about 2 years ago - Age of Empires - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

93s [Music]
243s [Music]
299s [Music]
306s [Music]
409s [Music]
425s hello everyone and welcome to another of
428s our season
429s one festival of ages streams here at
432s world's edge and relic entertainment for
433s age of empires
435s i'm grant one of the community managers
437s here and today is
439s actually all about the person beside me
441s it's it's his special day
443s elliot's road to ranked
446s and you can see from his face just how
448s excited he is
450s uh hello everybody yeah so welcome
453s elliot uh how are you feeling
456s i'm good you know i got some matches in
458s um just you know started to get my
460s placements going um yeah and uh you know
463s just a quick blurb though obviously for
464s those who are just joining us or first
466s time joining us you know we're the
467s community managers here at relic
468s entertainment for age of empires four
470s and uh today i get to have the pleasure
473s and the honor to be the
475s uh the driver of this road to rank that
477s the you know i'm hoping that you guys
479s are all here to join and cheer me on uh
481s cheer us on and also uh i think we said
484s we're gonna be okay with this but
485s backseat gaming is 1000 okay yes please
489s point to me if i
490s yeah if i make a mistake if i've got
492s idle villagers if i'm doing something
494s wrong please let me know like i would
496s love to hear and get some coaching from
498s yelling at chat and i'll yell at elliot
500s that's all we need yeah yeah uh yeah so
503s just before we get started we're gonna
505s do that really quickly just to get in
506s some games here but to those who don't
507s know we're doing these streams every
509s friday during the season holidays
511s excluded so that's why we weren't around
513s last week
514s um but every friday we're doing
516s something something different we're
517s cycling through a few different things
518s whether that's developer discussions uh
521s these wrote to ranked here or as well we
523s have some challenges as well that i'm
525s going to be playing in the future uh
527s definitely come back every week to take
529s a look at these the schedule is actually
531s on our twitch page or on socials all of
533s that you can take a look and
535s yeah uh
536s we've definitely had some great
537s discussions in the past and now we want
539s to watch elliott in seasons uh seasons
541s are one of the things brought with the
543s 1.3 update here for adrian empires 4
545s which is
547s a massive massive update brought a lot
548s of stuff abroad seasons frank seasons
550s seasonal events uh the content editor
552s and beta and a ton of other improvement
554s in fixes like quality of life updates
556s too right global cues
560s yep 11 000 plus words if you haven't
562s taken a look so just a bit to read there
565s if you want to take a look at the
566s specific details or obviously this
568s update is out it's been out for a little
569s while now so you've probably been in
571s game experiencing these yourself
572s firsthand already
574s yeah
576s all right well so
578s should we get the show on the road
579s before we do uh actually i can tell i
581s can i can switch over to your game if
582s you want to get it get into
585s this we can talk a little bit about what
586s what what is ranked and like all that
588s too right so yes yeah let's do it let's
590s do that so let's switch my screen and uh
592s i'm just gonna hop over to the sh let's
594s uh show them where we're at show them
596s where we're at let me do this so elliot
597s you are on the camera on your screen i
598s am not so i'm just getting this voice
600s backseat driving backseat
602s telling you how to do things uh yeah
604s ranked seasons they are a new thing in
607s this update and something that's come to
608s age four as you see at the top this is
611s season one otherwise known as festival
612s of ages it's running from the 13th of
615s april through june 30th so you have this
618s long period where you can hop in play
621s ranked games and from these you'll get
624s placements after five placements you'll
626s get your tier that you place in
629s and this is your initial rank and then
631s through further games you're going to
632s move up and down as you go
635s there's different rewards at every
636s different tier um
638s a lot to work towards there as well you
640s can check all of that out on the adrian
642s empire's blog as well
644s and in this case just to get us prepared
646s for today elliot went in and did four of
648s his placements so this way
651s the first game he's playing he's gonna
652s get his placement right then and we're
654s gonna see what rank he comes into so i
655s know chat some of you have said he's
657s gonna be plastic i i feel he's gonna be
659s conqueror but we'll find out hopefully i
660s definitely won't be conqueror conqueror
662s from the very start let's just hop right
664s into it
665s i would definitely mean something when
666s wonky with the mmr in the back
668s background which we're definitely not
670s doing this is my account that i play uh
673s you know current rank elliot yes my rank
675s is elliot yeah our elliot so far yep uh
678s and still not conquer yeah not yet
681s but to quickly go over this um we've got
683s the different ranks here so from bronze
684s one two three all these silver gold
687s platinum diamond and conqueror
690s and each of them come with different
692s look at those nice conquerors
694s yeah
695s yeah basically like the higher rank you
697s go the
698s the more premium more um higher quality
701s your rewards are
702s yeah as you can see here the conqueror
704s soaring kite now this is a pipe dream i
706s really don't think i'm gonna get to
707s conquer let's let's be brutally
710s brutally honest here okay and that's the
711s thing is playing in ranked it's to see
713s where you place and that's part of the
714s fun of it you don't need to make it all
716s the way to concord if you do huge huge
718s props to you because that's not an easy
719s task that is
720s that is some real talent some real skill
722s some real
724s time devoted to playing the game or
725s somehow you lucked out and you're just
726s absolutely amazing i don't know but
729s wherever you place on ranked is is great
731s because it's somewhere over the seasons
733s you're going to be able to see yourself
735s progress there and get better as well
736s hopefully yeah exactly and then the main
738s thing is that once you've placed you're
740s going to be landing somewhere where
742s you're going to be with similar
743s opponents and that's going to help you
744s grow as a player and be better at the
746s game as well as you face more and more
748s challenging opponents as you continue to
749s get better at the game
750s yeah but yeah and so as we can see from
753s elliot's placements uh his first one he
755s lost so it turns red on the ui there in
758s that little pip on the top and then the
759s other three he did after that he was
761s victorious so so far he's doing pretty
763s good uh 3-1 win loss race there so we'll
766s see how this last game goes uh and this
768s will get him his first placement rank
770s and we're gonna try to get at least one
771s more game after that uh yeah we'll see
773s yeah we'll see how many how long the
775s games go yeah
777s like 45 minutes it was just like a big
778s turtle fest and and i ended up losing
781s the battle there but the other three
782s went by pretty quick so uh we'll see how
784s it goes honestly yeah yeah uh so
789s so if we're ready to get started yeah
