over 1 year ago - Age of Empires - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

8s >> Welcome to World's Edge, home to the beloved Age of Empires franchise.
12s We've been on a journey to continue the legacy of
14s creating world-class Real-Time Strategy games that started
17s over 25 years ago.
18s >> That legacy is all thanks to you, the fans.
21s >> You inspire us to develop new ideas and evolve our games.
25s >> In 2021 we partnered with the award-winning studio
27s Relic Entertainment, to push the franchise into a new era
31s with our latest title, Age of Empires IV.
33s >> It was a global event that heralded a new chapter of storytelling and strategy.
37s >> Age of Empires IV humanizes the compelling stories from that historical
42s time and presents a new perspective through engaging gameplay.
46s >> It challenges you to make history your story.
48s >> And what better way to do that than with a trebuchet?
51s [WHOOSH]
52s >> Did you hear that whoosh?
54s >> In the first year of Age of Empires IV
56s we added new civilizations, new seasons, and features that
60s fans were very excited about.
62s >>But there was always something else that fans wanted.
65s >> We kept hearing the same thing over and over.
67s >> "When are you bringing it to Xbox?"
70s >>We're so excited that, finally, all the content in
72s in Age of Empires IV is now available on the Xbox consoles.
75s >> But figuring out how to make it for a console audience
78s was easier said than done.
84s >> It was impossible to go to any social media platform where the
87s Age of Empires account was posting and not see a comment underneath
92s saying "When is it coming to Xbox?"
93s >> We knew it was important, especially from the perspective of
96s being able to bring RTS and Age to as many people as possible.
100s >> We had been talking about it for a long, long time, but it
103s always came back down to that key factor of
106s getting RTS from PC and mouse onto a controller.
111s You get the defensive stance like, "You can't do this!"
114s Well, why do you feel that way? "Well, I'm gonna have to move
117s a fake mouse around." OK, we're not doing that.
119s A controller is a drive mechanism. You're driving a character,
122s you're driving a viewpoint.
124s You are driving something through an environment.
127s How do we make that work? How do we find a solution?
129s We have these ideas, but we can't build the game internally.
131s We're only like- we're not a huge RTS studio.
134s But we'd love to go look for partners.
136s And the first team on our list that we wanted to talk to
138s was Relic Entertainment about doing Age of Empires IV.
140s >> Relic has been making RTS games for 25 years and Age of Empires
145s has always been a reference point.
147s >> It's truly is a global effort between so many different teams.
150s Climax, Forgotten Empires, Relic, and World's Edge.
153s >> World's Edge brought in Climax Studios in the UK,
157s who had a background in console games.
160s >> Climax Studios is a real powerhouse when it comes to
163s user interface elements.
165s >> And we felt that they could bring a unique perspective
168s to building out the control scheme.
170s >> There was a port once upon a time. In 2001.
173s I played it and I hated it. I hated everything about it.
175s So, we have a history, even within our own franchise,
178s how not to do a port.
180s >> If we were forced to port it, we probably never
182s would have done it.
183s >> Our challenge was we're bringing in Age IV, which has
186s some extra complexities over Age II.
189s How are we going to make that work?
191s What we found is we could actually use that framework
194s to bring the game into it's own.
197s >> This game is basically a redesign from the ground, up.
201s >> Age of Empires IV is a different engine.
203s It wasn't just a case of doing what Age II did. We had to
207s build it all from the ground, up.
209s >> You have players sitting in a living room, away from
212s the TV. We have to reconsider all the UI menus and all
216s the in-game HUDs to make sure they are as
219s legible, as high contrast as possible.
221s >> The whole development team knew that micro-managing
225s individual villagers was going to be difficult on console.
230s >> We have introduced a lot of automation systems.
233s >> All of us as game designers and game creators are always
235s seeking that next thing. Like, how do we evolve the experience?
238s How do we move it forward?
240s >> There are two that really stand out.
241s The first one is called the "Villager Priority System".
