or you |
1979s | can stick around if you really want to |
1981s | just hang out with everyone but I know I |
1983s | know those meetings they |
1985s | they get yeah yeah I definitely have do |
1988s | need to take off here pretty soon |
1991s | um but I saw there was a couple like |
1993s | user questions that got uh posted yeah |
1996s | okay we'll let you answer if there's |
1998s | anything you'd like there and and then |
2000s | afterwards Justin and I will continue |
2001s | along the rest of the way |
2003s | okay cool cool |
2005s | um so someone has they're talking about |
2007s | the unique Civ traits rebalance for the |
2010s | Navy |
2011s | um so |
2013s | it was it was basically like so much |
2015s | work |
2016s | um to do this Naval pass and due to news |
2020s | like this was like a very ambitious |
2022s | update for us so we have made you know |
2025s | like some tweaks and smaller adjustments |
2027s | to the like some of like the unique you |
2030s | know texts and stuff like that for Naval |
2032s | but I think that's definitely an area in |
2034s | the future we want to spend a bit more |
2036s | time focusing on and making improvements |
2037s | so like in general we just love to get |
2040s | your guys feedback on how how the Navy |
2042s | experience is and you know what are what |
2045s | are the parts that you love about it and |
2046s | what are the parts that you know still |
2047s | need a little bit of tweaking and tuning |
2051s | and then there's another question about |
2053s | do we plan to add skins someday |
2056s | um so one of the the important things |
2059s | for adding skins is it's awesome because |
2061s | it's letting you customize you know your |
2065s | army your units and like show off and |
2067s | and be unique so that you know you look |
2069s | different than another player who's also |
2071s | playing the same English or French or |
2073s | whatever civilization you're playing |
2076s | um so it's definitely something we would |
2078s | you know we wouldn't rule out but we |
2081s | want to make sure that the units are |
2082s | still like legible and clear and |
2085s | readable because you don't want to get |
2086s | like attacked by an enemy Army and not |
2088s | know like oh what are these units I've |
2090s | never seen this before so it's something |
2092s | we would want to do with like a lot of |
2093s | intention and really like think about |
2096s | um you know the different design |
2097s | implications and like how how far we're |
2100s | willing to go with the skin like how |
2102s | different will it look in the core unit |
2104s | and how can you still identify this as |
2106s | like this is a night and this is a |
2107s | musketeer and I can still tell that for |
2109s | those units |
2112s | so I think that's all I have time for |
2114s | but thank you so so much for having me |
2117s | on I love doing this and I'm hoping that |
2120s | you guys will invite me back for a |
2121s | future session definitely thank you so |
2124s | much Eric for joining us we'll let you |
2125s | get off to that meeting and Jeff and I |
2127s | are gonna just stick around and widen |
2130s | things up wrap things up over here so |
2131s | everyone |
2132s | watching stay tuned please don't just |
2135s | leave because Eric's leaving |
2138s | bye Eric thank you again all right thank |
2140s | you Eric for joining us yes yeah super |
2143s | awesome to have him talk to us |
2145s | awesome all right now hopefully all of |
2148s | you watching you just don't leave |
2149s | immediately now without Eric down there |
2151s | in the bottom left corner I know I know |
2152s | his face and he's just so excited there |
2154s | but don't worry you've got Justin myself |
2156s | right now today take you the rest of the |
2157s | way here uh yeah so |
2160s | one of the other things we have coming I |
2162s | know this is something people have asked |
2163s | for uh there's been a lot of work done |
2166s | on his Waypoint markers so |
2169s | yeah there's been a favor to work and |
2171s | we've made some changes and so there are |
2173s | now gold Waypoint markers indicate |
2175s | movement which is fairly straightforward |
2177s | but there's also now additional so blue |
2179s | will indicate actions and then red |
2181s | indicate attacker Patrol uh you can also |
2183s | now shift click multiple waypoints in a |
2185s | row and you'll see all of them in a |
2187s | chain so you kind of see what your |
2188s | unit's going to follow there as well uh |
2191s | so definitely that's one of those things |
2192s | that might not seem the biggest like I'm |
2195s | just showing you some quick pictures |
2196s | here but when you feel it in game when |
2197s | you start using it it hopefully will |
2199s | feel much more what you're looking for |
2201s | you'll be able to know what's going on |
2202s | you'll be able to see kind of |
2204s | the chain of the chain of a taxi what's |
