over 1 year ago - Age of Empires - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

4s With our empire growing larger, we need much better ways
7s to get around the map than just panning around slowly.
11s In this video, we're going to show you just how to do that.
14s If you press the right bumper,
16s you can open up the minimap and from here you can quickly move around by holding
20s the left stick and moving the reticle wherever you'd like to go.
24s If you type Y, you can move your camera to that location
28s so we can easily jump between our base and the sacred site down in the South.
33s We can also save this location for later by using a waypoint.
37s If we push in the right stick, we can set a waypoint location,
40s which you can see on the minimap and in the world,
42s which is a handy reminder of why your waypoints are set.
45s Let's set one here.
47s Let's set one back at our base.
48s Now, if we close the minimap, we can hold in our left trigger
52s and we can push our right stick, left
54s or right to jump between the two waypoints that we've set.
58s We can set as many waypoints as we like and save these locations for later.
62s If we ever want to clear them, we can press right bumper to open up the minimap
67s and we can tap down on the D-Pad to get rid of previously placed waypoints.