over 2 years ago - Age of Empires - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

8s In rare moments throughout history, a movement grows so strong,
13s so powerful, that it becomes legend.
18s A legend that spans decades, continents, that spreads across our world.
23s This legend involves an army of sorts.
26s Millions strong, from children to the aged,
29s from the hard core to the casual warrior.
33s No one is turned away.
36s To succeed in this army, you need not be strong of arm, but strong of mind.
41s And heart.
42s I speak, of course, of the legend of Age of Empires.
50s This legend begins at the dawn of civilization, 1997.
57s Even in the dreaded age of dial-up internet,
60s a spark of creation grew in Dallas, Texas, and heralded the rise of greatness.
67s A sophisticated, real-time strategy game set in authentic historical ages.
73s Players chose a campaign
75s and turned a handful of villagers into a thriving empire,
80s progressing from primitive Stone Age through the Tool, Bronze and Iron Ages.
86s Players could conquer the ancient world from the Mediterranean to Egypt,
90s see the famous Hanging Gardens of Babylon and rule alongside Hammurabi,
94s or dominate the islands of Japan under the light of the Rising Sun.
99s Players weren't just choosing different scenery.
101s Each civilization had distinct unit advantages and disadvantages.
107s Age of Empires was expanded by The Rise of Rome,
110s which introduced technological innovations like unit queuing and hot keys.
115s The expansion grew not just the world of the game,
118s but the fans of Age of Empires into a force that was millions strong.
123s The game was so popular that later on it was given out for free
127s in some cereal boxes in Australia.
131s Just a year later,
132s Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings was released.
136s In an entirely new time period,
138s and across different landscapes,
140s players could conquer fresh horizons.
143s They could invade Eurasia with Genghis Khan,
146s crusade with Barbarossa,
148s drive back the invaders with Saladin, inspire their country with Joan of Arc,
153s or protect their homelands with William Wallace.
156s The discovery of hidden cheat codes helped ease the path to victory.
160s Some of these cheat codes
162s gave military units crucial help on the battlefield,
165s or fed hungry villagers.
167s While some...
170s gave you a really sweet car.
173s While some things had changed, others remained the same.
176s Players had to be careful, yet bold, patient, but also swift.
181s If they used their resources wisely, players could make technological advances
185s in the military, economy, religion, and in...
188s -PRIEST: Wololo! -HOST: No!
190s -PRIEST: Wololo! -You'll never convert me!
192s Begone, vile priests!
194s After conquering the world of man, those behind Age of Empires
198s set their sights on new horizons.
201s Now players could travel to mythological realms,
203s interacting with creatures of lore as the Atlantean war hero Arkantos.
208s They traveled across known and unknown worlds,
211s from Atlantis, to Egypt, to the Norse lands.
215s Ever since its release, players have longed
217s for a Definitive Edition of Age of Mythology.
220s But it has remained the stuff of... myth.
224s [SCREAMS]
227s Age of Empires II introduced another innovative function.
232s Multiplayer accounts.
233s Players could face off with real enemies across the world or across the room.
240s Age of Empires III
242s picked up in the late 16th century,
244s with players exploring North America in a quest for the Fountain of Youth.
249s Players could choose between eight different civilizations
252s as they followed the story of the Black family through five Ages.
256s The campaign opened up the possibility of other civilizations.
260s And the expansion packs added in more options
263s with The War Chiefs and The Asian Dynasties.
267s Age of Empires III also introduced the Havok physics engine, and Home Cities.
273s Cheat codes, of course, remained highly sought after.
277s HOST: Unfortunately, the AI evolved along with the game.
282s CROWD: All hail King of the Losers!
286s HOST: With these four first games, Age of Empires
289s had established itself across the world.
292s The popularity of the game grew and spread.
295s Age of Empires II and III were rereleased on Steam,
299s but it wasn't enough.
301s Fans needed more.
302s More empires, more worlds to conquer.
306s So when Microsoft told people to "Ask Me Anything" online,
311s fans jumped in and asked,
314s "Could we please have more Age of Empires?"
318s And Microsoft replied, "How many empires do you need?"
323s In 2017, the torch was passed to a new band of innovators.
328s These new explorers scoured the corners of the Earth,
332s bringing forth an accuracy and detail never seen before.
339s HOST: Finally, in 2018, the first Definitive Edition was released.
345s The original Age of Empires had been given graphical improvements,
349s 4K resolution, and a remastered soundtrack.
352s It was everything the players had loved about the original game,
356s now using the most modern technology.
359s The Definitive Edition started with
361s looking at something that was already going on.
363s A small group of passionate guys at the Age II community
366s were working on this unofficial expansion for Age of Empires II.
370s HOST: On the 20-year anniversary of the release of Age of Kings,
374s a Definitive Edition of that game was released.
377s It featured new AI and 4K resolution
380s that allowed players to see their unfinished castles
383s in crystal-clear detail.
385s It also introduced in-game color blind options,
389s expanding accessibility,
391s innovation that continued
393s with the Definitive Edition of Age of Empires III.
397s Along with other upgrades, this edition would grow to include more civilizations,
402s including Africa, Mexico and the Mediterranean.
405s All the while, players continued to harness their power,
409s testing their strategies in tournaments across the world.
412s A fight song sounded.
414s The beats of war.
419s And heroes emerged.
421s RED BULL HOST: TheViper, taking home his first Red Bull Championship.
427s HOST: And in 2021,
429s a new chapter in the legend was released with Age of Empires IV.
434s Building their empires from the Dark Age through the Imperial Age,
438s with stunning graphics, vast landscapes, and new ways to taunt their opponents.
443s [BELL RINGS] ANNOUNCER: Are you ready to battle?
446s But the story isn't over yet.
448s As long as players across the world build new empires,
452s outmaneuver their enemies, and protect their people,
455s Age of Empires not only continues to grow, it evolves,
459s inspires, transcends,
462s it becomes greater than the sum of its parts.
465s -It becomes... legend. -[METALLIC CLANGING AND YELLING]