Welcome trailblazers to another exciting update for Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition! We have a lot of surprises in store, and there’s so much to look forward to in this update!
March is here and we are bringing you everything from new hero customizations to new battleship cards, and from new treaty decks to a huge list of cheats – we’ve got it all! Plus, there’s even a March Madness Event with all-new challenges, and cool rewards. So, grab your treasure map and maybe a horse or two, and come jump into an exciting adventure!
While there are plenty of notable fixes and features in today’s update, here are some of the big highlights of what you can expect to see:
March Madness Event
- Hero customization rewards
- New profile pictures
- New Official Mod – Day/Night Cycle!
- New cheats & complete list of existing cheats!
Content and balance treats
- New Battleship cards
- Light Infantry cavalry multiplier update
- Mortar unit attacks
- Statistically optimized AI
- Treaty decks for all civilizations
- Fixed some crashes caused by mods that affect civs’ tech trees.
- Fixed a crash that would sometimes occur when selling livestock.
- Updated the system that handles particle effects
Official Forum Steam Forum Join Discord
Thank you for sharing in yet another major milestone for Age of Empires with us! We hope you enjoy all the changes and look forward to sharing in all the adventures yet to come!
—The Age of Empires Team
🢂 Download on the Microsoft Store
Remember that you’ll need to update your game in the Microsoft Store:
- Open the Microsoft Store.
- Click the [ ∙ ∙ ∙ ] symbol next to your profile picture.
- Select Downloads and updates.
- Press the Get updates button to automatically detect, download, and install the latest changes to your game!
- Open the game. The title screen should show you on Build 13.58326.
If you are unable to launch the game after downloading the update, make sure you add (or re-add) the Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition client or folder as an exception to your firewall and antivirus program.
That’s it; you’re ready to play!
🢂 Download on Steam
Remember that you’ll need to update your game in Steam:
- Open Steam.
- Click on Library to see your games list.
- Click Downloads at the bottom of the Library window.
- [If the new build does not download automatically,] click the Download Now button to manually download the new update.
- Open the game. The title screen should show you on Build 13.58326.
That’s it; you’re ready to play!
🢂 Download on the Xbox App for Windows 11
Remember that you’ll need to update your game in the Xbox App for Windows.
- Open the Xbox app.
- Games that are installed show up on the left side of the app.
- Hover over the game or click it, and then select Update.
- [If the new build does not download automatically,] hover over the game, select More Options (…), choose Manage. Under the Files tab, choose the option to Check for Updates.
- Open the game. The title screen should show you on Build 13.58326.
That’s it; you’re ready to play!
Please note that custom mods may not be compatible with the latest game update. If you are experiencing issues launching or playing the game after downloading the new build, try disabling your installed mods before trying again.
Still having trouble? Visit our support site!
Build Spotlight
March Madness Event
💥March 14th – April 4th💥
Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition is celebrating March with an exciting March Madness Event! For a limited time, you can unlock new portraits and explorer customizations by completing the community challenges!
Explorer Customizations – Available Again!

New Rewards!

NOW through April 4th, complete daily in-game tasks within the time limit to unlock exclusive rewards!
Day ~ |
🎯 Sign in to Xbox Live. 🏆 Profile Icon Unlock – Chilche |
Each of the following challenges must be unlocked in order and on separate days.
Day 1 |
🔒Win an Empire Wars match in Skirmish or Multiplayer match. 🏆 Profile Icon Unlock – Azap |
Day 2 |
🔒Earn 3,000 Food playing as the Maltese, Italians, Spanish, French, or British in a single Skirmish or Multiplayer match. 🏆 Profile Icon Unlock – Caravan Camel |
Day 3 |
🔒 Build 2 additional Town Centers in a single Skirmish or Multiplayer match. 🧱 Mod Unlock – Day/Night Cycle |
Day 4 |
🔒 Research 30 Technologies in any amount of Skirmish or Multiplayer matches. 🏆 Profile Icon Unlock – Humbaraci |
Day 5 |
🔒 Revolt 3 times in any amount of Skirmish or Multiplayer matches. 🏆 Profile Icon Unlock – Warlords |
Day 6 |
🔒 Deal 10,000 damage with Gunpowder units in a single Skirmish or Multiplayer match. 🏆 Profile Icon Unlock – Sultan Mohammed |
Day 7 |
🔒 Win a Skirmish or Multiplayer game on the as the Ethiopians, Hausa, Incas or Aztecs. 🧱 Explorer Customization Unlock – Heroic Villager (Spanish) |
Day 8 |
🔒 Build 20 Outposts, Asian Castles or African Towers in any amount of Skirmish or Multiplayer matches. 🏆 Profile Icon Unlock – Abus Gun |
Day 9 |
🔒 Send Daimyo Mototada, Daimyo Kiyomasa and Shogun Tokugawa shipments in any amount of Skirmish or Multiplayer matches. 🏆 Profile Icon Unlock – Chief Chilche |
Day 10 |
🔒 Send 30 Shipments from your Home City in any amount of Skirmish or Multiplayer matches. 🧱 Explorer Customization Unlock – Lao Chen (Chinese) |
Keep it Forever!
Remember: if you sign in to Xbox Live at any point during the event, you get to keep all the mods and profile icons you unlock! Sign in, earn your rewards, and enjoy!
—The Age of Empires Team
Event F.A.Q.
🢂 Q: Do I have to complete the challenges on consecutive days?
While challenges don’t have to be completed on consecutive days, only one challenge can be completed per day.
🢂 Q: When is the last day I can complete the daily challenges?
The March Madness Event concludes April 4th.
