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Welcome heroes to another exciting update – covering UI improvements, stability and performance changes, gameplay fixes, PLUS a new campaign difficulty mode and a festive Holidaze Event! So take a peek and jump in to the latest for Age of Mythology: Retold!

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Thanks again to our amazing community members, all of whom have helped to make Age of Mythology: Retold a success thus far!

—The Age of Mythology Team

🢂 Download on the Microsoft Store

Remember that you’ll need to update your game in the Microsoft Store:

  • Open the Microsoft Store.
  • Click the [∙ ∙ ∙ ] symbol next to your profile picture.
  • Select Downloads and updates.
  • Press the Get updates button to automatically detect, download, and install the latest changes to your game!
  • Open the game. The title screen should show you on Build 17.51177.

If you are unable to launch the game after downloading the update, make sure you add (or re-add) the Age of Mythology: Retold client or folder as an exception to your firewall and antivirus program.

That’s it; you’re ready to play!

🢂 Download on Steam

Remember that you’ll need to update your game in Steam:

  • Open Steam.
  • Click on Library to see your games list.
  • Click Downloads at the bottom of the Library window.
  • [If the new build does not download automatically,] click the Download Now button to manually download the new update.
  • Open the game. The title screen should show you on Build 17.51177.

That’s it; you’re ready to play!

🢂 Download on the Xbox App for Windows 11

Remember that you’ll need to update your game in the Xbox App for Windows.

  • Open the Xbox app.
  • Games that are installed show up on the left side of the app.
  • Hover over the game or click it, and then select Update.
  • [If the new build does not download automatically,] hover over the game, select More Options (…), choose Manage. Under the Files tab, choose the option to Check for Updates.
  • Open the game. The title screen should show you on Build 17.51177.

That’s it; you’re ready to play!

Please note that custom mods may not be compatible with the latest game update. If you are experiencing issues launching or playing the game after downloading the new build, try disabling your installed mods before trying again.

Still having trouble? Visit our support site!

New! Holidaze Event!

What does a lazer bear wearing a festive holiday hat have in common with the alluvial clay cornucopia? The limited-time special Holidaze Event to celebrate Thanksgiving and the Winter Holidays! Complete twelve challenges to earn new profile icons from November 25th to December 22nd! One new challenge will be added each day from the event’s start, and challenges will remain available until the end of the event for all who want to complete them. Plus, some of the world has become themed for the duration of the event! Keep an eye out for turkeys and pumpkins to collect for your Thanksgiving celebrations!

 November 25th – December 22nd  

Day 1 🔒 Train 50 Villagers as the Greeks in any amount of Skirmish or Multiplayer matches.
🏆 Profile Icon Unlock – Alluvial Clay Cornucopia
Day 2 🔒Win 3 Skirmish or Multiplayer games.
🏆Profile Icon Unlock – Bella With a Candy Cane
Day 3 🔒Train 25 Chariot Archers, 10 Camel Riders and 5 War Elephants as the Egyptians in any amount of Skirmish or Multiplayer matches.
🏆Profile Icon Unlock – Flying Purple Hippo with a Festive Fall Hat
Day 4 🔒Cast at least 10 god powers as the Norse in a single Skirmish or Multiplayer match.
🏆Profile Icon Unlock – Lazer Bear with a Festive Holiday Hat
Day 5 🔒Train 20 Hero units as the Greeks in any amount of Skirmish or Multiplayer matches.
🏆Profile Icon Unlock – Shade with a Mystical Pine Cone
Day 6 🔒Summon a Titan in a single Skirmish or Multiplayer match.
🏆Profile Icon Unlock – Sons of Sleipnir with a Fall Background
Day 7 🔒Fully upgrade the Counter Barracks as the Atlanteans in a single Skirmish or Multiplayer match.
🏆Profile Icon Unlock – UFO with Festive Lights
Day 8 🔒Deal 1000 damage using myth units in any amount of Skirmish or Multiplayer matches.
🏆Profile Icon Unlock – Holiday Caladria in an Ugly Sweater
Day 9 🔒Collect a total of 5 relics in a single Skirmish or Multiplayer match.
🏆Profile Icon Unlock – Curse Pig with a Fall Tiara
Day 10 🔒Build a Fortress, Migdol Stronghold, Hill Fort and a Palace in any amount of Skirmish or Multiplayer matches.
🏆Profile Icon Unlock – Smugkantos
Day 11 🔒Collect 2000 Food, Wood and Gold each as the Norse in a single Skirmish or Multiplayer match.
🏆Profile Icon Unlock – Shocked Old Man
Day 12 🔒Empower at least 10 buildings at once as the Egyptians in a single Skirmish or Multiplayer match.
🏆Profile Icon Unlock – Fork Boy Face

New Campaign Difficulty: Ludicrous

  • Experience a new level of challenge with the new Ludicrous difficulty!
  • Revisit the campaigns or try them for the first time!
  • Ludicrous difficulty combines the Titan difficulty with new modifiers to raise the difficulty to Ludicrous levels!

