4 months ago - AoE Official - Direct link

Hello, Age of Empires IV community! We’ve packaged up a new patch with care prior to the new year and are happy to share it with you today. In this patch, we’re following up on your feedback from the Season Nine update, in addition to fixing some impactful issues, such as the Xbox Team Game crash that you’ve reported.

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Thanks again to our amazing community members, all of whom have helped to make Age of Empires what it is today!

—The Age of Empires Team

=> Download on the Microsoft Store

Remember that you’ll need to update your game in the Microsoft Store:

  • Open the Microsoft Store.
  • Click the [∙ ∙ ∙ ] symbol next to your profile picture.
  • Select Downloads and updates.
  • Press the Get updates button to automatically detect, download, and install the latest changes to your game!
  • Open the game. The title screen should show you on Build 12.1.2454

If you are unable to launch the game after downloading the update, make sure you add (or re-add) the Age of Empires IV client or folder as an exception to your firewall and antivirus program. That’s it; you’re ready to play!

=> Download on Steam

Remember that you’ll need to update your game in Steam:

  • Open Steam.
  • Click on Library to see your games list.
  • Click Downloads at the bottom of the Library window.
  • [If the new build does not download automatically,] click the Download Now button to manually download the new update.
  • Open the game. The title screen should show you on Build 12.1.2454.

That’s it; you’re ready to play!

=> Download on the Xbox App for Windows 11

Remember that you’ll need to update your game in the Xbox App for Windows.

  • Open the Xbox app.
  • Games that are installed show up on the left side of the app.
  • Hover over the game or click it, and then select Update.
  • [If the new build does not download automatically,] hover over the game, select More Options (…), choose Manage. Under the Files tab, choose the option to Check for Updates.
  • Open the game. The title screen should show you on Build 12.1.2454.

That’s it; you’re ready to play!

For more installation help on the Xbox, please visit Xbox Support!

Still having trouble? Visit our support site!

Please Note: As part of updating to this latest build, any saved games and observable matches made on previous builds will be unable to be loaded or replayed.

Season’s Feast

New Event!

This event is full of gifts to celebrate the Season! We have many challenges and rewards to customize your profile to match the season of giving. As well as a brand-new game mode filled with gifts to get you those victories! Keep your eyes on the battlefield and see how many gifts you can find. 

Login between November 19th at 10:00am PT (1:00pm ET / 18:00 UTC) and February 5th to share in the season’s festivities!

 Challenge  How to Unlock Reward
Welcome to Season’s Feast 2024  🔒 Login during Season’s Feast 2024. 
🏆 Profile Icon [Returning Robin] 
Tracks in the snow  🔒 Build 8 scouts in Skirmish or Multiplayer matches. 
🧱 Coat of Arms Banner Sigil Frame [Candlelight] 
Sharing and Caring  🔒 Send 10 tributes in a single Skirmish or Multiplayer match. 
🏆 Profile Icon [Festive Wreath] 
A cold neighborhood  🔒 Build 40 houses in Skirmish or Multiplayer. 
🏆 Profile Icon [Igloo] 
Gift Gathering I  🔒 Collect 5 gifts in the Gift Haul game mode. 
🧱 Coat of Arms Banner Sigil [Gingerbread] 
Gift Gathering II  🔒 Collect 15 gifts in the Gift Haul game mode. 
🧱 Coat of Arms Banner Sigil [Holly Berries] 
Gift Gathering III  🔒 Collect 30 gifts in the Gift Haul game mode. 
🧱 Coat of Arms Banner Sigil [Winter Mittens] 
Time to get warm  🔒 Play a match in a Skirmish or Multiplayer with a Winter Biome. 
🧱 Coat of Arms Banner Sigil Frame [Winter Knitted] 
The Season of giving  🔒 Win a match of Gift Haul in Skirmish or Multiplayer. 
🧱 Coat of Arms Banner Shape [All wrapped up] 

New Event Game Mode: Season’s Feast

It’s the season of giving! So, we’re giving you a new game mode filled with gifts, only trouble is we left them on the battlefield. Search the map and see if you can find them and the great rewards within. 

Fight against your opponents in a standard match style with gifted bonuses to give you that competitive edge. Gifts can contain resources, units and even buffs so make sure you find them first. We aren’t sure how we managed to get a Trebuchet into those gift boxes, but we do hope you put them to good use! 

Ranked Season Updates

Season Nine kicked off on October 22nd at 10:00am PT (18:00 UTC) and is currently set to run through March 31st. While we don’t have a map pool update in this patch, we are planning to switch up the map pool early next year.

Updates Based on Your Feedback

As we mentioned in our blog post on November 11th, we’re aware that Season Nine brought with it some unique change. Based on your feedback, we’ve continued to adjust these changes.