791s let's do it we can search for a game and
792s uh gets get the show on the road here
794s let's do it elliott and again in chat if
796s you see something you'd like to cheer
797s him on tell him he's what he's doing
799s wrong let ch let just toss in chat he
801s might not be reading chat as he's
802s playing but i can definitely
804s say them to him i'll i'll relay your
806s messages
807s please not trash i'm talking i'm too
809s hard pc gaming is 100 okay please let me
812s know if i'm idling too much or missing
815s out on anything uh definitely would
817s appreciate the tips and stuff because
819s again we like i'm not a pro player we're
821s community managers there are great
823s amazing players on our team
825s a balanced team for example very good
828s skilled players i'm just here that more
830s like you know i would like to think that
831s you know more of your uh
834s average game here uh that wants to just
837s play and uh get better at the game so i
839s mean who knows maybe by the end of the
840s season you'll be conquering
842s oh my goodness yeah there's also the
843s other anxiety of like misplacing my
845s farms and it's most likely going to
847s happen regardless so yeah yeah
851s so
853s yeah so yeah that's so let's see let's
854s get started waiting for your first match
856s and
857s if somehow you managed to match with
860s elliot
861s you probably shouldn't watch the stream
862s we're not we're not patrolling but
864s probably yeah like you know let's make
866s it a fair match if you if you
868s if you end up playing with me against me
870s you know little boots 10 i don't know if
872s you're on the stream but also
873s they're also doing their placements too
875s yeah whoever whoever you are little
878s boots 10 uh know that you're playing
879s against elliott out there even if you're
881s not watching the stream
883s all right i'm gonna go to english civ
884s for this first match up um i may switch
887s over to either the hre or um
890s delhi or the other sims that i also do
892s enjoy um yeah excited for accidental
894s lumber mill by the gold mine definitely
896s has happened with me in the game so i'm
898s gonna try to be good with my hotkey
899s placements and all but and i do see you
901s also have mongolian heights here you're
903s hopping into yep yep yeah
906s okay they're the bruce all right so with
908s them being the roost they're probably
909s gonna focus on trying to get their
911s hunting cabins and their uh farming
913s which gives me actually a window to
915s quickly get my eco going so uh we'll see
918s how it goes though against this but here
920s we go
922s all right good luck elliot i will be
924s cheering you on along with chat uh yep
927s as chad says crush him
930s crush crush them yeah i'll try you know
932s there's no promises you know like i i
934s can't guarantee that i'm gonna i'm gonna
936s get to where i need to get to but you
937s know we'll try right like that's the
939s main thing with this right so exactly
942s yeah
943s now if i what i like to do
945s i would definitely be plastic but
948s what i like to do is i do six villagers
950s on food to begin with and i get going on
952s my gold and this way i can only this way
955s i can just commit two villagers um over
957s to gold and by the time that i have
959s enough food um i can actually then um
962s i could then actually uh
964s age up at a relatively quick time here
966s we've got a hashtag get on the deer for
968s you elliot
969s can the deer yeah i should i i don't
972s take advantage of the deer i don't have
974s any deer right being beside me anyways
976s so actually kind of
977s doesn't work out for me here but
979s no like i said
981s but what i do here is get as much cheap
983s as i can around me and then that way i
985s can uh figure out what to do here
990s but again i'm not saying my build order
991s is perfect so please let me know if it's
993s uh not great here i learned macro by
996s watching elliott yes uh
998s here again i am not i'm going to put
1000s full caviar here i am not
1002s i'm by no means the expert on build
1005s orders and whatnot there are plenty of
1007s folks uh some of our content creators
1009s like ozzy drongos stuff that i have done
1010s stuff like that and i would take a look
1012s at them for inspiration and the correct
1014s way to uh make sure that but also the
1016s reason why i like doing lumber a lot is
1017s that that way i can also start spamming
1019s long bows pretty early on
1021s and what i'm going to try to do here is
1022s put some pressure on early on
1024s and then from there i'm hoping that
1027s that will then create enough a window
1030s for me to get my uh get get going a
1032s little ahead of time uh against my
1034s opponent here so again we'll see if this
1036s works
1037s uh i'm gonna keep dropping sheep off as
1039s much as i can
1041s don't worry if he goes for water it's an
1042s instant loss i mean yeah i mean at least
1044s the good news with this is there's a few
1045s chokeholds here so uh if they decide to
1048s either block me out for stuff that gives
1049s actually more time to get going um i'll
1052s try to do pretty much a you know a
1054s triple whammy of um longbow men siege
1057s and knights as much as possible um so
1060s you see here i did switch over to get
1061s more villagers onto food asap um i've
1064s got three villagers on wood right now
1066s and i'm gonna keep trying to get as much
1067s sheep as i can so that oh there's and
1070s there we go there's my opponent also
1072s uh doing things on this end so he is
1075s trying to steal a bunch of sheep from me
1076s which means i should actually go rush
1078s over to him right now uh rush over to
1081s his side of the map and see if i can
1083s steal some more sheep
1087s little boots is bc smurf account oh my
1089s god i
1090s would be terrified
1092s also not shocking if that was the case i
1094s i hope
1095s i hope it's not you know someone that we
1097s know in the community because uh
1099s yeah i'm uh you don't want to get
1100s destroyed
1101s yeah i don't get like you know i like
1103s fair match but you see what you see what
1104s i'm talking about here like he hasn't
1106s explored this part of the map yet so i
1107s can steal his sheep so i can i'm going
1109s to try to do that before i go back to my
1111s base here
1114s and then with that like i said we can
1115s start prepping them off and i'm going to
1118s age up now already
1132s yeah this is not going well for me guys
1134s if that's the case
1145s yeah this way i've got a wood being
1147s refilled again because i pulled them off
1148s by wood to get the
1150s get the landmark going uh but what the
1153s hope with that is that then i can
1155s actually okay there's another relic here
1157s that's actually good to know that's good
1158s knowledge let's actually go back to our
1159s base here i'm gonna
1160s i'm gonna finish exploring this part of
1161s the map and then go back to our base
1162s here
1164s uh i have a general idea they're
1165s probably gonna be over here so
1167s i'm gonna try to send some
1169s longbowmen that way once that happens
1172s just see what you happen to find
1174s yeah i mean i'm pretty confident they're
1175s gonna be in that area
1178s we'll put some pressure on that side
1183s yeah i'm not too worried about trying to
1184s figure out what they're going to do
1185s early on i know early on they're going
1186s to be using scouts and pumping out
1188s scouts to hunt wildlife
1190s but that again gives me the window to be
1192s able to then uh take some action early
1194s action on to
1196s put some pressure on like i said to them
1197s and then hopefully with that um