Stability & Performance

  • Performance optimizations for the radial menu in the controller UI.
  • Performance optimizations in some situations when the visibility of units changes.
  • Performance optimizations for the minimap when changes are made to the terrain.
  • Performance optimizations for the AI while it is performing building placement decisions.
  • Performance optimizations for the AI on maps with large numbers of trees.
  • Updates to rendering systems to try and reduce the chance of a crash on some systems in some situations.
  • Fixed various rare situations that could have led to a crash.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur during gameplay when units push other units out of the way.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur in some rare situations while updating the UI.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur in some rare situations while rendering.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur in some situations when loading the main menu after leaving a multiplayer game.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when entering a suspended on Xbox while in a loading screen.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur in some rare situations during pathfinding.
  • Fixed a bug that could lead to a crash when an Out-of-Sync occurs.
  • Fixed an Out-of-Sync that could occur after loading an older save and then playing other game modes.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur while auto-saving a game.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when failing to initialize the game and mods are enabled.
  • If game initialization fails and mods are enabled, you may be prompted to disable mods for the next time you try launching the game. Some mods may require authors to update them when new patches are released.


  • Updates for localized strings.
  • Fixed a bug causing the game to load with incorrect languages active in some situations.


  • Murmillo helmet will now show its baseline variation instead of the first upgrade variant when no tech has been researched.
  • Argus Acid Blob has been adjusted to appear larger and has had a timing adjustment.
  • Argus Acid Pool has been increased in size by 50%.
  • Removed some VFX that was no longer compatible with the game due to an SDK update in a prior patch.
  • Added new unit models for the Holidaze event, including a Turkey, Pumpkins, and a Relic Turkey.
  • Minor improvements for player color mask blending.
  • Fixed a bug causing animation blending to show incorrect visual states in some situations. For example, when showing the Gaia birth animation in some situations.
  • Fixed a bug with the Egyptian Shrine damaged model, causing it to show destruction as if the building was rotated.
  • A new setting has been added to restore default visuals for those wanting to see the original visuals during any event. You can use this setting to turn turkeys back into chickens, turkey relics back into normal-appearance relics, and pumpkins back into berry bushes. This setting can be found in the game options near the end, labeled as “Event Theme Visuals.”


  • Added narration to the multiplayer filters popup.
  • Fixed Atlantean Hero birth sounds to use the BirthHero sound set instead of the non-hero equivalents.
  • Additional sounds will now play while in the Arena of the Gods screen.
  • Fixed a bug causing music to stop in some situations during Arena of the Gods.


  • Fixes for various minor typos in history text.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause some save/load dialog buttons to appear smaller than intended.
  • Updates to the multiplayer filters popup to provide clarity for filters that only apply to joinable or observable games.
  • Scores now show with a strike-through when a whole team is resigned or defeated.
  • Fixed a bug that caused map visibility settings to not change to standard when swapping from Deathmatch mode to Standard mode in the pre-game lobby.
  • Updates to improve the behavior of the controller-only UI to support users who may have accidentally entered a match that has controller-only enabled. When popups are showing, the mouse and keyboard may be used to interact.
  • Adjusted cross-input toggle tooltip to correctly reflect its intended behavior and use.
  • When the cross-input option is disabled, a warning will now show if you try to ready up with the mouse or keyboard (previously, it was only when no controller was plugged in).
  • Fixed a bug causing controller-only warnings to show sometimes when cross-input was enabled.
  • Minor visual improvements to improve the layout of the scenario end popup.
  • Fixed a bug causing back arrows to appear incorrectly disabled in the Arena of the Gods screen.
  • Minor updates to improve UI and UI behavior in the Arena of the Gods screen.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Mod Browser info panel to show small text graphic buttons.
  • Fixed a bug in the Post-Game screen, causing long strings to overlap incorrectly in some situations.
  • Fixed a bug causing various incorrect UI states to occur in some situations after interacting with the benchmark.
  • Improvements to leaderboard navigation. You can now skip to the first or last page while using the keyboard or controller—minor improvements to the leaderboard UI for clarity.
  • Leaderboards now support partial name searching.
  • Fixed a bug causing a talking head image to overlap text during a cutscene in some situations.
  • Fixed a bug causing non-automated spectate games not to show the password-protected status correctly.
  • Fixed a bug causing player lobby sizes to show incorrectly in the browse games lobby in some situations.
  • Clicking on the idle hero banner while in Arena of the Gods will always select your Legend as the first unit to cycle through, even if they are not idle.


  • Added a new setting to control edge panning behavior. Enabled by default, this will match the old behavior of continuing to edge scroll outside the window. When disabled, the edge panning stops after the cursor exits the window.
  • Holding alt and drag selecting units will now only select military units.


