Welcome heroes to another exciting update full of balance changes, bug fixes, and modding updates! So take a peek at the notes and then jump in to the latest for Age of Mythology: Retold!
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Thanks again to our amazing community members, all of whom have helped to make Age of Mythology: Retold a success thus far!
—The Age of Mythology Team
🢂 Download on the Microsoft Store
Remember that you’ll need to update your game in the Microsoft Store:
- Open the Microsoft Store.
- Click the [∙ ∙ ∙ ] symbol next to your profile picture.
- Select Downloads and updates.
- Press the Get updates button to automatically detect, download, and install the latest changes to your game!
- Open the game. The title screen should show you on Build 18.12962.
If you are unable to launch the game after downloading the update, make sure you add (or re-add) the Age of Mythology: Retold client or folder as an exception to your firewall and antivirus program.
That’s it; you’re ready to play!
🢂 Download on Steam
Remember that you’ll need to update your game in Steam:
- Open Steam.
- Click on Library to see your games list.
- Click Downloads at the bottom of the Library window.
- [If the new build does not download automatically,] click the Download Now button to manually download the new update.
- Open the game. The title screen should show you on Build 18.12962.
That’s it; you’re ready to play!
🢂 Download on the Xbox App for Windows 11
Remember that you’ll need to update your game in the Xbox App for Windows.
- Open the Xbox app.
- Games that are installed show up on the left side of the app.
- Hover over the game or click it, and then select Update.
- [If the new build does not download automatically,] hover over the game, select More Options (…), choose Manage. Under the Files tab, choose the option to Check for Updates.
- Open the game. The title screen should show you on Build 18.12962.
That’s it; you’re ready to play!
🢂 Download on PlayStation 5
- Under the games tab from the PlayStation Home Screen Locate the game and hover over it. Make sure not to select it!
- While hovering over the game press the Pause button (☰) on your controller.
- In the new pop up menu select the Check for Update option.
- If there is a new update available, this will automatically start the download. If your game is on the most recent version, selecting this option will confirm that information for you.
That’s it; you’re ready to play!
Please note that custom mods may not be compatible with the latest game update. If you are experiencing issues launching or playing the game after downloading the new build, try disabling your installed mods before trying again.
Still having trouble? Visit our support site!

