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Welcome heroes to another exciting update – covering a host of fixes, balance changes, UI improvements, and so much more!

Plus, today is also the launch of Arena of the Gods – the latest mythic journey in Age of Mythology: Retold! You are invited to step into the shoes of a legendary hero and forge your destiny! In this new game mode, you can engage in 35 exhilarating skirmish missions across mythical landscapes where divine challenges await. Whether you battle solo or team up with a friend**, the arena is fraught with World Twists that bring the chaos of shifting weather and ancient powers to the forefront!

So take a peek and jump in to the latest for Age of Mythology: Retold!

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Thanks again to our amazing community members, all of whom have helped to make Age of Mythology: Retold a success thus far!

—The Age of Mythology Team

🢂 Download on the Microsoft Store

Remember that you’ll need to update your game in the Microsoft Store:

  • Open the Microsoft Store.
  • Click the [∙ ∙ ∙ ] symbol next to your profile picture.
  • Select Downloads and updates.
  • Press the Get updates button to automatically detect, download, and install the latest changes to your game!
  • Open the game. The title screen should show you on Build 17.43876.

If you are unable to launch the game after downloading the update, make sure you add (or re-add) the Age of Mythology: Retold client or folder as an exception to your firewall and antivirus program.

That’s it; you’re ready to play!

🢂 Download on Steam

Remember that you’ll need to update your game in Steam:

  • Open Steam.
  • Click on Library to see your games list.
  • Click Downloads at the bottom of the Library window.
  • [If the new build does not download automatically,] click the Download Now button to manually download the new update.
  • Open the game. The title screen should show you on Build 17.43876.

That’s it; you’re ready to play!

🢂 Download on the Xbox App for Windows 11

Remember that you’ll need to update your game in the Xbox App for Windows.

  • Open the Xbox app.
  • Games that are installed show up on the left side of the app.
  • Hover over the game or click it, and then select Update.
  • [If the new build does not download automatically,] hover over the game, select More Options (…), choose Manage. Under the Files tab, choose the option to Check for Updates.
  • Open the game. The title screen should show you on Build 17.43876.

That’s it; you’re ready to play!

Please note that custom mods may not be compatible with the latest game update. If you are experiencing issues launching or playing the game after downloading the new build, try disabling your installed mods before trying again.

Still having trouble? Visit our support site!

New Game Mode: Arena of the Gods

  • Legends Awaken! Journey with your Legend through a path of your choice.
  • Co-op missions! Share the experience with a friend or play solo; the choice is yours.
  • World Twists modify the world for you and the gods that you defy.
  • Earn Blessings of the gods as you progress! Blessings provide options with new abilities to aid your progression.
  • 12 new achievements to earn in Arena of the Gods!

Stability & Performance

  • Fixes for crashes that could occur in various situations.
  • Additional tracking has been added to help determine where out-of-sync situations can occur.
  • Various performance improvements to improve the responsiveness of the game’s simulation.
  • Improved performance of some VFX that were causing performance drops in some situations.
  • The minimum shader model version has been reduced to 6.2. This may allow some older versions of Windows and some older graphics cards to run the game.
    • Shader model 6.5 is still required for users who want to access Ray Tracing features.
    • Latest Windows update versions are still highly recommended. Windows update version minimum checked in game is now checking for: ReleaseId: 1803 (Redstone 4) Build: 17134 April 2018 Update WDDM: 2.4.
    • For Ray Tracing support you will still require at least: ReleaseId: 2004 (20H1) Build: 19041 May 2020 Update WDDM: 2.7.
  • Additional fixes for saved game stability when loading save games from previous patches.
  • Minor performance improvements for some VFX rendering.
  • Minor performance improvements for the controller radial menu UI.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when enabling many units in an age-up tech (primarily relevant to mods).
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when clicking to place a gather waypoint with multiple selection targets in some rare cases.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when interacting to age up while loading in or out of a game.
  • Fixes to reduce the chance of an out-of-sync when playing cinematics in multiplayer.
  • Fixed an out-of-sync that could occur when a player resigned.
  • Fixed a chance of unpredictable instability when an out-of-sync occurs.
  • Fixed an issue where the user was stuck on a black screen after skipping certain end-mission cutscenes.
  • Fixed a crash in the editor when painting water with the paint area checkbox selected after loading a level, resizing the map, and some other actions.
  • Fixed a D3D12 error crash that could occur on some custom maps using a size larger than 256.

