over 1 year ago - Age of Empires - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s foreign
2s [Music]
5s join me in welcoming Chris Rubio to the
8s Xbox stage Chris how are you doing today
10s I am doing awesome it's been a pretty
13s good 24 hours right we had Age of
15s Empires for anniversary edition Shadow
17s drop yesterday onto Game Pass from
20s Opening Night Live I know it's been a
22s short amount of time but what has the
23s reaction been like so far it's been
26s just overwhelmingly positive I like that
28s answer that's what I was hoping you know
30s I've
31s met with a lot of players that have come
33s to our booth they're like wow thank you
35s for bringing it to console uh you know
37s we've been waiting a long time for this
38s people that have played it tell us wow
40s that it's amazing how you even got it to
43s work you know what was what was the mad
45s science behind that so a lot of magic
49s and a lot of a lot of goodness went into
51s it but um you know it's it's been a very
53s very awesome the shadow drop was was
56s yeah we do love a shadow drop don't we
58s we're going to be digging into all of
59s that but you are here to Showcase
61s everything with the team of world's Edge
63s have been working on and we're going to
64s be doing a live gameplay segment if you
66s all so we're going to go through
68s Skirmish and before I do any of the
70s nerdy questions in my head about how
71s you've done it I'm gonna ask you some
72s nerdy questions about what we're going
73s to be looking at here so what have you
75s got set up for us so today we'll be
77s taking it we'll be diving into Skirmish
78s but you know I want to walk players
79s through a lot of the changes that we
81s make we you've heard us you went if you
84s watch the documentary we literally
86s rebuilt the front end and a lot of all
88s of the Tactical UI we built it from the
90s ground up redesigned it so it would work
92s incredibly well on the console and so I
95s would love to show that off to players
96s and everything Laura is all yours my
99s darling sweetness let's jump in so this
102s is our for the Xbox we created a brand
105s new front end by the way I love that I'm
106s all the way back here like eight feet
108s incredibly readable uh so this is
111s awesome very easy to navigate through
113s our various menus that we created just
115s you can RB through everything and again
117s just still kind of a that has a lot of
119s the colors and flares that our PC
120s version did yeah but again redesigned so
123s that you can couch play from almost
124s eight eight feet away let's let's just
126s pause the moment no point on the screen
128s does it say Age of Empires but I know
130s what I'm looking at and you've got an
132s Xbox and controller in your hands so
134s there you go it's awesome job done so
136s you know we're gonna go into single
137s player today and uh we're gonna set up a
140s skirmish
141s uh but I've already set up a scrimmage
143s no this one I made earlier this is what
145s I made earlier so that we can jump in
147s and more importantly it'll enable me to
149s talk about all the cool stuff that we've
150s done nice and hopefully not get
152s destroyed by the AI so well also I'm
154s gonna make sure you aren't distracted
155s and you do talk to me yes that's right
157s because I've heard that you go into
158s Focus mode somewhere I go into combat
160s mode so which I love because I'm not a
163s combat girly I like to I like to build
165s my civilizations I like to make them
167s look very beautiful and in the end I'm
168s like I suppose I need to go bash someone
170s up now I do that too I'm actually quite
173s the Builder and then you know I get a
175s lot of better players to me that come
176s over and stop my base I'm like I
178s probably shouldn't have been focused on
179s making a cool base
181s for me that's that's how I go for it so
184s it's awesome so we're gonna be playing
185s uh today we got the English versus the
187s French very tried and true classic
189s matchup indeed
191s um we're going to start with uh our base
193s kind of already pre-made and if players
195s out there haven't checked it out we've
197s released Empire Wars yeah which is a
200s kind of a really cool start in the game
202s and Age of Empires 4 is a little bit
204s different than Age of Empires 2 the
206s sieves are slightly more asymmetric so
208s Empire's Wars was designed each I should
210s say each civilization starts and was
213s handcrafted to start at the right start
215s that you would expect them to be at at
216s that point in time so a lot of passion
218s and love it went into making that mode
220s super awesome so what we what we see
222s here is basically the base that I've set
224s up I got a bunch of workers right here
226s in idle but more importantly it's like
227s well what's all that UI on the screen
229s that is the first thing especially so
231s you go from PC gameplay and if you've
233s never played on Console H2 came out
235s early this year if you've not had a
236s chance by that yourself it even looks