1202s transition over to
1203s um
1209s yeah
1210s [Music]
1212s yep so i'm able to already pop out three
1214s longbow men see so i already see two
1216s scouts on the map at the very least
1233s okay i mean if he wants to fight i'm
1234s okay with that my longbowmen will take
1236s on his scout from chat they're saying to
1238s kill some deer with your scout to deny
1239s bounty as well
1240s oh that's true i guess i could have done
1242s that but oh yeah look at all the deer he
1244s did yeah like i said i'm also trying to
1246s get better at the game i'm gonna be
1247s quite honest like i'm also
1249s not amazing at the game but like i said
1251s i've already killed his scout there um
1253s we're going to drop off these sheep here
1254s so my villagers can continue to take
1256s advantage of that
1257s um and then we'll keep exploring but
1258s basically we're going to keep putting
1259s pressure on are also getting pretty
1261s close to pop cap
1263s there's a good eye there thank you chad
1268s i'm also out of wood right now
1271s oh and see i also stopped pumping up
1273s villagers so that's something that i
1274s gotta keep an eye on make
1282s so let's see if we could find them soon
1283s i'm not worried about that uh my
1285s villagers and stuff are still going to
1286s queue up um this house is done though
1296s okay i know i took some damage there but
1298s this actually means now i can start
1299s putting pressure another way
1303s yeah i mean even him just seeing you
1304s coming at him and like finding him out
1306s that changes the game pretty
1307s dramatically
1308s just yeah i mean we'll see we'll see
1309s what kind of pressure like he did age up
1311s about what 45 seconds after me so yeah
1314s it's not like he's that far behind
1315s either on his end um
1324s but yeah we'll continue to put pressure
1326s on and
1327s see where it goes
1334s oh he's trying he's
1336s he's trying sorry little villager
1339s i found your hole
1341s now i'm wondering because he knows i'm
1343s there i might have to just actually go
1345s completely around
1349s oh hello
1362s that is actually an interesting spot to
1364s toss the wall as well
1366s well i think it was kind of smart for
1368s him i think because like he kind of
1369s knows that
1371s i'm gonna try to go around here i don't
1372s know if that's doable or not
1376s chad's wondering if you might have an uh
1378s second tc somewhere over there
1380s i wonder if i do or he does
1383s uh if he does
1385s oh look he's discovered my okay that's
1387s fine
1388s that's fine i'm going to put pressure to
1389s the side so
1390s and i've popped myself but we got a
1392s house
1394s let's put some more villagers on to wood
1396s here so i can keep pumping out villagers
1398s i'm also going to see if i can start
1405s so he's he's obviously reacting here um
1407s he's got villages here building an
1409s outpost so i'm gonna just get a couple
1410s villagers killed kill a couple here
1412s before we
1413s um
1414s before yeah and that's okay i've killed
1416s three villagers there and we're gonna
1418s back off actually i'm okay with this so
1420s i put some pressure on him already i'm
1422s gonna just back off here a little bit
1425s and see if i can sneak around here and
1426s do some more annoyances here
1428s on his end so
1436s stop idling
1456s i might have to see if there's another
1457s way to put some more pressure on him
1460s for now
1468s another important thing is to make sure
1470s villagers are constantly pumping out
1482s okay
1487s i've killed three more villagers there
1490s excellent pressure
1493s oh that's
1495s interesting oh i did not see this
1497s but he's also pretty fresh
1503s good counter attack good move on his
1505s part to do that actually
1507s so while i'm putting pressure on him
1508s he's also taking pressure
1515s [Music]
1518s lost a few villagers there but i think
1520s i'm okay you got that up and
1522s hopefully that helps out there
1524s off they go
1568s someone says make a new lumber camp when
1569s you can and also there's they're also
1571s saying the wall that the other player
1573s made there is helping you micro somewhat
1575s which is ironic
1577s oops i did not
1578s oh i looked up no i failed on that part
1582s yeah and chat uh with the with the
1584s backseat uh backseating in here
1585s definitely keep it coming uh we are all
1588s for that tell elliot what he should be
1589s doing help him out uh
1591s yeah cheer him on even whatever you want
1592s we're just gonna see how he
1594s how his placement goes win or lose
1601s okay i think i'm gonna reset from
1602s harassing at this point omega in chat am
1605s i bad for rooting for little boots
1608s i'm gonna go against guys win or lose
1610s this is how it's going it's okay like
1612s that's the purpose of this is to have
1614s fun while playing and comment on my
1616s skills or lack of it and i'm okay with
1617s that and that's part of the rank seasons
1619s as well it's like your skills are what
1621s they are uh for any of you playing this
1623s as you play you learn you get better and
1625s you'll see your season rank improve
1626s hopefully
1627s even
1628s during the season but also between
1629s seasons and future ones as well
1638s yeah so one thing i did do is fail to
1641s see him come around there but now i've
1642s got a good eye here with the
1644s outpost um i did lose some bills here so
1647s good on him to getting a counter attack
1649s back on me your chat's asking where your
1651s farms are you are the english
1653s that's true that is true but you know
1655s just you know i was trying to put some
1657s pressure on here
1662s there's some bad placements there so
1664s please no judging oh he's walled me off
1666s there smart on him
1668s but hey hello villagers hello little
1670s villagers
1673s goodbye villagers
1678s it's like hey you you did wall me off
1680s but you also put your villagers kind of
1681s close by in harm's way
1720s going to switch over to farms
1725s oh that outpost is in a bad spot oh man
1736s yes sir
1748s i wonder if i can put pressure on this
1750s side yes i don't know if i'm going to be
1752s able to he might have hold me off
1757s oh he's got a hunting camera
1764s nope that's not good he is
1767s a higher age than me yeah
1770s okay i'm gonna back off at this point
1772s let's back off y'all
1775s uh and you are pop capped as well right
1777s now
1785s so what's your immediate focus right now
1786s uh now that he's now i think it's to get
1788s my economy yeah yeah getting my age up
1791s and also just getting ready for probably
1792s what's gonna be a counter attack on his
1794s end yeah
1796s also a little
1797s short on what i should get the
1798s blacksmith too
1805s i need wood badly yeah i put 13
1807s villagers on wood but you're right i
1809s should probably put a lumber camp a
1810s little closer
1814s just back off here
1817s i should i should have done a closer
1818s lumber cam i know someone called that
1820s out a few minutes ago
1821s five minutes ago in the game
1823s yeah saying
1824s yeah
1825s yeah okay
1826s we're gonna keep going because he is
1828s like i said he has aged up a little bit
1830s and he's gonna put some pressure on you
1831s i think pretty soon yeah we're gonna put
1832s some pressure back on
1839s yep and then uh yeah
1843s so yeah again key thing keep villagers
1845s going um and
1847s for now i'm gonna get longbowmen
1848s outgoing but uh i'm gonna have to switch
1851s eventually why don't you would badly use
1852s because you need more military buildings
1854s very much yeah i think so as well i've
1856s got two right now which is not gonna be