🢂 Q: Do I get to keep all of the event unlocks?
All you need to do is log into your Xbox Live account before the end of the event to keep all of the profile icons and mods you unlock; it’s as easy as that!
🢂 Q: What do I do if I accidentally unsubscribe from a special mod?
No problem! All you need to do is click your Profile Icon on the main menu, select Event Mods (under Collection), and then check the unlocked event mod you want to enable!
🢂 Q: How do I change my profile icon?
You can update your profile icon in your profile:
- On the main menu, click the Profile Icon next to your name.
- You should now be in the Profile Icons tab under Collections.
- Select your favorite icon, then click the Select Icon button to lock in your choice.
- You’re done!
🢂 Q: How do I download and enable mods?
For information about how to subscribe to and prioritize your mods, visit this article.
Returning: Previous Event-Exclusive Cheat Codes!
We’re releasing the full list of available cheats and bringing back cheats that were only available during exclusive events. Here are the cheats we’ve brought back!
- “Flying Dutchman“ – Enables all naval units to move on land. (Ageiversary 2022 Event)
- “I don’t exist” – Spawns a penguin. (Ageiversary 2022 Event)
- “Release the hounds” – All units become Wolf Beasts. (Gift of Nature 2022 Event)
- “Granny Nanny” – All villagers turn into Dahomey Amazons. (International Women’s 2022 Event)
- “the king of all beasts” – Spawn 2 Chinese guardian lions. (Lunar New Year 2022 Event)
- “red pocket” – Rewarding the player with 15,000 food, 15,000 wood, 15,000 coin, 15,000 experience. (Lunar New Year Event)
- “honey badger don’t give a“ – Spawns a honey badger. (African Royals 2021 Event)
- “i spit on you” – Spawns a Gatling Camel.
- “trojan cow” – Spawns a Wood Cattle.
New Unique Battleship Cards!
March is upon us! So let us march straight towards some of the exciting parts of this update! All European civilizations can now call a unique Battleship card their own:
Willem (IV)

- Ships a mighty Battleship! Dutch Battleships now move faster and damage ALL surrounding units upon detonation.
- Costs 1500 coin
Valmy (IV)

- Ships a mighty Battleship! French Battleships now benefit from Defense Promotions, improving their hitpoints.
- Costs 1500 coin
Adler von Lübeck (III)

- Ships a mighty Battleship ahead of its time! German Battleships can train mercenaries. Instead of Uhlans, you get an extra Privateer.
- Costs 900 food, 900 coin, 900 wood
Mahmudiye (IV)

- Ships a mighty Battleship! Ottoman Battleships inflict more damage at the expense of a slower rate of fire.
- Costs 1500 coin
Nossa Senhora da Conceição (IV) Portuguese

- Ships a mighty Battleship! Portuguese Battleships can now heal other ships.
- Costs 1500 coin
Imperator (IV)

- Ships a mighty Battleship! Russian Battleships inflict more damage and are cheaper, but now have less hitpoints.
- Costs 1000 coin
3 New Maps!
🌐 Caucasus
[Knights of the Mediterranean]![]() |
Description: This coastal region sees players begin on opposing shorelines divided by the Caucasus mountain range. The central trade route makes playing defensively more difficult and the position of the mountain range poses a challenge to players that wish to control their closest coastline. Be aware of enemy docks and transport ships on your coast! Settlements: Phanar, Oldenburg Outlaws: Hajduk, Cossack Daredevil |
🌐 Muscovy
[Knights of the Mediterranean]![]() |
Muscovy: A long winding river divides this map in two. Most of the natural resources are located along the river bank.
Description: The long winding Moskva River provides the focal point of Muscovy. Teams spawn on opposite sides of the river and most of the natural resources are located along its banks. Some scattered resources may be found farther away in the Russian countryside, but make no mistake, these Potemkin villages can not sufficiently enrich you. To become the new Tsar players should ally with the royal houses and take control of the river. Settlements: Vasa, Oldenburg, Jagiellon, Phanar Outlaws: Hajduk, Cossack Daredevil |
🌐 Dunes – The Eye
[The African Royals]![]() |
Dunes – The Eye: Fight for control over the resources that lie at the center of the Eye of the Sahara.
Description: Teams find themselves in the Eye of the Sahara. Within this unique geologic formation, teams can battle for control of the rings of natural resources. Scattered and slow gathering resources also lie around the outskirts of The Eye. Settlements: Berbers Outlaws: Desert Warrior, Desert Raider |
Stability & Performance
- Fixed some crashes caused by mods that affect civilizations’ tech trees.
- Fixed a crash that would sometimes occur when selling livestock.
- Updated the system that handles particle effects.
- Updated decals for units affected by auras and abilities triggered by units and flags belonging to Mexico, Spain or United States.
- Fixed a visual bug with the Azap shield not upgrading.
- Merchants and Yörüks now appear in Fishing Boats for the Ottoman and Dutch civilizations respectively.

- Fixed several instances where units did not have appropriate voicelines.
- Statistically optimized the AI to make army and deck compositions that are more likely to be successful.
Civilization Balance
- We have added Treaty decks for all civilizations!
- 2 War Hut Travois (II): Improves the hitpoints of War Huts by 15% (down from 20%).
- Fur Trade (I): Now converts 1.2x stockpiled food into coin (down from 1.25x).
- Medicine Wheel (I): Effectiveness of Healers at the Community Plaza reduced to 35% (down from 50%).
Mercenary Loyalty (III):
- Tooltip updated to specify this card only reduces the costs of mercenary shipments, not all mercenaries.