Developer Note: The full list of changes applied during the last minor update have been included in these patch notes.
Stability & Performance
- Fixed a crash that could occur while loading into random maps. (applied in the last update)
- Fixed a crash that could occur on startup when launching on PC. (applied in the last update)
- Improvements to stability on PlayStation 5 when suspending the game in some situations. (applied in the last update)
- Minor stability improvements.
- Minor performance improvements.
- Fixed a desync that could occur during replays in some situations after using the DEVASD cheat.
- Fixed a bug that could cause instability while watching replays where the map has been revealed.
- Fixed a desync that could occur in some situations while playing Arena of the Gods.
- Fixed a D3D12 crash that could occur in some situations when trying to render many different grass models.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when loading into giant random maps with many players (in particular the Arena map).
- Improvements to stability while playing Arena of the Gods and an internet connection issue occurs.
- Fixed a bug that was causing an incorrect number of AI players to appear in Skirmish games for some players.
- Update to improve main menu performance in the social menu for players with very high numbers of friends.
- Fixed a bug causing replay files to appear as small files that were not valid replays in some situations.
- Fixed a crash that could occur in some places when scrolling in the UI.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when saving games while some specific actions are active.
- Fixed a bug causing the “Pickup Artist” achievement to be awarded in some unintended situations.
- Fixed a bug preventing the “Horror Unleashed” achievement from being obtainable.
- Fixed a bug preventing the “All In” achievement from being obtainable in some situations.
- Fixed a bug preventing correct counting of unit kills if the owner of the dying unit was an AI player for the “Don’t Mess with Me” achievement.
- The Sage ability Fox Charm has been renamed Replicate (in the last update) and is now in this patch translated in all localized languages.
- Fixed a bug with French audio causing the Chinese Pantheon tutorial to not play fully in French.
- Performance improvements for some VFX including Asgardian Bastion effects, frost ice sheets, Inferno explosion, Tornado, and Celestial Pillar Northern.
- Fixed a missing ray burst VFX texture.
- Added a new setting to control Terrain Embellishment Quality to control level of detail on some terrain objects. Currently applies to rocks and flowers.
- Minor update to Tao Wu unit to add new VFX.
- Minor update to Zhu Que Fireball VFX.
- Fixed Arcus and Toxotes attack timings to better suit their animations.
- Fixed a bug with the Chu Ko Nu upgrade 1 helm and Centimanus upgraded models.
- Added birth VFX to the Terracotta Rider.
- Added an arrow attach point to the damaged Lou Chuan weapon model.
- Fixed a bug causing multiple cases of VFX with player color to show as default instead of the correct color. Includes:
- Particles created during an update (E.g., villager idle, Fenrir fire)
- When model instances are deleted and recreated (Zhuqueu landing / taking off)
- VFX that only shows when visible that could break when they move on and off screen.
- Fixed a bug that was causing Qiong Qi and Tao Wu to not upgrade their visuals when technologies were researched.
- Fixed a bug causing strange model scale problems when interactions between the Taotie mechanic was combined with gaining or losing Wonder Age bonuses.
- Oracle units will now show an indicator for their current LOS value instead of the ProtoUnit LOS.
- Fixed the background music not playing in some situations in the Chinese introduction cinematic in the Learn tab. (applied in last update)
- Updates to improve audio in multiple places in the Pillars of the Gods campaign for at least a few places in most missions and cutscenes.
- Fixed a bug that could occur with the music in Pillars of the Gods mission 1.
- Updated Machine Workshop select SFX.
- Minor additional improvements to audio in various places including support for playing sound sets from the UI.
- The Daily Celestial Challenge leader board can now refresh when an update for your player entry occurs while the UI is open. (applied in last update)
- The Daily Celestial Challenge leader board can now show a message stating there is no leader board entry if none can be shown. (applied in last update)
- Earth Wall’s description has been adjusted to more accurately describe its behavior of allowing allies to pass.
- Fixed a bug that could cause photo mode to become stuck with no UI when using a controller.
- Fixed a bug causing the loading screen thumbnail icon to not display correctly in some cases.
- Added new setting for Camera Drag Type with options for Continuous Drag, World Drag, and No Drag. Defaults to the old Continuous Drag behavior.
- Improvements to some strings to correct word use and how names are represented in some cases.
- Support for watching recorded games faster and slower than before. Factors include 2x, 4x, 8x, and 16x. Note: You may experience slower speeds if your device is not capable of running fast enough at higher rates.
- The maximum length of lobby names for hosted games has been increased from 20 to 30 characters.
- Fixed a bug that caused some tabs in the main menu to disappear when leaving Ranked Mode for the first time.
- When spectating games the Victory popup screen will now show the team number when the winner is a team.
- Fixed a bug causing unit names to become truncated in the unit panel when the name exceeds some lengths.
- Updated Red Cliffs Fleet tooltip to properly explain its effect.
- Fixed a bug in the Campaign menu causing it to not update after purchasing and/or installing a required DLC while the game is open.
- Modified Cross-Network strings to improve clarity for players who are seeking the Cross-Input toggle options and filters.
- If you do not own the required DLC for the currently selected Major God in a lobby you will now be prevented from readying up.
- Fixed a bug causing spectator UI to become focusable resulting in camera inputs working.
- Player colors can now be changed in multiplayer ranked lobbies.
- Improved rate of notifications that could occur when attempting to land the Qiongqi or Roc.
- Fixed a bug causing the hotkey “Find All Temples” to not work in any situation. (applied in last update)
- Fixed a bug causing the hotkey “Find all Archery Ranges and Monuments” to not work in most situations. (applied in last update)
- Added Find All Dropsite hotkeys.
- Using hotkeys for pre-queuing age-ups no longer pre-queues Secrets of the Titans if not already aging up, pre-queuing an age up, or when already above the required age for the technology to become available.
- Added Display Attack Range support for selected and hovered units when using a controller. Behavior now also available when selecting and hovering units in Fog of War for all input methods.
- Fixed a bug causing the minimap expanded scale setting for controller not showing in some situations.
- Toggling autoqueue with multiple buildings selected now matches keyboard and mouse behavior by affecting all buildings instead of only one.
- Smart dropsite actions can now be used on moveable dropsites when using a controller.
- Removed A button (Cross on PlayStation) prompt from some situations where it has no function.
- Fixed a bug causing text truncation in some situations while using the Radial Menu.
- Minor visual updates for the Radial Menu.
- Loading screens now show controller tips instead of mouse and keyboard tips when playing with a controller.
- Fixed a bug causing certain commands to not execute when LT and RT are held (L2 and R2 on PlayStation).
- Fixed a bug preventing certain Minimap interactions from working while the RB button is held (R1 on PlayStation).
- Fixed a bug preventing the Compendium from being accessible within a Command Menu while RT is held (R2 on PlayStation).
- Fixes and improvements to narration in the God Power Radial Menu.
- Fixed a bug preventing Norse military production buildings from setting a rally point on foundations when using a controller.
- The Radial Menu will now try to cache the page order of selected units.
- Military Radial Menus have now been split into abilities and formations. An option is available to toggle which appears first.
- Houtou’s ability to upgrade wall connector sections into towers is now available on the controller.
- Fixed a bug preventing Sage heroes from healing buildings with a controller.