244s >> The Villager Priority System is something we came up with
246s in Age II because we were after that idea of, like, "OK, how do we
249s stop the console player from having to do this insane amount of
253s micro-management of their villagers?"
255s Based on a pie chart, you can say 50% of my people are
258s going to go work on wood. And 25% are going to work
262s on food, and the rest are going to go work on gold.
264s And they'll just start working on them.
266s Now, if you want to change, we've added all these cool
268s settings for mid-game, early-game, Wood Rush...
271s >> ...that were designed by our pro players.
273s So these presets are not just something that were slapped together.
276s >> Or you can turn it off and do everything manually.
277s It's up to you.
278s >> We also have the "Site Menu System".
281s >> It allows you to quickly issue a command contextually on the ground.
284s >> It's context sensitive. So it'll bring up the right
287s structure that you can build at that spot.
289s In Age you were always relocated to having to select a villager,
292s bring up the build menu, click the item that you want,
294s and then drop that build foundation on the battlefield.
297s Now, with the SMS, you don't have to do that anymore.
299s You can literally pan the camera over to a spot,
301s bring up your production radial, drop a build foundation there,
304s and a villager will automatically be selected to start
307s the build process on that particular foundation.
311s >> The magic to the radial menu is that it allows you to do
315s many things at the same time.
317s With the console version of Age of Empires IV,
319s we also added a new "Find Menu" feature.
322s This is a unique radial menu that allows you to quickly
326s find and locate units or buildings or a collection of buildings
330s in the midst of battle.
331s >> Those were the primary things. The minute we had them working
335s we were like "Those are in the Age IV console."
336s >> And we often joke between the designers that
339s some of us even prefer to play on the controller now, because
343s it is so good.
345s >> This was something bigger than a port. This was something
347s that we had to approach the way that one would approach
351s starting out a project from scratch.
352s >> Age of Empires IV on controller is a new experience.
356s Because of that we knew we needed to design a new entry point.
360s >> When we're making tutorials one of the things that we always
362s try to do is figure out a way to make them not "Now do this.
365s Now click on this." How do we build it into the experience?
368s [GAME NARRATOR] He first needed to get a lay of the land.
371s >> The "Rise of King" tutorial is
373s a completely new story within Age of Empires IV.
377s >> For a whole new audience we wanted to bring them
380s through an experience that was a great storytelling experience...
384s [GAME NARRATOR] A collection of large rocks caught
387s Guillaume's eye.
388s Wary of hidden threats, he decided to investigate.
391s >> ...but also introduce mechanics to them in a progressive way
395s in which they could learn from it.
397s >> We definitely ran into things where we realized that some
400s of the ways that we were building graphics and units were not
405s as optimized as they needed to be for something like a console
407s to run really smoothly.
409s There were things there that actually ended up improving
410s the PC game as well.
412s >> I really hope that when we bring all these new console players
416s into Age of Empires IV for the very first time
418s that they get to share that enjoyment and everything that we love
422s about the game with their friends and families.
425s Much like I did with my dad when I was growing up.
428s That comunity is so special to me. I met my wife
431s playing Age of Empires.
433s Maybe when we have children they'll play Age of Empires too.
437s >> My favorite thing about Age of Empires is the
439s diverse civilizations that are represented.
442s Even the language is representative of the civilizations for that time period.
447s That dialog grows, or changes, as the civilization Ages up and
451s the time periods change.
452s I've worked in the RTS genre for over 29 years.
455s I'm very genuine in saying that I actually prefer to play
458s RTS games now with a console.
460s >> You get all of the campaigns, all of our civilizations...
463s >> And most importantly: mods.
465s Mods will be supported at launch day.
467s >> Age of Empires IV is available now on Xbox consoles and cloud.
471s >> We took great care and attention bring this game to console players
474s and we hope you're as excited to play it as we are to share it with you.
477s >> There's never been a better time to pick up a controller and start
481s making history.