238s different to that one as well as soon as
239s you load in support yeah so we've went
241s in you know we've made a lot of
243s modifications and our goal is to
244s literally streamline the interface but
247s at the same time make it incredibly
248s accessible and easy to read for couch
252s play so one of the first things any PC
254s player would notice is like oh my gosh
256s the resource bar is in the the top
259s center of the screen it's on the PC it's
261s in the lower left oh we found we found
263s on the console that it that placement is
265s really nice makes it super easy to read
266s and we learned we got you know a lot of
267s learnings actually came from Age of
269s Empires too kudos to that team for an
271s awesome job that they did
272s um so we were able to tap into a lot of
274s that and literally kind of Define out so
276s as I go through the screen in a
278s clockwise motion we have our resource
280s bar at the top yep we have kind of our
282s tribute menu that you can access you
284s know with various commands
286s um you'll also see a bunch of little
288s helper widgets and those were purposely
289s done so there's you know it's not mouse
292s and keyboard it is you need to you know
294s as a new player it's very helpful to
296s understand which inputs you got to press
298s to access various bits of functionality
300s the lower right hand corner that's
302s that's kind of your tried and true mini
303s map indeed you can expand your minimap
306s which is a really cool bit of
307s functionality you can hold down the Y
308s button you can actually super fast
310s scroll seamless yep um you can drop
313s camera markers that's what I'm gonna do
315s here
316s a little more and then that's a terrible
318s spot for a marker but I'll drop one
321s right there for the purpose of demo and
323s then what you can do too on the mini map
324s is you can just literally just jump
326s around
327s um based on on those waypoints that you
329s set so entirely up to the player however
331s they want to play
332s um and the toolbar or I should say the
334s d-pad controls that you see in the
336s center of this top bottom center there
338s those are what we call a quick find menu
340s and it allows players kind of like uh
342s hotkey shortcuts on the PC it allows you
344s to jump to various units structures that
347s you have on the battlefield for example
348s if I press d-pad up I can cycle through
351s all my idle villagers yeah they are if I
353s want to go to my military I can press
354s d-pad left boom I'm right there with a
357s group of units and I can kind of cycle
358s through them now if I want I can
360s actually select all my idol villagers
362s just by holding d-pad up
364s I mean
366s right and I want to ask you a little bit
368s about what work you've done in the
370s background to try and get it to like the
372s testing phase and we even heard in that
374s uh Viaduct just then that I think as
376s yourself or maybe a lot of other people
378s are really really excited about playing
380s on controller now yeah so we have you
382s know we've spent I should say both teams
385s Age of Empires two and four we spent
387s many many months and thousands of hours
390s basically hammering away we methodically
393s went through the keyboard and mouse uh
397s inputs and essentially broke them down
400s figured out how all of that would map
401s and translate to the uh to the
404s controller and then once we got it all
405s done on paper after you know many months
408s we started prototyping we started
410s iterating we started playing what worked
412s what didn't work started throwing things
414s out bringing stuff back
417s um so it was just a constant uh phase of
420s development where we were just trying
421s and experimenting until we landed on on
424s uh what what you see here today and
427s we're really happy uh the team kudos to
430s all the teams our partner teams that
432s worked on this we have something that is
433s truly amazing and and honestly you know
436s I I've said this before you if you watch
438s the videos I as an RTS player I should
441s say as an RTS developer that's worked in
442s the genre for about 29 years now
445s um I actually prefer to play with the
446s controller well let's get back in the
448s whole seat and do some movements for us
450s I want to see a deep
456s ER which is super awesome if you think
458s about it it's like oh good and that's
460s what I love about the controller is
461s everything everything on the d-pad is at
463s your fingertips it's you don't know you
465s no longer have two input devices
466s everything's been focused down to one
468s and you know we've gone in we've
470s intelligently designed the controller in
472s such a way that it just makes everything
473s feel really intuitive natural and why I
477s say that is because that carries through
479s across both products H2 and H4 so if
481s you're an H2 player and you're like I'm
482s gonna go download H4 right now which you
484s should if you haven't by the way you're
486s going to be able to pick up the