- Fixed a bug causing dead trees to not have any obstructions. (applied in last update)
- Capturable buildings can no longer prevent other nearby capturable buildings from being converted by nearby enemy units. This fixes a bug where for example multiple plenty vaults nearby together could keep the capture state mutually shared with no other units around. (applied in last update)
- Fixed a bug that made Loki’s units spawn more myth units than intended. (applied in last update)
- Some units have been modified to no longer count toward both military and economic score.
- Fixed maelstrom tooltip to accurately reflect a 5% chance to spawn, rather than 20%.
- Yinglong now has a range indicator of 20, which covers the radius of Deluge, as well as the farm boosting aura.
- Fixed a bug where kuafu’s and citizens did not use their reduced build rate on town centers. (This will result in citizens and kuafu’s building town centers slower than before)
- Fixed a bug where Qilin did not heal allied units with its area heal aura.
- Updates and improvements to AI behavior including:
- AI players will now weight upgrade choices higher for more expensive units.
- AI will now try to build a Market instead of an Armory as part of build orders during Deathmatch games.
- Updates to improve AI’s use of caravans.
- Improvements to AI’s transition to farms when they swap food collection source.
- Improvements to make AI more flexible with strategy.
- Fixed a bug causing AI to have many idle villagers after all Gold and Wood sources have been depleted.
- Many other minor AI improvements.
- Fixed some bugs that could occur in pathfinding. Including improvements to pathing near water.
- Fixed a bug affecting selection of axe carts.
- Knocked out units are now ignored when determining conquest victory in Arena of the Gods to prevent becoming stuck while losing in some situations.
- Fixed minor issues with KB and death tracking for Chinese props and objects.
- Fishing ships can no longer drop off food at non-Docks if they happen to be reachable and closer than actual Docks.
- Undermine now works on Earth Wall.
- Tao Wu can now throw Cavalry with its dash.
- Temple of Healing and Feasts of Renown can now heal flying units that are valid heal targets.
- Vanish no longer works on titans.
- Docks can now be properly time-shifted to different orientations when playing as Kronos.
- Fixed a bug causing Dwarf gold gather rate on the Peach Blossom Spring to be higher than base gather rate.
- Fixed a bug that could cause damage over time effects applied through techs to not be correctly handled in all cases.
- Release Sky Lantern is now properly cast when Pioneers are performing auto-scouting if it is set to auto-cast.
- Sage can no longer target Yinglong and Nidhogg with convert.
- TreeMetasequoiaAutumn and TreeMetasequioia no longer gather 5% faster.
- Fixed a bug causing Ptah’s Secret Tools to not apply to wood and Chinese special resources.
- Fixed a bug causing the Vortex God Power to have unnatural interactions with Curse and Implode.
- Units will now properly task to a new target, whenever possible, if their current target becomes unattackable (e.g. due to being thrown, exiled or affected by similar effects).
- Hundun will now correctly perform retargeting after using its Banish ability to ensure it has a new target.
- Fixed a bug preventing building of Town Centers if they are obstructed.
- Flying units no longer become invisible when over a farm affected by Properous Seeds.
- When a unit uses a Maul or Jump action to escape, any following units will now check if there are other nearby valid targets to swap to. If there is a better target the units will swap or otherwise keep chasing the unit that jumped away.
- Fixed a bug with Herbal Medicine causing it to not increase the heal speed of an affected unit.
- Fixed a bug with attack move where units would walk directly to the targeted waypoint while ignoring nearby enemy units.
- Fixed a bug causing attack move to not work with stealth.
- Yazi special attack behavior has been improved to reduce the likelihood of it becoming stuck on impassable and obstructed tiles after performing its special ability.
- Reactive animals now properly constrain to leashing logic when attacked and lured away far enough from their starting position.
- Set priests performing conversion can no longer be valid targets for retaliation when a hostile animal is attacked.
- Fixed a bug causing Earth Wall to use the cursor position instead of the target units position when casting.

