over 2 years ago - Age of Empires - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s [Music]
22s thank you
28s [Music]
53s thank you
60s [Music]
66s oh
67s [Music]
77s thank you
81s [Music]
104s foreign
106s [Music]
126s [Applause]
130s [Music]
147s thank you
185s foreign
192s [Music]
230s [Music]
239s thank you
241s [Music]
258s foreign
263s [Music]
283s [Music]
292s now that was seriously epic hello I'm
296s Charlie Hodson and I'm thrilled to
297s welcome you to the Age of Empire's 25th
300s anniversary live celebration today is
303s all about age we're talking it's history
305s it's Evolution its future obviously most
308s importantly it's incredible fans around
310s the world that have made this game
312s rightly so a global phenomenon and so
315s we're going to be doing this with you we
317s have so much aged goodness to show you
319s like exclusive trailers and
321s announcements but we want you to be part
323s of the show as well head to this link
325s here twitch.tv forward slash XBox where
327s we'll be having polls competitions
329s giveaways and a look at some brand new
331s gameplay
332s speaking of which I'm in your way you do
335s what you need to do it's not just me
337s that she posting the show though also
338s with me here today our community host
340s wellin who is going to be keeping this
342s party going Round the Clock if you do
344s have any questions though he's your guy
347s hey everyone my name is wellin I'm a
349s gamer and a streamer and a lifetime Age
352s of Empires Enthusiast and today I'm live
354s with all of you from Xbox Studio on the
357s west coast but I have a question for all
359s of you chat where are you guys from
361s I deeply want to know because this is
363s something that is there he is indeed it
366s all by Glory oh we are sliding back
369s Kenny Hall
371s a gamer indeed
373s it is actually why are you surprised
376s about this
377s yet the Netherlands okay Canada Atlanta
380s can't more Canadians Argentina DC Brazil
384s Wales the dragon Mexico all right this
388s see this is what's so great AOE is so
390s Global I just love it all right well we
393s have more stuff for you let's talk about
394s giveaways see in partnership with
396s Alienware we are excited to share our
398s grand prize giveaway of an exclusive
401s custom r13 gaming PC so in twitch chat
405s use keyword exclamation point age up
407s your setup to win and do this right now
410s do not type claim I know how that's a
412s little a little Goblin meme don't do
414s that all right and now the giveaway is
417s only available to our North American
418s viewers but there will be more prizes
421s for everyone internationally throughout
423s the show so for those International
424s Gamers to win put in keyword exclamation
427s point age 25. and also stick around
431s until the end of the show when I will be
433s hosting some very epic aoe4 and AOE 2
436s Gameplay I'll see all of you in a little
438s bit and keep the comments and questions
440s coming I'll get to as many as I can
442s throughout the entire show
446s thank you Ellen isn't it lovely now
449s folks make sure you stick around until
450s the end of the show because there is an
452s amazing Live musical performance that I
454s promised you is unlike anything you have
456s ever seen before
458s now there have been a lot of rumors
459s swirling out there about this next
461s announcement and the thing about rumors
463s is sometimes they are indeed true so
466s this is a direct message to you Robo
468s htid you asked me this on Friday and I
471s think it's about time I answered it for
473s you
474s foreign
477s [Music]
483s [Music]
494s [Music]
513s thank you
524s [Music]
546s all right
547s [Music]
552s [Applause]
554s [Music]
567s [Music]
569s well gavers see what I like about this
573s announcement is that all of you right
574s before stream were like please we want
576s console and and I saw it like three
578s different languages too so you guys now
581s have console but I want to hear what you
582s think about this see I'm curious about
585s how you're going to control all the
586s units because I personally I'm mostly a
588s PC Gamer but I'm curious do you are
591s there hardcore console gamers in chat
594s I'm not talking about casual console
596s gamers
597s this is series finally on Console indeed
600s indeed
602s this is true
604s CrossFit I'm not sure about that I'm
606s very curious to see that what I'm what I
609s think I might do is a little challenge
610s is you could play on your uh Xbox your
613s PC and so many ways to play you know
617s I love game big business
620s casuals can go home no we welcome the
623s casuals in the community this is a
625s friendly Community everyone is welcome
627s what is a hardcore console gamer see you
629s console Gamers this is what I'm trying
631s to this is what I'm trying to say this
632s is this is slander towards you guys
636s Cronus like the Titan indeed my birthday
640s too favorite strategy all right well you
644s are slowly okay thanks gamer
648s um and chat you may have noticed we
650s dropped a poll we're gonna do something
652s we've never done before it is time to
654s get all of you in chat involved all
657s right Charlie let's show them
659s cheers well and I'm going to give you an
662s amazing look at this unbelievable Age of
664s Empires 2 table we've got right here so
666s we're going to have a little cheeky tour
667s first up we've got the Aztecs chilling
669s over here with their Mills and their
671s town center right down by the lake
672s looking lovely no idea what's going on
674s and over here chilling in the mountains
677s are the Japanese approaching with their
679s archers but we want to know what you
682s want to do here so you saw the poll in
684s chat get your votes in I'm gonna step
686s away now because I don't want to get hit
688s though I do have theories on what I want
689s to see you do well in you got this
691s you know it's excellent question because
694s I often bring 300 IQ tactics High ELO
698s gameplay so what I would do is I'd
700s consult twitch chat so what's the move
702s chat that's the thing I have this hive
705s mind of a hundred people individually
707s who knows but together you're Geniuses
709s only good answers here get your votes in
713s and
714s um
715s all right so do we have a winner are
717s there who who why must we fight have
720s them talk it out this is this is an
722s anachronistic battle we have the
724s Japanese and the Aztecs in a great a war
727s for the ages
730s do we have a winner
732s okay all right the Aztecs are the
734s winners Steve let's cue up the video of
737s the Aztecs attacking
740s and there it is they're attacking this
742s ancient Pagoda
744s this is this is pure Devastation folks
747s there they shot one scorpion bolt and
749s set it Ablaze perhaps it was Greek fire
751s that was embedded within that scorpion
754s bolt we even have a cinematic angle of
756s an instant replay
759s okay but now there's a counter attack
761s these are crenellations being destroyed
763s folks they one shot bows all right well
766s that was that was that was pure Warfare
769s we just witnessed what a battle Charlie
771s what's up next
774s Wetland that was absolutely amazing I
777s think you and chat up there absolutely
778s smashed the right decision but don't
780s worry your Age of Empires 3 fans because
782s stay tuned you are up next but first
785s let's gather around the campfire and
787s take a lovely trip down memory lane
794s in rare moments throughout history
796s a movement grows so strong so powerful
800s that it becomes Legend a legend that
804s spans decades continents that spreads
807s across our world this Legend involves an
810s army of sorts Millions strong from
814s children to the Aged from the hardcore
816s to the Casual Warrior no one is turned
820s away to succeed in this Army you need
823s not to be strong with arm but strong of
826s mind and heart I speak of course of the
831s legend of Age of Empires
836s this Legend begins at the dawn of
839s civilization
840s 1997 even in the dreaded age of dial up
845s internet a spark of creation grew in
848s Dallas Texas and heralded the rise of
852s greatness
853s a sophisticated real-time strategy game
855s set an authentic historical ages players
859s chose a campaign and turned a handful of
862s villagers into a thriving Empire
865s progressing from primitive Stone Age
868s through the tool bronze and iron ages
871s players could conquer the ancient world
873s from the Mediterranean to Egypt see the
876s famous Hanging Gardens of Babylon and
878s Rule alongside Hammurabi or dominate the
881s islands of Japan under the light of the
883s Rising Sun players weren't just choosing
886s different scenery each civilization had
889s distinct unit advantages and
891s disadvantages Age of Empires was
894s expanded by The Rise of Rome which
896s introduced technological innovations
898s like unit Cubit and hotkeys the
901s expansion grew not just the world of the
903s game but the fans of Age of Empires into
906s a force that was Millions strong the
909s game was so popular that later on it was
912s given out for free in cereal boxes in
915s Australia just a year later Age of
918s Empires 2 The Age of Kings was released
921s in an entirely new time period And
924s across different Landscapes players
926s could conquer fresh Horizons they could
929s invade Eurasia with Genghis Khan Crusade
932s with Barbarossa
934s drive back the Invaders with Saladin
936s Inspire their country with Joan of Arc
939s or protect their homelands with William
941s Wallace the discovery of hidden cheat
943s codes helped ease the path to Victory
945s some of these cheat codes gave military
948s units crucial help on the battlefield or
951s fed hungry villagers while some
955s indeed you
957s gave you a car while some things had
960s changed others remained the same players
962s had to be careful yet bold patient but
965s also Swift if they used their resources
968s wisely players could make technological
970s advances in the military economy
972s religion and if no you'll never convert
977s me be gone via priests
980s after Conquering the world of man those
982s behind Age of Empires set their sights
984s on New Horizons now players could travel
987s to mythological Realms interacting with
990s creatures of lore as the Atlantean war
992s hero arcantos they traveled across known
995s and unknown worlds from Atlantis to
999s to the Northlands ever since its release
1001s players have longed for a definitive
1004s edition of Age of Mythology but it has
1007s remained the stuff of
1008s myth
1013s Age of Empires 2 introduced another
1016s Innovative function multiplayer accounts
1019s players could face off with real enemies
1021s across the world or across the room
1025s Age of Empires 3 picked up in the late
1028s 16th century with players exploring
1031s North America in a quest for the
1033s fountain of youth players could choose
1035s between eight different civilizations as
1038s they followed the story of the black
1039s family through five ages the campaign
1043s opened up the possibility of other
1045s civilizations and the expansion packs
1047s added in more options with the WarChiefs
1050s and the Asian Dynasties Age of Empires 3
1054s also introduced the Havoc physics engine
1056s and home cities cheat codes of course
1060s remained highly sought after
1063s unfortunately the AI evolved along with
1067s the game
1069s King of the losers with these four first
1073s games Age of Empires had established
1076s itself across the world the popularity
1078s of the game grew and spread Age of
1081s Empires 2 and 3 were re-released on
1084s Steam but it wasn't enough fans needed
1087s more more Empires more worlds to conquer
1092s so when Microsoft told people to ask me
1095s anything online fans jumped in and asked
1099s could we please have more Age of Empires
1104s Microsoft replied how many empires do
1107s you need
1108s in 2017 the torch was passed to a new
1112s band of innovators these new explorers
1115s scoured the corners of the earth
1117s bringing forth an accuracy and detail
1119s never seen before we took what was
1121s already pretty incredible and just made
1123s it even better
1124s finally in 2018 the first Definitive
1128s Edition was released the original Age of
1132s Empires had been given graphical
1134s improvements 4K resolution and a
1137s remastered soundtrack it was everything
1139s the players had loved about the original
1141s game now using the most modern
1144s technology The Definitive Edition
1146s started with looking at something that
1148s was already going on a small group of
1150s passionate guys at the age to community
1151s were working on this unofficial
1153s expansion Bridge of Empires 2. on the
1156s 20-year anniversary of the release of
1159s Age of Kings a definitive edition of
1161s that game was released it featured new
1164s Ai and 4K resolution that allowed
1167s players to see their unfinished castles
1169s in Crystal Clear detail it also
1172s introduced in-game colorblind options
1174s expanding accessibility
1177s Innovation that continued with the
1179s definitive edition of Age of Empires 3.
1182s along with other upgrades this Edition
1184s would grow to include more civilizations
1187s including Africa Mexico and the
1190s Mediterranean all the while players
1192s continued to harness their power testing
1195s their strategies in tournaments across
1197s the world a fight song sounded the Beats
1201s of war
1204s and heroes emerged the Viper taking home
1209s his first Red Bull champion
1212s and in 2021 a new chapter in the legend
1216s was released with Age of Empires 4.
1220s building their Empires from the Dark Age
1222s through the Imperial age with stunning
1225s Graphics vast Landscapes and new ways to
1228s taunt their opponents
1231s but the story isn't over yet as long as
1235s players across the world build new
1237s empires outmaneuver their enemies and
1239s protect their people Age of Empires not
1242s only continues to grow it evolves
1245s inspires transcends it becomes greater
1249s than the sum of its parts it becomes
1254s Legend
1261s now that was truly an epic history what
1264s did you guys think of that documentary
1265s because it's been 25 years folks I I
1269s have another question is there anyone in
1271s chat younger than Age of Empires because
1274s the thing is like I played this game as
1276s a kid and so I'm I'm slightly older than
1279s Age of Empires so I don't know if that
1281s makes me a boomer compared to you Zoomer
1283s Gamers but
1284s um yeah
1289s um
1290s but yeah no it was pretty epic yeah
1292s fantastic vid oh I am 21. me what is
1297s this
1298s nice Boomer kick W come on don't boomer
1302s me gamer bro is probably 24. I am
1306s younger than AOE okay and now is it who
1309s is the oldest person in chat that's the
1311s thing not only is when earlier we were
1313s looking at everywhere that people are
1315s from today I feel like young people and
1318s older people enjoy this game it's not
1319s like you need to be young with your
1321s fortnite fingers or something everyone
1323s has uh has has a different appreciation
1325s and a different style of playing the
1327s game I am 50 someone said they're 130
1329s but I doubt it because then you'd be the
1331s oldest person I think the oldest person
1333s was 126.