- Now correctly discounts the costs of recently added naval mercenary shipments, Koxinga (Chinese), 10 Ninja Assassins (Japanese) and the Ottoman Mercenary Army (Ottomans).
- Naval Gunners (III): Fixed an issue that made this card available in Age 2 for the French, Russians, and Swedes instead of Age 3.
- (TEAM) Engineering School (II): No longer reduces the train time of Grenade troopers and Abus Gunners.
- Infinite 17 Mayan Allies (IV): No longer shares a build limit with the Mayan Holcan Spearman trained at a Mayan Trading Post.
- Several technologies now get properly auto-researched upon starting the game in Post-Industrial and Post-Imperial Age.
- 2 Surgeons, 4 Spies, 5 Petards (II, British Consulate): These Consulate shipments available to the Chinese and Indians are now infinite.
- Army of the Pure (I, Udasi Temple): Now also increases Chakram siege range by +2.
- Bourbon Reforms (I, Bourbon Royal House): The maximum XP granted is now capped at 2000 XP.
- Cheyenne Fury (I, Cheyenne): Cheyenne Rider damage multiplier against cavalry now gets improved by +1.00x (down from +1.50x) and against Shock Infantry by +0.80x (down from 1.0x).
- Imported Cannons (III): This African Palace technology unlocking artillery training now costs 150 Influence (down from 300) and researches in 20 seconds (down from 40 seconds).
- Folwarks (I, Vasa Royal House): Now grants 1.5x more resources per economic building.
- Meritocracy (I, Zen Temple): Fixed several instances where this technology didn’t discount unit upgrades as expected.
- Somali Berbera Seaport (I, Somali): Now arrives 5 seconds faster.
- Experience Bounties: Corrected the build and kill XP bounties of several units to correctly fit the unit cost. Notable examples are: Drummer 30XP (up from 15), Corsair Marksman 23XP (up from 12), Galleon 60XP (down from 80), and Inca Stronghold 140XP (down from 280).
- Ranged Shock Infantry: Previously hidden bonus damage against ranged shock infantry units like Eagle Runner Knights is now visible in the statistics panel through the introduction of a class icon.
- Resource Enclosures: The previously hidden 3.0x damage multiplier of Villagers against Depots, Shrines, and Mountain Monasteries is now visible in the statistics panel through the introduction of the new Resource Enclosures building class and class icon.
- Advanced Hot Air Balloon: Can no longer be deleted.
- Arrow Knight, Captured Mortar, Hand Mortar, Huaraca, Mortar, Morutaru, Sebastopol Mortar, Siege Elephant: Now inflicts 1.25x bonus damage against Walls in the Fortress Age and 2.0x bonus damage in the Industrial Age.
- Athos Monastery (Houses of Phanar): Also trains Priestesses for Inca and Griots for Hausa.
- Berber Nomad (Berbers): Cost decreased to 150f/120i (down from 180f/145i) and train time reduced to 30s (from 35s).
- Bolivar (Revolutions): Is now correctly classified as Gunpowder Trooper.
- Bosniak: Combat promotion restored, but with lower promotion benefits per level.
Chakram (Udasi):
- Classified as Light Infantry unit.
- Siege damage increased to 20 (from 15).
- Now inflicts 0.6x bonus damage against Heavy Cavalry (instead of 0.5x against all Cavalry) and 0.5x bonus damage against Hand Shock Infantry (instead of Shock Infantry).
- Cheyenne Rider (Cheyenne): Hitpoints reduced to 300 (down from 320).
- Community Plaza: Minimum placement distance to enemy Town Centers increased to 80 tiles (from 65) and hitpoints reduced to 1200 (from 1500).
- Consulate Artillery: Industrial Age artillery units (Heavy Cannons, Great Bombards, Mysorean Rockets) no longer receive an extra 25% damage and hitpoints improvement in the Industrial Age in addition to their standard 10% improvement (no changes). Horse Artillery (Dutch Consulate) is now classified as Fortress Age Artillery unit so it still benefits from the Guard upgrade as intended.
- Corsair Captain: Ranged Infantry class removed.
- Dahomey Amazon: Now inflicts 3.5x bonus damage to Heavy Infantry (up from 1.75x), 0.5x against all Infantry (down from 1.0x), 0.5x against Heavy Cavalry (instead of all Cavalry) and 0.4x against Hand Shock Infantry (instead of 0.3x against Shock Infantry).
- Dock, Port: Obstruction radius reduced to 4×3 (from 5×3) for easier placement.
- Drummer: Is now selected with the select all military units hotkey and correctly classified as Gunpowder Trooper.
- Native Trading Post: Decreased LOS to 9 (from 12).
- Landsknecht: Now costs 2 population slots (down from 3). Unit hitpoints and damage are now upgraded from Commerce Age base values: 345 hitpoints, 43 melee damage, and 58 siege damage (down from 430 hitpoints, 54 melee damage, and 72 siege damage). Current values are restored upon reaching the Fortress Age.
- Levied Bowman: Is now correctly classified as Light Infantry, Archaic Infantry, and Foot Archer.
- Light Infantry units: Skirmisher and Foot archers have their ranged damage multipliers reduced by -20% against Heavy Cavalry and -33% against Hand Shock Infantry. Light Infantry units that did not inflict negative bonus damage against Shock Infantry so far have now received negative multipliers. Units inflicting siege damage (Abus Gunners, Cannoneers, Fire Throwers) received higher negative multipliers whereas Counter Skirmishers (Pandours, Schiavoni) received lower ones.
- Llanero (Gran Colombia): Is now correctly classified as Lancer and Heavy Cavalry.
- Hajduk: Range increased to 20 (up from 18).