- Minor updates to some cinematics and scenarios in the Pillars of the Gods campaign including:
- Pillars of the Gods cinematic 09_c (moved some trees).
- Pillars of the Gods cinematic 05_a (camera adjustments).
- Fixed a bug causing the Titan Gate in Pillars of the Gods 09 to take more time to complete when playing on Story Mode difficulty.

- Fortress-type buildings: bonus damage vs ships reduced from 6x → 3x.
- Champion Warships: now also increases siege ship attack range by +4.
Fei (Tail of Fei): adjusted as follows
- Movement speed reduced from 5.5 → 4.0.
- Infection damage reduced from 0.5 → 0.25 damage per second.
- Damage reduced from 9 → 6 hack.
Developer Note: This relic was proving too powerful, particularly in the early game.
All Pantheon Changes

All Pantheon Changes

Greek Pantheon
Siege Units
Petrobolos: adjusted as follows
- Cost reduced from 150 Wood 200 Gold → 125 Wood 150 Gold.
- Train time reduced from 19 → 15 seconds.
Developer Note: The Petrobolos felt like it was lacking usage in the heroic age, this should hopefully allow players to make use of the unit sooner.

Egyptian Pantheon
Myth Units
Roc (Sobek): adjusted as follows
- Movement speed increased from 5 → 5.3.
- Hitpoints increased from 600 → 700.
- Cost reduced from 150 gold 5 favor → 100 gold 5 favor.

Norse Pantheon
Major Gods
- Gullinbursti (God Power): no longer stuns enemies upon impact.
Developer Note: Freyr’s Gullinbursti has been proving to be immensely powerful at defense. Removing the stun allows a bit more room for counter-play towards a Freyr player with raiding-oriented strategies.
Minor Gods
Tempest (God Power) – adjusted as follows
- Strike damage reduced from 10 divine → 5 pierce & 5 divine damage.
- Bonus damage vs buildings increased from 1.75 → 3.
Developer Note: This change aims to make tempest a bit worse against siege engines, while keeping its overall effectiveness roughly the same.
Fimbulwinter (God Power) – adjusted as follows
- Wolf pack size increased from 6 to 8.
- Maximum amount of wolves that can spawn from the god power reduced from 80 → 60.
Developer Note: Now that the number of wolves is capped, we can slightly increase the pack size to make the god power more impactful on the locations it does end up spawning at, rather than being very widely spread, such as in larger team games.
Myth Units
Fenris Wolf (Tyr): Adjusted as follows
- Movement speed increased from 5.3 → 5.5.
- Hack damage increased from 35 → 40.
Developer Note: This should hopefully make fenris wolves a more viable myth unit option to train, as it was lacking in use.