482s >> We're see you on the battlefield.
over 1 year ago - Age of Empires - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

8s >> Welcome to World's Edge, home to the beloved Age of Empires franchise.
12s We've been on a journey to continue the legacy of
14s creating world-class Real-Time Strategy games that started
17s over 25 years ago.
18s >> That legacy is all thanks to you, the fans.
21s >> You inspire us to develop new ideas and evolve our games.
25s >> In 2021 we partnered with the award-winning studio
27s Relic Entertainment, to push the franchise into a new era
31s with our latest title, Age of Empires IV.
33s >> It was a global event that heralded a new chapter of storytelling and strategy.
37s >> Age of Empires IV humanizes the compelling stories from that historical
42s time and presents a new perspective through engaging gameplay.
46s >> It challenges you to make history your story.
48s >> And what better way to do that than with a trebuchet?
51s [WHOOSH]
52s >> Did you hear that whoosh?
54s >> In the first year of Age of Empires IV
56s we added new civilizations, new seasons, and features that
60s fans were very excited about.
62s >>But there was always something else that fans wanted.
65s >> We kept hearing the same thing over and over.
67s >> "When are you bringing it to Xbox?"
70s >>We're so excited that, finally, all the content in
72s in Age of Empires IV is now available on the Xbox consoles.
75s >> But figuring out how to make it for a console audience
78s was easier said than done.
84s >> It was impossible to go to any social media platform where the
87s Age of Empires account was posting and not see a comment underneath
92s saying "When is it coming to Xbox?"
93s >> We knew it was important, especially from the perspective of
96s being able to bring RTS and Age to as many people as possible.
100s >> We had been talking about it for a long, long time, but it
103s always came back down to that key factor of
106s getting RTS from PC and mouse onto a controller.
111s You get the defensive stance like, "You can't do this!"
114s Well, why do you feel that way? "Well, I'm gonna have to move
117s a fake mouse around." OK, we're not doing that.
119s A controller is a drive mechanism. You're driving a character,
122s you're driving a viewpoint.
124s You are driving something through an environment.
127s How do we make that work? How do we find a solution?
129s We have these ideas, but we can't build the game internally.
131s We're only like- we're not a huge RTS studio.
134s But we'd love to go look for partners.
136s And the first team on our list that we wanted to talk to
138s was Relic Entertainment about doing Age of Empires IV.
140s >> Relic has been making RTS games for 25 years and Age of Empires
145s has always been a reference point.
147s >> It's truly is a global effort between so many different teams.
150s Climax, Forgotten Empires, Relic, and World's Edge.
153s >> World's Edge brought in Climax Studios in the UK,
157s who had a background in console games.
160s >> Climax Studios is a real powerhouse when it comes to
163s user interface elements.
165s >> And we felt that they could bring a unique perspective
168s to building out the control scheme.
170s >> There was a port once upon a time. In 2001.
173s I played it and I hated it. I hated everything about it.
175s So, we have a history, even within our own franchise,
178s how not to do a port.
180s >> If we were forced to port it, we probably never
182s would have done it.
183s >> Our challenge was we're bringing in Age IV, which has
186s some extra complexities over Age II.
189s How are we going to make that work?
191s What we found is we could actually use that framework
194s to bring the game into it's own.
197s >> This game is basically a redesign from the ground, up.
201s >> Age of Empires IV is a different engine.
203s It wasn't just a case of doing what Age II did. We had to
207s build it all from the ground, up.
209s >> You have players sitting in a living room, away from
212s the TV. We have to reconsider all the UI menus and all
216s the in-game HUDs to make sure they are as
219s legible, as high contrast as possible.
221s >> The whole development team knew that micro-managing
225s individual villagers was going to be difficult on console.
230s >> We have introduced a lot of automation systems.
233s >> All of us as game designers and game creators are always
235s seeking that next thing. Like, how do we evolve the experience?
238s How do we move it forward?
240s >> There are two that really stand out.
241s The first one is called the "Villager Priority System".