The following items were fixed in the mid-October hotfix and are provided as a more complete list for those interested:

  • Fixed an issue where disconnecting while entering a quick/ranked match locked you out of those modes until you restart the game.
  • Fixed large performance drops caused by progress displays on the global queue and other queue-type UI elements.
  • Fixed a bug causing searching the multiplayer lobby to become stuck and infinitely refreshing. In particular when searching for a player name with empty search text.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur during multiplayer gameplay when interacting to issue a command while network updates are received with new commands.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur sometimes after sending an invite.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when loading into an older replay or save game.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when changing the grass type on a terrain in the editor while grass is disabled in the settings.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur in the Tech Tree while hovering over some elements.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur during shutdown in rare cases when a user used matchmaking.
  • Fixed a crash when some units were mutated to a different type under some conditions.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when issuing some types of commands.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when using the Y controller action on a dock in Fall of the Trident 19 and other similar situations.
  • Fixes for a few different graphics crashes that would result in a D3D12 error.
  • Fixes for some crashes seen as a D3D12 error that would occur on some models of Intel UHD chipsets while running on the CPU’s integrated GPU.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when saving scenarios with the & symbol in the file name, which would also lock users out of opening the editor.
  • Developer Note: If you have experienced this crash and the Editor is no longer accessible, you can fix this by doing the following (will change depending on your user and profile number):
    • Navigate to C:\Users\YOUR-USER-NAME\Games\Age of Mythology Retold\LOTS-OF-NUMBERS\scenario
    • Delete the ~recent.xml file. After this is complete, you should have access to the editor again.
  • Older Save Game Updates
    • Fixed a bug with the controller quick-select menus when loading into older saves.
    • Fixed a bug where some types of IDs may not be correct when loading into an older save.
    • Fixed a bug causing some older versions to not have the correct data available when loading into an older save.
    • Fixed a bug causing loaded older saves not to resume auto-scouting.
    • Fixed a bug causing Villager Priority not to reapply when loading an older save where it was active.
    • Fixed a bug causing AI to not behave correctly in some situations when loading an older save game.


  • Updates for localized strings.
  • Updates to voice-over in the Atlantis tutorial cinematic for many languages.
  • When the Good Game button is used after a match, it will now localize for each player using their current language settings instead of the sender’s language settings.
  • Fixed a bug causing some parts of effect help strings to not show with localization.


  • Achievements that can have measured progress toward completion will now show their progress on Xbox.


  • Minor polish to various textures, materials, and models.
  • Fixed an issue with Chariot Archer Iron and Bronze textures.
  • Fixed a visual issue present on the Atlantean Titan where a hole was visible.
  • Rally flags will now show a golden VFX when assigning a unit to a resource and a blue VFX when rallying into an existing unit’s control group.
  • Range rings for Monuments are properly displayed when placing down new Monuments or selecting one of them.
  • Fixed Bellerophon’s attack timing to match its animation.
  • Fixed Throwing Axeman’s attack timing to match its animation.
  • Fixed a bug causing the Servant of Kronos Birth VFX to significantly impact performance when it took up a large portion of the screen.
  • Fixed a bug with VFX opaque particles not rendering correctly when combined with transparent particles.
  • Fixed a bug causing some VFX decals with default roughness to appear incorrectly.
  • Subsurface maps for all shared types of ferns have been disabled to prevent them from appearing too bright.
  • Fixed a bug causing Chariot Archer wheels (and some other visuals) to become enormous in some rare situations. [Fixed in mid-October hotfix]


  • Fixed a bug causing microphones to appear as always in use by the game.
  • Fixed a bug causing the mute button to not stay in sync with the mute state.
  • Tooltips are now supported for narration when the narration feature is enabled.
  • Birth/creation sounds are now played when completing heroization.