Atlantean Pantheon
Minor Gods
- Implode (God Power): now deals -90% damage versus farms on explosion.

Chinese Pantheon
Major Gods
- Terracotta riders: no longer lose hp at a reduced rate.
Developer Note: This was an unintentional bonus that Nüwa had, but was not intended to have.
Favored Land Autobuild: adjusted as follows
- Build rate on favored land reduced from 1 → 0.5 build points per second.
- No longer applies to walls and farms.
Developer Note: Auto-building on favored land was noticeably effective on walls, which was hard to overcome for a user on the receiving end, particularly in late game.
Creation (God Power): adjusted as follows
- Number of clay peasants spawned reduced as follows:
- Heroic Age: 10 → 8.
- Mythic Age 25 → 12.
Clay Peasants: have their stats reduced, see below for more details.
- Bonus damage vs siege reduced from 2x → 1.5x.
- Hitpoints reduced from 100 → 55.
- Damage reduced from 6 → 3 hack.
- Number of clay peasants spawned reduced as follows:
Developer Note: This god power was proving to scale too well in late game and deathmatch, so the number of spawns was reduced. Additionally the god power was also proving too potent in early classical age, often used offensively.

- Farms now autobuild only on favored land.
Developer Note: This is to prevent cases where you could place farms for free line of sight all over the map.
Minor Gods
Earth Wall (God Power) – adjusted as follows
- “Foundation” phase duration increased from 20 → 30 seconds, during which it receives 4x more damage.
- Initial hitpoints reduced from 300 → 150.
- Earth Wall segment physical size increased from 2×1 to 3×1. This means each segment has more surface area.
- Earth wall number of segments reduced from 64 to 42, to accommodate the above.
- Cost increased from 50 → 75 Favor.
- Repeat cost increased from 10 → 15.
Developer Note: These changes should make it more feasible to attack the earth wall in its early stages of being cast, where it suffers foundation damage multipliers. And create more surface area for units to attack individual wall segments.
- Advanced Defenses (Technology) – converting a wall connector to a tower now takes 25 seconds, rather than being instant.
- Son of Loong (Technology) – Yazi hack damage added to flash strike reduced from +40 → +20.
Developer Note: This should make it so that a yazi with this upgrade will need 3 strikes to one-shot a villager, rather than just two.
Drought (God Power) – adjusted as follows
- Duration increased from 40 → 60 seconds.
- Drought temporary building hitpoint malice reduced from -50% → -40%.
Developer Note: The god power was combining a little too well with destructive god powers, extending the duration should allow more room to make use of the power, with a reduction in direct effectiveness.
Rock Solid (Technology) – adjusted as follows
- Maximum armor vulnerability reduction from standing idle reduced from -60% to -40%.
- Affected units no longer accumulate armor while attacking.
Developer Note: The effect of it gaining armor while attacking felt like it breaks the spirit of the design, and the effect overall was incredibly potent, so it was brought down a little.
- Scorching Feathers (Technology) – no longer affects siege units.
Developer Note: Due to a typically high pierce armor on siege weapons, it felt wrong that this technology reduced that on them, making archers which are typically not good at all versus siege, suddenly incredibly good.
Fei Beasts (God Power) – adjusted as follows
- Summoned Fei Beasts now die at the end of the god power timer.
Fei: adjusted as follows
- Infection damage reduced from 1 → 0.5 divine.
- Movement speed reduced from 6.5 → 6.0.
- Hack armor reduced from 20% → 10%.
Fei: adjusted as follows
- Summoned Fei Beasts now die at the end of the god power timer.
Developer Note: This God power was over-performing after the bug-fix that came through regarding the infection aura. These changes aim to bring them back in line.
Great Flood (God Power) – adjusted as follows
- Duration reduced from 15 → 13 seconds.
- Divine damage reduced from 4 → 2.
- Maximum speed reduced from 10 → 7.
- Crush damage reduced from 1200 → 1000.
- Reduced the number of segments from 6 → 5, which reduces the width of the flood.
Developer Note: The God Power was proving to be too effective versus both buildings and units. These changes aim to make it much less effective versus units, and also limit its overall total area covered.
