❓ Can I downvote maps in Quick Play or Ranked?
Yes to both! We have separate preference windows for each mode.
❓ Are my downvotes shared among Quick Play and Ranked?
Nope—you have separate downvotes for each queue. Each queue features only the maps present in that queue. http://pbs.twimg.com/ext_tw_video_thumb/1547311789959954433/pu/img/XH6nD7RZ5BKGu0GV.jpg
❓ Do I need to choose my downvotes before every match?
Nope! Map preferences are saved across both Quick Play and Ranked and will be persistent until you either change or reset your selections.
❓ I downvoted Black Forest for team games but ended up playing there! Why?
The system chooses maps that have the least number of downvotes across everyone in the game. If each one is downvoted at least once collectively, you might end up on one you downvoted individually.