  • Visual polish and improvement in various parts of the UI.
  • Added tips to the loading screens.
  • God Power button flashing will now function correctly for infinitely recastable God Powers.
  • Improvements to rich presence states to support showing when friends are in skirmish or campaign.
  • Notification spam related to the current observed player will no longer occur when spectating.
  • Fixed a bug causing UI errors when players with Emojis in their name host games.
  • Emojis are now removed from the player name when generating default lobby names.
  • You can now right-click your friends in your friends list to join or spectate their games.
  • Fixed a bug causing dialogue subtitles to be cut off the screen with Extra Large font size settings.
  • Passive abilities are no longer taken into account when calculating ability placement in the combined ability menu.
  • An in-game leaderboard was added, and it is available on the profile and multiplayer landing pages.
  • The Petrified Flame passive ability now has strings for its name and tooltip.
  • Minor improvements to load time when entering the main menu.
  • Updates to searching for friends to make it easier to find your friends.
  • Attack action data in the unit panel is now properly updated when villagers engage in attack actions triggered by hunting.
  • The victorious player will be shown in the victory UI at the end of games when watching a replay or spectating.
  • Updated logic for Load/Save dialog sorting.
    • Directories are now always listed first when sorting by Name, and last when sorting by Date.
    • When opening a Load/Save dialog in the Editor the sorting will default to Name by default.
  • Triggering Cinematic Mode on the first frames of a Random Map with custom XS triggers or a Scenario outside of the Campaign mode no longer causes the Minimap to be displayed.
  • Fixed a bug causing the match type field to be empty when opening the filters popup if “Casual” was the last selected option.
  • The refresh button in the multiplayer lobby will correctly show when the game list is not refreshing and is now disabled while on cooldown.
  • Player relationship shown in the unit panel updated for Allied/Enemy/Neutral icons to show tooltips. The Player relationship feature is now also available in the controller UI. Allied is shown as a dove, Neutral appears as a helmet, and Enemies are shown as crossed swords.
  • The loading screen will now only show the status of cheats when loading into a multiplayer match.
  • Fixed a bug causing incorrect gods to be shown in the match history.
  • Fixed a bug causing the cursor not to appear sometimes when the end-of-campaign popups are visible.
  • Units converted into cinematic blocks are no longer displayed on the minimap.
  • Fixed a bug causing the command panel not to show all available commands when selecting Town Center(s) and Citadel(s) simultaneously.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed the pre-queuing of more than one minor god for the same age.
  • Fixed a bug preventing the mouse cursor from locking to the screen in some situations while the lock mouse to window setting is enabled.
  • Fixed a bug that could make the Restart option available in some unintended situations after experiencing a Suspend or Disconnect during a Multiplayer match.
  • Fixed a bug causing progress overlays on icons to appear with incorrect or missing opacity.
  • Mod descriptions will no longer show HTML tags in the mod browser.
  • When closing the chatbox with a typed unsent message the message will now be cleared.
  • AI difficulty will now show next to AI players in the diplomacy player list.
  • Fixed a bug causing God Power data overrides to not load when loading a saved game. [Fixed in mid-October hotfix]
  • Fixed a bug causing some objects in the editor to appear with a blank name. [Fixed in mid-October hotfix]
  • New Cross-Input option for Custom, Quickmatch, and Ranked matches. Disabling the Cross-Input mode will require all players to use a controller for gameplay.
  • New filter option for controller-only multiplayer games.


  • Hotkeys for toggling Stand Ground and Run Away behavior for villagers is now properly functional for other economic units and Oracles.
  • Villagers now have an Attack Move button.
  • Kataskopos will no longer be findable/selectable when using find/select military hotkeys.
  • Pressing “Esc” in-game now only brings up the in-game menu if nothing is selected; otherwise, it will deselect any current selection.
  • Fixed a bug that could leave users stuck with Camera Panning enabled when releasing on the minimap.
  • Fixes to improve the experience when using camera panning with cursor lock while in windowed mode.
  • Hotkey profiles are now supported.