- Healer: Now gathers 20% faster than a Villager at the Community Plaza (down from 25%).
- Javelin Rider: Hitpoints reduced to 160 (from 180).
- Mapuche Ironwood Clubman (Mapuche): Attack rate decreased to 2.0 (from 3.0) and damage increased to 24 (from 18).
- Mortar, Morutaru, Captured Mortar: Can now target units with a barrage attack inflicting 30/19/25 siege damage in an area of 4 at a range of 30. Artillery, cavalry, shock infantry and economic units receive 60% less damage. Barrage attacks benefit less from cards improving the attack range of these units.

- Prospector Wagon, Salt Camel: Now have legacy hotkeys for discovering mines (Q).
- Royal Horseman: Hitpoints increased to 900 (up from 750).
- Seminole Sharktooth Bowman (Seminoles): Fixed an issue that prevented the unit from getting updated by the Seminole Invincibles technology when sent from the homecity.
- Somali Darood Militia (Somali): Fixed an issue resulting in the home city version erroneously having 3 more range than intended.
- Sudanese Dervish (Sudanese): Now inflicts 3.0x bonus damage to Heavy Infantry (up from 1.5x), 0.5x against all Infantry (instead of Light Infantry and Counter Skirmishers), 0.5x against Heavy Cavalry (instead of all Cavalry) and 0.4x against Hand Shock Infantry (instead of 0.3x against Shock Infantry).
- Warrior: Now grants 10 XP to the enemy player when defeated.
- Winged Hussar (House of Vasa): Costs reduced to 200f 100c (down from 250f 100c).
- Wokou Horseman: Is now correctly classified as Archer.
- Yoruba Eso Rider: Ranged and melee resistances increased to 55% (up from 50%).
- High Priest of Ixtlilton (I): The Gather Work Rate of Warrior Priests is now increased by 10% (down from 20%).
- Infinite 1300 Coin (IV): Arrival time increased to 60 seconds (up from 40 seconds). The card will arrive in ~40 seconds due to the recent acceleration of Imperial Age card arrivals.
Chichimeca Rebellion (IV):
- Cost reduced to 1000 of each resource (down from 1500).
- Fixed an issue that prevented Villagers to get replaced by Warriors upon death.
Eagle Runner Knight:
- Added a 0.75x multiplier against infantry to all ranged attacks.
- Lowered range resistance to 20% (from 25%).
- Warrior Priest: Cover mode removed.
- Manor House: Cost increased to 140 wood (from 135 wood); Build+KillXP adjusted accordingly to 28 and 84 (from 27 and 81).
- Ranger: Damage multiplier versus Heavy Infantry increased to 2x (up from 1.75x).
- [NEW] 8 Rangers (III): Added to homecity.
- [NEW] 13 Rangers (IV): Added to homecity.
- 3 Settlers (I): Removed from homecity
- Greenwich Time (I): Now arrives fast.
- Virginia Company (I): Now only reduces the build bounty of Manors to 22 XP (up from 18 XP).
- Baker Rifles (III, Rangers): Range improvement for Rangers increased from 2 to 4.
- Queen’s Rangers (IV): Fixed an issue where Longbowman upgrades would continue to be available in the Barracks.
- Disciple: Now inflicts 2.5x damage against mercenaries.
- Keshik: Now benefits from the Target Lock feature.
Summer Palace:
- Age 2: Now grants 300 food in crates (down from 400 food).
- Age 3: Now grants 800 food in crates (down from 1000 food).
- Old Han Army (War Academy): Train time increased to 27 seconds (up from 25 seconds).
- Standard Army (War Academy): Train time increased to 27 seconds (up from 25 seconds).
- Ming Army (War Academy): Train time increased to 27 seconds (up from 25 seconds).
- Mongolian Army (Castle): Train time increased to 29 seconds (up from 25 seconds).
- Double-Faced Armor (III): Now increases ranged resistance of Meteor Hammers and Iron Flails by +5% (down from 10.5%).
- Repelling Volley (III): Chu Ko Nu and Arquebusier damage no longer gets improved by this card. Both units now inflict +1.00x damage bonus against all Ranged Shock Infantry instead of only Eagle Runner Knights.
- Beiyang Army (III): This card sending 8 Steppe Riders and 8 Keshiks now costs 800f (up from 750f).
- Iron Cap Princes’ Army (III): This card sending 12 Changdao Swordsmen and 2 Flamethrowers now costs 800 food (down from 1000 food).
- 16 Arquebusiers (IV): Now delivers 17 Arquebusiers.
- Bank: Hitpoints reduced to 3500 (from 4000).
- [NEW] Willem (IV, 1500c): Ships a mighty Battleship! Dutch Battleships now move faster and damage ALL surrounding units upon detonation.
- Peace of Münster (I): Envoy unit shipment increased to 2 (from 1).
- Belgian Revolution (IV): Cost of 500w 500f 500c added, but now also converts Pikemen.
- Tulip Speculation (IV): Now improves Bank Coin production rate by 25% (up from 20%).
- [NEW] Buckriders (II, 500c): Ships 3 Highwaymen, enables them in Taverns and Stables for reduced resource and population cost.
- [NEW] Dutch States Army (III): Mercenaries arrive, train and move faster, but Dutch infantry and cavalry is now more expensive. Enables Highlanders in Barracks, Royal Horsemen in Stables, and both in Taverns.
- Eastern Medicine (Indian Alliance): Now correctly increases the range of Ethiopian villagers.
- [NEW] Hand Infantry Combat (III): Added to homecity, improves Shotel Warrior hitpoints and damage by 15%.