1857s enough i will need to switch over to
1858s spears
1861s so let's start actually getting that
1862s going now
1889s at least there
1891s some pressure there
1893s now he has to go to the right here or to
1895s the left which also means i should
1896s probably get an outpost
1898s so i just have an idea
1919s don't yes
1928s [Applause]
1930s every chance
1943s shhh
1954s yeah that is a good point
1956s silver two yeah i'm guessing silver two
1959s as well silver one maybe if i
1967s and like i said i'm okay wherever i end
1969s up placing together exactly it's just a
1971s start we've got room to grow
1973s a long road ahead to conquer here
1979s let's see what's going on with him
1981s i do feel like he is going to be massing
1983s um
1984s knights based on the early prediction of
1986s what i saw what's what's my person doing
1988s i want to get an
1994s [Music]
2003s some of these onto stone
2005s farms
2010s over there
2012s okay let's keep getting uh got tons of
2014s villagers on there and i could probably
2016s upgrade my wood
2018s there
2019s let's continue to upgrade our
2022s that and yeah
2027s [Music]
2029s so he's already got three relics not a
2031s good sign here so i wonder if he's taken
2033s he's taking one close to me he doesn't
2034s have that one yet which means i should
2036s try to at least get one
2038s if not he has a really good early gold
2041s advantage on me which is not good
2054s [Music]
2057s building a knob
2074s hey i'll post almost done here so i have
2076s an eye at least on i can keep kind of an
2077s eye on both sides so i'm not gonna get
2079s surprise attack at least i'll know if
2081s he's coming
2082s um
2086s yeah yeah let's get one more house here
2087s and there
2101s i saw in chat earlier someone said one
2102s of the reasons you need wood badly is
2104s because you need so much more from
2104s military buildings
2106s so yeah definitely see your wood
2108s disappearing there pretty quickly
2115s i don't think he's gone anywhere else
2119s at the same time i don't really want to
2120s he's had a lead on me and he's got all
2122s this so i'm actually gonna go over here
2123s and make sure he doesn't take this last
2125s relic because he's taking the one close
2126s to me here
2138s okay establish one here
2140s let's get our gold mine going
2144s yeah i've got uh
2146s siege so that we can uh try to make sure
2148s that i don't get
2151s destroyed on the siege right here
2155s and i see that i'm gonna pop myself
2156s again quite shortly so let's get this
2159s done
2160s at that let's make sure this guy goes
2162s back
2166s like i said i think he's taking the last
2168s relic okay i'm just gonna double check
2169s but i'm pretty sure this one's gone
2172s yeah chat's all about closing the lead
2174s if you can c is your second town center
2176s if one doesn't have one yet fish are
2178s making second town center and white
2179s tower to make seas just a few options
2182s elliot
2184s veteran secret
2200s oh it's still there oh it's still there
2202s it's still there y'all i got two relics
2206s yes i've got two relics
2210s all hope is not lost
2227s don't
2241s nice take one a ton of farms to defend
2243s him yeah i think i'm going to um keep
2245s getting your farms going yeah that is
2247s the eventual
2248s hope and i've kept myself again
2253s it's always one of those things in the
2254s heat of the moment you get so excited
2255s then you're like wait a second some
2257s houses going here
2259s okay i see that
2262s attack here that's why we have that
2264s outpost
2266s let's go deal
2276s so chat why don't you let us know your
2278s predictions of how this game is going to
2279s go with what you see so far
2282s who are you deciding for here elliott or
2284s little boots
2287s obviously it's gotta be me
2292s oh he's got siege okay perfect so i am
2294s gonna build more
2296s uh
2297s spring alts to try to counter that
2299s oh my god villagers i don't know let's
2302s go come on over here
2305s so i'm gonna just
2306s drop a new word
2323s engines
2352s asking what your 1100 stone is for
2357s yeah probably gonna get a couple keeps
2359s up once i uh
2361s didn't start doing so um that's good
2363s call out though this is probably good
2364s [Music]
2366s someone else says in case your second tc
2367s gets burned down you have three more
2368s tries
2370s that's also that's also a good point
2372s awesome
2374s yeah very true
2392s where is he gonna come from that's
2394s that's gonna be my question
2407s oh there we go
2414s [Music]
2430s oh
2443s so maybe the right call that i was
2444s thinking of building a castle up here
2457s you got chat asking about walls
2459s any thoughts on that elliot
2461s uh
2463s i don't know if it's too lo might be too
2464s late for me somewhere else at this point
2466s he's already broken through the south
2467s end here like i i'm gonna see if i can
2469s flush him out
2470s right
2471s kind of at this point
2473s elliott is not in a rank yet he's
2475s completed four games prior to this
2477s stream uh so we've got four placements
2478s this is his fifth so we'll find out his
2480s rank
2481s as soon as this game comes to an end uh
2484s yep yeah
2486s and then we're gonna try to get in at
2488s least one more game depending on how
2489s long this thing runs uh
2491s so yeah we'll get to see where elliott
2493s lands probably shortly
2496s yep that is correct hopefully it's not
2499s anywhere too bad i'm just happy i got
2501s two relics here uh but i'm hopefully
2503s gonna be able to age up soon so i'm
2505s gonna start getting ready for that
2507s it looks like there's nothing here so
2508s i'm actually kind of safe here so let's
2510s move our troops back here i'm going to
2512s try to establish something over here
2513s though so i can at least keep an eye on
2514s what's going on
2516s let's see if i can pull villagers let's
2518s go you are happy you are expensive
2526s yeah i'm gonna have to like he's been
2528s idling a lot on his own so i'm a little
2530s worried that his department's gonna be
2533s pretty well established it's gonna just
2535s be a blob versus blob situation i think
2538s that makes sense
2542s elliot has won three of his four
2543s placements yeah
2545s he's doing pretty good i mean i'm pretty
2546s i'm pretty proud of that so far you know
2548s to be honest you know i'm pretty proud
2549s that i can get to that point and there
2551s we go see there's his army
2560s yep he's gonna go straight for my siege
2566s let's see if i can put some pepper over
2568s there
2585s [Applause]
2590s he's got me on the siege
2593s [Applause]
2601s whoa
2602s that doesn't seem
2609s oh wait i had spring lights oh my gosh
2611s this place y'all
2631s okay so good news is i got rid of the
2633s siege problem the question is
2635s whether i can successfully counter
2637s attack him
2638s um i don't think i have to be honest
2640s let's pull some villagers range i don't
2641s have enough military buildings to be up
2642s to
2643s pump out stuff
2645s it'd be super helpful to have
2657s i don't have more idle villagers which
2658s is good
2660s uh let's pull these folks here because
2662s they're essentially
2663s having nothing let's get an actual
2666s camp going
2668s yeah
2672s let's back off here he's got a bit of an
2674s army but i did push him off which is
2675s good
2676s [Music]
2680s okay we're gonna have more
2682s army capability here which is good
2686s what's going on here
2688s i put the lumber crate
2694s um i still also look into aging up which
2697s i don't think you can do yet because
2698s i've been short on gold which is not
2700s good
2701s i need way more
