about 1 year ago - Age of Empires - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s Emma: Hello everyone
2s and happy New Year New Age.
4s I'm Emma Bridle,
5s Director of Player Engagement for World's Edge.
8s Earnest: And I'm Earnest Yuen,
9s Director of Production for World’s Edge.
11s As you just saw, 2023 was the best year
14s yet for Age of Empires.
18s have delivered new content for Age IV
20s with the Age franchise’s bestselling expansion pack of all time,
23s “<i>The Sultans Ascend</i>.”
25s And we have given players a new way to try out Age III - free! -
29s with a rotating roster of sixteen civilizations
32s found in the base game.
33s Emma: And as you heard from Ramsey's Age of Empires II update,
36s we at World's Edge and our development partners
38s are hard at work creating, planning,
41s and imagining the future of Age of Empires.
45s More importantly, we're listening to you, our community,
48s and your feedback is critical to what we do.
51s Earnest: That's why we are excited to share some of our upcoming plans with you today
55s for both Age of Empires III and IV.
58s First, Age III will be releasing new DLC that includes two civilizations
63s that have been highly requested by the community.
65s While I have not been clear to see their names --
68s as our franchise Creative Director Adam will challenge me to a match --
72s I think may be an image or two will speak louder here.
77s This new DLC is coming to
79s Age of Empires III in late 2024.
82s And while you wait,
83s remember you can play Age of Empires III for free today.
87s Emma: Very sneaky Earnest.
89s I have some sneak peeks as well.
92s I can dual Adam.
95s For Age of Empires IV,
96s we're excited to announce our next major update is coming early this spring,
101s which will also coincide with the start of Season Seven.
104s This new season will include many new features
107s that you've been requesting,
109s such as: Team Ranked on Xbox,
112s adding a “Free For All” mode to quick match, and much much more.
116s Earnest: Oh, that is a pretty cool sneak peek!
119s Emma: And remember, our latest expansion
121s <i>“Sultans Ascend”</i> is our best-selling expansion ever
125s for Age of Empires.
128s And it's available to play right now.
131s What's more, if you jump into play Age of Empires IV today,
135s you'll get this limited time only
138s New Year New Age, log-in reward.
141s Look at that, It's beautiful!
143s Earnest: On behalf of all of us at World's Edge
146s Thanks for trusting us with Age of Empires.
148s We can't wait to show off these new Age experiences.
152s Start the game already!
156s (laughing) That didn’t work.