1336s ah but
1339s um we also have another very cool uh AOE
1341s 3 tabletop coming right up Charlie can
1344s we get to the uh a03 okie dokie we're
1347s back with Age of Empires 3 and Wellen
1350s chat the poll is already up and I want
1352s to know who do you want to attack let's
1354s have a look now we've got the United
1356s States in their town on this side
1358s looking lovely and comfortable but over
1361s here whoa we've got Malta approaching
1364s from the coast with their warships I
1367s want to see these votes coming all the
1368s way through as we check out the table in
1370s its full Glory but I'm going to step
1372s back once again so you guys can see all
1374s the action well then over to you in the
1376s safety of your studio cool
1379s all right chat well we've got us versus
1382s Malta you can see this idyllic
1384s picturesque Village of the United States
1386s off the coast in The Frigid waste of the
1389s north and what do you think we have the
1391s Maltese battleships off the coast let us
1393s know in the poll because this is an epic
1395s battle that is about to unfold we need
1398s to know folks the cannon galleons are
1401s poised to attack we have the the
1404s defenses set up of the United States on
1407s the Eastern Seaboard all right what are
1409s we voting malta's ship cannons the votes
1412s are in folks we have a winner Steve
1415s let's cue up the video of that attack
1420s ah the okay I was correct those are
1423s Canon galleons right and they just one
1425s shot that house it did not stand a
1427s chance that was a that was a village
1429s hall and a house that both got one shot
1431s destroyed but there's a counter attack
1433s there was a counter attack there
1435s shooting flames they are not they're not
1438s taking this sitting down the American
1440s revolutionaries rise up once again but
1443s folks we've got another tabletop coming
1445s right up at you with more Age of Empires
1448s 4 and we're dropping another poll in
1450s chat right now we've got a different
1454s sort of genre a different time period
1456s they a different uh style of battle that
1460s will be occurring we've got
1462s um I believe the malians and the
1464s Ottomans
1465s I believe uh here we go yes all right
1469s what are we gonna do here folks
1471s all right Charlie let's take a look at
1473s the table top
1474s chat once again an amazing choice in
1477s fact I was telling well and earlier that
1479s if it was up to me that's what I would
1480s have done though I certainly would have
1482s turtled significantly harder but now
1484s we're going to check out our next two
1485s newest Civilizations for Age of Empires
1487s 4 the Ottomans and the malians I'm going
1489s to give you some fun facts about them as
1491s well as we look here so the Ottomans
1493s have a powerful Siege Weaponry like
1495s these great bombards you can see getting
1497s ready to go and mess some stuff up and
1499s over here we have the malians who are
1501s suited to swiftly outmaneuver their
1503s opponents I hope you're taking notes but
1505s but as I said as you can see they are
1507s going head-to-head to battle it out once
1509s and for all so get your votes in as we
1511s take a closer look at all the amazing
1513s detail on this table I am once again
1515s running swiftly away to dodge any
1517s straight arrows and it's over to you
1519s Ellen a wise move all right folks keep
1522s voting see this is a classic Battle of
1525s Swift and sneaky speed versus Power
1528s brains Brawn alright it looks like the
1530s Malian Scout with the Sheep has won
1533s Steve let's queue up the video
1536s I am prepared to see battle here folks
1541s it will initiate at any moment the
1544s destruction beginning now but but
1546s Ton Man
1548s chronistic hero that though that
1550s promised
1551s shooting a laser cannon actually it
1553s makes sense that he shot with a laser
1555s cannon that it got set on fire there's
1557s even a replay this is good stuff that
1560s building is being devastated by this
1562s large laser being shot
1564s but but the ottomans are this is a
1567s vicious counter-attack they not they
1569s didn't one shot if they two shot it in
1571s all fairness
1573s um but that Photon man was somewhat
1575s unexpected yeah I did not anticipate
1577s seeing him there all right well Charlie
1579s what do you think of that battle
1582s delicious wonderful shop boat on man I
1584s knew he wouldn't let me down in the old
1586s destruction department for 25 years
1588s though you have played on a slightly
1590s bigger PC than this I'm guessing who
1593s would have believed that you could have
1594s age in the palm of your hand is that
1596s correct I guess so watch this
1599s [Music]
1607s [Music]
1624s well well we saw it ask we saw it asked
1629s there were multiple things that were
1630s being asked and now you can play on your
1633s little smartphone device and also if you
1636s think about it you there are a lot of
1638s ways to play this game now you know
1640s we've you could even go on your console
1644s mobile and computer see I asked if there
1647s are hardcore console Gamers earlier are
1650s there any hardcore mobile Gamers this is
1652s something that I don't know about
1653s entirely because there may be Gamers who
1657s are entirely devoted to being just
1660s absolutely cracked out of their minds on
1662s a little mobile device
1665s foreign
1667s why are you saying LOL we are we are
1670s laughing giggling we are joyful
1673s No Such Thing damn these these these
1676s mobile Gamers don't take this slander
1678s towards you guys well we have more to
1680s give away use keyword exclamation point
1682s age 25 and twitch and enter to win an
1685s AOE Mouse look at this bad boy look at
1688s the the fine detailing the craftsmanship
1691s hmm yes very impressive and it's just an
1695s early taste the big prizes are yet to
1697s come remember to follow twitch for the
1699s grand prize PC rig okay and now
1705s I've seen this intent I'm just saying we
1708s have an announcement okay shrouded in
1711s secrecy and myth this one Harkens back
1714s to an earlier time and I'm very excited
1718s to share it with you Steve roll that
1720s video
1721s foreign
1727s [Applause]
1733s [Music]
1755s foreign
1776s [Music]
1782s guys I saw everybody saying like oh we
1787s want this where is aom and I was like I
1790s I was I was just
1792s they don't know they don't know so we
1797s have an Age of Mythology retold this is
1800s this is can we get can we get a
1802s prostagma in chat
1804s this is so epic this is so epic I just
1807s uh everyone is gonna remember a hero has
1812s fallen that's gonna be seared into your
1814s memory I still hear that in my
1815s nightmares sometimes
1817s hey yeah all you guys earlier were like
1819s oh they're gonna do this you know
1821s they're gonna do that but now they've
1823s really done it gosh darn it we've got
1824s some prostagmas in chat
1827s this is big business all right well
1830s folks that is a big time announcement I
1832s saw some Emperors and fellow Emperors in
1835s chat but let's give away some more
1837s prizes look at this amazing AOE beer
1841s stein gamers please drink responsibly
1843s use keyword age exclamation point age 25
1847s to enter to win these Steins Charlie
1851s what did you think about that
1853s announcement hey chat I guess it's not
1856s the stuff of myth anymore is it I am
1859s sorry I couldn't help it but the fun
1860s doesn't stop there I promise you it is
1862s the 25th anniversary after all so I've
1864s heard we have to go pretty big check
1866s this next one out
1868s [Music]
1875s thank you
1885s [Music]
1897s [Music]
1901s foreign
1914s [Music]
1925s [Music]
1938s foreign
1945s [Music]
1958s mate you took the words right out my
1960s mouth but I'm gonna have a chat with
1962s chat about it all right okay so let's
1964s recap new civilizations new settings and
1966s I think you'll agree the graphics are
1968s chef's kiss absolutely amazing but I do
1971s hear you out there you want another one
1973s don't you well here you go coming up
1975s fresh
1976s [Music]
1978s welcome to a new season of Age of
1980s Empires 4 complete with brand new
1983s civilizations Somalians and Ottomans
1985s join us in celebrating the Monumental
1988s 25th anniversary of Age of Empires in
1991s season three anniversary
1994s right Seasons evolve you've shown off
1997s your solo combat abilities in 1v1 ranked
2000s games
2001s now you'll be able to team up with a
2003s friend and compete for top titles
2005s together in team ranked for the very
2007s first time what's a new season without
2010s fresh rewards earn them through team
2012s ranked matches solo ranked or as part of
2016s the 25th anniversary seasonal event
2018s challenges and by gaining Mastery with
2021s the new Ottoman and Malian civilizations
2024s then in December the first ever mini
2027s events ton of toys which includes a free
2030s Monument
2032s anniversary celebrations bring new
2035s content and Old Friends
2037s sound the alarm as Photon man makes his
2040s debut appearance bringing with him the
2042s much anticipated cheat system to age
2044s four
2046s who can now demand more food please with
2049s the new taunt system and
2052s your enemy
2055s you can also unlock all new taunts
2058s throughout the season are you ready to
2060s battle
2063s the party doesn't end there we've got
2065s eight new maps joining for this Birthday
2067s Bash including Mediterranean and Oasis
2071s based on classic maps from Age of
2073s Empires one and two the season 3 update
2077s includes highly anticipated Naval
2079s gameplay improvements deeper economic
2082s management increased combat volatility
2084s more intense RPS counters and more
2088s additional improvements have also been
2090s made to late game AI resource Gathering
2094s choke point and Scout improvements as
2097s well as a number of General balance and
2099s quality of life changes
2101s [Music]
2104s that's just a glimpse of the exciting
2107s things coming in this season 3
2109s anniversary celebration
2111s we look forward to celebrating the first
2113s anniversary of Age of Empires 4
2115s alongside 25 wonderful years of age of
2119s Empires with each and every one of you
2121s don't forget to bring the party balloons
2123s and streamers
2134s or chat well then it's fantastic to
2137s finally have you here with me in the
2139s Great Hall do you like what I've done
2140s with the place isn't it great I love it
2142s very Majestic and impressive
2145s picked up on that I think you could kind
2147s of say the same about the stream so far
2148s though right what's it been like up
2149s there with chat sort of teasing everyone
2151s to give away this Beast as well well
2153s I've been enjoying the cheeky banter I
2155s know lots of stuff and I'm really
2156s excited about Age of Mythology retold oh
2159s I think chat were particularly excited
2161s you got them for me I was definitely the
2165s most excited I mean aged completely took
2167s me off guard when that came along but um
2169s and the Age of Empires 2 coming to
2171s console Twitter we finally have
2172s something we could talk about this is
2173s fantastic news
2175s um but yeah back to this giveaway who's
2177s won it is it mean I could have it if you
2178s want me to well we've got a winner okay
2181s great but this Majestic machine custom
2183s Age of Empires Alienware PC we have a
2187s winner and our winner
2190s AKA underscore
2193s congratulations to you not only have you
2195s won that but I've got one more piece of
2197s news to give you I shall take the floor
2198s now so for any Age of Empires fans out
2201s there we've got one more bit of news we
2202s will be bringing Age of Empire's
2204s Definitive Edition into the Age of
2206s Empires 2 d e engine and we are going to
2209s have more information to share on this
2210s in 2023 I do however don't I don't have
2213s anything to add about this I don't know
2214s what's going on that's a chunky fella he
2217s is chunky enough that I do not
2218s understand how they use the stairs I
2220s shall investigate later on yeah but we
2222s are not done uh you all are gonna love
2224s this performance by the idol villagers
2226s and in about 20 minutes I will see all
2229s of you upstairs for some very epic games
2232s and I don't think it could come in a
2233s better time I don't know if you've just
2234s noticed we are under siege should we get
2236s out of here yeah he's gonna be there
2237s chat enjoy the show we'll see you in a
2239s bit
2240s [Music]
2242s foreign
2244s [Music]
2267s [Music]
2278s foreign
2279s [Music]
2313s foreign
2319s [Music]
2355s foreign
2357s [Music]
2374s [Music]
2388s [Applause]
2389s [Music]
2434s foreign
2435s [Music]
2479s thank you
2483s how do you turn this on
2486s [Music]
2516s how are the bells of Norwich and the
2519s people come and know here by the tower
2524s Julian I tell them what I know
2533s all shall be well again I know
2538s [Music]
2563s on the yellow daffodil is coming through
2567s the show
2568s Love by the yellow diamond little sword
2572s of all I know bring out bells of Norwich
2577s and let the winter come and go all shall
2581s be wet again I know
2587s [Music]
2603s thank you
2604s [Music]
2609s waiting for the yellow daffodils are
2612s louder in the snow ring for the yellow
2616s double down
2619s [Music]
2623s the winter come and go all shall be won
2628s again
2629s [Music]
2635s [Applause]
2639s [Music]
2640s final shall be well again
2654s [Music]
2655s [Applause]
2656s [Music]
2657s [Applause]
2658s [Music]
2664s not breakfast
2667s [Music]
2678s [Music]
2690s [Applause]
2696s [Music]
2702s [Music]
2705s one evening
2710s [Music]
2718s [Music]
2722s then
2725s [Music]
2728s freeze I
2730s know
2736s give me pictures
2741s [Music]
2753s century
2767s [Music]
2780s trial I had to appeared
2786s [Music]
2798s [Applause]
2811s [Music]
2827s [Applause]
2831s [Music]
2834s [Applause]
2836s [Music]
2840s tied up with all the magnet
2845s [Applause]
2846s [Music]
2847s [Applause]
2847s [Music]
2854s jack in your wallet that's me on your
2856s dollar bill check in your pockets the
2859s quarters me too
2865s [Music]
2874s suffering Us
2881s in
2892s no peace
2895s [Music]
2897s [Applause]
2899s [Music]
2917s [Music]
2925s they are selling me
2927s [Music]
2945s so bring us in good things
2956s [Applause]
2959s [Music]
2960s [Applause]
2989s [Music]
2994s you
2999s [Music]
3007s to drink from the windows
3015s [Music]
3016s with the sails like wings
3019s [Music]
3033s [Applause]
3034s [Music]
3040s [Applause]
3041s [Music]
3054s [Music]
3081s and love
3087s golden walls
3093s [Music]
3097s to drink to the glory field where a man
3102s Embrace his death
3105s thank the gods that we live at all with
3109s our joyous dying breath
3127s thank you
3132s [Music]
3137s drink through the ships with the sails
3140s like wings and drinks and the storms
3145s [Music]
3149s [Applause]
3151s [Music]
3154s trebuchet more like trevier
3166s [Music]
3191s take this
3193s [Music]
3207s [Applause]
3209s [Music]
3211s [Applause]
3213s [Music]
3216s is
3218s gone away
3220s [Music]
3246s foreign
3259s [Music]
3261s [Applause]
3263s [Music]
3265s [Applause]
3266s [Music]
3285s thank you
3299s what happened to the Spanish
3312s [Music]
3322s oh
3324s [Music]
3329s [Applause]
3329s [Music]
3336s and that Winter's gone away
3337s [Music]
3349s start the song already
3353s foreign
3361s [Music]
3364s [Applause]
3365s [Music]
3376s [Applause]
3377s [Music]
3378s [Applause]
3379s [Music]
3381s [Applause]
3382s [Music]
3401s football
3408s [Music]
3411s [Applause]
3414s [Music]
3423s [Applause]
3425s [Music]
3425s [Applause]
3427s oh yeah
3431s [Applause]
3434s foreign
3435s [Applause]
3435s [Music]
3442s [Music]
3449s [Applause]
3451s [Music]
3452s [Applause]
3455s [Music]
3456s [Applause]
3459s [Music]
3479s thank you
3483s [Music]
3485s [Applause]
3486s [Music]
3503s we can fit 10 elephants on the boat but
3506s we can't fit 11 archers
3508s because elephants have extra trunk space
3512s wait what
3516s [Music]
3553s foreign
3561s [Music]
3567s [Applause]
3575s oh my goodness that was phenomenal a
3578s massive thanks to the idol Villages for
3580s what just might actually be the best
3581s music performance of all time but I'd
3583s also like to thank you well and you've