- Tempestuous Storm (Technology) – hero cost reduction reduced from -40% → -25%.
Developer Note: This technology was proving immensely powerful, enabling mass heroes as a viable unit composition.
Human Units
Fire Archer: adjusted as follows
- Bonus damage multiplier vs buildings increased from 3x → 4x.
- Pierce damage increased from 4.5 → 5.
Developer Note: The fire archer was underperforming both versus buildings and units, so a small increase in base damage and bonus versus buildings aims to address this.
- Chu Ko Nu: hack armor reduced from 25% → 20%.
Developer Note: The Chu Ko Nu is an incredibly powerful ranged soldier, reducing the hack armor should allow it to be countered better by melee counter-units.
Ge Halberdier: adjusted as follows
- Damage increased from 3.5 → 4.
- Bonus damage multiplier vs cavalry reduced from 6x → 5x.
Developer Note: The Halberdier felt too limited in its usage, increasing the base damage should allow it to be slightly better overall, while still fitting into the hard-counter cavalry role.
- Dao Swordsman: train time reduced from 15 → 14 seconds.
Developer Note: This unit trained slower relative to its cost, this change rectifies this.
Siege Units
Axe Cart: adjusted as follows
- Hitpoints increased from 360 → 500.
- Crush armor increased from 60% → 65%.
- Crush damage increased from 50 → 70.
Developer Note: The axe cart seems to be quite lacking as an age 4 siege unit. These changes aim to bring it in line with other 4th age siege weapons.
Hero Units
Pioneer: adjusted as follows
- Movement speed reduced from 4.3 → 4.0.
- Pioneer pierce damage reduced from 7 → 6.
- Pioneer bonus damage multiplier vs myth units increased from 6.5x → 8x.
Developer Note: The Pioneer was replacing the fire archer as a go-to archer unit in some cases. Additionally, the Pioneer’s scouting ability was proving to be perhaps a little better than other culture’s scouting on average, these changes aim to address this.
Nezha (Fuxi): adjusted as follows
- No longer regenerates.
- Train time increased from 10 → 15 seconds.
- Nezha (Classical age) base hitpoints reduced from 275 → 225.
- Nezha (Heroic age) base hitpoints reduced from 375 → 300.
- Nezha (Heroic age) Hack & Pierce armor reduced from 37.5% → 30%.
- Nezha (Mythic age) base hitpoints reduced from 475 → 400.
- Nezha (Mythic age) Hack & Pierce armor reduced from 40% → 30%.
Developer Note: The Nezha was proving to be incredibly powerful and relatively cheap, compared to other demigods. This change aims to bring the nezha more in line with its cost, though it should still look and feel powerful.
Kuafu (Hero) (Nüwa): adjusted as follows
- Hitpoints reduced from 225 → 200.
- Hack Armor reduced from 40% → 30%.
- Pierce Armor reduced from 50% → 40%.
- Attack range reduced from 8 → 6.
- Respawn time increased from 120 → 240 seconds.
Developer Note: This should make the kuafu hero less powerful when fending off raids, and a more valuable target to take out in a raid. Additionally, this should allow more opportunity to fend off an aggressive kuafu hero play.
- Li Jing (Nüwa): Special ability stun duration reduced from 5 → 2 seconds.
Myth Units
Yazi (Chiyou): adjusted as follows
- Bonus damage multiplier vs heroes reduced from 0.5 → 0.25.
- Cost increased from 125 wood 15 favor → 140 wood 16 favor.
- Hitpoints increased from 210 → 240.
Developer Note: Increasing the cost and hitpoints means that a free one from Shennong will spawn in a little later and compensates for that cost somewhat by being more durable.
Pixiu (Rushou): adjusted as follows
- Trade rate increased from 0.75 → 0.875.
- Now shares its build limit with normal caravans.
Developer Note: The Pixiu’s main benefit being that it exists outside of the build limit restrictions meant the unit didn’t really see much use earlier on in the game. The changes hope to make the unit more compelling to train over a normal caravan in some circumstances.
Qinglong (Gonggong): adjusted as follows
- Attack range reduced from 16 → 12.
- Special Attack puddle divine damage reduced from 15 → 10.
- Zhuque (Zhurong): now properly has a 2x multiplier vs myth units, and a 0.25x multiplier vs heroes on its ranged attack.
- Village Center: Are now also considered anchors for favored land, allowing them to initiate building chains.