487s controller and start playing right away
488s and it's gonna feel you're gonna feel
489s right at home you're gonna be like oh my
490s gosh
491s I can play this without having to
493s relearn it no that was intentionally
495s done because we this blueprint that we
497s have was designed so not only in the
498s present is it awesome but we can also
500s Carry It Forward into the future with
502s other iterations so I gotta am I getting
504s attacked by the AI look at that I'm
506s awesome here we are chatting and you're
508s under Fire yeah so what I want to show
510s off are a couple cool Innovations these
512s are absolutely critical to players out
513s there the first one is called the
515s Villager priority system and this this
517s is key this I love this system with a
519s passion and I gotta say this is actually
520s a new Innovative feature for the genre
522s as a whole you know I was saying to our
524s creative director I'm like how did we
525s not think of this 10 years ago and we
529s laugh about it but that's how cool of a
531s feature it really is so how it works is
534s you essentially bring up this really
535s cool radio you hold left down the left
538s trigger press an RS and it brings up
539s this radial and this radial has a bunch
542s of different presets that are broken up
543s into various kind of like pie chart like
545s Fashions these are all weighted based on
547s resource types so instead of dragging
549s and dropping individual folks as they
550s come out the village yes it's just
552s already managed this is where it gets
553s really good I I I got it all set up
556s that's amazing so
559s um we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna
560s focus in on this economic one but if you
563s you know you can use these presets they
565s were designed by our Pro players on our
566s team we have some basic ones that if
569s you're like me you can just kind of set
570s it and go yeah but depending on phase of
572s gameplay you can actually shift in and
574s out of presets yeah based on if I need
576s more gold need more stuff
577s yeah you can pivot your villagers
581s accordingly and this governance system
582s will take care of all that for you now
584s of course if you're super pro you can go
586s away yeah we are you can go in and
588s Custom your own VPC VPS settings okay so
591s you have a custom setting for the pro
593s players or your average you know
596s individuals like myself are your presets
599s which are more geared towards me and let
602s me show everybody how this works this is
603s awesome so I'm going to select the
604s economic preset down here very basic
606s straightforward click a button and you
608s watch all those Idol villagers
610s off they go They're put to work and let
612s me show you an amazing pairing so you
617s take the Villager priority system and
619s you combine it with a new feature that
620s we added to Age of Empires 4 on the Xbox
622s which is Auto Train villagers on your TC
626s so now you get Auto Train villagers
628s going
630s and essentially you'll be booming in no
632s time and it's awesome so these features
636s uh you know made perfect sense to pair
638s these two yeah and you know I I anybody
641s out there try it out you're gonna love
642s it once you can't go back I was I was
645s playing the PC the other day and we're
646s still we're working on PC iterating and
648s changing things I'm like I had so much
650s wood I'm like why are my villagers
652s collecting wood I'm like oh gosh I
654s forgot I trained I'm on the PC not the
656s console and I've got to manually go in a
658s minute but people you know players love
659s that level of micro so we want to make
661s sure that we give player the agency to
663s do either or this system really helps
665s bolster the console experience so and we
668s and that's why we added it and you know
669s Age of Empires 2 was the first first one
671s to add it we we brought the system in
674s we've made some additional tunings to it
676s to make it work even better and over
678s time you're just going to get to see
680s this system in the age series just grow
681s and grow and just become super awesome
683s absolutely love it I got one more do we
684s have time oh of course we've got time
686s all the time in the world so another
688s feature that we added to Age of Empires
689s Xbox was the ability to build anywhere
692s you want without having to select a
693s villager this is key so normally in the
694s past you had to select a villager and
697s bring up the the command bar on the PC
699s it's in the bottom yep I didn't show
700s this earlier gosh darn it
702s um and here uh this is the build radio
704s so let me let me talk about it now this
706s is the build radio
708s um and on the console we open up the
710s build features across four different
711s categories you have economy defense
714s military and age up so and I'll back out
717s of that bring it back up again and all
718s of this is easily accessible through the
720s d-pad purposely designed so players
723s eventually can map all this in their