- 3 Oromo Warriors (III): Unit count increased to 4.
- 6 Oromo Warriors (IV): Unit count increased to 7.
- 3 Abuns (II): Increases the build limit of Abuns by +1 (down from +3).
- 5 Abuns (III): Increases the build limit of Abuns by +3 (down from +5).
- 4 Villagers (II): Added to the homecity.
- British Firearms (III): No longer improves the damage of all heavy ranged cavalry but instead improves the ranged damage of all Ethiopian infantry and cavalry units armed with firearms by 5% (Oromo Warrior, Neftenya, Levied Gunner, Ras).
- Abun: Now heals Artillery and Elephants much slower
- Shotel Warrior: Hitpoints reduced to 160 (down from 170).
- Oromo Warrior: Population cost reduced to 2 (from 3) and melee attack speed slowed down to 1.25 (from 1.0).
Sebastopol Mortar:
- Multiplier against artillery for solid and explosive shot increased to 0.25x (up from 0.1x).
- Multiplier against buildings for siege attack increased to 1.25x (up from 1x).
- Movement speed increased to 2.5 (from 2.25).
- [NEW] Valmy (IV, 1500c): Ships a mighty Battleship! French Battleships now benefit from Defence Promotions, improving their hitpoints.
- Ancien Régime (II): Now also delivers a Royal Embassy Wagon and moved to Age 1.
- Continental Blockade (Napoleonic Era): Now arrives fast. Tooltip updated to clarify that allied home cities get blocked as well.
- Grande Armee (Napoleonic Era): Now also increases costs of Sansculottes by 25% in exchange for unlocking cheaper Imperial upgrades.
- Napoleonic Warfare (Napoleonic Era): Sansculottes themselves now provide less build XP in exchange for higher XP generation through combat.
- Now has a legacy hotkey (X).
- Ranged attack multiplier for light cavalry increased to 1.5x (from 1.25x).
- [NEW] Adler von Lübeck (III, 900c 900w 900f): Ships a mighty Battleship ahead of its time! German Battleships can train mercenaries. Instead of Uhlans, you get an extra Privateer.
- Band of Landsknecht Mercenaries (II): Cost reduced to 250c (down from 400).
Prince-Electors (II): Card moved to Age1, now also sends a Royal Embassy wagon
- Fixed three issues with the Habsburg Dismounted Infantry costing no population slot, the Royal Huntsman costing 2 population slots instead of 1, and the Wittelsbach Chevauleger costing only 1 population slot instead of 2.
- Witch Hammer (II): Now also reduces the population costs of outlaw-type units.
Circle Army (III):
- Increased the unit counts to deliver 13 Brunswickers, 8 Mounted Infantry, 5 Saxon Cuirassiers (up from 5, 4 and 2).
- Cost added: 250f 250w.
- Is now properly classified as mercenary shipment and affected by Mercenary Loyalty.
- Scharnhorst Reform (III): Now enables Veteran Landwehrs.
- Princely Bavarian Chevaulegers (III): Cost of 500 food added, but now also delivers 8 Prinz Chevaulegers.
- 4 Prinz Chevaulegers (III): This converted War Wagon card now ships 5 Prinz Chevaulegers after sending the Princely Bavarian Chevaulegers card.
- 6 Prinz Chevaulegers (IV): This converted War Wagon card now ships 8 Prinz Chevaulegers after sending the Princely Bavarian Chevaulegers card.
- March Revolution (IV): Reduced cost to 1000 food, wood, and coin (down from 1200 of each) and now also converts Pikemen into Revolutionaries.
- Wallenstein’s Contracts (III, Treaty of Westphalia): Tooltip specified to clarify that only coin costs are removed from mercenary shipments.
- Recruit Buccaneer Fleet (IV): This card is now available in the Fortress Age and costs 800 coin (up from 500 coin) to send.
- Loyal Warriors (II): Now reduces the cost of the Akan Ankobias at the War Camp granted by the Gaananci card.
- Tsetse Sabotage (II): The gained ability now shares a cooldown across all Emirs.
- Hausa Bakwai (II): Now costs 500 influence (down from 800 influence).
- Villager: Build limit reduced to 90 (down from 99).
- Chincha Raft: Range reduced to 20 (from 22) and now inflicts 0.25x bonus damage against villagers.
- Jungle Bowman: LOS increased to 20 (from 18).
- Maceman: Population cost reduced to 2 (down from 3).
- Plumed Spearman: Is now correctly classified as Pikeman unit and Archaic Infantry.
- 5 Macemen (III): Food costs removed.
- Monumental Architecture (II): Now improves building hitpoints by 30% (down from 45%).
- Wamani (II): Costs reduced to 250w (from 500w).
Tupac Rebellion (IV):
- Costs reduced to 1500 of each resource (down from 2000).
- Chimu Runners now convert into Guard Hussars instead of Veteran Hussars.
Totora Reeds (I, Dock Big Button):
- Cost decreased to 500 food, wood, and coin (down from 600 of each resource).
- Now increases the Chincha Raft build limit by 4 (down from 8) and adds 4 range and LOS (down from 6).
- Karni Mata: Aura effect reduced to 10% gather rate boost (from 15%).
- Cost decreased to 90 food 35 wood (From 100 food 35 wood).
- Building damage increased to 35 (from 25).
- Melee damage reduced to 14 (from 18), but ROF improved to 1.25 (from 1.5).
Rajput Mansabdar:
- Cost decreased to 180f 70w (from 200f 70w).
- Building damage increased to 35 (from 25).
- Melee damage reduced to 14 (from 18), but ROF improved to 1.25 (from 1.5).