2704s yeah sell some food and go to four
2707s uh that is also true you have a lot of
2709s fish
2710s yeah i should probably build some market
2712s yeah again kevin you all i am not
2714s amazing
2716s trying so far yeah i've managed to push
2719s them off and put a little pressure early
2720s on but there we go now we can age up
2722s let's pull all the excess lumber folks
2723s here and let's get another keep going
2726s because we'll need the additional
2727s defense here i think to be honest
2730s and then we're gonna go back to getting
2731s lumber actually let's build this and
2733s then they're gonna build drop a lumber
2735s camp here i'm never gonna do that
2738s meanwhile let's keep getting villagers
2739s going i've got that i want to get a
2741s couple more seeds here so you can keep
2743s those out
2745s i think sprinkle's gonna be pretty
2746s helpful for me i'm not gonna lie
2749s um
2751s let's keep it long longbow spam here and
2753s spearman to help pack it up
2755s yeah and then we're aging up so that's
2757s good um
2758s yeah let's buy some gold here so let's
2760s sell some wood
2762s i'll sell some food sorry
2768s yeah tons of excess food here so let's
2770s just do what we can to drive the market
2772s down
2773s so he also cannot take advantage of it
2775s that's right
2777s we have prevented him on the food side
2779s does he have the farm starting gold now
2780s yet i'm not age four yet unfortunately
2782s i'm being a little slow but he's also a
2783s little slow too so
2785s i'm not sure what's going on his end or
2786s why he's so small like he should he had
2788s advantage so fast i'm not sure why he's
2790s taking so long let's let's let's see
2792s let's go poke and see
2795s what's going on here like i aged up
2797s before him that's the weird thing yeah
2798s that is actually weird what do you think
2800s what is he doing yeah
2801s he had a huge lead on me i wonder if you
2803s coming after him like the way you did
2804s just disrupted him enough that he lost
2806s focus
2807s maybe but like it should have been
2808s enough to be honest right like you know
2810s what i mean like yeah chad is also
2811s saying if you go four which you you did
2814s to get enclosure asap
2817s oh he's that's why he's built up a
2819s defense here to stop me from coming in
2821s so i'm gonna have to switch siege
2823s uh which is okay uh that's the beauty of
2825s our crabs
2827s yeah and let's get trep scoring
2836s but also now they're h4 let's get the
2838s gold upgrade that we're looking for and
2840s i'm going to get some more mills going
2842s uh pull some villagers
2859s okay so once i get some trebs i will put
2861s some more pressure but in the meantime
2863s let's keep building our
2865s stuff here so we want longbowmen
2869s for sure
2870s i don't have enough resources oh wait
2872s i've got so much food i mean i've
2873s already tanked the
2875s the raid
2877s a little bit great but this way i can at
2879s least make sure that i'm still the one
2880s taking advantage of it you know what i
2881s mean yeah that's all
2883s um also where is my monastery i've got
2886s the two relics here i probably want to
2887s see if i can get this upgrade
2889s so i can maybe sell some food
2891s a wood story and get that
2894s get that upgrade asap so i can at least
2896s keep producing resources this way all
2898s right we've got two trebs
2906s so i want to do is make sure that my arm
2908s is protected so
2909s or my siege is protected
2912s bombard that
2923s spirit
2933s [Music]
2938s already
2944s he's just watching me yeah he knows my
2946s spring older stuff
2955s that's right
2956s use my formations i am set up
2983s i think he's got a little advantage on
2985s my sprinkles though
2987s oh and i stopped pumping out units that
2989s was a mistake
2999s oh no it's not looking good y'all i
3001s stopped pumping out military units
3004s that that might have done it i don't
3006s know i've done it i had the resources
3008s good before that too yeah i know i uh
3010s that was a mistake that was actual
3011s critical mistake right there
3016s i don't know if i'll have yeah i don't
3018s know
3020s i mean the good news is i've got the
3022s castle at least so i've got a couple
3023s castles
3025s yeah up but it's also it might be it's
3027s hard to come back from though a little
3028s bit yeah that was a mistake on my end to
3030s be honest
3032s yeah
3034s i'm gonna have to protect my sprinkles
3035s too um
3037s yeah
3038s dang i had the right momentum here yeah
3040s you did
3043s and he's yeah they're coming my left
3045s here but i do have my castle here to
3047s help protect with that so i'm not too
3048s too worried on that side
3050s um but i didn't make that mistake that
3052s was a critical mistake y'all
3058s so i'm just going to keep an eye there
3059s make sure that they don't get raided
3061s here
3081s he's got his forces here too so that's
3083s okay he's
3084s oh wait i had a bunch of force here what
3086s i completely forgot about this
3100s [Applause]
3108s okay this is fine he's distracted and
3109s he's giving me time to build up some
3111s stuff here
3112s i'm okay with doing honestly
3118s it's okay take advantage of the
3120s opportunity here it's too slow
3122s all right let's pull some of these folks
3124s here
3140s doesn't matter he's got a big force
3141s right here so i know that
3145s i need stones
3169s feel like he's throwing away units when
3171s he really shouldn't be like he had me
3173s actually
3174s he had advantage on me he kind of just
3177s let me
3178s push him off he's still h3 actually so i
3180s wonder if i can
3182s yeah i'm actually surprised he's still
3183s h3
3186s but ready to go i mean it makes sense i
3188s guess
3189s i've got gold going on a regular rate
3191s from my
3192s multiple mills here um
3195s i almost want to see if i can oh i've
3197s got so many farm here let's let's just
3199s build a wall here let's let's let's
3200s protect our little hole here we're gonna
3203s start establishing
3214s that's good call out wait from the
3215s blacksmith
3217s i mean it's spelled and locksmith but
3219s i'm pretty sure
3226s i feel like this is i don't i don't know
3227s what he's trying here this seems like a
3229s very
3231s part of me wonders if like after when
3233s you stop making those units if he had a
3234s chance he could have taken
3238s my first priority here is to make sure i
3239s don't lose my keep here yeah let's get
3241s rid of these rams
3243s and then once we're done with that then
3245s let me focus on that
3246s let's make sure i'm keep pumping on
3248s units
3249s too doing
3251s okay the rams are done let's go deal
3253s with the actual spring holes now
3279s oh
3283s [Applause]
3294s i've pushed them off
3296s so what i should probably do is put
3297s additional pressure on top
3300s oops
3307s [Music]
3309s oh hey there hey these guys are just
3311s doing the deer thing on there
3314s now you're going dear elliot
3316s yes now i'm going dear y'all
3322s okay we do need some trebuchets though
3324s unfortunately uh not unfortunately we
3325s need some traps here because they've got
3327s that big keep in my way although i could
3330s try to go around a lot of food pumping
3332s up right now eh
3333s yep yep i can sell more food it's such a
3335s low it's gonna be quite a low rate but
3337s yeah seven thousand
3338s i mean i've got infinite generating food
3340s at this point right so you gotta take
3342s advantage of that so with that i can do
3343s that um
3345s then i could build some more trebs
3349s um i'm gonna get the spring old upgrade
3350s too because i've got numbers i'm gonna