Random Maps
- Updated Silk Road to fix a bug that was preventing hunt from spawning.

- Added documentation to PC builds about the Proto, Techtree, Civilizations and Major Gods to the BANG documentation folder in the installation directory. (applied in last update)
- Added editor names for Military Camp and Machine Workshop.
- Fixed a bug causing the animation viewer to not open as expected after closing using the Escape key and then reopening.
- The list of God Powers in the editor are now ordered alphabetically. Also fixed the width of the dropdown on the alternative editor UI.
- Fixed a bug causing image aliasing around the minimap in the editor.
- Fixed a bug causing unit stat portraits to be missing in some places in the editor.
- Added a tooltip to clarify the behavior of the height fog density in the lighting settings in the editor.
- Fixed a bug causing terrain to appear at incorrect default heights along the edge after reducing terrain size. Height is now preserved along edges when reducing map sizes.
- Fixed a bug causing cliffs to not paint correctly in some cases while in the editor.
- Additions to KB functions:
- Added stat types: cUnitStatResearchRate (access to research rate with dynamic buffs) and cProtoStatMovementType (replaces kbUnitGetMovementType).
- Added new functions: kbUnitQuerySetIgnorePlayersThatHaveLost, kbUnitQueryGetUnitAICost, kbUnitGetCommandCost, kbProtoUnitGetDisplayName, kbProtoUnitGetLongRollover, kbProtoUnitGetShortRollover, kbAICostGetUnitCost
- Modified function signatures: kbProtoUnitGetIconPath (new param), kbProtoUnitGetActionDamageForType (removed param), kbAreaGroupBordersAreaGroupID (previously kbAreaGroupsBordersAreaGroupID), kbSetAutoMyBaseCreationDistanceTC (default param value changed), kbUnitPickCreate (default param value changed),
- Added KB Tech Tree Functions: kbTechGetDisplayName, kbTechGetRollover, kbTechGetIconPath.
- Many updates to help text in documentation.
- XS Compiler now supports bitwise NOT (~).
- Added new trigger functions: trUnitGetPlayerID and trUnitGetPlayerIDByUnitID.
- Fixed an unintended use of the Player: Set Civilization trigger that allowed access to playing as DLC Major Gods. The Player: Set Civilization trigger will continue to work for all base game Major Gods, but will no longer work for Freyr, Fuxi, Nüwa, or Shennong in some situations. (Initially applied in the last Hotfix and further modified in this Patch)
- The original version applied in the last hotfix was too strict and has been adjusted to empower content creators.
- In multiplayer, the Player: Set Civilization trigger will now work for DLC civilizations if the host owns the required DLC.
- In singleplayer, the Player: Set Civilization trigger will now work for the player if they own the required DLC.
- In both multiplayer and single player, the Player: Set Civilization trigger will now always work for AI players (even if the required DLC is not owned).

As always, we are continuing to track issues reported by the community for future updates.
For other known issues, please visit this page to see what’s being tracked!

What's on the Horizon?
Coming Up…
Hello Age of Mythology: Retold players and community!
We hope you have been enjoying the new Immortal Pillars release and are getting to sink your teeth into this amazing new pantheon and campaign. The team is actively reviewing your feedback from our various forums along with our internal playtests to make tweaks and improvements over the coming months – along with an upcoming event we’re excited for you to be a part of. Keep coming back here for news and updates and don’t forget to post your favorite moments from the new Chinese DLC!
Please note that this list is subject to change and should not be considered a comprehensive list of all the known issues we’re tracking. The above is to inform you of the team’s current priorities, which will change as other issues arise or take precedence.
For the latest updates and announcements, please visit our social channels.