244s >> The Villager Priority System is something we came up with
246s in Age II because we were after that idea of, like, "OK, how do we
249s stop the console player from having to do this insane amount of
253s micro-management of their villagers?"
255s Based on a pie chart, you can say 50% of my people are
258s going to go work on wood. And 25% are going to work
262s on food, and the rest are going to go work on gold.
264s And they'll just start working on them.
266s Now, if you want to change, we've added all these cool
268s settings for mid-game, early-game, Wood Rush...
271s >> ...that were designed by our pro players.
273s So these presets are not just something that were slapped together.
276s >> Or you can turn it off and do everything manually.
277s It's up to you.
278s >> We also have the "Site Menu System".
281s >> It allows you to quickly issue a command contextually on the ground.
284s >> It's context sensitive. So it'll bring up the right
287s structure that you can build at that spot.
289s In Age you were always relocated to having to select a villager,
292s bring up the build menu, click the item that you want,
294s and then drop that build foundation on the battlefield.
297s Now, with the SMS, you don't have to do that anymore.
299s You can literally pan the camera over to a spot,
301s bring up your production radial, drop a build foundation there,
304s and a villager will automatically be selected to start
307s the build process on that particular foundation.
311s >> The magic to the radial menu is that it allows you to do
315s many things at the same time.
317s With the console version of Age of Empires IV,
319s we also added a new "Find Menu" feature.
322s This is a unique radial menu that allows you to quickly
326s find and locate units or buildings or a collection of buildings
330s in the midst of battle.
331s >> Those were the primary things. The minute we had them working
335s we were like "Those are in the Age IV console."
336s >> And we often joke between the designers that
339s some of us even prefer to play on the controller now, because
343s it is so good.
345s >> This was something bigger than a port. This was something
347s that we had to approach the way that one would approach
351s starting out a project from scratch.
352s >> Age of Empires IV on controller is a new experience.
356s Because of that we knew we needed to design a new entry point.
360s >> When we're making tutorials one of the things that we always
362s try to do is figure out a way to make them not "Now do this.
365s Now click on this." How do we build it into the experience?
368s [GAME NARRATOR] He first needed to get a lay of the land.
371s >> The "Rise of King" tutorial is
373s a completely new story within Age of Empires IV.
377s >> For a whole new audience we wanted to bring them
380s through an experience that was a great storytelling experience...
384s [GAME NARRATOR] A collection of large rocks caught
387s Guillaume's eye.
388s Wary of hidden threats, he decided to investigate.
391s >> ...but also introduce mechanics to them in a progressive way
395s in which they could learn from it.
397s >> We definitely ran into things where we realized that some
400s of the ways that we were building graphics and units were not
405s as optimized as they needed to be for something like a console
407s to run really smoothly.
409s There were things there that actually ended up improving
410s the PC game as well.
412s >> I really hope that when we bring all these new console players
416s into Age of Empires IV for the very first time
418s that they get to share that enjoyment and everything that we love
422s about the game with their friends and families.
425s Much like I did with my dad when I was growing up.
428s That comunity is so special to me. I met my wife
431s playing Age of Empires.
433s Maybe when we have children they'll play Age of Empires too.
437s >> My favorite thing about Age of Empires is the
439s diverse civilizations that are represented.
442s Even the language is representative of the civilizations for that time period.
447s That dialog grows, or changes, as the civilization Ages up and
451s the time periods change.
452s I've worked in the RTS genre for over 29 years.
455s I'm very genuine in saying that I actually prefer to play
458s RTS games now with a console.
460s >> You get all of the campaigns, all of our civilizations...
463s >> And most importantly: mods.
465s Mods will be supported at launch day.
467s >> Age of Empires IV is available now on Xbox consoles and cloud.
471s >> We took great care and attention bring this game to console players
474s and we hope you're as excited to play it as we are to share it with you.
477s >> There's never been a better time to pick up a controller and start
481s making history.
482s >> We're see you on the battlefield.