3584s been amazing at helping me host the show
3586s today and chat you've been spot on as
3588s well but there is a little bit more we
3590s have lined up for you isn't that indeed
3592s we have some very epic gameplay coming
3594s up alongside some juicy giveaways and uh
3598s yeah so we'll see everyone in a few
3599s minutes absolutely give us a couple of
3601s minutes to freshen up we'll meet you
3602s upstairs and continue to fun thanks so
3604s much for joining everyone bye bye
3608s is that your camel you know he's not but
3610s I think he's sat next to me on the
3611s flight here you know cute
3617s [Music]
3638s foreign
3654s [Music]
3693s foreign
3696s [Music]
3724s foreign
3726s [Music]
3733s [Music]
3766s thank you
3772s [Music]
3797s [Music]
3800s thank you
3801s [Music]
3845s thank you
3847s [Music]
3864s [Music]
3869s thank you
3874s [Music]
3902s foreign
3905s [Music]
3930s thank you
3934s foreign
3935s [Music]
3945s [Music]
3969s foreign
3970s [Music]
3982s [Music]
4010s thank you
4013s [Music]
4022s thank you
4025s [Music]
4042s hello we made it out of the building
4046s safely yep and now we're here and
4048s everything is great we survived the
4050s onslaught of the bombards that was
4054s pretty cool though it was yeah it was
4056s terrifying but it was thoroughly
4057s exciting at the same time Ellen that was
4059s such a good show right yes it was so
4062s great you know I I got nervous
4065s beforehand I'm always I whenever I do
4067s performances are like you know even
4069s though I'm like gaming you know I'm like
4070s I was like Mom's spaghetti
4074s he said that so many times I think we
4077s need to say chat you have been so
4080s exciting to watch over the last hour or
4083s so seeing the wave of like we want
4085s mythology we want mythology we want
4088s console and we're both sat here like
4089s just be patient they don't know it's on
4093s the way yeah but no it was fantastic I'm
4096s in the chat I want to see you guys just
4098s light up what was your like favorite
4099s thing that happened tell us everything
4101s rate wellen's performance out of ten
4104s nine yeah I need I know this is where
4106s we're gonna like get all the results and
4107s during all of that we're gonna continue
4109s doing giveaways and doing a bit of
4112s gameplays am I right yep we're gonna try
4115s the new sieves yes so we're gonna be
4117s doing I think I'm for the first game uh
4120s I'm gonna be malings and you're gonna be
4121s Ottomans yep and we are gonna devastate
4124s some pathetic we're gonna artificial
4126s back to the computer basically
4129s yeah it's gonna work out today computer
4131s we're gonna get you they will get their
4133s revenge in 100 years oh absolutely but
4135s we'll be long gone by then with our
4137s victories behind us yeah it's all good
4140s also I'm actually going to call out chat
4142s you are doing exactly what I requested
4143s you're telling us all the amazing stuff
4145s that happened
4146s um people really us included got so
4149s hyped for the idol Villages I mean I
4151s think I was correct when I said the best
4153s musical performance oh yeah oh yeah 100
4155s oh especially sham Burger
4158s we were here
4160s so good
4162s you need more shamburger the whole
4165s stream let's go they need to do that
4166s Alexa sold it out Steve
4169s classic Steve it's classics
4172s um all right so should we load up yeah
4173s let's do it so we're doing as you said a
4176s 2v2 co-op versus AI yep
4179s um I'm gonna go so you wanted to go for
4181s the mallions right yeah that's a bit
4182s more your tactic so why are you going
4184s mallions I'm I'm gonna attack viciously
4187s yeah no prisoners no
4189s um but and then you're a turtleer I am
4192s I'm a turtle I like building my
4195s fortresses that no one could get into I
4197s like everything looking very nice and
4199s aesthetic I'm the resource manager which
4201s I think is great with the malians and
4202s the gold yeah I've got that covered and
4204s then I'm going to send you off to battle
4206s for me while I protect the house you'll
4208s make the paladins and I'll move forward
4209s with the archers oh wait no okay there
4212s you are okay good yeah no I'm here I
4214s just need to yes almonds there we go I'm
4216s good I'm ready all right awesome I'm
4219s looking forward to this 20 seconds
4221s someone said brumpet
4225s yeah it's it's here don't worry that's
4227s here I'll get trumpets we don't know
4229s about that one or that some people don't
4231s know Chaz admit they're a turtle or two
4234s cars thank you I need all fellow Turtles
4237s please stand up and chat it's the only
4238s way to go all right one in chat if
4241s you're a turtle or two in chat if you're
4243s an attacking
4244s violent gamer we are about to split
4247s we're gonna have some like gang Warfare
4249s and chat over this watch this happen
4251s good Lord I'm curious to see which
4253s there's gonna be more of I hope it's the
4255s turtles turtles represent let's go okay
4257s okay okay oh and see loads of two this
4260s is I forgotten what two was what oh two
4263s was the violent attack oh damn oh
4266s everyone's there's so many turdlers
4268s all right I'm gonna oh and there's they
4271s have the uh objective things that tell
4273s you where your scout is going that is
4276s right
4277s we need so I need to make sure I what I
4280s really want to do is I quite like to
4281s connect us okay
4283s um so you're over there yeah well let's
4285s see well yeah I'm gonna stop building
4287s walls almost immediately
4290s no quiet I'm gonna wait until we get to
4292s the stone wall like the second era
4296s that's good
4298s so I've got my you guys are off doing
4300s this and we want to have some more
4301s Builders and we're going to get you guys
4304s right we've started on the mill and the
4308s farm production oh that's such a
4310s terrible Place one absolutely fool I am
4312s oh did you miss this one okay it's fine
4315s because when I was practicing the other
4316s day I put a um Lumber camp on my gold
4320s and didn't realize it for a while
4324s [Laughter]
4326s another turtle gang that's a very
4328s aesthetically pleasing it's the way to
4329s go and then it means you don't have to
4331s panic when someone comes along with this
4332s giant army you're like oh you think
4335s you're gonna you think you're gonna get
4336s in here and win Charlie I have really
4338s bad news what have you done already I
4340s got housed
4343s oh okay I've just found uh one sacred
4347s site I suppose the question is what
4348s victory do you want to go for here
4352s corpses of our enemies on the ground
4354s right okay
4356s um sure yes let's Okay
4361s make note of that actually that's the
4364s one we're gonna go for this deer just
4366s got hit and dealt with it oh no
4370s dealt with it just said eight that's
4372s eight I'm ahead
4373s [Music]
4376s Emirates
4377s um I've not found oh the enemy team
4379s knows the scouts
4384s yeah okay
4385s I think
4388s you have a scout right next to you oh I
4391s do children yeah I don't know near you
4393s and your sheep oh yeah you follow them
4395s yeah we can start to place on the map
4397s where with this stupid AI is I I
4402s um we're really Central in this map so
4405s like this Turtle I'm gonna have to build
4406s is gonna have to be all-encompassing I
4409s can't this is just the edge of the map
4410s or do you in your free time sometimes
4413s say AOE voice lens
4417s never say it out loud but sure I think
4420s catch me with the best of them
4423s all right yeah
4425s eating sheeps
4427s oh you're still on the follow good nice
4429s I lost them I got distracted by a sheep
4432s I need gold do you have to wear a shell
4434s when playing no toasty toast the Sun a
4436s not you have a brilliant twitch Name by
4438s the way um I think wearing a turtle
4439s shell is um non-compulsory but
4444s um perhaps in my own free time yes I
4446s would like to wear a shell from time to
4447s time and no one could judge me
4451s automated
4453s okay see you back
4457s oh oh oh no that's it Christ now I've
4460s gone too far that's my fault oh you're
4462s getting peppered Ah that's fine I sort
4464s of I don't know uh Chad I'd love to know
4466s your first theories when you first come
4467s in I immediately don't mind losing my
4469s Scouts You Don't Want to Lose Yourself
4471s no I lose my first Scout because I just
4474s like to size up exactly what they're
4477s doing how much they've got you know
4489s [Music]
4494s I told you we should secretly choose is
4498s easy
4499s we can win all right okay we have to be
4502s dang okay we just have to be smarter
4504s than the AI are already nearly a full
4507s Sentry ahead of us
4509s all right oh now I'm losing my Scout
4511s it's fine smile
4513s all right I'm bringing my Scout home to
4515s heal that's fine I lost my Scout it's
4517s all good I've not dropped though and I
4520s have too many on wood
4524s I just need someone's gold now
4527s yeah the fact that they're building
4529s already is actually all very concerned
4532s yeah that is big time actually
4535s oh
4540s why did you choose it you knew that we
4543s were live on the internet today right
4545s why didn't you pick easy the thing is
4547s I'm an aoe2 gamer so I'm like I'm just
4551s I've played some aoe4 but I I'm just
4556s oh man all right well I have more sheep
4559s coming home we have the gold oh yeah I
4562s mean we may not have the second age but
4563s we've got plenty of sheep yeah my people
4565s are well fed
4567s rice okay I'm just I'm just gonna start
4569s building an entire suburb clearly I was
4572s way more comfortable than I thought
4574s someone said GG go next bruh no shot
4579s where is my food prod my guy
4589s oh Lord you want the band back in again
4592s it wouldn't be great if like they just
4593s turned up behind us and just started
4594s popping that was so fun
4602s that's fine distract them let them have
4604s as many as she's not fine no no we need
4606s those resources we're already down bad
4609s oh I don't have any food because I have
4611s like 30 villagers queued
4614s I was like where's my food it's fine
4617s okay this is a warm-up match is a total
4621s Outpost
4624s okay uh you just chase them with are you
4628s have you gone full in with a sheep no no
4630s no no he's gone row he went no oh
4638s okay I just had too many villagers cute
4641s I had the resources why is no one
4643s building
4644s [Music]
4646s okay when my next villager comes out
4649s um I'm meaning gold and I'm meaning food
4651s and we are going to start to age up okay
4654s I'm building the age up building right
4656s now so okay nice
4658s I'm a little behind how do we see the
4660s score or will it not say is there no
4663s score I don't think there's a score you
4665s know what I actually can't remember this
4667s one I don't think there is a score
4669s playlist
4676s I sent okay I thought I selected my I
4680s thought I selected my Scout but I
4683s selected all my villagers and they went
4685s forward
4691s I'm not gonna lie
4694s a fragile being on the internet today
4696s and we're just really letting people I
4698s even practiced I was like I'm gonna be
4701s ready I know I did as well it's one of
4702s those things though I think there are so
4704s and this is one of the things I love the
4705s most about ages I gotta say is that
4707s there are so many different
4709s um skill levels to this I mean we just
4711s saw the Walla wall tournament the Red
4713s Bull one those people are like the pros
4716s the experts but like chat I'm gonna
4719s remind you no everyone knows not
4722s everyone's like that
4724s everyone's got something this game Age
4726s of Empires the thing is it's so easy to
4728s watch it's so easy to play when you're
4730s watching oh yeah I'm the best player
4732s when I'm watching I know exactly
4739s um
4741s yeah I'm just about to think I'm gonna
4744s have enough suit yesterday okay 1200
4746s Foods 600 gold
4748s uh I'm gonna build like a black snake or
4751s something
4753s uh am I I think I'm cavalry
4756s boy off I'm actually not
4764s it's fine
4768s okay I'm now building my age up this is
4771s I I'm I'm an era of my life well and
4773s what I like to play games on easy mode
4775s and I think I just wasn't prepared for
4777s the fact that you clicked into media
4778s that I was like I'm gonna go with such a
4781s leisurely Pace yep I'm gonna think about
4784s what color I want the bed sheets in my
4786s houses and then I go see a castle being
4790s built and I'm like so they're building a
4792s hassle well they're a bit of something
4794s hideous
4795s uh I just go to blacksmith in the market
4798s you can't
4800s I'm such a little Age of Empires 2
4802s Goblin
4805s um
4806s [Music]
4812s and she was in chat
4822s all right if it helps
4825s um
4826s hey get away to win them
4829s oh Lord oh no what are the light melee
4832s infantry oh that's it they've gone for
4835s the gods
4836s the irony of the barracks just being
4840s built next door oh good God okay all
4843s right chat what are the mountains what
4845s are the millions good at I think they're
4847s scallops that's what they said I think
4849s cavalry
4850s if they're ranchers they must like all
4852s right we're gonna stay but we're gonna
4853s why are they not building
4856s oh it's done
4859s where's the cattle
4864s I need to build my walls immediately
4867s okay I'm so uncomfortable I can actually
4871s go to the next stage I'll do it do it
4874s don't hesitate they certainly won't
4876s quickly produce
4884s right I'm here I'm good
4887s cattle and mill
4890s oh oh God I need to wear your food I
4894s don't have any meals
4904s turn on Charlie I'm not gonna betray my
4908s teammates
4910s impartial grab out here being honest
4913s about my abilities and you still want to
4915s take me down the peg how dare you oh
4917s they're attacking me
4919s oh that's why they're taking a break
4920s from attacking me again no no they're
4922s gonna kill a villager run run I'm about
4924s to lose a brave woman
4929s Miss building Joseph
4931s [Music]
4932s goes up it goes up
4935s it goes up it goes up and then I'm gonna
4937s can I Garrison them then no no no no no
4946s [Music]
4951s I can't
4954s baby
4957s okay I need units
4959s [Applause]
4966s right that's it I'm playing around no
4969s more
4978s [Laughter]
4981s ah don't chase them into the words
4988s okay I'm making uh
4993s if I don't know when you bring us an
4995s intermediate I would have practiced on
4996s intermediate I'm building a sofa oh
4999s great
5003s okay you've angered me for two long
5006s textiles oh
5009s oh I'm roasting now I'm roasting
5012s right we're gonna start with these balls
5014s just to slow them down a bit
5017s uh
5018s get me villagers should I go light no
5021s not no no no no no no no no no no no no
5023s no no no no no no no oh oh I mean this
5026s is an actual disaster
5031s my sofas are are they winning
5035s they're breaking my stuff I don't have
5039s any food
5041s you have no food
5044s I'm actually in shambles should we
5047s restart this stream no no no no no no we
5050s can I think we can come back from this
5052s because they're not in the third age I'm
5055s the only one in the third yes that's
5056s true actually and that's actually pretty
5058s big I think
5059s all right I'm gonna aim for third age as
5061s well then we're just gonna they're
5062s barely touching my forimba Garrison
5065s what if I just make a bunch of arch
5070s Tower oh God they've gone for your
5072s landmark
5075s oh I should make a tower that would be
5077s clever a total Outpost
5082s was a sweater
5087s that's a great Point wood needed and I'm
5090s gonna read that out verbatim even though
5091s it's rude to the both of us chat calm
5093s down if you want top level gameplay
5095s watch tomorrow's tournament there's a
5097s reason we're sat here doing this and
5098s we're not in the tournaments tomorrow my
5101s eco's fine how many villagers do you
5103s have do you know what's your
5105s not enough is the answer to getting kind
5107s of eating I'm not gonna lie
5112s okay my sofa
5115s okay oh these are hardened spearmen my
5117s sofas don't stand a chance why don't I
5119s make archers
5122s yeah making archers
5124s okay and I'm gonna get on gold
5126s everyone to gold
