over 3 years ago - Age DE Team - Direct link

The holidays are here and we are celebrating in Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition. It’s the Summer Wonderland Event – Southern Hemisphere edition!

This year’s December event is all about celebrating the holidays in the southern hemisphere. From a surfing Santa to a sandman-at-arms – it doesn’t get more festive than this! Join in on all the fun this season and earn some very unique rewards!

New Rewards!

Now through January 4th complete the in-game tasks within the time limit to unlock exclusive rewards!

Day ~ 🎯 Sign in to Xbox Live.
🏆 Profile Icon: Festive Fishing Boat loaded with presents 
💾 *Required* to save any rewards unlocked during the event!

Each of the following challenges must be unlocked in order and on separate days:

Day 1 🔒 Train 20 Hand cannoneers   
🧱 Statue of Inti the Incan sun god as Town Center decoration  
Day 2 🔒 Raze 10 Houses
🏆 Profile Icon: Summer Santa carrying a surfboard and a cool drink
Day 3 🔒 Gather 6 Berry bushes
🧱 Berry bushes replaced with Pineapple plants
Day 4 🔒 Train 200 Villagers
🏆 Profile Icon: Snowman-at-arms (as sandman) with a Santa hat
Day 5 🔒 Destroy 2 Castles
🧱 Unit upgrade particle effects replaced with rays of sunlight  

Keep It All (Forever)!

Remember: if you sign in to Xbox Live during the event, you’ll get to keep all of the mods and profile icons you’ve achieved! Sign in, earn your rewards, and enjoy!

We hope you enjoy the Summer Wonderland Event!

—The Age of Empires Team