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It’s been an outstanding year for Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition, with heaps of new free content, grand tournament spectacles and now, the full release of co-operative campaigns!

You can catch all the details in the video below, or read our quick summary below.

Co-operative Campaigns & Scenarios

Fully Co-operative Historical Battles are now officially released for Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition! These new co-operative scenarios contain the same story-driven historical narratives and objectives you know and love, with an updated AI you and a friend will need to coordinate to conquer. 

Co-op scenarios and campaigns are available to anyone who owns the base edition of Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition, so grab a buddy and relive the classic campaign experience.

Attila the Hun Suryavarman I Tamerlane Tariq ibn Ziyad Alaric Saladin
The Scourge of God Usurpation Amir of Transoxiana The Battle of Guadalete The Battle of the Frigidus An Arabian Knight
The Great Ride Quelling the Rebellion Gurkhan of Persia Consolidation and Subjugation Razing Hellas Lord of Arabia
The Walls of Constantinople A Dangerous Mission Harbinger of Destruction Divide and Conquer The Belly of the Beast The Horns of Hattin
A Barbarian Betrothal Challenging a Thalassocracy Sultan of Hindustan Crossing the Pyrenees The Giant Falls The Siege of Jerusalem
The Battle of the Catalaunian Fields Nirvanapada Scourge of the Levant Razzia A Kingdom of Our Own Jihad!
The Fall of Rome A Titan Amongst Mortals The Lion and the Demon

Matchmaking Options

  • After the huge success of the Red Bull Wololo tournament series, Empire Wars has been added to the Ranked Matchmaking Queue to provide more ranked play options for the community.
  • A new Quick Play option, to be quickly matched with other similar minded players from around the world to team up and show the AI who’s boss.

Death Match Ranked Lobbies

After a re-work, ranked Death Match has returned with fully ranked custom lobbies, set to deliver an improved player experience.

Additional Expansions

In the last year, we’ve seen the addition of two new expansions for Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition, Lords of the West and Dawn of the Dukes.  

Expansion New Civilizations New Campaigns
Lords of the West The Burgundians
The Sicilians
Edward Longshanks
The Grand Dukes of the West
The Hautevilles
Dawn of the Dukes The Bohemians
The Poles
Algirdas and Kestutis
Jan Zizka
Age of Empires II: DE - Lords of the West

Both of these expansions are available now on Steam and the Microsoft Store for you to enjoy!


The handicap option can buff a player up to 2x to allow a more balanced and fun experience in your custom lobby matches. This effects gameplay elements like increasing gather rates for villagers, extra bonus damage for counter units and more HP on all buildings, among other things. 

UI Improvements

  • A new Technology Tree preview feature: A small version of the tech tree that is now shown when hovering over the Technology Tree button while in-game.
  • A new waypoint numbering system has also been added for command queues.


There have been hundreds of balance changes over the last year, all to encourage more variation between each unit and the civilizations themselves. We’re continuing to work towards ensuring every unit has a place and its relevance within Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition, helping to create even more viable strategies and tactics for you to employ on the battlefield. 

New Maps

Over 20 new maps have been added to the map pool, including 11 maps popularized across the Red Bull Wololo tournament series.

These maps are available in rotation for Ranked Matchmaking, or whatever bizarre settings you want in a custom game with your friends! 

Volcanic Island
Team Moats
Frigid Lake
Mountain Range
Northern Isles
Ring Fortress
Sacred Springs
Land Madness

An Incredible Year!

Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition has had an incredible year, with over 10 major tournaments, a ton of additional free content, new expansions, multiple quality of life additions and lots more. 

Thank you for making the last year of Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition so special. There’s plenty more to
come in 2022!