2206s | going on what you've got queued up in |
2208s | your your pathing there with the |
2209s | waypoints there |
2211s | it was one of those things that made uh |
2213s | when the pup ended it made it difficult |
2215s | going back to the to the regular builds |
2218s | of the live build because it's one of |
2219s | those things you don't really think |
2220s | about but when it's when you don't have |
2222s | it it's like oh gosh I realize now how |
2224s | awesome this is so yeah really really |
2227s | glad that it's in in the in the new |
2229s | build |
2232s | um and then also coming up in the new |
2235s | build uh because it is literally jammed |
2238s | to the gills with stuff uh we also have |
2240s | ranked team matches which are going to |
2242s | be making their debut with this update |
2244s | uh which means players will be able to |
2245s | queue up for 2v2 3v3 and 4v4 ranked |
2249s | matches |
2250s | um and of course season three will bring |
2252s | new Badges and some exclusive rewards |
2255s | for Team gameplay as well I know |
2257s | obviously not everybody has been asking |
2260s | for that but the people that have been |
2261s | asking for this feature have been very |
2263s | very vocal |
2264s | um so I'm sure they're going to be |
2265s | really happy to have that uh and |
2267s | actually someone in chat just a little |
2268s | while ago I think it's already scrolled |
2270s | past it and in fact I think the person |
2272s | left |
2273s | um they're like Eric's gone yeah I |
2275s | probably |
2276s | but someone brought up uh hotkeys |
2278s | shortcuts for mappable Keys all of that |
2280s | kind of stuff |
2281s | um that is also getting improved updated |
2284s | fixed Etc |
2285s | um thanks to the valuable feedback from |
2287s | the community so uh in this updates |
2289s | there will be improvements to the shift |
2291s | queuing system uh refinements to |
2293s | building shortcuts and and all kinds of |
2295s | things like that again another kind of |
2297s | quality of life it doesn't really seem |
2298s | like a huge change on the surface but |
2301s | it's one of those things that'll just |
2302s | really make your your day-to-day |
2303s | gameplay of the game much better yeah |
2306s | definitely I mean that's one of the |
2307s | things is there's a lot in this update |
2309s | and the update notes are live so after |
2312s | the stream highly highly recommend if |
2313s | you're interested going to the Age of |
2315s | Empires website just ajampires.com |
2316s | taking a read through seeing what's |
2319s | coming your way there's way more that |
2320s | than we could cover on the stream here |
2321s | we go into so so much detail with these |
2323s | notes you can read specific balance |
2325s | changes you can thank Eric for all of |
2326s | those later I'm sure uh |
2329s | you can read all these new features |
2330s | taunts cheats ranked team matches all |
2333s | these update updates we have coming your |
2335s | way as well there's just so many |
2336s | improvements whether that's AI map |
2338s | updates and all of that uh yeah and as |
2342s | Justin said one of the things is when we |
2344s | do these updates we very often use the |
2346s | pop the public update preview program on |
2349s | the Age of Empires website you can go in |
2350s | and register for that take part of it |
2352s | and it's basically you help us test |
2354s | these features you give your feedback |
2356s | before it's live and a lot of people |
2358s | probably a bunch of you on the stream |
2359s | here as well are part of that program |
2361s | and you've probably seen some of this |
2362s | content and from the feedback from what |
2364s | we test there everything kind of comes |
2367s | together we make refinements we make |
2369s | changes and that's what comes out here |
2371s | when we actually put out these updates |
2372s | so the public update preview is a great |
2375s | way for you to give your feedback on the |
2377s | game to see what's coming out and to |
2378s | help shape the game as well |
2381s | yep yeah it's it's crucial |
2384s | um and it's a great way to test things |
2385s | out uh get a feel for where the game is |
2388s | headed as well |
2389s | um if you're a competitive type of |
2390s | player it's especially important I would |
2392s | say just to get as much of a preview as |
2395s | you can so yeah it's a it's a great |
2396s | place to to not just learn about the |
2398s | game but to help the Game grow as well |
2400s | give us feedback so uh thank you to |
2402s | everybody that's already been a part of |
2404s | it and thank you in advance to everyone |
2406s | who's who's going to be a part of it |
2408s | later on definitely and yeah as I |
2411s | mentioned there is a lot in this update |
2413s | a lot in this free update that arrives |
2415s | on October 25th uh less than a week away |
2418s | crazy how quick that's coming up and |
