almost 3 years ago - AoE Official - Direct link

Following on the heels of the Season One update, we’re excited to introduce a brand new path for bringing you smaller, more pointed changes with Server-Side Patches. 

This new approach allows us to make data changes that influence balance and certain bugs more quickly. With a Server-Side Patch, you won’t be required to download and install an update from your platform of choice. Instead, all you need to do is launch the game, where you’ll be greeted by a notification prompting you to take a quick in-game patch. After you’ve updated, that’s it – you should see the changes take effect immediately! 

While we’ll still need to rely on traditional updates for certain changes, as well as for including content, we intend to use this fast-patching method to help with balance, gameplay integrity and more as we hear from you. Read on to find a list of balance changes we’ve prepared based on your feedback!