5132s all right we want more of that
5134s and you're fine
5137s keep doing the walls
5141s I've let my turtle Squad down we're
5144s sitting on my stuff on fire
5146s oh wait Archer micro coming up one dead
5150s two dead nice get up
5154s oh wait I'm kind of roasting
5156s unironically
5160s okay I have a small band of archers
5164s oh no oh no no no no no no no no
5166s [Laughter]
5169s we have a lot of arches
5171s Garrison
5175s oh
5179s right you guys don't need to protect
5180s that side anymore because we have the
5182s walls up we're good we are Grand
5189s um
5190s you're right bud
5192s are you getting attacked
5194s on your side I'm dying over here you
5197s seem to be the closest to them
5200s oh I'm blocking them off I'm coming
5202s around on this side I don't want
5203s anything to do with them all right I
5205s have a lot of gold coming in that's good
5207s I like that I don't have any food
5212s I like the idea of making a lot of
5214s archers
5217s arches of my favorite oh but now he's
5218s making targets
5226s oh no no this is this
5233s Garrison inside the barracks
5237s nope so that was a lie stop trying to go
5241s around the walls with your sheep I'm
5243s blocking you out invite only go away
5246s good riddance
5248s so you do that wait they're Archer might
5250s drink against me bro
5253s it's illegal I might even double that
5255s wall
5256s just cause
5258s just cause I'm not gonna help they're
5260s gonna they're gonna come around back
5262s oh okay they've got one of the secret
5264s sites
5266s are back
5268s that's tremendously fine
5270s but we have the other one all the way
5272s down here okay so they're opposite ends
5274s so they they can't go to the sacred
5276s Victory that's I'm okay make minute arms
5278s all right you need to make minute arms I
5280s just don't have any food prod
5282s uction I need to make Farms
5284s that was my major mistake I'm not made I
5288s have no Farm Eco oh my goodness me
5291s I
5292s right they can have that one they can
5294s keep that one it's five
5298s right let's have a look how close to me
5300s okay
5302s they have
5304s they've learned men here
5308s this destroyed my step you don't need
5311s food for oh
5313s they only cost gold
5315s oh my God I'm about to go crazy
5322s oh I ate all the gold okay uh I'm gonna
5325s go find another gold okay I think we can
5328s win this I'm unironically
5330s if they enter the third age I'm worried
5332s if they're not there then I'm not
5333s worried and I'm working to get to the
5335s third age now so hopefully we can beat
5337s them to that okay this would actually be
5339s a legendary comeback like unironically
5341s we've told chat that we're not gonna win
5343s and it's all like we've set up a ruse
5346s oh
5348s my moose Safari
5350s my
5351s my
5353s Musafa I said exactly right I'm a stud
5357s dude
5358s all right my farm eco's looking hot I'm
5362s not gonna lie
5364s all right you guys need some more Stone
5366s okay well there's some around here what
5368s are you doing right you guys are moving
5370s out you guys are all gonna go work down
5372s here okay
5374s are you winning son
5377s [Music]
5378s okay
5379s oh that see that oh oh I'm getting
5382s stoned and not gold
5388s it's fine
5391s Lola
5393s I don't have a huge Army at the moment
5394s but my plan is to try and build up one
5396s and help you because it just seems to be
5397s that what that one corner okay the thing
5400s is in all fairness I'm actually not
5403s losing that badly anymore okay that's
5405s good
5406s we put down a military school to come
5408s help you
5409s do you have any military
5411s um I have a few bits and pieces I don't
5413s have anything that's going to save the
5414s country though okay I need to make
5417s I need to make another uh Town Center I
5420s feel like
5421s oh I remember playing um on Xbox on I
5424s did a match it was me versus a guy on
5426s the team called Henry and it was versus
5429s and I decided to do my turtle technique
5431s but I had like three layers of walls and
5434s he could get anywhere near me and then I
5436s tried to destroy him
5438s um but he'd built like 20 Town centers
5440s and it was so frustrating
5443s can you Garrison and stuff inside
5445s buildings when you build it or no I
5446s don't know I'm about to watch
5454s I just need a bunch of gold
5457s the influence on the blacksmith School
5459s oh production rates increase oh they're
5461s popped out all right
5463s uh blacksmith I can't tell if I'm
5466s winning this battle
5468s come to the university
5473s all right okay
5475s we can recover I need just need a new
5478s town center
5482s let's do all of the blacksmith research
5484s or a new
5487s okay okay all right I think we can
5491s recover
5493s y oh
5495s sorry uh
5497s good
5498s I think we may be ought to be beyond
5500s that point a contingent of archers
5503s approached
5508s where are the towers is it the Stonewall
5512s Tower oh I just need Stone
5516s I haven't got any stuff oh
5519s I don't have any Eco upgrades
5522s see ya
5523s oh well
5525s why'd the music get crazy all of a
5527s sudden
5529s Plus
5532s says something happening that I don't
5534s know about
5535s right I'm expanding my suburbs there we
5538s go you go I'm gonna repair I'm just
5540s gonna build a new blacksmith because I
5542s have a feeling if I go over to repair
5543s that one they'll they'll find out about
5546s my Village
5547s and I'm doing the best I can to not let
5550s them do that right now
5555s cops that's they're really going for you
5557s huh
5558s they're attacking my stuff and it's kind
5560s of cringe yeah
5562s okay but they're being stupid and I'm
5568s and I'm
5569s and they're in range of my town center
5572s okay
5574s melee damage
5577s melee armor
5581s I'm gonna do a bunch oh oh no
5589s uh okay I'm gonna make another sofa
5593s a veteran sofa
5598s do you have any uh do you have wolves
5600s you have a building that's on fire oh
5602s toll outposts
5604s it's like Wireless
5610s I'm actually killing his whole Army it's
5613s like deeply copious good good
5617s nobody he's just he's trying to go for
5621s it
5626s all right
5627s you guys why have you stopped building
5628s houses come on
5630s he's Gotta Throw in the Army you know
5633s okay all right so I'm gonna build some
5635s toll booths
5638s more villes more villes
5640s if I can get a Juiced Eco we'll be in a
5643s really good spot unironically
5651s oh I probably need to relax
5653s okay
5655s right I'm now going up to the next stage
5659s don't worry you freak I am about to put
5661s the Arches on the walls okay
5664s uh you guys finished yep okay right I'm
5666s going to reorganize where I want my
5669s arches to go yeah oh
5674s there's no way in
5677s uh it's not happening where's my toad
5681s Booth oh
5685s my brother where is the told
5687s thank you they are very aesthetically
5689s pleasing settlements I think you'll find
5691s them totally not a mess in the slightest
5693s toll Outpost I'm building a toll booth a
5696s toll Outpost uh let's put it there
5703s work a couple of them on there okay a
5706s couple Maybe
5706s [Music]
5708s kill the monkeys
5715s Adrian Walker
5717s this needs to go up
5719s [Music]
5721s go and fix my Landmark okay it's a
5724s little tricky right now but oh I have so
5727s much I have so much wood
5730s uh
5735s I'm making like five barrackses and
5737s they're done they're done I've decided
5739s go what I'm not again it's a villager
5743s just sat in my Army did you get there
5746s what did they destroy
5748s oh they
5752s they are low-key devastating
5755s don't you worry I'm prepping as long as
5757s I can get this side covered I need it
5759s all
5760s right I'm better sure you don't need a
5762s gate to Mount the walls I think you just
5764s need this door on the back of the tower
5765s we'll do it
5767s okay you're in the castle League
5769s oh they're just okay you're just
5773s terribly all right I'm taking heat over
5775s here but I am actually killing them I
5777s need to repair this though
5780s okay
5782s um you guys I'm gonna make moosafari I'm
5784s gonna help with the wall
5786s I'm staying so true to the walls I will
5789s not back down from habit and that is
5791s walls
5795s go away eat it
5803s okay
5805s you get
5807s on the walls baby
5809s [Laughter]
5811s [Music]
5814s I'm gonna help Aphrodite but as you
5816s notice I'm constantly getting I need
5818s brassed on this wall
5820s so I'm trying to make sure that my ass
5822s is covered before I go out this ass you
5825s know that's the current Vibe of the
5828s stream this angle is fine and then you
5830s see in the background it's not much it's
5832s not shouts
5833s but it don't oh he was nice why can't I
5838s build these
5840s 50 food also we're gonna increase I have
5844s so much wooden gold I'm just gonna make
5846s a ton of archers that's it
5849s foreign
5853s [Laughter]
5868s [Music]
5870s I'm sending them through now and then
5871s I'll get started on my next Army that'll
5874s bail me out in a major way it's all
5876s right where's your army what are you
5877s wearing why is it dying
5880s it's been really rough over here well
5883s and why do all of your houses look like
5885s this it's a suburb what street planning
5889s Maniac sign this off the ones that they
5892s oh oh here come the elephants baby oh
5894s those are big chompers
5897s uh there we go oh they can't build I've
5900s come to save the day okay yeah
5904s oh my God counts as one they're stealing
5907s no kill the man kill the man kill the
5909s monk kill the mug
5910s what costs wooden gold
5913s that's what I need steal that Monument
5915s it's oh you're gonna do you have
5916s upgrades on those bad boys yeah I sold
5919s upgraded okay okay oh you're actually
5921s roasting
5922s right there you go you take them okay
5924s push with this
5926s like go push uh you're
5929s hey all right I think I think they're
5932s running back they're on they're on my
5933s wood line
5935s I got him I got him do you have food do
5938s you think you can send me food that
5939s would be big
5942s yes
5944s keep running your fools I'll take your
5946s dang elephant get out okay right
5948s elephant down you guys okay
5955s I need to repair
5958s don't push just stay there so I can go
5961s watch okay okay oh my sweet what they're
5964s building a town center outside the gate
5966s right come on them
5968s uh okay I'm repairing my first and then
5971s I'm gonna repair the other landmark
5973s Siege Workshop I get like a thousand
5975s food please that would bring me out of
5978s destitution
5983s can go in infantry if you're going
5985s archers
5988s oh I think you need her oh it's it's
5990s it's turning south over there
5993s the fight's going south
5997s all right I'm working on a key and a
5998s Siege Workshop
6001s you guys aren't building a family
6004s mystery I'll extreme mute at home mute
6007s that's fun
6009s um
6010s uh yeah I need food though I'm about to
6013s be down utterly tremendous all right
6014s okay I'm working on that now
6017s I'm gonna go see if I can destroy this
6018s town center that's just outside as well
6021s oh my God I'm at Stone ah
6026s okay
6029s how are you doing are my Army my Army
6032s are down okay right Jesus
6034s do you have any army whatsoever
6036s uh no because I'm okay what costs wood
6040s and gold for this bad boy
6048s top right side button send him 1K and
6052s then I'll go um
6054s I'll go did they destroy my Barracks no
6057s and then I'll go move Safari Warriors
6064s I need my food Charlie give me a minute
6068s well then I'm so hungry my people
6070s they're so hungry
6073s all right you no not huntable dear I'm
6076s getting on the farms
6080s uh so nothing costs wood and gold is
6084s what I'm
6085s chat danzo or better
6088s in this situation
6092s right okay now let's build
6095s I need to repair my Garrison but I can't
6097s that's the issue let's put a gate in
6102s foreign
6105s stop it you nerds leave me alone
6111s Okay so
6113s all right just spawn on the top there
6115s food okay I'm just gonna start building
6117s stuff to see all right any army I get
6119s I'm just gonna bring them over okay I
6122s mean actually
6123s I'm stuck to wonder if there's a point
6127s absolutely running through your town
6130s here
6131s yeah but they if I have a ton of wood
6135s and gold I just don't know what to make
6137s that's the issue
6139s if I have if I have food I can make a
6142s lot of stuff
6143s and you can if you hit the top right
6145s button players and tribute very top
6147s right send me a thousand gold I can make
6149s an army or a thousand food Thousand food
6151s oh a thousand food a thousand food I
6153s will have an army rallied Swift done
6156s send
6158s sense
6165s oh okay I need God I need loads and
6168s loads of wood if you're able to send
6169s wood
6170s okay I have food now all right Army okay
6173s better
6175s all right I will have an army I will
6177s have an uh an army rides
6181s and then I just need to just rebuild the
6183s landmark and we'll be fine then copium
6186s oh God they're destroying the walls
6188s they're destroying the wall and I need
6191s to get my food Eco going here
6202s oh yes
6206s they are through the wall okay
6210s I'm about to have a contingent of men
6212s Idol Villages please
6215s [Applause]
6219s okay
6220s all right
6222s I can recover now
6226s just put some walls here please
6229s please oh hey get back on the wall
6233s chase them actually you know what
6234s destroy them
6238s all right I got I got I kind of got like
6240s boys now okay I'll tell you what then
6242s I'm gonna see if I can go around this
6243s back way and Destroy these because they
6245s are they're sneaking through okay
6251s all right I'm gonna repair this
6255s okay I'm I'm kind of coming up did you
6258s get in what I just have a random Scout
6262s in my Village I don't know how they got
6263s there though
6264s uh repair
6268s wait
6271s oh where the buildings just destroyed
6272s forever I thought there was a way to
6273s repair them
6276s let's not do that
6284s Town Center
6286s so rude that they put that there
6291s um
6292s so I can send you more food but if you
6295s could send me more wood that would be
6296s ideal because I'm trying to get some
6297s Prestige weapons going okay I kind of
6301s got like a lot of boys now I have 19 men
6303s 19 men I don't know that is not enough
6308s it's just not enough I'm being frankly
6310s I'm being devastated
6312s foreign
6317s heavy armored targets
6320s yeah I just got I got absolutely
6321s demolished just now
6326s whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa
6332s ignore the villagers we need to worry
6333s about the villagers do you have anything
6334s for this elephant Army in my base
6337s um I could see if I can start work on a
6339s second Army I'm just okay things have
6341s sort of Hit the pan on my end okay okay
6345s woman
6348s yeah I'm gonna need I'm gonna need an
6349s army okay that's fine I've got one
6351s cooking gone just put it in the oven for
6353s you
6356s what are these workers doing I want to
6359s get upgrades
6361s oh no
6364s [Music]
6370s spearmen For Elephants so like light
6372s yeah
6373s because they're mounted and those are
6376s yeah okay I'm just gonna do a mix of
6378s Infantry
6385s foreign
6390s Center yeah you'll get ravaged over
6392s there
6393s um I won't lie to you I'm off tempted
6395s just to build a wall between me and them
6397s what the hell well if you've written
6400s that town off well it's not a time this
6403s is my Empire I'm not writing off my
6405s Empire
6407s all right okay all right okay okay I'm
6409s gonna discover what this other town was
6410s right next to me that's why
6412s okay yeah it's like I'm gonna go I'm
6415s gonna go do a first pass of this Village
6417s see if I can destroy you all right yeah
6419s no the thing is you base trade with yes
6421s bass trade
6424s what if I build a wall okay all right
6428s hold I don't have that much Stone though
6434s yeah I don't have enough stone for this
6437s um
6440s don't go too far into the village I beg
6442s you pull back pull back pull back
6444s we'll just go one at a time
6447s she's got a great comp though he's got
6450s the archers to deal with the spearmen
6452s and then he's got the tower elephants
6453s which will destroy all my buildings
