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Starting TODAY, some of your favorite content creators are ready to show YOU an exclusive preview of the upcoming DLC for Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition –Return of Rome.

Want to know more about the upcoming addition of the 16 Age of Empires civilizations, the brand-new Lac-Viet, or the new Romans to Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition? Well, we have fantastic news for you: some of your favorite content creators have been granted early access to the Return of Rome DLC, and you’ll be getting a sneak preview of the exclusive units, civilization bonuses, and other new additions ahead of release!

Take a peek at the brand-new content, ask questions, and support your fellow Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition streamers and content creators below:

EGCTV ornlu_aoe TheViper MembTV pinch3terneira
gabiaoe_ Jordan_AoE Tatoh alkhalim OGN_Empires
_Daut_ ACCM LocoSer Capoch monoz_aoe
VNS_CooL saymyname Age of Noob grathwrang Mike Empires
LidaKor thesniper_aoe Hera Mangomel_ jbr_aoe
floosworld nicov_ BasicallyBebe Paradox303 farm_man_official
morley_games villiams jonslow_ ShadowCrystallux Zetnus
mario ovalle Kasva Vertex Pilsen_aoe Juan Perotti
Survivalist T90Official Spirit of the Law Nacho_AoE Tomahawk 

How to Pre-Order

The Return of Rome Content Creator Preview will provide you with plenty of information and excitement on the lead up to its launch on May 16, 2023! Return of Rome is available to pre-order now, including an additional 15% off!

This innovative DLC is available as a standalone purchase, or as a bundle with Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition. Pre-order the Return of Rome today and be ready to conquer your opponents and forge a new Roman Empire on May 16, 2023! 

Pre-Order Now!