3352s keep pumping sprinkles
3354s all right the question now is how i'm
3356s gonna take advantage of this
3359s he still hasn't aged up
3361s they make crossbowmen in cavs yeah i
3362s should switch over to crossbowmen but
3364s the longbowmen's also got long range and
3365s they're really cheap which is why i like
3367s pumping them out but that is probably a
3369s good callout that i could probably
3370s switch over um so let's do that let's
3372s keep pumping up spear though because
3373s those are good cannon fodder
3387s but that is a concern for oh he's just
3389s hit him okay
3391s okay let's see if we can put pressure
3392s now
3394s that does at least let you know that
3396s he's been holding some resources to hit
3397s that in time too so yeah but same time
3400s like it's it's not a good look on my end
3402s because it means
3417s already
3431s it's
3445s i'm
3447s that's right i'm going to take down your
3449s keep here
3451s preventing me from coming in
3458s actually what am i doing what am i doing
3460s i got access to bombards what am i doing
3465s too much backseat four times no too much
3467s backseats fine we talked about this
3468s y'all like we want the taxi keep the
3470s bags
3471s it only helps i think right now
3475s i'm not amazing at the game and that's
3476s okay and we want like part of the
3478s journey here is to have you guys play
3479s and be part of it right so yeah um so
3482s but you know i will admit this is not
3484s going this is going much slower than i
3485s had planned
3487s i thought the really harassed is good he
3488s did he shed off my early harass really
3490s well and uh kudos to him on that
3493s um so yeah but what i'm doing here is
3495s being disciplined and making sure that
3497s our our troops here don't uh
3499s don't uh fall victim to anything by
3501s accident the last time i got caught in
3503s the range of the key
3505s he is repairing at a good rate dang it
3508s i'm gonna build
3509s i gotta build more traps and stuff oh
3511s i've run into the problem where i'm pop
3512s cap
3514s villagers you've done your duty i
3516s appreciate it thanks for all your hard
3518s work
3522s isn't that what everyone does
3523s i can't be the only one
3531s got a few bits of feedback you're not
3533s floating out of gold for bombards uh
3535s remember the english tower
3537s towers and
3539s yeah four towers that's a good one
3543s i've got my bombards here now but
3544s they're going to put some backup onto
3546s here and give me that stupid keep
3548s i'm going to keep pumping out units
3549s though so let's oh we should upgrade our
3553s upgrade our
3554s where where did that go
3564s okay let's keep getting units going so
3566s that i will have an infinite stream
3568s coming in
3575s thank you for your service
3595s oh he's got lots of sprinkles
3604s oh my god that that keep is not going to
3606s die
3612s i don't need more
3627s oh this is now i'm annoyed
3631s to be frank i'm quite annoyed at this
3633s point
3636s the stupid keep is stopping me from
3643s stopping me from pushing in to my plan
3646s which is you know what kudos to my
3647s opponent yeah he's doing the right
3649s things
3650s uh i'm just annoyed on this end because
3651s i really want this game to end because
3654s i want to know where i place and it's uh
3657s it seems to be going on a loop that
3658s we're just never going to end
3660s uh i think i desperate in these stones
3662s i'm going to actually pivot these guys
3663s over to stone even though wood is
3665s hurting
3666s um actually let's make sure we don't
3668s commit everybody
3672s military at this point
3674s now elliot what if this keeps going back
3675s and forth forever and turns into like a
3676s 24-hour game i don't know i don't think
3679s the game can go that far do you get all
3681s the blacksmith tech actually that is a
3682s good caller i did not so let's get the
3684s armor there
3685s um it is hurting my gold though just a
3688s little bit yeah
3689s okay two bombards hopefully this can
3692s we can do the thing though
3696s have chat
3707s [Music]
3712s oh he's got stupid sprinkles
3727s oh my god yep
3730s sprinkle sprinkles
3734s just destroying them
3743s oh which spring old's going to
3745s hit first
3746s both
3747s wow that was
3752s somewhat of a draw there
3760s let's try that again
3767s [Music]
3769s but uh if this doesn't work i might try
3771s to go through the north to be honest i'm
3773s kind of the point where
3774s this is uh
3784s oh my goodness this is good
3785s [Applause]
3789s all right well that bombards lost let's
3791s just leave it be
3792s it's okay
3796s and he's got the straw ski that is a
3798s good counter especially if he can
3801s take advantage of the fact that
3809s [Applause]
3811s yeah that was a quick round that came
3812s out of nowhere there
3825s oh i've lost over 100 pop cap that is
3827s not good
3830s let's go with this trellis tree first
3831s because the longer they sit and do
3833s damage the more they do so the faster we
3835s get them it's actually better for us
3837s okay and we're actually good
3847s they actually back up
3848s this is very much a stalemate
3862s all right guys we're gonna keep a force
3864s here and i'm actually gonna see if i can
3865s do what you guys suggested which is to
3868s go around
3869s maybe we can try to do something once i
3871s get my army back up
3872s we're going to try to do something a
3873s little different here because this is
3875s clearly not working
3878s actually i'm also going to switch over
3879s to man in arms too because i've got the
3881s gold output
3882s but not the uh
3885s not the other stuff that i'm looking for
3886s right now
3888s i'm running out of wood so i'm going to
3889s have to switch over anyways
3892s but what i'm also going to do is just
3893s maybe build another castle so i've got a
3895s little bit more protection
3902s what i'm going to do is i'm going to
3903s send two crossbowmen to probe this area
3905s here and see if there's anything because
3906s then he'll only see two units
3908s right
3910s yeah
3911s all right um yeah i'm uh kind of at a
3913s point where this is like going down yeah
3916s this is really a little bit back and
3917s forth here i don't even have enough wood
3919s to build the university uh let's buy
3921s some wood here
3926s i mean it doesn't matter where i really
3927s place at this point
3929s i'm university overlooking a cliff right
3931s it seems like a seems like the right
3932s idea right oh no two-hour game right
3934s here yeah it's going on ever
3937s he's got a gold mine that he's not
3939s touching he does have a sacred site
3940s though that is a good point i should
3942s probably stop that that is not a good so
3944s let's put some pressure on him
3946s i'm gonna leave some units here so that
3948s we don't just embed in that front
3961s we're gonna have some protection here
3962s but i'm gonna keep pumping out units
3964s here
3965s um
3967s which is good here is a good switch to
3968s the cross moment where we'll call that
3970s out um
3971s good call there because we can now take
3973s advantage of gold doubloons oh my god we
3975s got a massive gold mine here
3979s especially since i'm gonna have to
3980s pretty much just buy wood at this point
3982s i think yeah
3983s fifteen thousand food you got all the
3985s food you ever need
3987s right yeah so the food's not the concern
3989s here
3990s uh but let's keep let's keep making sure
3992s that he can't take advantage that
4038s he stopped my thing
4048s stop my thing here i neutralize this
4051s sacred site need a villager
4053s i'm too lazy i'm just gonna pull one
4055s from here