724s brains too I'll just go to YouTube and
726s eventually get it so very well done so
728s with the site menu system no longer do
731s you have to select a villager you can
732s simply say
733s cursor over this resource pile hit the
736s right trigger and it's going to bring up
737s the right structure that you can place
739s at that particular and then the way that
741s you've waited the villagers to work the
742s people are going to build it and then
744s they'll go mine one villager will
745s automatically be assigned and it'll
746s start building and the great thing is
748s once this villager is done the VPS
750s system will capture that villager and
752s put it back to work oh my day so it's
754s it's super awesome and of course that's
756s with resource piles so it's concept
758s sensitive on demand you can also cursor
760s over the terrain bring up the menu go to
763s your build system and it brings up the
764s Villager radio and at that point say I
766s want to build more military structures
767s simply select a military structure build
770s one and it's going to select nearby
772s villager and off you go so again some
775s really awesome niceties that we added to
777s the game to just further bolster the
778s console experience and reduce APM on the
780s player so good now there might be some
782s people in chat
786s to this whole experience and there is a
788s tutorial that's been added called rise
789s of the king I wonder if we could just
790s touch on that very quickly absolutely so
792s the rise of the king
794s tutorial was created for the Xbox
798s experience it's broken up across five
800s different missions and it was designed
802s to teach players the basics the core you
805s know your core inputs your basic age
807s Concepts as well as uh teach players the
810s fundamentals like Base building resource
813s management and of course the biggie
815s combat so it takes players through all
817s of these different phases of gameplay
819s across five missions now we didn't want
821s to just build uh you know an onboarding
823s experience that was do this do that we
826s wanted something that was narrative
828s narratively driven and tied into the
831s historical component that we created for
834s Age of Empires 4. so we decided to
837s create a Prelude to the main campaign of
839s the game which follows William the
841s Conqueror starting in 1047 and it takes
844s you all the way up to 1066 with the
846s landing in England up to the Battle of
848s Hastings there it is so when you move
849s into the main campaign you'll actually
851s start off right where you left off in
853s the tutorial oh you are well smart well
855s done
856s um so the Xbox Mantra that we all know
858s and love is very much play how you want
860s when you want and wherever you want and
863s that's very important because now we've
864s enabled two and four of the age
866s franchise on Xbox consoles how does it
868s feel to be continuing to support that
870s Mantra it's awesome it's an opportunity
872s for us to get age in the hands of
875s millions of new Gamers around the world
878s that may never have the opportunity to
880s experience this game I've always wanted
882s to experience this game but for whatever
883s reason they couldn't so now through Game
886s Pass and Xbox they can go online they
888s can download it and have a great
890s experience and so for us it's you know
892s it's an opportunity a chance for players
894s to play on the platform they want and
896s play comfortably on the input device
898s yeah and comfortably on the sofa sofa
903s it's super awesome oh it's pretty good
905s chat by the way I want to know a hands
907s up in chat if you have got it installed
909s um because I want to see everyone just
910s get very very excited there's been a
911s little bit of time since it's been
912s announced I think you're supposed to
913s have but before we go I must ask because
916s I'm also I'm very excited I hear you're
919s you've got a big announcement for us
921s something you want to share maybe I I am
924s thrilled and thrilled thrilled and have
926s the privilege of being able to announce
929s to everyone around the world that the
934s biggest expansion released for Age of
937s Empires 4 is coming soon it's called the
940s Sultan's Ascend its name
943s packed with a ton of content and it's
945s going to take players on an Epic Journey
947s Through the Middle East now I can say
950s stay tuned that's all I can say at this
952s time so sorry chat we're going to
954s release more information very shortly as
956s well as details on how you can go on to
957s your favorite platform and wish list
959s this this baby up so fantastic super
961s excited and please you know that's good
964s the expansion's awesome I
974s well thanks again for joining us and
977s chat please do not forget you can play
978s Age of Empires 4 Anniversary Edition on
981s Xbox right now you didn't think I'd be
983s saying that a few days ago with Xbox
984s game pass as well as PC game pass if you
986s haven't tried it out yet
988s [Music]
998s [Music]