6456s I think I'll 70 freaking cows
6459s how do you get this much stuff
6462s oh
6464s the Mills generate cows Chad said
6467s something about that oh yeah no I didn't
6469s set mine to do that actually okay yeah
6471s okay
6473s so how do you do that though
6475s you uh
6479s [Applause]
6482s okay
6484s yeah I need to
6486s [Music]
6487s get it my food prod is not been good at
6490s all this game I kind of neglected Farms
6492s early
6498s gold dang it
6501s oh they're breaking my houses
6507s okay that first salt and go particularly
6510s well but I had a good attitude
6514s go again
6515s huh I'm I'm kind of dying here
6520s I don't know how well maybe someone
6522s shouldn't have selected intermediate for
6524s the live stream well and I we're
6527s intermediate level Gamers we could kill
6529s these guys I've learned a lot this game
6531s if I figure out how to get my food prod
6533s I would have destroyed the first Army
6540s I have 11 Idols thank you Chad what
6542s would I do without you guys
6546s all right everyone just go chop Woods I
6548s beg of you
6551s oh they're all in
6553s stop hit people and go for the buildings
6555s for Christ's sake you buildings go
6558s everyone more buildings please we're in
6561s trouble they are in the Imperial age ah
6564s it's nothing we got him we got him we
6566s got him we got him no
6569s you guys go get stuck in
6573s operate them kill them cows
6578s wow I mean these these guys are good
6582s props where it's due we said we batter
6584s this computer and I think we said it too
6586s loud because it hurts I think they they
6588s heard us the AI was listening oh God
6591s destroy that destroy that destroy the
6593s people better than Javelin throwers and
6595s those counter
6597s maybe light infantry or something or
6599s maybe those counter archers they look
6600s like sperms
6603s all right destroy the workers delay
6606s progress delay progress
6609s okay well they have a bit I don't know
6611s what happened to the yellow
6616s I have an army good get him
6621s I
6623s may or may not have realized that I had
6625s had an army but that's fine
6628s all right
6635s okay so those are all so I'm gonna go
6638s vet danzos now are these all dances
6642s okay I'm completely destroying their
6644s their arches
6647s I'll tell you what I'm gonna go get that
6649s other sacred site as well you know
6652s all right I might have a chunker army
6654s here in a sec all right I killed all
6656s their archers I'm pushing
6658s oh sweet Lord destroy that destroy that
6660s everyone everyone change your face
6661s change face get that
6664s they're doing a minister of honors
6666s destroy that kill it kill it
6673s all right
6679s all right I'm gonna attack and see how
6682s it goes
6685s let's just say well I've really enjoyed
6687s losing this game with you we don't know
6689s it's been very fun we don't know if
6691s we've lost yet to this point I'd say
6692s we're in a kind of a lost position but
6694s first of all of the thrill of the game
6696s is that not we're seriously
6697s underestimated our opponent
6699s I didn't realize the empires we've aged
6702s along the way it's maybe it's about the
6704s empires you aged along the way
6707s all right there's if I win this battle
6709s I'm not dead if I
6711s lose it I'm dead
6716s I'm
6719s oh I'm I'm getting devastated right I've
6721s got Siege weapons and I'm just slowly
6723s keeping away at building maybe not oh
6726s God
6728s I okay I kind of killed this whole Army
6731s that's great I love that for you
6733s I definitely just killed the sword
6736s they have and I have res so many
6739s elephants
6742s right I need some of you guys can we oh
6745s my God my gold is not doing well at the
6748s moment everyone coming let's go could
6750s you send me gold gold I don't have much
6752s gold okay
6753s 100. no no it's all good you keep it you
6756s keep it
6758s oh I'm breaking their Siege they're
6760s actually I'm I'm in their they're
6762s getting roasted right now
6764s okay villagers are dying they're fleeing
6767s you keep going this is great okay okay
6771s actually I'll tell you what you guys
6772s come back you have no Army to support
6774s you and you're just gonna get hounded by
6775s those just pull back so I'll build up an
6777s army to support the siege and then I
6779s need Siege now like I'm gonna lose okay
6782s I lost my Army but
6784s it I don't want to say it was worth but
6785s it was kind of worth
6790s seeing that they have come into more
6792s stuff right next to the gold
6797s there's significantly less heat coming
6799s from the map where you are which is good
6801s uh well so I
6804s it's I kind of held them off for now but
6807s the issue is I'm very far off from uh
6813s guys we need to get these archers
6817s guys I need this gold deposit workers
6821s getting workers getting workers getting
6822s it's not worth it it's not worth it just
6824s get it
6826s oh I should be doing the whole cows
6828s aren't just gonna get back on the wall
6829s now thank you for protecting them you
6831s can come out
6833s probably not enough but we can get them
6835s closer
6842s all right now I need Siege I feel like
6844s that's kind of the next move here
6857s coming up
6859s all right so they're they're in and we
6862s are Castle
6863s which is bad but
6865s you know
6867s people have come back from worse
6872s oh get out of here
6884s this is actually a good cop
6887s [Music]
6890s how you doing over there
6892s um I'm not doing too bad do you need do
6894s you need me to send anything I feel like
6895s if you move forward with your siege and
6897s took out some of their buildings there's
6898s a chance so that's what I was doing but
6901s then I didn't have any like
6902s archers I basically didn't have anything
6904s to support them okay so I had to pull
6906s them back a little bit and now I'm
6908s trying to rebuild this Army to send them
6909s out but um I've just had some bad news
6912s Come Along on one of my gold deposits
6914s which I really need so I'm just trying
6915s to get rid of that at the moment you
6917s could
6918s and then hold the army
6921s at Bay and then you just use those
6923s forward deposits
6926s right go on then we're going in
6929s Siege in make more of everything
6933s okay I'm actually kind of recovering
6935s right now
6937s more of this I just need more eco
6944s go on
6948s [Music]
6952s you know what get them
6955s Off the Wall kill the healers or you can
6958s bring your siege to my side if you want
6964s because
6965s um if you brought your siege and then I
6967s have a big meat Shield of army oh that's
6969s a great idea okay yep no I'm pulling the
6971s back we'll 100 do that that's a great
6972s idea
6975s okay
6976s pull in the back
6979s I'm gonna deal with this issue why
6981s there's just so many arches up there I'm
6983s back
6987s on the way through
6990s I've got to keep I've got to keep here
6991s are you going Imperial
6997s okay what do I need to build for how
6999s much rasa
7002s 2400 food 1200 gold
7006s pretty far from that
7008s okay I have solved my issue okay okay
7012s um where are my Idols we're gonna hell
7015s guys otherwise just never any there's
7017s not enough gold to go around huh
7021s um so I'm actually like kind of holding
7023s over here I if I get Siege if you send
7027s yep I'm sending the siege now
7029s all right you guys go in here oh yeah
7032s I'm gonna go to where that front line is
7033s now now I'm gonna replace
7036s my Army so we can start spitting out on
7040s this side and then do you know if those
7042s manganels do well against arches I
7044s assume they do but I'm not too sure
7045s actually
7048s I'm just gonna make sure I keep Army
7050s mask
7055s we're gonna pull it back chat
7059s holding it back oh I say that and
7061s they've destroyed a flipping wall oh God
7065s I think
7068s and put my wall back in I would keep
7071s your units there and your manganels with
7073s me maybe and that way
7076s you can defend
7078s or we just push hard this side roast
7080s everything well I have a full Army
7083s that's about to come your way okay so
7085s I'm gonna do I'm gonna give you that
7086s let's do that and then because I need to
7089s because they're getting through the
7090s walls over here so I just need to make
7091s sure that I've got something just in
7092s case you see they're all coming through
7094s the parade is here just passing through
7098s don't you worry I've got it okay
7101s [Music]
7110s okay
7112s um great you get up on the wall you guys
7114s move around on the wall and then the
7118s rest of you we're gonna need some more
7119s houses because this Army is not it we
7121s need more oh they uh okay so now I'm I
7125s think they're counting me now because
7127s the hand cannons should do well against
7129s my infantry because I have like heavy
7131s infantry so
7134s we'll see all right well I'm here
7137s where's the rest of uh all right I don't
7139s know if can we ping I don't know if we
7141s can ping
7142s um but push to their base yeah and we'll
7145s just overwhelm them okay all right we're
7147s going now I've just got the other sacred
7149s site as well so if they did want to go
7151s for that Victory they need to go through
7152s the both of us at least okay here we go
7154s my Army's getting a little bit
7157s withered
7161s okay you with me all right this is big
7164s this is this is kind of our moment
7166s because if we wipe this guy
7168s then if we can make it a wonderful well
7170s then it makes it a little bit easier on
7171s you doesn't it
7172s oh and you have the trabs too yeah
7175s oh wow yeah yeah yeah yeah okay this is
7179s what we need all right and then I'm
7180s gonna send should we send the people
7181s through to get the other people or just
7182s work on another building
7184s um I feel like just hold your side and
7186s then we just push everything over it's
7189s gonna sweep really try to just devastate
7191s them
7196s [Music]
7197s all right you look great job next
7200s building
7201s we want this one
7204s [Music]
7207s oh that's their landmark
7210s I destroy the landmark and the other one
7211s yeah
7213s keep that tread line moving and we're in
7215s a good spot
7217s is there on the next building now okay
7219s they're about to finish that you need
7220s wood I have a ton of wood
7227s oh actually you guys change the
7228s direction go for the barracks
7237s all right we don't have a lot of armies
7239s fighting us at the moment here so we can
7241s just keep going for it the big thing is
7243s just making sure I might even move back
7245s so I don't get hit with arrows yeah I'm
7247s gonna see if I can just pick up around
7248s the edge we just play off our Siege line
7253s because the main thing is just keeping
7254s that so if you want to come there's this
7256s Siege Workshop up here there's a couple
7257s of them I think we should destroy these
7259s and that'll slow them down a bit okay
7265s don't forget to kill the people guys
7267s don't just let them stab at you
7271s that's it keep going very good
7276s then we work on the building excellent
7278s you guys have finished destroying that
7279s okay cool so now we can move you in a
7281s little bit
7282s all right this is actually good because
7284s we're kind of roasted this is great so
7286s far
7288s a slow start but we did it right I'm
7290s hitting the town center now
7293s full Siege on the Town Center yep that
7296s was my town back home
7300s right that's one Siege Workshop down
7302s let's go for the other
7304s so they have a town center over here if
7306s you look on the far right of the map
7308s the Town Center that gold oh yeah okay
7313s all right Town Center's nearly down
7316s about halfway
7317s okay so I'm going to go through there's
7319s milky barracks and there's um there's
7322s three like religious things back here I
7324s don't know what they're called okay
7326s and then honestly we just want to go
7328s right through and get the other person
7330s yeah I'm Gonna Keep start um we need
7333s more Siege back here just in case
7335s so I'm gonna start building that as I
7337s have slacked just a little on the siege
7339s so I'm just gonna spam a ton of buttons
7341s together okay that Tom Sent His Lily
7343s down
7350s yeah I'm running out on grounds from
7353s seizure on the towel
7356s building a market for gold
7361s that might be a good idea Town Center's
7363s about to go
7365s uh Dome of Faith yeah we gotta roast
7368s those
7370s don't worry we're done all them next
7373s oh they're repairing it they're trying
7374s to repair it
7376s the Town Center yeah I'll just go oh
7378s dying I think did I change the
7380s directions
7383s done I love it oh I lost a contingency
7388s let me get that house of learning next
7395s Siege push is huge we've got more back
7399s home as well
7410s I could it wouldn't really make sense
7416s okay two of my I've only got two Siege
7419s left now actually
7421s uh so I'm gonna see the ones I've got oh
7424s yeah my numbers are thinning I'm pulling
7426s back to the siege um should we go back
7427s to that first bit on like the line on
7430s the edge of your towel let's just oh
7431s let's hold it the treb line yeah okay
7434s I'm gonna send them around and then I'll
7435s glue them all up together
7437s I'm safe down here they're not going for
7439s this other side at all okay
7442s and then just make another oh yeah that
7444s Army will be huge when that arrives yeah
7446s and I'm just gonna try to keep the trebs
7449s alive yep
7452s oh yeah
7456s see they've got loads of um next age
7458s stuff that we could try and take out
7462s come on babies
7466s okay if you were able to use some ah
7467s never mind I might say use your troops
7469s to try and save those uh Siege but they
7471s gone
7475s okay all right let me pull back then let
7477s me pull back all right my next dudes are
7478s just about to get into place I let me
7481s get some but I can wait on the outside
7483s of town because I've got to wait for my
7484s Siege weapons
7486s there's no point pushing unless you've
7487s got that I mean there's only a couple at
7489s the moment as well
7491s I can also try to get some Siege going
7493s mm-hmm
7495s thank you chat I do believe we can do
7498s this
7499s wait that was a really really good fish
7501s I think it was a great idea for me to
7502s bring the siege around this way might as
7504s well Attack One sieve together yeah
7506s because then they'll struggle against
7509s and I'll just play
7511s oh my God I have so much I need to sell
7513s this wood if that's
7515s okay oh I'm about to be so rich oh my
7518s God
7520s wait
7522s he was free let's just gather Woods
7525s please oh my god oh oh oh oh
7528s [Music]
7531s I'm Caked Up we picked up and bricked up
7534s it's lit
7535s I've I have over 4 000 gold
7539s I'm a man of great wealth and power
7542s everyone let's chill chill
7545s right like do you want another push
7547s these units here let me get some Siege
7550s let me get some Siege out okay
7553s I'll tell you what though I'm gonna have
7554s to go up because that needs destroying
7556s there's a bombard that's uh having a bit
7557s of a field day with us uh okay this one
7561s just up here can see if you can help me
7562s get rid of it
7563s I'm gonna make trebuchets
7566s okay okay we're the bombards all right
7569s don't worry about it babes I've sawed it
7573s okay so let's everyone just stay hot
7575s there
7576s I'm also key to where neither of us have
7579s reached the next stage
7583s oh they've got a sneaky little thing on
7586s the side what if we go
7588s maybe uh should we go kill that which
7592s one sorry see on the right side they
7594s have this sneaky little Eco we could
7596s kind of kill that quickly
7597s um yeah because there's actually a lot
7599s over there do you want to just take
7601s everything that we've got here and go
7602s let's just do that okay because my all
7606s my armies going to the front so at the
7608s very least we can hold it okay
7610s so we're just going to basically sweep
7612s around the outside yes yep yep yep okay
7614s all right I'll meet you on that um the
7616s mining camp that you're destroying at
7617s the moment before
7619s in fact let's see if I can just buy food
7622s that could actually
7624s I've got three and a half thousand food
