about 3 years ago - Age DE Team - Direct link

Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition is throwing a ball – Venetian style!

With the start of carnival season, we are excited to bring you a new set of challenges! So, dust off your fanciest and ball-worthy attire and put on your Venetian masks. You won’t want to miss out on some fun challenges and your chance to unlock some fancy rewards during the event.

New Rewards!

Venetian Carnival queen wearing a crown and traditional mask profile icon
villagers wearing Venetian Carnival masks profile icon
profile icon of a Condottiero with a feathered helmet

Now through March 8th, complete the in-game tasks within the time limit to unlock exclusive rewards!

Day ~ 🎯 Sign in to Xbox Live.
🏆 Unlocks the Carnival Queen profile icon. 
💾 *Required* to save any rewards unlocked during the event!

Each of the following challenges must be unlocked in order and on separate days:

Day 1 🔒 Train 10 Siege Rams in any number of matches.
🧱 Unlocks a graphical mod that equips Siege Rams with a dragon head and Carnival masks.
Day 2 🔒 Train 40 Condottieri in any number of matches.
🏆 Unlocks a profile icon of a Condottiero with a feathered helmet.
Day 3 🔒 Research the Architecture technology in a University.
🧱 Unlocks a graphical mod to decorate your Town Center with a statue of a masked jester.
Day 4 🔒 Harvest 20 herdable animals with villagers.
🏆 Unlocks a profile icon of villagers wearing Bauta masks.
Day 5 🔒 Train 100 Spearman-line units in a single match.
🧱 Unlocks a graphical mod that equips Spearman-line units with a Carnival hat and mask.

Keep It All (Forever)!

Remember: if you sign in to Xbox Live during the event, you’ll get to keep all of the mods and profile icons you’ve achieved! Sign in, earn your rewards, and enjoy!

We hope you enjoy the Venetian Ball Event!

—The Age of Empires Team