over 2 years ago - AoE Official - Direct link

The Age of Empires 25th Anniversary Sale is here! Come join the party with us and pick up your copy today on the Microsoft Store or Steam, bring a friend (or two!) and enjoy some fun in-game anniversary events too. Grab your sheep, capybaras, or villagers – it’s time to celebrate Age style! This is only for a limited anniversary time, so don’t miss out – sale ends October 30!

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Haven’t picked up Age of Empires IV yet? It’s time to make history your story!

Plus, yesterday we released Age of Empires IV: Anniversary Edition. This new version of the game includes everything from our monster Anniversary Update and is at a new price of $39.99! There’s never been a better time to jump in and begin your empire. And if you want even MORE Age of Empires IV, Age of Empires IV: Digital Deluxe Edition also has a new lower price of $59.99. Including the soundtrack, Unit Counters Chart, art compilation from digital painter Craig Mullins, and exclusive in-game content including a Coat of Arms, Player Profile portrait, and Monument.

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