  • Controller-only multiplayer with separated matchmaking is now available when the new Cross-Input option is turned off. This option is available in custom games, Quickmatch, and Ranked.
  • Leaderboards for controller-only ladder can be found in game on the the profile and multiplayer landing pages.
  • Fixed a bug causing attempts to skip cinematics with a controller to pause the cinematic instead of skipping.
  • Double pressing to select with a controller will now select all the same unit types on the screen.
  • Fixed a bug causing the Right Shoulder Button to close the minimap when the minimap is open.
  • Minimap controls can now be found on the controller controls page.
  • Villager Priority System and Military Auto-Queue settings will remember their choices when set with a controller. When first entering a single-player skirmish or hosting a multiplayer lobby using a controller, these settings will default to enabled. Hosting a lobby or entering a single-player skirmish lobby with a controller interaction will apply your last preference with a controller.
  • When using the Villager Priority System, garrisoning will now more reliably task the units to garrison when using a controller.
  • Repair commands can now be queued with a controller.
  • Repair commands, when issued from a controller, will now function correctly with the Villager Priority System.
  • Changes to improve resource selection by the Villager Priority System to allow gathering gold from further outside of the player’s base when necessary.
  • When using the Villager Priority System, villagers will now drop off their resources before switching to a different resource.
  • Fixed a bug causing the Ungarrison from Transports option to not be present in the radial controller menu.
  • Fixed profile defaults for Navigation Waypoints.
  • Fixed a bug causing the Atlantean Heroize costs to fail to update in the radial controller menu.
  • Full Relic descriptions are now available in the radial controller menu.
  • Relics can now be inspected with a controller when they are in the fog of war.
  • Added military commands to Animals of Set.
  • Fixed the inability to remove groups in the controller control groups menu.
  • Fixed a bug causing some UI elements to flicker while holding up/down on the left analog stick while in the pause or settings menus.
  • Fixed a bug preventing pausing when playing with a controller.
  • When pressing pause with a radial controller menu and the radial menu is visible, the radial menu will now close before opening the pause menu to make it easier to pause.
  • Interacting with Market Trading options now provides feedback on controller UI to show that the command has been registered.
  • Fixed a bug that made rotating building placement previews harder when using a controller.
  • Fixed a bug that made the progress icons in the radial menu appear to complete research progress almost instantly.
  • Fixes for some flickering that could occur in some situations when using the controller menus.
  • Fixed a bug causing placement previews to show incorrectly after a previous placement was completed using a controller.
  • Fixed a bug when using a mouse on an Xbox where some cursors were missing.
  • Auto-build icons in the controller radial menu will now update when their state changes.
  • Improvements to the user experience when navigating the Continue Your Journey popup after campaign missions with a controller.
  • Minor adjustments to the Dpad double-tap interaction time.
  • Fixed a bug with camera magnetism often snapping to the last snapped unit. [Fixed in mid-October hotfix]


  • Titans are now locked into their attack animations for a minimum time before swapping to a new action.
  • Fimbulwinter wolves no longer count toward the Favourite Myth Unit post-game stat.
  • Trade actions now properly remove their drop sites from working units.
  • Heroizing multiple Atlantean units has been optimized to operate as a single command instead of a command per unit.
  • Control group assignment through rally points will now function correctly when ejecting units.
  • Updates to improve pathfinding.
  • Units traveling in a formation will now use a leader position to help plan group movements.
  • Fixed a bug causing some units to become stuck during attack actions.
  • Self-castable auto-boost abilities (E.g., Einheri Horn Blow) are no longer blocked from manual casting in some rare situations when the unit is already proceeding to perform the ability with a valid target.
  • Units in the Defensive stance will now properly return to their original position after killing a unit by auto-attacking.
  • Fire objects are now no longer collideable.
  • Centaurs and Draugrs no longer kill herdables and chickens with their special attacks.
  • Fixed a bug preventing arrow keys from moving the camera in some situations.
  • Fixed a bug causing the “Send a nearby naval unit” command to sometimes move ships to the bottom corner of the map.
  • Fixed a bug causing the Dwarven Mine gathering bonus to apply incorrectly in some situations.
  • Buildings being worked on by friendly units no longer have noticeable delays when retargetting their attack.
  • Caravans can no longer be garrisoned in Sky Passages and Underworld Passages.
  • Fixed a bug causing Trade Caravan gold calculation to be incorrect when switching Town Center targets.
  • Area-of-Effect attack actions (E.g. Sphinx and Avenger special attacks), when tasked to a specific target, are no longer triggered before being in range of the actual target.
  • Draugr launch points have been updated to hit enemies in front of the unit more reliably.
  • Fixed a bug causing Garrisoning and Ungarrisoning of units with modify actions to stop functioning as expected. Examples include the Oracle LOS increase and the Gullinbursti distance-based modifier.
  • Fixed a bug causing unit lifespans not to be correctly handled in all cases when contained inside of another unit.
  • Fixed a bug preventing regeneration/negative regeneration when garrisoned. Mercenaries will now continue losing hitpoints while garrisoned.
  • Units performing Area-of-Effect attack actions toward a specific target will now attempt to follow the intended target if the target moves outside of their range.
  • Fixed a bug causing refunds to not always be granted when someone else completes building on a socket you have a foundation on. This also fixed a bug causing AI to fail in their planning of Town Center management.
  • Camera track state is now properly reset when initializing a Random Map camera track to prevent any lingering state from Main Menu scenarios from interfering with Random Map loading.
  • Fixed a bug causing units performing an attack action not to stay locked on their current targets when their attack animation has been set to locked.
  • Fafnir’s ranged attack now stays locked onto a target for a portion of its animation.
  • Fafnir now continues firing at its target even when they walk out of attack range.
  • Attacking a hostile huntable being converted by a Set priest and running away no longer causes it to retaliate toward the Priest.
  • When the Villager Priority System is active, newly created villagers are now redistributed to resources, regardless of any set Rally Point location.
  • Fixed a bug with AI transporting on water maps.
  • Fixed a bug causing Curse to potentially affect invalid targets.
  • Attack move can now be properly issued while only having villagers selected.
  • Sky Passage auto-ungarrisoning can no longer be triggered from Sky Passages in foundation states.
  • Added a cooldown/retries for hunting actions (hunt/trees) when looking for a new target, reducing the number of cases where a villager could go idle while hunting/chopping wood.
  • Various myth units are no longer valid for favorite myth unit in postgame stats.
  • Fixed a bug where the Flying Roc was attackable by villagers.
  • Fixes for situations when resource-gathering villagers could swap to idle when blocked by other villagers.
  • Automatons are no longer repairable when in a petrified state.
  • Automatons will now die as expected when petrification effects wear off and they were killed during the petrified state.
  • Automatons can now be repaired when they die after being thrown.
  • Fixed a bug where Freyr villagers & dwarves converted to berserks was also -50% cheaper.
  • Fixed an issue with Huntress’ Axe, where the Throwing Axeman could still miss a target 1/5 times.
  • Units set to auto-scout will now cancel when manually commanded to do something else.
  • Fixed a bug causing Titans to become stuck in trees in some situations.
  • Implode will now prioritize units closer to the Implode sphere.
  • Fixed a bug causing projectiles and units moving with an arc to disappear below -10. This includes units such as Bellerophon when using leap.
  • Fixed a bug causing newly-built Town Centers not to generate Lush while playing as Gaia. [Fixed in mid-October hotfix]
  • Fixed a bug causing unit rotation in-game and the editor to feel clunky or reset to incorrect rotations. [Fixed in mid-October hotfix]