4057s [Applause]
4061s um
4075s [Music]
4081s oh what happened here i sent a crossbow
4084s in here oh they made it through
4086s okay
4087s so there is a whole huge there is a huge
4088s hole here guys i'm gonna
4091s see if i can uh do something about that
4093s actually
4094s once we get a bit of a force going let's
4096s get this castle down there first
4103s here
4114s never knew about that unless you just
4116s get more farmers and produce more gold
4117s so okay i mean that is not a bad cause
4120s maybe after this once they've completed
4122s it um i mean you're right i do what am i
4124s talking about i've got so much
4126s i've got so much um
4128s food i can afford to do that
4130s okay this is done so let's make
4135s i want to make sure that my front is
4136s protected
4138s but we're going to keep pumping out
4139s units
4144s yeah and you're right more gold is
4146s better because i can keep with my high
4147s cost units
4149s now the question is where is the closest
4150s market um i don't think i have one on my
4153s side
4157s okay he's got a bunch of units here
4158s though so he does know that i'm keeping
4160s an eye there that's fine
4167s let's go squish them
4201s that's right you're not getting any
4203s secret site now
4207s okay so we've got that we've got that
4212s all right y'all i'm gonna try to do what
4215s we were said so once i get the castles
4216s down i shouldn't start moving my
4217s bombards over there
4224s leave a little bit of force here
4227s or anything off that comes this way
4234s see if this is it this is the moment
4235s guys
4236s this is the moment where we can finally
4239s see if we can break this
4241s because he's got no so far for what i
4243s know he's got no keep here so we're
4245s gonna see if we can hit him just this
4246s way right here
4248s i need wood choppers how much okay yeah
4250s i've got
4252s like i i've pretty much wood chopped all
4254s my sides
4255s here
4256s uh no i guess that's no that's not true
4258s i thought
4259s oh no
4261s oh he he was away
4266s okay i think i'm gonna lose my mom i'm
4267s gonna see if i can put my bombards back
4281s if that would be enough to then put
4283s pressure on
4284s because i do have more i mean
4288s so he thought he can
4290s take advantage that momentary
4292s distraction here
4302s let's keep putting pressure
4326s what i'm gonna do after this is
4327s counter-attack my troops
4340s also i will say elliot this game takes a
4342s little while i think we might only just
4344s do this in one game today
4346s unfortunately yeah i i honestly thought
4349s y'all that this this game wouldn't take
4350s this long i'm gonna be quite honest here
4352s well it's a good thing you did your four
4354s placements before this so we'll see
4355s where you at least end up we'll see
4356s where i'll land at least yeah that's
4358s true yeah because originally for those
4359s watching we were considering doing at
4361s least two games we thought they'd be
4362s pretty quick this one is
4364s definitely approaching that one hour
4366s mark and as we usually have streamed
4368s around 4pm i think we're gonna just i
4370s don't think we have enough time to
4370s squeeze another one in no matter what
4372s yeah even if you just die or one right
4374s now earlier right now it'd still be a
4376s little tight
4378s yeah i agree here oh no one might see
4381s the application
4382s today's today's battle here oh no i've
4385s lost some troops you're going that way
4386s oops i thought i'd make them go that way
4390s [Music]
4400s [Applause]
4404s [Music]
4411s yes we did it
4412s we did it wow we did it
4417s wow congratulations elliot that was
4420s if there's an activity of a week of play
4422s oh i mean yeah i mean we'll like
4424s here's the thing with rank guys this is
4426s our first season there's going to be a
4428s lot of work that's gonna be done on it
4430s the whole team is monitoring i'm pretty
4432s sure the team is watching me play right
4433s now and probably face palming a lot be
4435s like oh this is the guy that's
4436s representing us on the stream here uh
4439s but let's take a look here
4440s oh whoa gold one
4443s wow elliot
4444s deserved that to be frank
4446s get enough to conquer you're making good
4448s progress
4449s i mean they play silver too which is
4451s good on them um you know it's definitely
4453s a hard fought you can see here i had to
4455s lead on them though the whole time so i
4456s i did age up quicker than you did um
4458s they had more relics to me and they had
4460s hold up a sacred site longer than i did
4462s i did deny it pretty
4463s what i thought was pretty early but i
4465s know the one in the south was they had
4466s for about five seven minutes so they did
4467s get some gold there um
4470s yeah but again because of the pressure
4471s we're able to put on and the fact that
4473s um the way like at least i like to do is
4475s just make sure i have enough military
4476s buildings constantly pumping out units
4478s and there's i know there's a couple
4479s times where i forgot to keep that but
4481s basically you can have them queued up
4483s and as soon as they die they'll pop out
4485s and keep going um and it's it's
4486s something that you can make sure that
4488s you're replenishing your units and keep
4490s going because as you saw i saw him do
4491s waves at least i kept having troops come
4493s out so
4495s yeah gold one that is great yeah that
4498s was like i said
4499s yeah i was able to put like you can see
4501s the scoria difference here too right
4502s like i was constantly putting pressure
4503s on uh eco he had a pretty good thing but
4505s i did have most of my tech done and
4507s definitely had more military being
4508s pumped up than he did exceed here 624 to
4511s his
4512s uh whatever he's got here so uh largest
4515s army 199 pop cap
4518s he did take down for my buildings which
4522s got on him um i could on them sorry but
4525s yeah eco-wise you can see with the food
4526s obviously we dominated there i'm
4528s surprised with the gold but i guess with
4530s it being the english i was able to just
4531s get that uh going you know it you know
4533s so i was able to make sure that uh my
4536s gold output was higher than them yeah
4538s yeah
4538s and definitely was a little sloppy with
4540s the ages yeah but definitely definitely
4542s came back from there yeah came back from
4544s there so and let's see even just
4545s villager hi yeah so honestly thank
4548s everybody for the feedback you know
4549s definitely had some good moments there
4551s where you guys um laura's army i don't
4554s know uh we'll
4556s we'll talk to the team about how they
4557s calculate stuff here but again thank
4559s everybody for coaching and helping me
4561s out back here uh we made it we got it
4564s done oh yeah
4566s and you are
4567s gold
4568s i think yeah i think should pop up right
4570s here yeah there we go one and look at
4572s those
4573s right
4574s yeah yeah
4575s as you rank up there's all the rewards
4577s for each oh wow are you also i'm very
4579s close to good and gold too here yeah
4580s you're really close three points away
4583s yeah so who hit gold
4585s uh so unfortunately we
4587s don't definitely don't have time yeah
4589s here probably not unfortunately so
4591s here's the thing my fourth game i played
4593s it actually ended in about seven eight
4594s minutes because i just rushed them early
4596s on and they didn't have a way to counter
4598s the initial wave because once i got the
4600s initial wave and took down a bunch of
4601s villagers i kept sending because at that
4602s point i knew that i had the advantage