Sepoy+Sepoy Mansabdar:
- Melee damage increased to 18 (from 15).
- Anti-cavalry multiplier reduced to 1.75x (from 3x).
- Anti shock infantry multiplier reduced to 1.2x (from 2.25x).
- Building damage decreased to 19 (from 22).
- Foreign Trading Companies (IV): Card moved to Age3, Export trickle improved to 0.75 (from 0.6).
- Indian Gunpowder (IV): Now also improves Sepoy hitpoints and damage by +10%.
- Exalted Sepoys (V): Hitpoints and damage now get increased by 50% (down from 60%).
- Levy (II, Ottoman Consulate): This Consulate shipment previously available to the Indians has been replaced with 6 Azaps.
- Bersagliere: Ranged resistance increased to 25% (from 20%).
- [NEW] Sienese Financers (II): Deposit 1000 Food into your Lombards, which will grant you Coin and Wood over time.
- [NEW] Luccan Financers (III): Deposits 1500 Wood into your Lombards, which will grant you Coin and Food over time.
- Albanian Company (III): Now sends 4 Stradiots and 4 Bosniaks (up 4 Stradiots and 3 Bosniaks).
- Steel Bolts (III): Siege damage reduced to 10 (down from 16).
- TEAM Marco Polo (I): Now delivers 25% more resources from treasure rewards to the entire team (down from 100%).
- Imperial Bersaglieri (V): Removed the 5% ranged resistance improvement.
- 4 Shrine Wagons (II, 2x): Shrine Wagon count increased to 5.
- Azekura (II): No longer improves Shrine hitpoints, but now ships 4 Shrine Wagons, improves their gather rate by 5% and enables Shrines to slowly repair themselves. The card can now be sent twice.
- Bakufu (III): Now reduces artillery train time by 10% (down from 20%).
- Close Combat (III): Reduced hitpoints improvement to 10% (down from 15%) and melee damage multiplier increase against Shock Infantry reduced to +0.75 (down from +1.00).
- Naginata Rider Hitpoints (III): Reduced hitpoints improvement to 20% (down from 25%).
- Nanban Trade (III, 300w 300c): Cost reduced to 300w and card renamed to Komo Trade.
- 7 Samurai (IV, 2x): Unit count increased to 8, but no longer improves Samurai hitpoints and damage by +5% twice.
- Seven Lucky Gods (II): Moved to Age 1.
- Sword Saint (III): Now also improves Samurai hitpoints and damage by 10%.
- Kamidana (IV): Now reduces spawn time of Dojos by +20% (down from +25%).
- Shipments: Added a 2% penalty to their shipment curve to balance the hitpoints per card bonus.
- [NEW] 5 Sentinels (II): Added to homecity.
- Wignacourt Constructions (II): The additional gather rate bonus around Town Centers, Outposts, and Commanderies is now reduced to an additional 15% (down from 20%). The total effect of gathering natural resources near one of these buildings is now +25% (down from 30%).
- Steel Bolts (III): Siege damage reduced to 10 (down from 16).
- Fixed Gun: Now correctly displays the damage multiplier of 0.10x against Siege Troopers such as Arrow Knights and Huaracas.
- Order Longbowman: Corrected ranged damage to 16 (from 17) to align the unit with a previous Longbowman adjustment.
- Cruzob Infantry (Maya Revolution): Ranged damage multiplier for all Shock Infantry changed to Hand Shock Infantry.
- Coach Guns (II, Baja California): Now also ships 3 Comancheros and 3 Renegados. Will send United States outlaws instead after the Bad Boys card has been sent
- Michoacán Fishermen (II, Michoacán): Now sends 1 Dock Wagon instead of 2.
- San Luis Patriots (III, San Luis Potosi): Is now capped at 8 Chinacos.
- Seven Laws (II): Moved to Age 1.
- Zacatecas Silver (IV, Zacatecas): Now only delivers 1 Prospector Wagon each time it is shipped after the first shipment (down from 2).
- Abus Gunner: Ranged resistance decreased to 20% (from 25%).
- Costs adjusted to 55f 35w (from 45f 45w).
- Hitpoints increased to 120 (from 110) and building damage to 22 (from 18).
- Humbaraci: Siege damage increased to 50 (from 48) and melee damage increased to 28 (from 26).
- Imam: Resource costs changed from 100 coin to 115 food to give it a unique trait differing from Priests.
- Janissary: Hitpoints increased to 215 (from 210).
- [NEW] Mahmudiye (IV, 1500c): Ships a mighty Battleship! Ottoman Battleships inflict more damage at the expense of a slower rate of fire.
- [NEW] 7 Azaps (II), 11 Azaps (III), 22 Azaps (IV): Added to homecity.
- [NEW] Matrakci School (II): Reduces the train time of all infantry by -30% and of Ottoman infantry by an additional -10%.
- Cebeci (II): Reduced hitpoint improvement for Abus Gunners and Humbaraci to 20% (from 25%).
- 6 Nizam Fusiliers (III): Now properly respects population costs and build limit.
- Akincis (III): Now also improves Cavalry Archer train time by -15%.
- Mosque Construction (III): Mosque technology discount lowered to 50% (down from 60%).
Acemi Oglan School (IV): No longer reduces the train time of Janissaries and Nizam Fusiliers, but now reduces the costs of all Ottoman infantry instead:
- – 20% for Janissaries, Humbaracis, Azaps.
- -10% for Nizam Fusiliers, Abus Gunners.
- Flight Archery (IV): No longer improves train time for Azaps and Cavalry Archers but instead increases their damage by +15%.