2420s | it's super exciting I I am sure you're |
2422s | gonna love getting your hands on the |
2423s | update checking this out play around |
2425s | with taunts cheats go find go find some |
2427s | voice lines maybe you'll find mine in |
2429s | there somewhere who knows if you do come |
2431s | next stream and just type the number in |
2433s | chat just curious uh but yeah there's a |
2436s | lot of content go take a look at the the |
2437s | update notes there and yeah I mean 25 |
2441s | years errors for Age of Empires of the |
2443s | franchise absolutely stunning like |
2445s | amazing to think that this is a game |
2448s | this is a franchise that's been around |
2449s | that long and it continues to go very |
2452s | strongly thanks to all of you here to |
2453s | everyone who's helping to shape these |
2455s | games |
2456s | yeah and and there's more even as well |
2458s | in the H4 update that we didn't even |
2460s | have time to cover today balance changes |
2462s | AI improvements as well if you like |
2465s | playing against the AI I sure like |
2466s | playing against the AI uh huge |
2468s | improvements there as well too so again |
2470s | go look at the notes scanned through it |
2472s | there's pretty much guaranteed to be |
2474s | something for everybody in there exactly |
2476s | and yeah there is also on October 25th |
2479s | there is the Age of Empires 25th |
2481s | anniversary stream as well so you can |
2483s | take a look at that and see some |
2485s | additional exciting things for the |
2487s | franchise there no spoilers just tune in |
2490s | it'll be worth it everyone oh no we're |
2492s | not spoiling anything you guys aren't |
2493s | going to trick us into saying something |
2495s | or anything like that uh but yeah we're |
2497s | obviously very excited we're tuning in |
2499s | we hope everyone else is tuning in |
2501s | um it's a it's a very special occasion |
2504s | obviously and we're really excited about |
2505s | it yeah uh and we're probably getting |
2509s | very close to the end of the show but |
2510s | there's one other thing I want to talk |
2512s | about it's not necessarily related |
2514s | directly to this update or the |
2515s | anniversary here but it's a very cool |
2517s | thing just around the corner I'm sure |
2519s | some of you have heard the Red Bull |
2521s | wallow Legacy here coming up on the 21st |
2525s | so that is almost upon us actually I |
2528s | think that is in Germany time over there |
2530s | at Heidelberg as well so that's that's |
2532s | basically happening just around the |
2534s | corner you're gonna kick off so this is |
2537s | the Red Bulls |
2538s | big tournament for Age of Empires this |
2540s | is the Legacy the sixth tournament in |
2543s | the series uh it brings some of the top |
2545s | players from Age of Empires to |
2548s | one of the coolest locations I mean |
2550s | playing in a castle playing in |
2552s | Heidelberg Castle in Germany is |
2554s | absolutely amazing uh so the event |
2556s | itself runs as you see here from the |
2558s | 21st through the 30th of October the H4 |
2561s | portion itself kicks off on the 26th |
2563s | with semi-finals and finals taking place |
2566s | on the 30th uh definitely head over to |
2569s | the Age of Empire's website go to the |
2571s | Red Bull we should have a link there uh |
2573s | if not you can go take a look at the Red |
2574s | Bull Walla Legacy page as well for more |
2578s | details definitely something you'll want |
2580s | to watch online or I know there were |
2582s | some tickets I know they went really |
2583s | quick but if you're in the area and you |
2585s | did have a ticket you can go watch in |
2587s | person as well at the the castle there |
2589s | and if anyone is there I will be |
2593s | attending as well so if you see me say |
2595s | hi |
2597s | I will not be there so don't look for me |
2600s | or look for him have fun just be like |
2603s | yeah I'm there don't worry find me never |
2605s | show up uh but yes uh there we go in |
2608s | chat someone dropped a link to the Red |
2610s | Bull Legacy that you can find more |
2612s | information about that as well it's |
2613s | gonna be super super exciting I'm sure |
2616s | it's gonna be some intense matches there |
2617s | watching people and it's I mean |
2621s | playing a massive tournament with crazy |
2623s | prize money in a castle I mean |
2627s | nothing goes crazier than like that's so |
2629s | much fun uh yeah no yeah it's gonna be |
2632s | incredible I'm really looking forward to |
2633s | it even I think casual players even can |
2636s | really enjoy uh Age of Empires Esports |
2638s | so uh yeah even if if you've never |
2640s | checked out Age of Empires Esports this |
2643s | is the event to tune in for because it's |
2644s | gonna be sick 100 this is like |
2647s | production value is off the charts I |
2650s | guess you're you're playing in a castle |