  • The tutorial campaign and cinematic map pins now show correctly in the campaign menu.
  • Fall of the Trident 02, 03, 04, 05, 08: Minor improvements to help guide new players with additions of controller specific tutorials.
  • Fall of the Trident 05: Fixed a bug causing the first attack time to be calculated incorrectly, rebalanced the first attack time to a more appropriate value, and fixed a bug causing the player not to be granted a base as intended when reaching it.
  • Fall of the Trident 09: Fixed a bug causing reinforcement waves to occur at unintended times.
  • Fall of the Trident 12: Fixed a bug causing rugs and trees to be swapped to ownership by the player when they get their starting town.
  • Fall of the Trident 22: Fixed a bug causing attacks to come later than intended.
  • Fall of the Trident 28: Various balance, quality of life improvements and bug fixes.
  • Fall of the Trident 29: Adjustments to widen some paths, Dwarven Mine can now only be used once, Healing Springs can now be used in all intended playable areas, Flaming Weapons on difficulties that grant it is no longer single-use and will recharge.
  • The New Atlantis 02, 03, 04, 05: Disabled a tech that did not affect the units the player has access to.
  • The New Atlantis 08: Fixed an issue with the Roc and Wadjet.



Caravan: Trade rate increased from 0.6 → 0.7.


  • Repair Rate on all buildings reduced from 0.75 → 0.5.
  • Repair Rate for Walls reduced from 0.5 → 0.25.


  • Ballistics: Track Rating of units reduced from 99 → +3. (This allows them to more accurately predict where units are moving, but faster units can still out-run ranged units). (These tracking changes were made to help faster units (like cavalry) counter archer-masses.)


  • Advancing to the next age in deathmatch now costs resources again. (previously free)
  • Greek Favor gather rate reduced from +30% → +20%.
  • Greek Town Center build speed reduced from 0.75 → 0.6.
  • Freyr’s Gift (Freyr): Technology is now automatically researched in Deathmatch.

All Pantheon Changes

Major Gods


  • Bolt (God Power): Favor cost reduced from 65 → 55 Favor.