- TEAM Kapikulu (IV): Cost reverted to 1200f (down from 1500) and no longer improves Heavy Cavalry melee armor by 10% (moved to new Mosque tech); card renamed to TEAM Timariots.
- [NEW] Kapikulu Corps (IV, Palace Intrigue): Added a third unique Mosque technology for parity with other civilizations: Sends 4 Spahis and improves heavy cavalry armor by 10%, upgrading Spahis into Kapikulu Spahis. Costs 1400 food.
- New Order Infantry (III, Palace Intrigue): Now also sends 20 Nizam Fusiliers (up from 15).
- Topçu Corps (IV, Palace Intrigue): In addition to shipping 3 Great Bombards, their population cost also gets decreased to 6 (from 7).
- Veteran Azaps, Guard Azaps: Now each increase ranged attack range by +1 .
- Imperial Azaps: Increases ranged attack range by +2.
- [NEW] Nossa Senhora da Conceição (IV, 1500c): Ships a mighty Battleship! Portuguese Battleships can now heal other ships.
- Feitorias (I): No longer adds XP generation to Town Centers, but rates for food increased to 0.5 food per second (up from 0.3) and for wood and coin increased to 0.24 wood and coin per second (up from 0.15).
- Bandeirantes (II): Now also removes the ransom cooldown for Explorers.
- Constable (III): Now assigns the same melee damage increase to Spies in all stances.
- Cassador: Fixed an issue that would grant Cassadors Veteran combat strength when made available in the Commerce Age.
- Settler: No longer gathers 5% faster from huntable animals and berries than other Settlers.
- The Logistician (I → II): Now increases the range of pikeman by +0.5 (down from +1.0). Musketeer and Crossbowman improvements remain unchanged. The description has been updated accordingly.
- New civilization bonus: Can now reach 210 population space to offset the individual weakness of Russian units in late game.
- Strelet: Melee damage increased to 6 (up from 4).
- [NEW] Imperator (IV, 1000c): Ships a mighty Battleship! Russian Battleships inflict more damage and are cheaper, but now have less hitpoints.
- 12 Oldenburg Allies: Fixed a bug that resulted in Royal Hunters consuming 1 population slot.
- Missionary: Classified as cavalry unit.
- Soldado: Is no longer affected twice by the British Homecity card TEAM Musketeer/Grenadier Hitpoints.
- Spanish Square (IV): Now delivers 20 Pikemen instead of 10 Pikemen and 8 Rodeleros and grants Pikemen additional 10% ranged and melee resistances.
- 20 Pikemen (IV): Removed from homecity.
- House of Trastamara (II): Now reduces the next age up by 80 resources (down from 100 resources) per shipment sent in the current age.
- Spanish Gold (III): Coin crates are now also delivered for the recently added Mercenary shipments.
- Nuestras Señoras (IV): Now also increases Battleship build limit by +1.
- Viceroyalty of New Spain (III): Soldados now spawn 3 seconds slower.
- Ranged Cavalry Combat (III): Fixed an issue that made this card affect the entire team.
- Barrage (IV): Card removed.
- Torp: Cost increased to 140w (from 135w) and build time to 16s (from 12.5). XP values updated accordingly.
- Leather Cannon: Negative damage multiplier of 0.5x added against Heavy Cavalry and Hand Shock Infantry.
- Fixed the outdated unit tooltip that still described them as heavy hand cavalry instead of light ranged cavalry.
- Now inflicts ranged bonus damage only against Hand Shock Infantry instead of all Shock Infantry.
- Negative damage multipliers of 0.7x against infantry and villagers (up from 0.6x) are now used in all melee and ranged attacks.
- Siege damage reduced to 14 (from 20).
United States
- Scottish Immigrants (III): Moved to Age 2, but now costs 400c and no longer ships a Highlander by default.
United States Marines (III):
- Now also allows Marines to be healed.
- Siege damage improvement from Minutemen reduced by -25%.
- Buffalo Soldiers (IV): Moved to Age 3.
- Coffee Mill Guns (III): Moved to Age 4.
- Carbine Cavalry: Full damage application is now guaranteed with every attack.
- Gatling Gun: Damage multiplier against Cavalry changed to 0.25x (down from 0.5x) and against Shock Infantry to 0.15x (down from 0.5x).
- Settler: Build limit increased to 90 (from 85).
- [NEW] Blandengues: Hand cavalry is cheaper.
- Stockyards, Land Grab, Ranching, Caballeros: Added to homecity.
Gran Colombia
- [NEW] 16 Independence Guards (infinite): Added to homecity.
- [NEW] Colombian Navy: Fully replaces Caravels with improved Sloops (HP/range) and allows Imperial Dock upgrades to be researched.
- Improved Warships, Advanced Arsenal, Advanced Dock, 1 Factory, 2 Covered Wagons, Naval Gunners: Added to homecity.
- Independence Guard: Is now only -10% slower than a Musketeer (up from –20%).
- Hungarian Grenadiers: Now converts Humbaracis to Hungarian Grenadiers and replaces Humbaracis in the Artillery Foundry with Hungarian Grenadiers.
- [NEW] Kraton Guards: Improves Revolutionaries and Pikemen units in combat by 15% and 25%.
- [NEW] Lantakas: Improves cannon attacks of ships, buildings and artillery by 15%.
- Improved Warships, Advanced Dock, Native Warriors, Fencing School: Added to homecity.
- Has now access to Mexican outlaws and Saloons by default.
- Army of the Three Guarantees, Barbacoa, Charreada, Chipotle Tactics, Caballeros, Guadalajara Ranching, 1 Hacienda (Infinite), Outlaw Combat, Palace of Iturbide, Port Veracruz, Viceroyalty of Spain, Zacatecas Silver: Added to homecity.
