7 months ago - AoE Official - Direct link

As the launch of Age of Mythology: Retold approaches, the team is hard at work polishing the game and listening to your feedback.  
Our recent Closed Beta and Stress Tests were invaluable for us not just testing at scale, but also hearing feedback directly from our players around the world as they got hands on with the game for the first time.  
One area where we heard a lot of feedback is the new deity portraits. We are building this game for you, our players, and your feedback is helping us to continue to improve and change the game. We’re not only doing this pre-launch but will continue to do so after our global full release on September 4th.  
Your feedback has driven and inspired us to create new deity portraits that players will get to see in the game at launch. Here we’re showcasing two Major Gods; Poseidon and Kronos from the original Age of Mythology release in comparison to the new Age of Mythology: Retold release. 

Remember, if you purchase the Premium Edition you’ll receive the Legacy Deity Portrait Pack and can then also enjoy updated versions of the original art from the 2003 game.  

We also heard your feedback about Arkantos’ voice in the Closed Beta and Stress Test. In order to deliver a campaign experience more in line with what players want, we have completely re-recorded the lines with a new actor and new direction. We hope you enjoy Arkantos’ adventures!

You can also see the new deity portraits and learn more about the game over on our brand new pantheon pages!

Greek Pantheon Egyptian Pantheon Norse Pantheon Atlantean Pantheon

Will You Become Mythic? Pre-Order Now!

However you choose to visualize your pantheons, we can’t wait for the mythological chaos to start with Advanced Access on August 27th at 5:00 PM PT (8:00 PM ET) / (August 28th 00:00 UTC). Remember, there’s still time to pre-order the Premium Edition and play early.  

Pre-Order on Steam Pre-Order on Microsoft Store Pre-Order on Xbox