  • Heroes: Fixed an issue where Hades heroes did not correctly benefit from +1 range and line of sight.
  • Lure (God Power): Total number of chickens spawned in the Wonder age increased from 10 → 15.

Minor Gods

  • Ares: Will of Kronos (Technology) – Cyclops throw action damage area increase reduced from +3 → +2.

Myth Units

  • Myrmidon (Zeus): Adjusted as follows
    • Hitpoints increased from 120 → 130.
  • Cyclops (Ares): Adjusted as follows
    • Area Damage of the throw ability is now constant, rather than dropping off further away from the edge.
    • Throw area damage radius reduced from 4 → 3.

Human Units

  • Hoplite: Adjusted as follows
    • Movement speed increased from 4.2 → 4.3.

Major Gods


  • Rain (God Power): Farming gather rate increase now only affects the caster, so no longer affects any other players.

Minor Gods

  • Ptah: Electrum Bullets (Technology) – Adjusted as follows
    • Divine Damage added to Slinger reduced from +1 → +0.5.
    • Slingers deal +10% more damage.
  • Sekhmet: Citadel Center (God Power) – Adjusted as follows
    • Trains and researches everything 25% faster. (this includes ageing up and producing villagers!)
    • Favor cost reduced from 150 → 100.
  • Bast: Eclipse (God Power) – Adjusted as follows
    • Myth Unit movement speed bonus reduced from +20% → +15%.
    • Myth Unit armor vulnerability bonus reduced from -20% to -10%.
    • Favor cost reduced from 100 to 90.
  • Sobek: Locust Swarm (God Power) – Favor cost increased from 50 → 75.

Myth Units

  • Son of Osiris (Osiris): Can no longer be targeted by Shockwave (Oranos).
  • Minions (Ancestors (Nephthys), Mummy Special Attack Spawned (Osiris)): Adjusted as follows
    • Movement speed increased from 4.5 to 4.75.

Human Units

  • Chariot Archer: Adjusted as follows
    • Hitpoints increased from 95 → 100.
    • Pierce Damage increased from 10 → 11.


  • Heavy Chariot Archers: Cost reduced from 300 Wood 300 Gold → 200 Wood 200 Gold.
  • Heavy Camel Riders: Cost reduced from 300 Food 300 Gold → 250 Food 150 Gold.
  • Heavy War Elephants: Cost reduced from 400 Food 300 Gold → 300 Food 200 Gold.

Major Gods


  • Dwarven Armory: Adjusted as follows
    • Cost increased from 90 Wood → 135 Wood.
    • Research speed reduced by -50%, but gains +50% research speed every age advancement. (This means dwarven armory researches at normal speed in classical age, and twice as fast in Mythic age!)
  • Dwarven Mine (Thor): Adjusted as follows
    • Favor cost reduced from 60 → 50.
    • Favor repeat cost increased from 25 → 50.

  • God Bonus: Regeneration rate for human soldiers & heroes reduced from 0.5 → 0.25.
  • Raven (Odin): Adjusted as follows
    • Line of sight increased from 10 → 14.
    • Line of sight gained per age reduced from +4 → +2.

  • Eyes in the Forest (Technology): no longer works on buildings, so now only affects units.
  • Gullinbursti (Freyr): Special attack now throws units more upwards, rather than away from the boar, which was causing him to struggle taking out certain myth units.

Minor Gods

  • Njord: Jotuns (Technology) Adjusted as follows
    • Mountain Giant hitpoints reduced from +25% → +20%.
    • Cost increased from 150 Food 25 Favor → 175 Food 30 Favor.
  • Baldr: Ragnarok (God Power) – Favor cost reduced from 500 → 350 Favor.
  • Aegir: Tempest (God Power) – Cooldown increased from 60 → 150 Seconds.
  • Tyr: Fimbulwinter (God Power) – Adjusted as follows
    • Duration reduced from 38 → 36 seconds.
    • Fimwulwinter Wolf: Pierce armor 70% → 40%.
    • Fimbulwinter Wolf: Movement speed 6.6 → 6.0.

