Today we are excited to release The Sultans Ascend expansion for Age of Empires IV: Anniversary Edition – now available on Steam, Microsoft Store, and Xbox! Did you miss out on the news? Here’s the highlights of what you can look forward to in this expansion:
- 2 top-requested civilizations – the Byzantines and the Japanese
- 4 variant civilizations
- 10 new maps
- 2 new biomes
- 8-mission single-player campaign
- Lots of new unlockable content, including Masteries and Achievements!
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Everything in the Expansion New Civilizations Exclusive Previews from Creators
There’s A New 9.1.176 Update!

NOTE – Our build number for this update has slightly changed (from 9.1.109 to 9.1.176) to correct some localization issues; no other changes have been made between these builds and the previously published release notes are still accurate.
PLUS a colossal new update comes to Age of Empires IV. Including the beginning of a new Ranked Season Six, a map pool rotation with a side of brand-new maps, and of course our Fireside Festivities seasonal event – there’s something for everyone!
Conquer your way across new maps, join the new Quick Match queue, and more with all the changes in this update, including:
- 3 new maps – Canal, Gorge, & Rocky River
- Expansion-exclusive maps join the Ranked map pool for a limited time
- Empire Wars comes to Quick Match
- Walls are easier and simpler to build
- Several updates to AI
- Balance changes and bug fixes
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Ready to jump in game and battle it out with all your friends? You can buy now on Steam, Microsoft Store, and Xbox!
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