over 1 year ago - Age of Empires - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

4s Let's take a look at the
5s basics of selection and movement in Age of Empires IV
9s while playing with an Xbox controller.
12s Now to build a thriving town, we need to train more villagers.
15s So let's start there.
17s First, I'm going to want to select my town center.
20s I can move my camera by using the left stick to move my center
23s reticle over anything I'd like to select and then tap A to select it.
28s Now we have the town center selected.
30s We can see our rally point is coming way off to the south.
33s Let's fix that, because I think I want my new villagers to gather sheep.
37s I'm going to move my camera to the sheep.
39s Tap A once again to update my rally point.
42s With any unit or building selected
45s you can also open its radial menu.
48s This contains all of the options available at that unit or building.
52s If I hold right trigger, I can see the radial menu for the town center.
56s And from here I can see all of my options, including training a villager.
60s I can hold left stick up to select the villager,
63s and then tap A for each villager that I'd like to train.
66s Let's train three. 1, 2, 3.
70s I can now press B to back out of the radial menu
73s and I'll still have the town center selected.
76s Now, if I look down to the bottom left, you can see that
78s there are quick options available too, including training villagers.
83s So you can do that without having to open the radial.
86s The most common options for each building and unit are highlighted
89s in the Quick Options panel.
92s From here we can tap Y to add more villages to the queue.
96s And once again, to add a fourth villager here. We can also tap X to research
100s textiles, which is a very common defensive upgrade for villagers.
105s Now, I'm pretty sure I sent some villagers to the north to gather some berries.
108s Let's see how they're doing.
110s Well, in typical villager
111s fashion, they're standing around not doing much work.
114s So let's fix that.
115s First, we can select our villager at the top
117s by tapping A and telling it to gather the berries by tapping
121s A once again. I'll press B to deselect.
123s And now the two villagers in the south
125s well, they're standing quite close together.
128s So instead of selecting
129s both individually, I'm going to press and hold A to open a marquee.
134s Everything inside of the
135s marquee will be selected when I let go, like so.
139s And now I can tell these villagers to gather the deer
142s by hovering and pressing A
143s once again. It's that simple.
145s Now, I'm pretty sure I sent a scout out in the South.
148s And let's see what they're up to.
151s Oh, yes.
152s What a vantage point.
153s I can see the enemy patrol of archers from here.
156s Now, I have some units positioned conveniently nearby.
160s I'm going to select them all by holding A and opening a marquee.
164s I can then move them, pressing A anywhere on the ground.
168s Now, to attack the enemy,
170s I can simply move over to the enemy and tap a once again,
173s or I can press X to attack move.
176s Which you can see highlighted in the quick selection in the bottom left.
179s By tapping X, and attack moving,
182s my units will move in the direction that I've set
184s and attack anything along the way.
186s Now my knights and camels should be no match for these archers.
191s They should easily take care of them as they counter them pretty hard.
194s And from here we will have won this battle.
198s However, my knights and my camels are pretty mixed up.
202s What if I want to separate them?
204s Well, I can hover over my camels and I can double tap
208s A to select all units of a single type.
211s I can now move my camels separately and separate them from the knights.
215s I can double tap my knights and move them separately too. And from here,
219s if I wanted to group them together again, I could use the marquee.
223s I'll press and hold A to expand the marquee
226s and you'll see that my knights are not quite in range.
229s But if I keep A held down, I can use the marquee like a paintbrush,
232s and I can go grab those knights too.
235s Releasing A now will select all of my units together
237s and allow me to move them on for greater things.
241s That's it for the basics of movement and selection.
244s Be sure to stay tuned for more tips and tricks in future videos.