Myth Units

  • Draugr (Ullr): Adjusted as follows
    • Line of sight increased from 16 → 20. (this helps the issue where the special attack could get cancelled in some cases)
    • Special attack rate of fire reduced from 3 → 2.5. (this reduces the overall time required to perform the attack!)
  • Rock Giant (Aegir): Adjusted as follows
    • Hitpoints reduced from 900 → 850.
    • Hack Armor reduced from 65% → 60%.
  • Fafnir (Vidar): Damage increased from 10 Hack 5 Crush to 12 Hack 6 Crush. (Note: this unit attacks 6 times in one attack cycle)


  • Burning Pitch: Throwing Axeman bonus vs buildings reduced from +3x → +1x.

Major Gods


  • Sky Passage: Adjusted as follows
    • Hitpoints reduced from 750 → 650.
    • Cost increased from 5 Favor → 50 Wood 8 Favor.

Minor Gods

  • Hekate: Tartarian Gate (God Power) – Adjusted as follows
    • Begins spawning Tartarian Spawns 2 seconds faster.
    • Tartarian Spawns are spawned 25% faster on average.
    • Tartarian Spawn: Chase distance increased from 25 → 35.
    • Tartarian Spawn: Auto-attack range increased from 20 → 25. (With line of sight to match.)
    • Tartarian Spawn: Damage increased from 15 Hack 20 Crush → 20 Hack 25 Crush.
    • Tartarian Spawn: Bonus damage 2x vs Human Soldiers removed, replaced with 1.5x vs Myth units.
    • Tartarian Spawn: Jump attack damage 20 → 30 Hack.
    • Tartarian Spawn: Jump attack maximum range 8 → 10.
    • Tartarian Spawn: Jump attack bonus vs Myth Units 3x → 2x.
  • Oceanus: Carnivora (God Power) – Cooldown increased from 120 → 180 seconds.
  • Atlas: Implode (God Power) – Divine damage against units reduced from 50 → 40.

Myth Units

  • Man O’ War (Mythic Age Naval Unit): Adjusted as follows
    • Attack range 16 → 12.
    • Chain lightning number of targets it can bounce to per attack reduced from 4 → 3.
  • Behemoth (Rheia): Adjusted as follows
    • Attack range increased from 1.5 → 2.5.
    • Cost reduced from 300 Food 20 Favor → 250 Food 20 Favor.
  • Argus (Atlas): Adjusted as follows
    • Hack damage 30 → 40.
    • Special attack acid pool lifespan reduced from 6 → 4 seconds. (This means the damage burst happens 2 seconds sooner!)

Human Units

  • Cheiroballista and Hero: Bonus damage vs Infantry increased from 3.5x → 4x.


  • Atlantean cavalry line upgrades are -25% cheaper, rather than -50%.

Map-Specific Changes

  • Watering Hole & Marsh
    • Fixed a bug where gold mines on Marsh and Watering Hole could spawn in allies’ areas instead of the player’s area resulting in a poor map distribution.
  • Ghost Lake has been added to the map set for Standard and Quick match.


  • New triggers to support incrementing and decrementing counters.
  • New triggers to freely alter individual lighting set attributes.
  • New trigger to support execution of console commands.
  • New random map functions to support creating camera tracks including: rmCameraTrackCreate, rmCameraTrackAddWaypoint, rmCameraTrackWaypointSetTime, rmCameraTrackWaypointSetTension, rmCameraTrackWaypointSetContinuity, and rmCameraTrackWaypointSetBias.
  • Restoring defaults in the New Scenario dialog now properly resets the map size to Normal.
  • Text will now scale in the editor for higher resolutions.
  • Fixed a bug causing the Two-Choice dialogue to not function correctly in multiplayer.
  • Various additional bug fixes and some updates to functions available through XS scripting.
  • Fixed a bug preventing units from moving in the editor in some situations.
  • kbPlayerGetName now supports names in UTF-8 encoding.


As always, we are continuing to track issues reported by the community for future updates.

For other known issues, please visit this page to see what’s being tracked!

Known Issues

  • Skipping cutscenes in Arena of the Gods co-op games is not recommended. Currently this causes a black screen to appear for up to several minutes.
  • Map scrolling no longer continues while the cursor is outside the window in Windowed Mode.
  • The Villager Priority System incorrectly reassigns manually assigned villagers when new villagers are trained.
  • Attempting to spectate matches with 9 or more players can cause desyncs.


Please note that this list is subject to change and should not be considered a comprehensive list of all the known issues we’re tracking. The above is to inform you of the team’s current priorities, which will change as other issues arise or take precedence.

For the latest updates and announcements, please visit our social channels.