over 2 years
ago -
Age of Empires
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Transcript (by Youtube)
4s | [XBOX SOUND] |
8s | In rare moments throughout history, a movement grows so strong, |
13s | so powerful, that it becomes legend. |
18s | A legend that spans decades, continents, that spreads across our world. |
23s | This legend involves an army of sorts. |
26s | Millions strong, from children to the aged, |
29s | from the hard core to the casual warrior. |
33s | No one is turned away. |
36s | To succeed in this army, you need not be strong of arm, but strong of mind. |
41s | And heart. |
42s | I speak, of course, of the legend of Age of Empires. |
50s | This legend begins at the dawn of civilization, 1997. |
57s | Even in the dreaded age of dial-up internet, |
60s | a spark of creation grew in Dallas, Texas, and heralded the rise of greatness. |
67s | A sophisticated, real-time strategy game set in authentic historical ages. |
73s | Players chose a campaign |
75s | and turned a handful of villagers into a thriving empire, |
80s | progressing from primitive Stone Age through the Tool, Bronze and Iron Ages. |
86s | Players could conquer the ancient world from the Mediterranean to Egypt, |
90s | see the famous Hanging Gardens of Babylon and rule alongside Hammurabi, |
94s | or dominate the islands of Japan under the light of the Rising Sun. |
99s | Players weren't just choosing different scenery. |
101s | Each civilization had distinct unit advantages and disadvantages. |
107s | Age of Empires was expanded by The Rise of Rome, |
110s | which introduced technological innovations like unit queuing and hot keys. |
115s | The expansion grew not just the world of the game, |
118s | but the fans of Age of Empires into a force that was millions strong. |
123s | The game was so popular that later on it was given out for free |
127s | in some cereal boxes in Australia. |
131s | Just a year later, |
132s | Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings was released. |
136s | In an entirely new time period, |
138s | and across different landscapes, |
140s | players could conquer fresh horizons. |
143s | They could invade Eurasia with Genghis Khan, |
146s | crusade with Barbarossa, |
148s | drive back the invaders with Saladin, inspire their country with Joan of Arc, |
153s | or protect their homelands with William Wallace. |
156s | The discovery of hidden cheat codes helped ease the path to victory. |
160s | Some of these cheat codes |
162s | gave military units crucial help on the battlefield, |
165s | or fed hungry villagers. |
167s | While some... |
170s | gave you a really sweet car. |
173s | While some things had changed, others remained the same. |
176s | Players had to be careful, yet bold, patient, but also swift. |
181s | If they used their resources wisely, players could make technological advances |
185s | in the military, economy, religion, and in... |
188s | -PRIEST: Wololo! -HOST: No! |
190s | -PRIEST: Wololo! -You'll never convert me! |
192s | Begone, vile priests! |
194s | After conquering the world of man, those behind Age of Empires |
198s | set their sights on new horizons. |
201s | Now players could travel to mythological realms, |
203s | interacting with creatures of lore as the Atlantean war hero Arkantos. |
208s | They traveled across known and unknown worlds, |
211s | from Atlantis, to Egypt, to the Norse lands. |
215s | Ever since its release, players have longed |
217s | for a Definitive Edition of Age of Mythology. |
220s | But it has remained the stuff of... myth. |
224s | [SCREAMS] |
227s | Age of Empires II introduced another innovative function. |
232s | Multiplayer accounts. |
233s | Players could face off with real enemies across the world or across the room. |
240s | Age of Empires III |
242s | picked up in the late 16th century, |
244s | with players exploring North America in a quest for the Fountain of Youth. |
249s | Players could choose between eight different civilizations |
252s | as they followed the story of the Black family through five Ages. |
256s | The campaign opened up the possibility of other civilizations. |
260s | And the expansion packs added in more options |
263s | with The War Chiefs and The Asian Dynasties. |
267s | Age of Empires III also introduced the Havok physics engine, and Home Cities. |
273s | Cheat codes, of course, remained highly sought after. |
276s | GEORGE CRUSHINGTON: Attack! |
277s | HOST: Unfortunately, the AI evolved along with the game. |
282s | CROWD: All hail King of the Losers! |
286s | HOST: With these four first games, Age of Empires |
289s | had established itself across the world. |
292s | The popularity of the game grew and spread. |
295s | Age of Empires II and III were rereleased on Steam, |
299s | but it wasn't enough. |
301s | Fans needed more. |
302s | More empires, more worlds to conquer. |
306s | So when Microsoft told people to "Ask Me Anything" online, |
311s | fans jumped in and asked, |
314s | "Could we please have more Age of Empires?" |
318s | And Microsoft replied, "How many empires do you need?" |
323s | In 2017, the torch was passed to a new band of innovators. |
328s | These new explorers scoured the corners of the Earth, |
332s | bringing forth an accuracy and detail never seen before. |
335s | DEVELOPER: |
339s | HOST: Finally, in 2018, the first Definitive Edition was released. |
345s | The original Age of Empires had been given graphical improvements, |
349s | 4K resolution, and a remastered soundtrack. |
352s | It was everything the players had loved about the original game, |
356s | now using the most modern technology. |
359s | The Definitive Edition started with |
361s | looking at something that was already going on. |
363s | A small group of passionate guys at the Age II community |
366s | were working on this unofficial expansion for Age of Empires II. |
370s | HOST: On the 20-year anniversary of the release of Age of Kings, |
374s | a Definitive Edition of that game was released. |
377s | It featured new AI and 4K resolution |
380s | that allowed players to see their unfinished castles |
383s | in crystal-clear detail. |
385s | It also introduced in-game color blind options, |
389s | expanding accessibility, |
391s | innovation that continued |
393s | with the Definitive Edition of Age of Empires III. |
397s | Along with other upgrades, this edition would grow to include more civilizations, |
402s | including Africa, Mexico and the Mediterranean. |
405s | All the while, players continued to harness their power, |
409s | testing their strategies in tournaments across the world. |
412s | A fight song sounded. |
414s | The beats of war. |
419s | And heroes emerged. |
421s | RED BULL HOST: TheViper, taking home his first Red Bull Championship. |
427s | HOST: And in 2021, |
429s | a new chapter in the legend was released with Age of Empires IV. |
434s | Building their empires from the Dark Age through the Imperial Age, |
438s | with stunning graphics, vast landscapes, and new ways to taunt their opponents. |
443s | [BELL RINGS] ANNOUNCER: Are you ready to battle? |
446s | But the story isn't over yet. |
448s | As long as players across the world build new empires, |
452s | outmaneuver their enemies, and protect their people, |
455s | Age of Empires not only continues to grow, it evolves, |
459s | inspires, transcends, |
462s | it becomes greater than the sum of its parts. |
465s | -It becomes... legend. -[METALLIC CLANGING AND YELLING] |
477s | [XBOX SOUND] |