7626s at the moment if you want me to send you
7627s some yeah could I actually you should
7628s you should go Imperial age then yeah and
7631s then oh no I am I am building the next
7632s one at the moment oh could I get some
7633s then yeah how much do you want uh a
7636s thousand or something nice
7639s there you go
7641s okay all right
7644s yes I'm about a third of the way about a
7647s quarter of the way building okay so I
7648s have I'll just start trapping that in
7651s that town center there yep
7655s there are
7657s oh okay so on the front there's like
7661s elephants that just come through but
7663s they're not right to set up the siege
7666s weapon
7670s I think it's a great idea I will
7673s actually need reinforcements careful
7675s about your treb on the front line
7680s [Music]
7690s and just about to hit the next stage
7699s okay cool we roasted in there yeah and
7702s then let's just follow the corner up
7703s yeah let's just sweep I mean at this
7706s point we may not have to attack the
7708s other town we could sweep all the way up
7710s this wall and just go get that sacred
7712s site and just have that victory
7715s um
7717s I'm just gonna go full against Mountain
7720s yep and I think that'll be good because
7723s then I can just go and see their uh
7725s their elephants with no problem
7728s all right the elephants are starting to
7730s pick you up but um those dudes have just
7733s called them
7733s okay we got another
7736s um
7740s all right my dudes are on it we got it
7743s all right
7749s do you have any religious units if we
7751s want to go for the sacred site no I
7753s haven't I haven't met I can start making
7755s some monks if you want okay oh let me I
7758s swear I'm gonna put a bunch of barracks
7760s on the front
7764s yeah that's great
7766s as well
7769s [Music]
7772s and then you've also got some trebs on
7775s the front yep I got trebs on the way
7777s give me lots more
7785s I think I think this comeback has been
7787s yes was it it was I was if you were like
7790s yeah let's
7791s I kind of I kind of threw it out to you
7793s like hey should we should we wrap it up
7797s you know and I'm glad that's that's the
7800s way it went I am going up to that sacred
7802s cycle
7803s I mean let's joint decision actually do
7807s you want to hit the sacred site or do
7808s you want to completely decimate sound
7809s yeah just keep we might have to push
7812s their ego though but we could push like
7814s their that religious part of their ego
7818s foreign
7820s this is one of the comebacks
7823s honestly of all The Comebacks I've ever
7825s done this is one of them all right I'm
7828s actually I could probably go for these
7829s religious sites now and um on the right
7832s corner for it let's do it
7834s yeah why not let's get him
7848s you're kind of beating me there a little
7851s bit
7859s okay here we go we are full scale
7864s on the religious side okay cool
7868s uh I need to get Imperial age
7875s I think my Army is just a little bit uh
7878s do you have food you have like a
7879s thousand Foods yeah
7883s I've sent you 3 000 food at this point
7886s you owe me a lunch after this show
7893s yeah gold would be great actually
7896s I'm willing to make an arrangement
7900s [Music]
7905s all right next building please dudes
7909s sweeping through
7912s oh I tell you what there is there's a
7914s bombard down here that I need to get as
7916s well
7920s nice yeah you're you're destroying
7922s you're roasting them there I've got to
7924s Trev up that they are not reacting to
7926s which is great
7927s love that for me I have 36 Idol
7931s villagers that's
7933s uh you could do that bound again it's a
7936s thing
7940s [Music]
7940s um
7954s Alvin
7961s okay that's another one down
7962s [Applause]
7964s oh yeah you're doing a great job over
7966s there that's huge
7967s [Music]
7970s weapon just a little bit okay now back
7972s on the Main Army okay I lost one I've
7973s only got two Siege units left
7976s [Music]
7977s no I mean but if you look at how much
7979s damage we've done with that like Dave oh
7981s yeah we've set them back a bit huh okay
7983s right I've only got one seed unit left
7985s so this is now basically just
7987s keep on keeping on I'm definitely gonna
7990s all right I'm up building another round
7991s yeah you go and then I will start
7993s building the next screen I just need
7994s upgrades now
8007s [Music]
8010s finally okay I can do the veteran
8013s nice
8015s oh
8020s oh they're eating up that gold
8026s villager
8030s okay I like that there's this tiny fight
8033s that's still trying to happen on this
8034s wall but no no no no no
8037s all right
8039s um in a little bit I'm gonna have fully
8041s upgraded the anzos and they're gonna be
8043s done though
8050s all right
8053s get a Trader
8055s a traitor oh
8057s that's a good idea do you have a market
8059s I do yeah
8063s me figuring out which Bill oh that's a
8065s market
8070s oh I'm destroying them now
8077s all right I'm sending another I'm
8078s sending another ground
8086s eel foreign
8089s just keep building that wall back up do
8091s not let them through that wall yeah as
8093s long as you hold that wall we're in a
8095s really good spot
8102s I don't understand how I possibly have
8105s this many idols
8108s all right okay that's why
8110s [Music]
8114s is there any more gold in the
8115s backgrounds
8118s I'm just gonna
8121s all right forward villagers gang Siege
8124s weapons soon I've just gone through a
8126s round of upgrades though so they might
8127s take a minute
8128s I'm the IRS up in their business tolls
8131s everywhere baby
8133s um I'm gonna go see if I can get that
8134s bombard for you because they all right
8135s oh yeah that is kind of roasting thank
8137s you
8138s I got it
8140s you see me to find that scene
8145s I'm out of a Juiced out Army
8149s okay I'll get um I'll get some C age
8152s there too
8154s I think a couple trebs would be a few
8156s traps would be big
8158s oh the TR oh I get it so the trader it
8162s goes to a market that's like AI Market
8169s really still playing the same match
8174s weaker Gamers lesser gamers
8178s oh I'm a trading sieve
8184s this is unironically been an epic
8186s comeback it really has
8188s because because I'd say we're in we're
8190s in the winning position now like you're
8192s in there slaughtering men women and
8195s children
8197s no I'm not
8198s this is rough
8200s and the toll booths are now getting
8202s built
8205s okay I didn't do a great deal in there
8207s you I did distract them though so you
8209s could go through you held exactly
8212s well I feel like I held new group power
8216s you know you grew powerful and then
8218s destroyed everything God they do not
8220s stop building these things wow like we
8223s need so many Siege weapons make sure I
8226s have all the upgrades
8229s and it's just the range okay armor the
8232s full attack the onslaught of Siege
8235s weapons is about to happen
8237s um as I've finished doing all my
8239s upgrades so I now have
8244s ranged oh that's these guys do ranged as
8247s well
8249s I'm putting tolls all up in their
8251s business it's actually pretty
8252s disrespectful
8254s [Music]
8256s this is really disrespectful
8259s all right I'm gonna see if I can get
8261s away from that town center
8263s one house
8266s villagers
8271s oh
8275s I can do that
8286s do another one of these down
8289s oh
8294s add defensive Arrow slits okay
8304s oh my God I just had a thought
8305s completely
8307s oh I'm gonna get really disrespectful
8311s I've just had that another disrespect
8313s before I'm gonna start stupidly I'm
8315s gonna start building all of my barracks
8316s and stables and archives next to your
8319s village so they don't have to keep
8320s running around I did see a couple people
8322s say uh yeah they're on the way don't
8324s worry chat
8328s percent eight of my very finest Builders
8331s rounds
8332s in there is so good
8340s gaming
8345s okay well I built do you see the
8348s disrespect keep over here this is a
8350s phenomenal it's my probably one of my
8352s top 10 favorite keeps I've ever seen
8353s yeah
8355s I'm kind of losing my whole Army though
8357s but that's that's fine that's totally
8359s cool
8360s I have I have a Siege weapon coming
8362s through I'm gonna do it and I'm gonna do
8364s another oh I don't have the stone
8366s I will merely keep
8369s um
8372s right you lot let's get to building
8374s please we want uh Barracks
8377s they're kind of rallying a little bit
8380s right now
8382s oh I also haven't been making any units
8388s [Music]
8390s uh
8392s heavy armored targets too
8400s so what are they they made Elite archers
8403s and sofas
8407s okay I'm just I'm re-clustering my whole
8409s Army it's gonna be juice
8425s Town Center just doesn't give up
8428s so if you want to sell wood well I'm
8432s kind of getting all the good prices
8433s right now actually sorry never mind
8437s never mind
8439s all right I'm now making an Army in your
8442s back Garden
8448s I might Tech into sofas now
8451s or archers or something
8455s yes
8470s never doubters for a moment
8480s I don't know they the thing is they are
8482s actually like they're really good at
8484s rebuilding and getting on top
8487s and I've not gone any further in this
8489s fog of War to actually see how far back
8491s this goes but their their front line
8493s they're keeping it
8504s oh sofas yeah I should I'm gonna make
8507s sofas
8508s I like how they're called sofas
8512s you shouldn't sleep on them
8515s it's not a bed very very good
8521s foreign
8531s [Applause]
8552s foreign
8558s we can really see how far this pit opens
8561s up
8564s all right I'm taking into sofas I'm I'm
8567s learning imported armor
8570s I'm importing armor
8573s that's that's still going on this town
8574s center it's so funny
8575s [Music]
8577s stop it leave it alone
8580s I think he's building Farms
8584s oh your arm is great
8590s destroyed Landmark fully repaired wait
8592s can I repair their landmark and make it
8595s mine no way I mean I wait I've got
8598s workers around here
8602s surely not that would be so
8604s disrespectful
8607s right house of learning is gone
8610s so when basically we're moving up now
8613s we've got that line
8615s we're getting a madrasa
8618s that's a really good idea free guy well
8620s you should create some Scouts and send
8621s them up to that sacred site because if
8622s that's not being held we might be able
8624s to oh we could yoink it yeah just while
8627s we're doing this yeah yeah yeah all
8629s right
8630s but essentially I'm sending sofas yeah
8634s yeah
8635s these are no mere Scouts their armor is
8637s Broad and strong
8646s because they're all just sat here ready
8648s to send more boys up I love it yeah Dave
8650s plays de with controller against rank
8652s players he's like 1400 ELO or something
8655s so now there will be a lot of controller
8658s games
8660s I'm so happy I can talk about those
8662s announcements I know so we found out
8665s about them a couple of days ago
8666s I desperately want the world to know
8673s I respect you for focusing on farms but
8676s there are much better buildings that you
8678s could be fighting here
8689s oh um back here
8699s again
8711s [Music]
8720s foreign
8723s oh that's about to be a big old army
8726s right there
8733s I'm about to have a fat Army
8741s all right
8744s let me move the tread line up again
8748s yeah I've just moved mine up as well
8749s actually I'm just gonna like park it
8752s right in the middle of everything and
8753s they'll just because we have enough Army
8755s here that we just
8759s all right where are the sofas all right
8761s sofas are off to the holy site okay I've
8764s lost a couple
8767s me and the boys are on a crusade
8782s I need so much gold where's my market
8785s let's buy gold I've got now suddenly 13
8788s 000 wood
8789s sell the wood
8793s eat
8795s all right
8799s just keep getting more wood actually if
8802s that's what seems to be driving my
8803s economy at the moment your wood yeah I
8806s had like 13 000 or something oh I you
8808s can sell it it's only 16 gold but like
8811s you know it means I can build more Siege
8814s so yeah it's worth it
8818s okay
8823s come on
8829s I think into the other town in a moment
8833s so it's how far you want to push this
8835s are we just going to keep running
8836s through uh I think we just I think I
8840s also sent the sofas up north and I'm
8842s kind of just destroying
8844s stuff
8849s just love every time I come to the side
8851s there's just a new spill of of this Army
8853s it's great
8856s oh my God look at my contingent of sofas
8858s an army of sofas approaches okay
8862s um chats had a really good idea how much
8864s Stone
8866s to wonder in the town my town which like
8869s not being touched but I need another 3
8872s 000 Stone and basically six thousand
8875s gold
8875s do you have any of those materials I
8877s missed that what was that do you have
8879s any stone or gold you can send me and I
8880s could try and start I don't have much
8883s Stone ah okay I'll send you 700 gold
8886s okay that's a good start because then
8888s yeah maybe we can just show off a little
8889s bit and try and put a wander in oh get a
8892s little crazy yeah
8895s I can't see any more gold deposits on
8897s the map I'm gonna see if I can destroy
8900s their what their sacred site with my
8902s sofas nice why not that'll really annoy
8905s him who doesn't even need to happen
8906s because we're destroying so much else
8908s yeah
8909s I just go really rough Soul or maybe
8911s I'll just go to their Village you know
8913s what yeah I'm going to their Village
8916s it's it's payback time I'm just
8919s this is the classic just run in with
8921s 40 massively armored Knights and you're
8924s just yep
8926s nothing personal kid no I don't think
8929s there's anything else in this main town
8931s if you have idle villagers too
8937s uh you can
8939s um oh my God look at this Army
8941s eat
8943s everything
8946s out towers around the sacred sites and
8949s just hold with a regular army that's a
8950s great idea
8961s and like meet you at the sacred site
8964s do we oh should we go for the sacred
8966s site or
8969s my sofas are eating everything in their
8971s base right now
8973s ah yes feels good after I'm even gonna
8976s slaughter their cows
8980s oh you can't individually Slaughter the
8982s cows you have to destroy the ranch
8986s it's moving in I'm helping you this is
8987s the town that bullied me at the
8989s beginning so this is this is
8992s I was bullied and victimized by the
8994s other town
8997s discuss Channel 1v1 to keep
9000s I'm seeing if I can find some more gold
9002s up over in this corner that's not been
9003s checked out
9005s yes flea villager flea
9009s oh okay nope they've got more town over
9012s here
9014s in the Lamentations of the women and the
9017s children
9021s slaughter them all wait oh now you get
9023s to kill the cows okay once you break the
9026s ranch then you get to kill the cows
9029s yeah we're not going to find more gold
9030s up here there's just more town
9034s well in 22 idle villagers yeah I know
9037s I've just been deleting them as they go
9040s no one how dare you because then there's
9042s room for more sofas
9044s [Laughter]
9046s feng shui I get an effort for every
9048s single final villager that Wellens
9050s killed that's killed kneadingly today
9052s I've killed 50 Maybe
9055s not quite that because the thing is out
9058s of force of habit I start making new
9059s villagers yeah and so they they're born
9063s just to die frankly
9066s it frees up pop space
9073s I still have all these sofas
9077s pals are trying to flee nearly gone
9079s through this town though make it a meme
9087s there's this over here in the bottom
9089s left is that that's my sacred site down
9091s there that I took that if they wanted to
9093s come for it oh no the bottom left I
9095s guess that's just an enemy Town Center
9096s that we saw oh oh yes yeah no I just
9098s uncovered that okay they're not doing
9100s anything there's no people whatsoever in
9101s there it's uh they were the ones who
9103s were constantly pushing on me gotcha
9105s gotcha but uh they seem to be distracted
9108s a lovely quiet oh companion book
9111s giveaway
9112s type exclamation point age of 25.