- Bandidos: Replaced with Outlaw Combat.
- 11 Renegados (infinite): Replaced with infinite 11 Bandidos.
- 2 Ironclads (infinite): Replaced with infinite 4 Gatling Guns.
- Charros: No longer improves Cuerudos, but now activates the Charros upgrade for Chinacos obtained from revolution shipments and Haciendas. Cost of 1000 food added.
- Chinacos: Card removed from homecity.
South Africa
- Build limit for British restricted to 2 (down from 5).
- Can now only be reconstructed by the Explorer instead of Citizens.
Random Maps
Map Set Changes
Special Maps:
- Added Black Forest
- Added Dunes – The Eye (new)
- Added England
- Added France
- Added Italy
- Added Saharan Routes
- Added Silk Road
- Added Texas Frontier
Standard Maps:
- Added Caucasus (new)
- Added Karelian Lakes
- Removed Yellow River
Team Maps:
- Added Bayou
- Added Caucasus (new)
- Added Muscovy (new)
- Added Patagonia
- Added Pepper Coast
- Removed Pomerania
- Removed Savanna
- Removed Yellow River
Map Changes
Arctic Territories:
- Improved distribution of starting resources.
- Restored the bonus starting wood crate.
Baja California:
- Improved distribution of starting and sea resources.
Balkan Mountains:
- Prevented higher tier treasures from spawning in 1v1 games.
- Increased the XP trickle of the capturable Battery Towers to 0.50 XP/second (from 0.40).
Black Forest – Arena:
- Fixed an error which prevented players from allying with the Royal House of Vasa.
- Corrected an issue where some civilizations received the incorrect wall upgrade.
- Players spawn with an additional hunt in team games.
- Team members now spawn spread slightly farther apart.
Dnieper Basin:
- Fixed an issue where food mills were capturable without killing their guardians in 4v4 games.
Eurasian Steppe – Survival: The following changes are only pertinent to the starting conditions of this special map.
- The Trade Route now spawns in a more equally accessible orientation for all teams.
- Fixed an issue where the Inca civilization started with the incorrect starting units.
- The Dutch civilization now starts with a Bank and 6 Settlers rather than 10 Settlers and a Salt mine.
- The Lakota civilization now spawns with 2 fewer Villagers.
- The Mexican civilization now spawns with 1 additional Settler and Cow.
- Improved the efficiency of the Naval Trade Routes.
- Players spawn with an additional hunt in team games.
- Team members now spawn spread slightly farther apart.
Great Plains:
- Adjusted the treasure set to decrease the overall amount and frequency of unguarded coin treasures that spawn around the map.
- Decreased the distance between allies in 2v2 games.
Hungarian Plains:
- Improved distribution of starting resources.
Karelian Lakes:
- Improved distribution of starting resources and frozen lakes.
- Improved distribution of starting resources and resources around the map.
- Fixed an issue that caused some resources to fail to spawn along the map edge or Native settlements.
Minas Gerais:
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused one or more Native settlements to overlap with a Trade Route.
New England:
- Whales are constrained farther apart to prevent clumping and uneven distribution.
Nile Valley:
- Improved distribution of starting resources.
- Decreased the distance between allies in 2v2 games.
- Improved distribution of starting resources.
- Fixed an issue where sometimes a player failed to spawn into 4v4 games.
- Reduced the number of whales that spawn in team games.
- More fish added to the sea.
- Cliffs now spawn farther from starting Town Centers.
- More fish added to the sea.
- River shallows now extend the full length of the map.
- Fixed an issue where some resources could spawn inside settlements.
- Added additional treasures to the central valley.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a Cree settlement not to spawn.
- Fixed a rare issue where sometimes a land bridge would form between an island and the mainland.
- Improved distribution of starting resources.
- Fixed an issue where a Trading Post would spawn on the wrong side of the river creating an imbalanced Trade Route.
- Improved distribution of starting resources.
- Fixed an issue where some Royal House settlements wouldn’t spawn in games with more than two teams or King of the Hill games.
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused a player’s Water Shipment Flag not to spawn.
- Improved distribution of starting resources.
Swahili Coast:
- More fish added to the sea.
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused a player’s second hunt not to spawn.
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused some Native settlements not to spawn.
- Improved distribution of starting resources.
- Fixed an issue where sometimes a Trading Post failed to spawn in 1v1 games with the large circular trade route.
- Improved random choice of Outlaws and Mercenaries.
- Added new treasures, biomes, terrains, layouts, starting wagons, and improved some previously existing starting wagons. As always – they’re yours to discover!
Unknown – LOST:
- Added some of the starting wagons and features from the base Unknown map.
- Improved random choice of Outlaws and Mercenaries.
- Added new treasures, biomes, terrains, and layouts.
Unknown – Survival:
- Fixed an issue where the Inca civilization started with the incorrect starting units.
- Improved random choice of Outlaws and Mercenaries.
Yellow River:
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused one or more Native settlements to overlap with a Trade Route.
- Restored the flooded spawn as a possibility for 1v1 games.
Community-Reported Issues:
- Your reports continue being crucial to our prioritization and implementation of fixes and features in the game. Keep them coming!
For other known issues, please visit this page to see what’s being tracked!
What’s on the Horizon?
- A Special Event
- More balance changes, more bug fixes, and more fun!
Please note that this list is subject to change, and should not be considered a comprehensive list of all the known issues we’re tracking. The above is to inform you of the team’s current priorities, which will change as other issues arise or take precedence.
For the latest updates and announcements, please visit our social channels.