4604s that i can just keep pumping out log
4606s movement while slowly getting my eco up
4608s to age up and then they
4610s they just said gg and ended the game
4612s right there so i thought the game would
4614s end a little sooner with the pressure
4615s but you know kudos to my opponent uh
4617s they shed off my early rush early on
4620s even though and they also did a good
4622s counter attack i think that we're pretty
4624s even on that villager exchange because
4625s they hit my uh wood line um i didn't
4628s have an outpost there in time i was able
4630s to push it off but you know
4632s had i not that would have been the early
4634s gg on my head
4635s yeah definitely a few moments i could
4637s have changed like had things to take a
4638s turn for the worst but you had them
4640s pretty good yeah
4641s yeah we were able to outlast the output
4643s um and that also goes to show that if
4645s you don't win an engagement early don't
4647s give up right it's it's still very
4649s winnable that you could still come back
4651s and uh get to that point i mean so
4653s definitely uh
4655s quit working for relic to become a
4656s full-time pro no i'm not a pro streamer
4659s but the good news is this is something
4661s of a series we're going to continue um
4663s uh like so this is only the first of
4664s many um and we're gonna keep going on
4666s this and i think uh it's not just gonna
4668s be me either we're probably gonna get
4669s some other folks on to do some road to
4671s rank as well because it'd be fun to see
4672s their journey as well and see where they
4674s go um especially when we get something
4676s more
4677s uh advanced players i'd say you know i
4680s feel like i have a decent grasp but you
4681s can see here i had tons of idle time i
4683s kept pop capping myself and uh i kept uh
4689s misplacing where my units were and stuff
4690s like that right so yeah it just was just
4694s going all over the place so i mean but
4696s honestly grant and team and
4698s viewers like thank you so much for no
4700s chat no grant road to rank that would be
4702s no i would be plastic for sure for sure
4706s there's a reason why i'm doing this you
4707s know on the community side which is fine
4709s but we also have you know there are a
4711s few folks and hey there's a there's a
4713s stranger we haven't seen in a while
4715s hey um thank you annie for joining in
4718s and watching uh for those who may have
4720s not known annie has uh
4723s gone on to bigger and better things and
4726s is halfway around the world so
4728s uh yeah thanks for tuning in i know it's
4730s getting late over there but you know i
4732s appreciate you popping in and and
4734s cheering me on i'm so happy to see that
4736s yeah glad to have you
4738s glad you could watch elliot there
4739s hopefully you saw his placement there is
4741s ellie number one no no guys
4744s are conqueror levels like i i will i
4747s will be happy if i can hit plat or
4749s diamond story platinum sorry plan let's
4751s let's start with a little that's so i'll
4752s be honest no no conqueror elliott
4755s conquer or nothing that first plot first
4757s all right y'all
4760s but anyways that is it for today thank
4763s you for joining in i'm glad that we did
4764s the four placements ahead of time so
4766s that we could see where i landed and
4767s yeah hit gold one four wins one loss
4769s congratulations
4772s i'm going to keep trying to see how much
4773s further up i can go yeah be kind of cool
4776s to see
4776s if i could hit plat died maybe diamond
4779s who knows right maybe i do
4781s need some training we're definitely
4782s going to need a check-in towards the end
4783s of the season with you on stream elliot
4784s to see where you've where you've ended
4786s up uh and yeah we're definitely gonna be
4787s having these streams
4789s more they're every friday uh borrowing
4791s holidays but i think there's no more at
4792s least scheduled so it's going to be
4793s every saturday what is next week's grant
4795s next week's not the roads right no next
4797s week is going to be one of our quest
4799s quashing which is where it's going
4801s through the seasonal events taking on
4803s some of those and we'll see how that
4805s goes uh
4806s on the odd chance those get through
4807s really quick we might be able to squeeze
4809s in a ranked or something but maybe yeah
4811s i'm gonna be there so yeah we need to
4812s switch gears and we can easily do so
4814s we'll see how it goes but yeah so we've
4815s got a bunch of different kind of streams
4816s coming on we also have our dev
4818s discussions uh those will be cycling
4820s through different craft focuses here
4821s from the relic and world edge side where
4823s we talk about people who were working on
4824s those teams we have maps and audio at
4826s one point coming which will be super
4827s exciting we previously had
4830s the r and r and ugc teams and again
4832s later in the season as well we're going
4834s to do one more recap of ugc as well
4837s highlighting some of the cool content
4838s yeah we're gonna see what the cool mods
4840s and stuff have come so far like since
4841s the tool's been out so definitely
4843s definitely anything cool like tweet at
4845s us like yeah let us know like yeah and
4847s if you haven't yet check out the
4849s content of the editor there and see what
4851s you can make it's it's a blast to just
4853s hop in see and who knows you we might
4856s feature some of your stuff on a later
4857s stream in the season yeah
4859s also grant i think we're going to try to
4861s also get a couple more folks to watch me
4864s squirm and play rank yeah on the stream
4866s yep uh next time around so definitely
4869s some additional voices to cheer you on
4871s give you some coaching see if we can
4872s pull someone around
4875s yeah oh it's like live ranked coaching
4878s live on stream
4879s it's basically what happened today
4881s actually today was basically twitch chat
4883s plays age through elliott yeah yeah that
4886s was true and honestly thank you guys it
4888s wasn't it was thanks to you all that i
4891s was able to i think pull that victory
4892s because there's definitely moments where
4893s i was like oh no what do i do here like
4895s am i gonna like i'm kind of was like
4897s stuck don't know what i'm doing and
4898s definitely the call-outs definitely
4900s helped out there yeah a little worried
4901s the one time where you had the the units
4903s you just stopped they stopped making um
4905s but yeah that was
4907s they pushed had they pressed me there i
4909s would have been in trouble but i think
4909s because i had to keep the landmark keep
4912s there they kind of it kind of scared
4913s them and spooked them so they were able
4914s to push off yeah i think that could have
4916s been worse than it was so i think you
4919s worked out you got your your gold one
4921s and yeah we'll be back every friday
4923s during this season with something
4924s different
4926s yeah
4927s all right well so until then everybody
4929s please have a great weekend and we'll
4931s catch you on stream next week uh what's
4934s quest squashing and maybe some ranked
4936s after that as well yeah we'll see what
4937s we can squeeze in definitely today we
4939s were we were hoping to get two games
4940s that was yeah a longer game than
4942s intended but it was actually pretty
4944s exciting to watch i hope all of you in
4945s chat all of you watching enjoyed that as
4947s well
4949s uh yeah so we will see all of you
4953s next week for our next stream
4956s all right until then bye everybody bye
4958s everyone thanks for joining
4997s [Music]
5028s you