9116s not exclamation point clean I cannot
9119s express
9122s the great thing is you could just go
9124s like Army here that you're not even
9125s telling to do anything and yet we're
9127s still shredding they just stood watching
9129s I'm sending oh I see that
9133s all the sofas are going crazy over here
9136s I'll tell you what I'm no I'm gonna do
9138s it I'm gonna I'm gonna go check out that
9140s sacred site because I don't think I'm
9142s gonna get anywhere near as much gold as
9144s I need to construct this wonder and the
9147s only way we're going to do it is to do
9149s this sacred site so I have a monk ready
9152s okay so I'm gonna put this in my little
9155s base next to you and I'm gonna start
9157s building up a bit more
9159s support I'm gonna go take that staple
9161s science okay send this baby home I have
9164s 57 sofas nice
9169s do you want to head up with me uh yes oh
9172s we ride we're riding right now you're
9174s right oh where
9175s so I'm just oh I see the edge I'm just
9178s basically going to destroy whatever's in
9179s my past along the way but we are we are
9181s on the Move okay there are more sofas on
9183s Route
9185s oh that is a horde look at this horde Oh
9190s my days well in swap the cam over to
9193s Ellen
9195s let them ride ride Brothers
9199s we ride
9202s here in
9205s I have 71 sofas
9208s all right they have they have a keep oh
9210s my goodness uh yeah let's get a
9213s pre-emptive f in chat for this keep
9216s R.I.P bozo
9224s barely attacked well and they put so
9227s much stuff here
9228s it's just okay wait to actually do oh
9231s wait uh they we we might need a
9234s secondary Army because we're kind of
9236s losing men yeah no no
9239s um
9240s right okay
9242s uh okay I I mean let's still go for it
9245s but we do also only need to destroy two
9247s enemy landmarks I think we just need
9249s Siege now we just need a bunch of Siege
9251s because that was a bit of a disaster I'm
9253s not gonna lie it was a bit of a disaster
9256s okay no good to know good to know that
9259s actually I think I think let's go back
9261s to the town we've got two enemy
9262s landmarks to destroy we're a lot closer
9264s on that than we are of digging through
9266s all of that Malarkey okay it was a good
9269s thought though kind of want to get a
9271s treb up there a treb line and just start
9273s wailing on it
9275s I'm shifting Focus I am I'm going back
9278s to the other town getting the other
9280s landmarks bombards
9282s high damage
9286s [Music]
9287s so we're trebs or bombards better
9296s what's the move
9299s trebs or bombards
9305s two more landmarks okay all right
9307s exactly and I think these are the two
9308s right here is it okay to say that Wellen
9311s scares me
9314s correct to say that Wellen is terrifying
9317s okay once I get in war mode I just see
9320s red I haven't oh look at the spillage
9324s who the hell is this is why is he
9325s dressed so finally right there's a keep
9328s in here that we need to destroy because
9329s it is going on for the the Lambs
9332s bombards apparently bombards are better
9334s oh I need more seeds good thing I'm rich
9337s as hell
9339s all right I'm gonna make like eight
9341s pounds
9343s and when I when I say eight I mean one
9345s because I need to sell wood now
9351s uh
9361s okay got a thousand gold
9364s let's make more
9366s I'm about to be rich as hell
9369s I'm rich as hell
9371s is that that keep still going okay good
9374s I'm about to make a lot of bombards good
9377s very nice
9381s bombards okay trebs since I have more
9384s time I kind of want to do bombards
9386s though because I haven't done bombards
9387s yet
9391s all right love it where are my sofas
9396s ah this is the part of the game when
9398s you're like ah yes you you just relish
9400s the feelings of power
9403s after like they bullied me I don't know
9405s if you I mean you saw but early game I
9407s was being pushed around a little bit I
9409s did not appreciate not appreciated
9415s okay here we go moving on up get that
9418s keep down so then we're a bit safer to
9420s destroy the other things
9422s is it that keeps nearly is it evil to
9425s say that I actually just want to claim
9427s that sacred site since clearly they
9429s value it so highly well I've we've only
9431s got one Landmark to go so I think we're
9434s about to hit that Victory instead okay
9440s there we go say goodbye to your little
9442s keep
9446s do I have oh they're screaming
9448s oh they're lit they're hype
9453s and then once you're not finished with a
9454s keep we'll move on to the next one
9457s thank you
9458s I'm about to eat this keep
9460s it's just their Town said I'm just gonna
9462s go eat the Town Center yeah oh my sweet
9464s dwelling what
9467s how many plus ones did you have in this
9469s Army
9471s there was a you know hey
9474s oh
9475s the Keeper's still alive it's crumbles
9478s sofas ride
9480s all right do we know where this other
9481s landmark is we won't take this sitting
9483s down on the sofas oh my God they're
9487s massacring oh my in all my days
9495s foreign
9498s you guys throw your things faster thank
9501s you where is their Landmark which
9503s Landmark are you talking um I don't know
9504s I'm just gonna destroy everything I
9506s can't quite remember oh no that sounds
9507s like this one this is
9510s which one there's Mansa Quarry here
9516s absolute destruction
9525s do you want to see if you can put all of
9527s your Army on this one Quarry and we can
9529s really just give them the middle finger
9531s where this one here it's about half
9533s Health at the moment
9534s oh that's the oh yep that's their
9536s Landmark I remember
9539s I'll send in the sofas don't worry bring
9543s everyone in I'm even gonna bring the 3 s
9546s Siege weapons I've got here here we go
9550s the sofas rise
9553s I'm gonna try to encircle it
9559s yep
9566s oh we had chat in the first half I think
9569s we all thought we were gonna lose that
9570s one but no no no no yeah we took our
9573s time with it we warmed into the mat it
9576s was all for the cameras new Sims as well
9578s we didn't know what we were doing just
9580s for a hot minute but yeah thank you for
9582s sticking around thanks to those who um
9584s gave us instructions throughout and gave
9586s his advice obviously in one of my 22
9588s idle fills about the age Community is
9590s how amazingly helpful you all are will
9592s the overview be really offensive and
9594s embarrassing in the stats or no I've
9597s um it'll look like we got beat up at
9599s first let's look at the time which one
9600s are you beta or Alpha I'm bait I'm Alpha
9603s you're are you sure because alphabetes
9605s Sigma grind set all right okay you
9609s smashed it so so good
9613s um right one of the things we haven't
9614s giving away a few few times out of the
9616s stream is this book by the way I'm just
9617s can I just rip into this with my teeth
9619s I'm going into the book chat I've
9622s written the book on how to play this
9623s game and now I'm going into said book
9625s it's brand new because they've just
9626s written it about our epic epic Empires
9629s on ages and stuff here you go here's the
9631s book dude
9633s great straight off the bat texture 10
9636s out of 10. big fan of it oh
9639s oh this is great I'm gonna see if I can
9641s have my own let's see if I can make this
9643s my account
9647s [Music]
9652s this is some meaty textbook fresh spook
9656s smell absolutely monkeyless book smells
9658s phenomenal I'm gonna go to this page
9660s here what's this
9661s so giveaway's life of this book right
9664s now by the way chat well I talk to you
9665s about the blacksmith it tells you so
9668s much about it all the different
9669s Technologies oh my goodness is it
9671s historical as well does it have
9673s historical info I don't know
9677s I mean it looks like it might do
9679s it tells you all the different like
9681s concept artwork for some of the
9683s buildings as well this is cool yeah can
9686s I have one
9688s winner is me well
9691s that's so cool giveaway's clothes I have
9694s this one sorry no it's not keep going
9697s chat this is really really cool I like
9699s this let's see if there is like a
9700s context at the beginning and I can tell
9702s you exactly what is throughout the book
9703s it's the official companion book
9706s which is cool it's a nice forward so age
9710s of Esports Age of Enlightenment
9711s technology overview cultural enrichment
9714s on each of the different groups
9715s instruments of war about each of the
9717s different units in there building
9719s history tells you about the different
9721s technology defensive buildings different
9723s landmarks across all the civilizations a
9726s walk through history of the Norman's 100
9728s Years War Mongol Empire rise of Moscow
9730s and also behind the scenes so making of
9732s the Hands-On history films and similar
9734s art of Craig Mullins let's go to that
9736s 404 not found
9739s [Music]
9746s nice next page right here we go there
9749s you go look at this oh my goodness me
9752s that's so cool right we'll keep going if
9757s you want to enter the giveaway for this
9758s we're going to take just a very very
9760s quick break and I'm going to run away
9763s with a book actually and I'm Gonna Leave
9765s You on your Todd as I I believe you
9767s Herald the next part of the stream give
9770s him as much love as possible because
9771s while I'm going to be taking on Age Two
9772s which is both of our babies hopefully he
9775s knows a few more of the buttons and he
9778s knows how to do this a little bit better
9779s but you've been wonderful thank you for
9780s having me chat thank you for leading me
9782s to a victory as well well then oh it was
9784s you all the way and could we all say
9786s goodbye to Charlie thank you so much
9788s thank you I've got a plane to catch see
9790s folks bye good luck with the giveaways
9793s we'll see you in a bit bye bye bye
9805s thank you
9809s [Music]
9814s thank you
9816s [Music]
9842s thank you
9847s foreign
9850s [Music]
9875s foreign
9880s [Music]
9911s foreign
9927s [Music]
9955s thank you
9958s [Music]
10003s foreign
10018s [Music]
10042s foreign
10046s [Music]
10057s [Music]
10085s thank you
10086s [Music]
10097s [Music]
10116s foreign
10117s [Music]
10146s ERS welcome back I'm now in the hot seat
10150s uh and we are on some Age Two now and I
10154s actually just queued for a 1v1 this is
10156s online so we're with a random person
10158s right now it's actually it's actually a
10160s little sneaky because this mean means
10162s that none of you could cue snipe me and
10163s try to try to lose because I'm gonna uh
10166s hopefully emerge Victorious uh because
10168s this is a fresh account so I don't
10170s really know whether we're gonna get
10171s someone who's really good what's up
10172s zeechum poo sword hey Becca how's it
10176s going
10177s why are you spamming it said you need to
10179s type it once all right okay I'm in I I
10182s got here early so that I could set up
10185s all my hotkeys in Age Two like I might
10188s have been out a little bit out of my
10189s element in age four but trust me this is
10191s when the real Chad gaming begins
10195s all right Chris The Farmer Boy and I'm
10197s the Incas
10199s all right
10201s versus the hindustanis
10204s what am I gonna do okay oh no
10211s okay
10213s Gamers my um my mouse
10216s is a little
10219s uh
10223s oh but man this is this is home
10226s all right let me turn down the volume a
10228s touch
10230s oh baby oh baby
10234s time to get a new account
10236s I know this game Yep this is
10242s I've played this game since I was a
10245s weird lad
10247s so look at me luring deer you know
10252s this is how this is how we gain
10257s the level of gaming you can come to
10259s expect
10262s so we're gonna go kill this deer
10265s brutally murdered let's go that's a
10268s pretty pug
10272s and we got Arena so like Arena's safe
10275s speed clicking right are you seeing this
10278s Al-Anon
10280s like here in age four I was I was I was
10283s a little fish out of water but you know
10284s what it's good to get out of your
10285s comfort zone and listen guys that come
10288s back though
10289s yeah
10291s should I just do like a fast Castle or
10294s should I do something spicy folks what
10296s should I do
10298s I'm like I might just I might play this
10300s one like real conventional
10306s this fella is a gamer
10309s we do a little gaming from time to time
10314s that assertion is correct
10319s oh my God I was I like teased my friends
10322s a little bit I was like oh man I've got
10325s I've got some announcements I know some
10327s stuff and I didn't tell any of them it
10330s was probably a little
10331s bright little cheeky even telling them
10333s that I had announcements that I couldn't
10335s tell them but it was definitely uh
10340s oh and the pros dug my chat chat no
10344s chanted chat uh
10353s no no no no no no no no no no no no no
10357s my Garrison hotkey is not no
10362s oh
10364s okay okay
10368s sick sorry
10370s I need a Garrison hotkey folks
10373s it was bad I lost a brave woman okay how
10378s Garrison tea
10380s oh and then stop okay oh no
10385s you okay
10387s uh that okay
10390s looks good
10394s poggers what a nice guy
10396s says NP let me know when ready
10400s okay I'm ready
10403s smile
10405s smile
10407s all right
10408s 14.