2652s | you've got some of the best players out |
2653s | there it's gonna there's gonna be some |
2655s | amazing moments I am sure |
2657s | yeah uh yeah so I think that actually |
2660s | brings us towards the end of the show |
2662s | here so we've covered a lot of the stuff |
2664s | coming in this anniversary update here |
2665s | for Age of Empires |
2667s | celebrating 25 years as a franchise uh |
2670s | this update drops on October 25th |
2672s | for free there is also the Age of |
2675s | Empires anniversary stream taking place |
2677s | on the 25th you should also tune into |
2679s | and then there is also Red Bull wallow |
2681s | Legacy here coming up as well from the |
2683s | October 21st through 30th so there's a |
2685s | lot of stuff and again if you tune into |
2688s | that stream on the 25th they'll probably |
2690s | be even more so it's super exciting |
2692s | there's a lot of stuff for the franchise |
2693s | it's awesome to see |
2696s | Age of Empires getting this much love to |
2698s | see it being |
2700s | at like it's it's so amazing to see like |
2703s | these huge tournaments these huge |
2704s | updates free content and seeing all the |
2706s | feedback from players of the game where |
2708s | it's at right now is amazing like |
2709s | seriously that latest pup some of the |
2711s | feedback we got it's just amazing |
2712s | hearing from players seeing where are we |
2714s | where are the games going and where it's |
2716s | going to continue to go from here |
2718s | yeah yeah uh it's it's in a fantastic |
2721s | spot |
2722s | um the balance which I we can't we can't |
2724s | tell Eric this but the balance is at a |
2725s | great spot especially |
2727s | um and yeah it's it it's great and it's |
2730s | it's a fantastic month as you said it's |
2732s | a big month for the entire franchise as |
2734s | well not just for Age of Empires 4 but |
2736s | for the entire franchise |
2738s | um and hopefully that's all gonna come |
2739s | to a head uh uh it's uh 10 a.m Pacific |
2742s | time I believe for the live stream on |
2745s | the 25th so that's uh 1 p.m eastern time |
2747s | uh 6 p.m in UK 7 P.M central European |
2753s | European time I believe yeah definitely |
2755s | super exciting tune in uh and there'll |
2758s | be a lot of exciting stuff there and if |
2759s | you haven't as we mentioned as soon as |
2761s | the stream's over in just a second here |
2762s | feel free to go to the Age of Empire's |
2764s | website and take a look at the update |
2765s | notes take a look at some of the other |
2766s | anniversary stuff a lot of stuff coming |
2768s | your way very soon and we're just happy |
2770s | to kind of get together show off some of |
2773s | this chat with all of you on stream and |
2775s | bring Eric here as as we love to do as |
2778s | well yeah so super exciting stuff again |
2781s | October 25th day to look forward to for |
2784s | everyone here |
2785s | yeah big time I'm looking I'm very much |
2787s | looking forward to it awesome so on that |
2790s | note I think that takes us to the end of |
2792s | the show so I want to say a huge thank |
2794s | you so much to everyone here for joining |
2797s | us uh thank you to Eric who has joined |
2800s | and left and he's not around and |
2801s | hopefully hopefully get people to stuck |
2803s | around because all of you who are here |
2804s | as well thank you so much and Justin |
2806s | thank you for joining us it's a pleasure |
2808s | to have you I know it's your first time |
2810s | on stream hopefully hopefully chat |
2811s | myself and Eric none of us scared you |
2813s | away I'm I'm hoping you'll be back in |
2815s | the future yeah lots of fun I really |
2817s | enjoyed it and yeah I'd happy I'd be |
2819s | happy to be back awesome I I also hear |
2822s | taunt us out uh from chat I'll go |
2825s | through taunts one more time and we'll |
2826s | wrap it up |
2827s | just because you asked so nicely |
2830s | [Applause] |
2834s | hey I'm in your town |
2838s | start the game already |
2841s | sure blame it on your ISP |
2847s | yes |
2848s | no |
2849s | are you still there |
2851s | GG no re GG Reed let's go for a conquest |
2856s | victory |
2857s | and the one last one |
2864s | it's just great hearing these because |
2866s | like a lot of the Todds here are people |
2868s | I know in the studio it's funny hearing |
2870s | their voice it's like wait a second I |
2872s | Know Who You Are |
2874s | that's fantastic but yeah definitely |
2875s | that's one of the exciting things you'll |
2877s | have to look forward to coming very soon |
2879s | so yeah thank you so much everyone and |
2882s | we will see you as we celebrate on the |
2884s | 25th and as the update comes out so |
2886s | thank you so much for joining us |
2888s | everyone |
2890s | all right bye everyone see you next time |
2928s | foreign |
2930s | [Music] |
2958s | foreign |
2969s | [Music] |
2991s | [Music] |