  • When queuing with Cross-Input disabled into Ranked and Quickmatch games, the Military Auto Train and Villager Priority System options are now enabled for controller-only games. This change does not apply when Cross-Input is enabled.
  • World space prompts will now display available garrison options when using a controller.
  • Fixed a bug when using the Villager Priority System that could cause villagers to try and assign themselves to an already occupied farm.
  • Fixed a bug when using the Villager Priority System that could cause villagers to kill multiple huntables and only harvest from one.
  • Improved Auto-Scount logic when using the Villager Priority System to prevent it from misbehaving when canceling an action.
  • Auto-scouting will immediately cancel when actioned while using the Villager Priority System instead of walking to the last waypoint before actioning the cancel.
  • Fixed a bug causing villagers to collect non-food resources when auto-farm construction is enabled, and the Villager Priority System was set to 100% food gathering.
  • Improved camera magnetism when moving the camera in the fog of war with the controller.
  • Improved camera magnetism when following moving units with a controller.
  • Improved camera magnetism when following moving units with a controller.
  • Added new settings to control default behavior when targetting friendly units or buildings when using a controller.
  • Added a new setting to prevent camera magnetism from applying to buildings when using a controller.
  • Added a new setting to exclude control groups from quick selection when using a controller.
  • Added new settings to control camera dead-zone preferences when using a controller.
  • Added new settings to modify how long it takes before the Marquee selection begins when using a controller.


  • Fixed a bug causing Deathmatch Ranked and Quickmatch games to use incorrect settings. Deathmatch games will use the expected map revealed, and no Titans allowed settings.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause duplication of some tech tree data.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented aging up in solo skirmish matches due to invalid cached player profile settings.
  • Fixed a bug causing units to walk into other units indefinitely when movement distance was very small.
  • Fixed a bug causing incorrect AI plan priority allocation for Atlantean Citizens.
  • Fixed a minor bug that could cause errors during build orders for AI during Deathmatch mode games.
  • AI can now plan for building drop sites if the drop sites are not buildable by all gatherers or the drop sites are not available in the Archaic age.
  • Fixed a bug causing AI to not use the Ceasefire God power at the expected time in some situations.
  • AI resign behavior has been reworked to improve decision-making when choosing to ask if they can resign.
  • AI system changes to exclude counter units from training plans if too few enemies are seen to choose counters effectively.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed AI to sometimes age up using both minor God options available in a single age.
  • AI can now cancel scouting plans when defense becomes a high priority.
  • Fixed a bug causing AI to not focus on destroying the Citadel during Sudden Death on Titan difficulty.
  • AI can now build mirror towers.
  • Fixed a bug causing AI to never research wall upgrades.
  • AI will now respond to military bases built near one of their town centers by prioritizing them first.
  • Fixed a bug causing AI not to assist teammates in some situations.
  • Fixed a bug causing AI to send land units after boats until they are destroyed repeatedly.
  • Updates to AI to improve their attack intervals.
  • Ongoing minor updates to improve AI and pathfinding.
  • Fixed a bug causing Titans not to behave correctly when colliding in water.
  • Citadel Center now properly trains and researches 25% faster.
  • Fixed a bug preventing Trolls from targeting Cyclops with special attacks.
  • Fixed a bug causing Kronos to not attack in Arena of the Gods in some situations.
  • Fixed a bug causing some respawning mechanics to behave in unintended ways while playing Arena of the Gods. Including mechanics affecting the Phoenix, Phoenix Egg, Fimbulwinter Wolves, Prometheans, and Ancestor Minon/Ship.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed infinite villagers to be spawned when timeshifting in Arena of the Gods.
  • AI will surrender now in some situations during Arena of the Gods when it would previously require players to destroy every enemy unit.
  • Fixed a bug preventing the Kastor’s Elite Bodyguard blessing from providing extra Murmilliones during Arena of the Gods in some situations.
  • A minor balance change for Arena of the Gods missions 3 and 4 has been made to increase the number of villagers players start with.
  • Fixed a bug causing a black or white screen to show indefinitely when skipping cutscenes in some rare situations.
  • Adjustments have been made to improve the progression of difficulty and challenge as you progress further into the Arena of the Gods.
  • Fixed a bug that caused a refund of Town Center cost in unintended situations.

Map Pool Changes

  • Added Midgard and Tundra to the Ranked maps pool. Removed Highland.
  • Added Tundra to the Quickmatch map pool.


  • Fixed a bug that prevented modders from removing age-ups from the valid list for AI.
  • Added a new function for modders to use when they modify age-up choices and want to work with the AI.
  • XS Compiler will now warn when trying to divide by 0 or calculate a modulus of 0. Max Int is now returned when performing an integer division by 0.
  • Terrain will no longer appear wet at unexpected times when lowering areas of the terrain.
  • Leaving the Post-Game screen will now return to the editor if the map was launched from the editor.
  • New Theme logic for AnimXMLs to change unit visuals depending on currently active events..


As always, we are continuing to track issues reported by the community for future updates.

For other known issues, please visit this page to see what’s being tracked!

Coming Up…

Our villagers are pouring their hearts and souls into the Immortal Pillars expansion in preparation for its release in 2025!


Please note that this list is subject to change and should not be considered a comprehensive list of all the known issues we’re tracking. The above is to inform you of the team’s current priorities, which will change as other issues arise or take precedence.

For the latest updates and announcements, please visit our social channels.