10413s okay all right things are going good
10416s folks we're up good
10418s all right that was a bit of a disaster
10421s it was a bit of a disaster
10424s but it's only one woman
10427s one humble villager
10433s oh no
10436s oh no do I better lose another wait hold
10440s hold hold hold hold
10442s beautiful oh yum oh no no no no no no no
10447s saved
10454s love it I'm that guy I'm that guy for
10458s real
10459s wait how is oh wait
10462s sorry
10464s my I need an excuse my cat barfed
10469s okay
10470s uh
10473s uh
10474s ungarrison is also G
10478s but that's fine if they Clash
10481s because then it's on Garrison
10484s this is an older game right it's Age of
10485s Empires 2 Definitive Edition
10489s okay I cleaned it up
10491s uh like I've been in all capsules
10498s okay will this work now love it all
10503s right
10504s foreign
10530s [Music]
10537s okay things are going good good all
10540s right let's go
10544s all right I don't know if this is like
10545s vaguely coping but his high score
10550s actually makes me feel better because it
10553s means that he probably didn't lure deer
10555s you know what I'm saying
10557s uh and that's why it's because he's been
10560s exploring so it's kind of like
10563s you know like okay dude
10566s you don't have deer I'm ahead
10571s okay we will continue eating the sheeps
10574s I have eight bills cute so we're gonna
10577s go up at like 24 bills
10580s very classic fast Castle build
10585s Inca's op what should I do with Incas if
10587s you guys are in my position what would
10589s you do
10591s chat I need you to hit me with those
10593s high IQ
10595s gaming thoughts
10608s all right uh let's get up this juicy
10610s back gold
10615s um all right two more villes
10620s maybe his cat didn't barf so he has a
10622s higher score do something come on Finn
10625s that's unhelpful what the heck okay they
10629s go do that and then I will have two on
10632s Gold All right we are going to the
10634s feudal age
10637s this is pug
10639s things are looking good
10642s you know
10643s nothing's gone terribly wrong
10646s oh maybe I should have gone up one
10647s villager earlier because technically I'm
10651s actually down a bill right now
10653s uh oh I need to get more on
10657s let's do that
10662s oh they straight up killed the llama and
10664s didn't need it
10666s kind of messed up but that's okay
10672s any Age of Mythology retold not yet not
10675s on this stream I don't know the timing
10676s with that but isn't that an exciting
10678s announcement that's the one like you
10681s know everyone some people were like
10682s console console console we were on
10684s mobile but Age of Mythology was the one
10687s that I was like hey they're not ready
10689s for this one and I saw a lot of people
10692s saying it in chat too so I'm very happy
10694s that that um you know I was able to
10697s share that with all you guys that's kind
10699s of the dream you know what I mean as
10700s someone who's loved the game for a long
10702s time it's like I get to share that with
10703s you that's big business
10706s llama meat what does a llama taste like
10709s I feel like a llamas this is the thing
10712s all the meats that people eat most of
10715s the time there's a reason we eat those
10716s it's because they're tasty whereas like
10718s the idea of eating a bison or something
10720s is kind of fun it's like there's a
10722s reason we have towels enough bison oh no
10727s no no no
10728s my market hot no no
10733s no
10736s okay oh
10739s okay the thing is my keyboard's a little
10741s bit
10743s okay it's fine
10747s okay
10749s uh
10756s well Gamers we're gonna have some codes
10758s for you uh they're gonna be flashing up
10761s on the screen I believe and
10764s they're gonna show
10768s five more wood bro please
10771s I think they're gonna be some game codes
10774s I believe
10780s okay it'll be three months of PC game
10782s pass on these codes the swiftest the fox
10785s cunning is the Hound my gamers
10798s oh baby we're going to the castle age
10805s codes POG let's go
10807s okay now
10812s everyone Focus up what we're about to do
10815s is get three town centers and boom we're
10819s about to go crazy
10822s um okay they're all gonna go under this
10825s good line
10827s oh no okay some of my hotkeys aren't
10830s working but that's totally fine smile
10835s Windows XP getting the excuses ready
10838s that's not what this is about I'm about
10841s to game at a very high level
10844s why is his score so high what is that
10845s all about what is bro doing he knows
10848s something I don't know
10852s I might just like turtle
10859s uh I'm just gonna put I'm gonna plop
10861s those two TCS I'm gonna put one right
10863s here and I'm gonna put the other right
10865s here
10867s how's that sound for a plan hi hello
10870s Legend on live 300. how's it going
10875s where are these Idols oh dude there's
10877s been idle for so long
10879s that's actually unironically a disaster
10888s oh no oh no see now they're okay
10892s [Music]
10897s okay
10899s so um
10902s [Music]
10904s I'm actually like a little down let's
10906s just buy
10910s all right
10911s we're doing great how's everybody
10914s feeling how are you guys doing today
10917s these villagers are idle they're lazy
10920s and I won't stand for it
10924s the code's all gone
10927s Gamers be swift they see those codes
10929s their fingers start flying
10936s uh I don't think he's going forward also
10940s he's not in the castle age yet
10942s what's that all about
10944s bro is behind
10948s guys should I make a cool army what
10950s should I do
10952s should I go arbolist
10954s is that dumb I do get full arbs
10957s would that be fun
10960s The Archers
10962s any archers
10966s Saya Richie
10969s the clothes were redeemed I would gather
10971s relics true oh genius
10974s genius
10975s why did I not think of this how could I
10977s have been so misguided
10980s so foolish
10982s to overlook such a thing all right let's
10985s get a monastery now
10990s all right
10991s and throw is still not up in the castle
10994s age I'm feeling I'm feeling good
10997s frankly I'm feeling good right now
11002s is that bully but I'm like ah yes
11004s victory
11008s Victory well what if he's planning
11012s something
11014s he's got something in his back pocket
11015s that I don't know about
11019s now I'm alarm
11023s there's more Gamers I apparently there's
11026s more codes
11028s I have it on good account but there will
11031s be more codes arriving soon
11036s is he holding up for a feudal push
11037s honestly I could kind of Outlast a
11040s feudal push
11042s bro is just he has resigned to remaining
11046s in the feudal age
11050s honestly the feudal age in real life was
11052s not that hard
11054s unless you were a like a lord or
11056s something
11058s if you're a peasant
11061s could do with it without it
11063s got my Q wide
11068s if you guys could live at any historical
11071s time when would it be
11074s you can be as you can be as rich as you
11076s want in that time
11080s I thought it would be kind of cool to be
11082s like
11082s uh a Roman a Roman senator
11086s okay now he's in the castle age
11089s welcome to the castle age
11095s that's a building buddy
11100s medieval oh he swapped to AOE to his
11103s specialty he knows Chris Romero knows
11106s the power and skill that I possess when
11109s it comes to this game
11111s it is readily apparent to him
11113s oh uh Monastery oh I don't have gold all
11117s right no Loom no Loom cancel the loom
11120s get that Relic
11123s all right uh
11127s okay sorry I love it
11132s oh guys isn't Oh I thought that farm was
11134s gonna fit there
11136s it's so sad
11137s [Music]
11140s oh God I have a Juiced ass Echo and
11144s bro's not gonna know what hit him
11145s [Laughter]
11149s all right I'm gonna chill
11151s I'm just I'm looking forward to the
11153s devastation I'm about to cause
11157s uh okay I need wood now oh anymore
11164s going all in on the food okay this is
11167s I don't know how hot of a take this is
11170s but if you have a good food Eco
11171s everything else follows
11178s okay oh man I wish a farm could fit
11182s there it would be the perfect one that's
11183s a pretty good one in all fairness
11185s the perfect Farm
11188s all right I'm probably gonna get it just
11190s Castle down soonish
11193s uh and then we'll just
11195s probably defensive Castle
11198s and then we go
11201s should I do the Forbidden one villager
11203s Castle I'll be forbidden to the original
11205s Castle
11208s um
11210s okay so now the next question is
11215s what unit do you want to make
11222s um
11223s villagers affected by
11226s I could go Eagles what Civ is he
11229s hindustanis I kind of
11232s I think Archer's Pikeman
11243s archers Pikeman what do you what do you
11245s Gamers think of that
11248s okay let's actually sell a little food
11250s oh wait no what if bro is going for like
11255s a fast Imperial play
11258s that actually I would actually be a
11260s disaster
11263s oh where's my monk
11267s did he did he died
11272s bro died
11273s all right
11275s why can I not go up oh the Castle's not
11278s done all right
11280s that's enough of that
11284s Imperial age Scouts Pikes and Slingers
11287s bro that don't go archers against
11289s hindustanis okay
11293s um Scouts bro I'm the egg
11296s and it's arena
11298s I'm sorry that was
11301s I don't mean to be rude but that
11303s suggestion ain't it boss
11307s all right I won't go archers
11311s let's just do eagles
11313s Pikes Siege Eagles Pike Siege there I
11316s said it I said it or just Pike Siege but
11321s what if he goes
11322s see the thing is if I do that he could
11324s go hand cannons but if he goes hand
11327s cannons
11328s kunanga
11330s sayarichi
11332s champ kamayuks
11336s let's do kamayuks I like that idea
11341s I like it
11342s God oh no okay good uh let's do that
11347s no
11351s gun
11354s [Music]
11357s that's outrageous
11360s all right
11362s all right buddy you will I will revisit
11366s this pain upon you tenfold
11369s fool
11371s you should never have stood against me
11374s all right let's have more than one bill
11377s making these please
11380s pikes
11382s trebs
11383s and then we'll figure out what he's
11384s doing and I'll figure it out from there
11386s I think if I just hit him with Pikes and
11388s trebs he's gonna surprise Pikachu and
11390s I'm just gonna walk away with this one
11392s folks
11394s that's the dream at least
11400s all right there we go
11404s oh bro look at these boys
11407s yeah come get me now buddy all right
11409s treb's coming out coming out hot
11414s and if he's going archers he wouldn't go
11415s archers
11424s yeah buddy yo
11427s well oh look who wanted to take my Relic
11431s that's very nice of you buddy
11433s I will take great pleasure in
11435s slaughtering you well done man
11439s excellently battled
11441s all right let's start trembing this
11443s all right sorry everybody that was
11446s a little that was a little excessive
11449s when he killed my monk I got a little
11451s heated I'll admit it
11453s he was out of line
11459s let's save you play yeah we're doing the
11461s Incas right now
11463s all right
11465s oh well look who he's trying to take
11468s these relics
11469s oh get him get him brother
11472s get him brother yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
11475s [Music]
11477s yeah buddy
11479s yeah all right let's just get these bad
11481s boys
11486s oh chuckle
11487s I have too many Villas cute that ain't
11490s the play my boy
11492s all right forward Ville Let's Roll
11497s okay let's do this
11509s I feel like I'm pretty no oh what
11512s a naughty little man
11514s who does he think he is
11519s a naughty little man
11527s I kind of want to go Eagles
11529s I'm gonna just I'm gonna like start
11530s cueing it
11533s or I could go champion
11537s well what do you think you're what do
11539s you think we're playing at here my boy
11542s same Amateur hour buddy
11545s all right Castle now let's move up
11549s move up folks
11552s do this
11554s oh we're housed
11556s deeply awkward
11560s yeah okay so is he going archers now is
11563s that what he's gonna do in response okay
11566s because I will do eagles then
11571s let's just
11572s all right we got we got codes folks
11576s we got codes get your little gamer
11578s fingers ready
11588s watch I'm gonna cut off his Escape
11593s nice try buddy
11595s nice try better luck next Christmas
11601s oh I'm housed again
11605s all right more giveaways three month
11608s Game Pass everybody
11612s should I go Champion as a prank
11617s I'm doing it
11631s I sense oh he's okay so he is trying to
11634s do it he's gone hand cannons but it's
11635s too late my brother it's too late the
11638s hour grows late
11640s foreign
11643s I've made like seven Lord of the Rings
11646s references this stream
11650s all right long swordsman
11652s get in there oh
11658s bro left his career unguarded we're
11662s gonna go hit it from the back folks
11664s this is this is over this is over folks
11668s but I'm I'm destroying
11671s his village killing his peaceful
11673s villagers
11679s all right let's go eat
11684s eat
11686s all right let's get that
11690s ride I have 4 000 wood
11705s I'm gonna go Champion next
11712s I kind of need more Mills
11719s GG will play
11724s yeah I'm
11725s I wasn't even looking at him when I won
11728s is that disrespectful that I was just
11730s like building Farms as I as I knew that
11734s my men were sweeping across this town
11738s who is wellin it's a secret
11743s I'm a gamer
11744s that is my title
11746s gamer
11748s GG
11755s these folks we've won an Age of Empires
11757s 4 and then Age of Empires 2 spanning
11760s game okay I have one thing
11762s all right so
11764s if you guys watch My Stream
11766s you know that I occasionally do a little
11769s brumpet action but I don't I don't know
11772s this song that well so you'll have to
11773s bear with me but
11775s I have to warm up a little bit okay
11779s [Music]
11783s all right okay no no no okay
11787s [Music]
11794s foreign
11803s baby trumpet
11805s we got the baby brumpet folks all right
11808s well what a fun stream we had a great
11810s show for all of you and uh then we gotta
11813s do a little gaming it was great doing
11815s that uh 2v2 with Charlie crushing the AI
11818s our future AI overlords we're getting
11820s one in our pocket for now and then we
11822s did a little Arena action on uh Age Two
11825s and it was so cool sharing all those
11828s sneak peeks with you and all that cool
11829s stuff that I got to uh share console uh
11833s Asia mythology
11835s um mobile just lots of cool stuff and um
11838s yeah the idol villagers too wasn't that
11841s great when they played shamburger I got
11842s really hyped but yeah I think that is it
11845s for from all of us at Xbox Studios oh
11848s the slow pin goodbye everybody
11852s goodbye this was so fun
11856s [Music]
11887s foreign
11889s [Music]