  • Silk Bowstrings and Serpentine Powder upgrades hotkeys can be properly remapped on for Mongols. 

UX/UI & Menus (All Platforms)

  • Fixed an issue that impacted the ability to toggle to reveal map in observed games.

UX/UI & Menus (Console)

  • Player Profile will now show the correct Rank Emblem in the overview. 

General Changes & Bugfixes

  • Fixed an issue that caused players on Xbox devices to crash when joining team games with friends.   
  • Fixed an issue where the Rus Mastery “Hunting Ground” could not be unlocked.  
  • Fixed a bug where all Monarch’s names would be displayed as ‘King’ Instead of their unique names in Dominion. 
  • Fixed several localization issues related to syntax and various unique characters.  

Balance & Gameplay Changes (All Civilizations)

  • Siege 
    • Siege Workshop cost reduced from 300 → 250 wood 
    • Springalds health increased from 75 → 85 
    • Springald damage increased from 15 → 16 
    • Updated springald text to state unit piercing instead of armor piercing 
    • Counterweight Trebuchet bonus damage versus buildings reduced from 375 → 350 
    • Bombard bonus damage versus buildings reduced from 410 → 375 
    • Bombard gains +50 bonus damage versus Elephants 
    • Culverin bonus damage versus buildings reduced from 230 → 215 
    • Culverin gains +35 bonus damage versus Elephants 
    • Culverins gain attack ground 
  • Team Games 
    • Trade income from allied markets by reduced by 10%, trade income from Neutral Settlements unchanged. 
  • Lategame 
    •  Biology effect reduced from 30% → 25% health 
    • French/Jeanne d’Arc Royal Bloodlines effect reduced from 40% → 35% health 
    • Mongols Biology (Improved) effect reduced from 40% → 35% health 
    • Handcannoneer base damage increased from 35 → 38 
    • Serpentine Powder bonus versus melee infantry reduced from +8 → +5 
    • Keeps and Keep Landmarks fire armor increased from 5 → 6 
    • Elite Army Tactics costed reduced from 500f and 1000g → 400f and 800g 
    • Mongols Improved version cost reduced from 1500 → 1200 stone 

Developer Note: We will continue to track the performance of melee infantry in the lategame.

  • Fertile crescent building discount reduced from 35% → 30% 
  • Camel archer damage reduced from 12/14/15 → 11/13/14 
    • Camel Archer bonus damage versus light melee infantry and light gunpowder infantry reduced from 12/14/15 → 11/13/14 
  • Fixed an issue where the Greek Fire Projectiles for Byzantine Trebuchets didn’t increase bonus damage of Trebuchets 
  • Longbow Mercenary cost increased from 500 → 520 Olive Oil 
  • Javelin Mercenary cost increased from 460 → 480 Olive Oil 
  • Flask ability cooldown (how frequently a unit can use a flask) increased from 20 → 45 seconds 
  • Corrected a UI issue on the Grand Winery where the economic upgrade tooltips stated the incorrect values for the food upgrades 
  • Adjusted Grenadier unit tags to correctly state that they are Ranged Gunpowder Infantry and not Light units 
  • Nest of Bees range increased from 7 → 7.5 tiles 
  • Imperial Examinations effect reduced from 80 → 70 carry capacity 
    • Imperial Examinations research cost reduced from 50 food and 125 gold → 50 food and 100 gold 
  • Silk Bowstrings and Serpentine Powder are now correctly accounted for with the Hisar Academy 
  • Sultan Elite Tower Elephant damage increased from 35 → 38 
  • Fixed an issue where Sultan´s Tower Elephants were gaining unintended damage with Chemistry 
  • Enclosures gold income reduced from 1 every 5 seconds → 1 every 6 seconds 
  • Network of Citadels technology effect reduced from 20% → 10% more attack speed with Network of Castles 
    • Known Issue: The buff indicator on units affected by Network of Citadel still states the old value of +40% 
  • Cannon bonus damage versus buildings reduced from 500 → 450 
  • Cannon gains +55 bonus damage versus Elephants 
  • Fixed an issue where Mansa Javelineer could not be upgraded to Elite on Xbox devices 
  • Fixed an issue where Serpentine Powder used the wrong visual weapon for Musofadi Gunners 
  • Freeborn Warrior health increased from 165 → 175 
  • Elite Freeborn Warrior health increased from 190 → 205 
  • Musofadi Gunner damage increased from 38 → 41 
  • Fixed an issue where Mongol double production of Springalds had the incorrect cost 
  • Corrected an issue with Superior Mobility (Improved) cost not being adjusted correctly when researching the basic version of Superior Mobility 
  • Town Center cost reduced from 850 → 800 wood 
  • Traction Trebuchet bonus damage versus buildings reduced from 200 → 190 
  • The Khan’s range is now increased after Silk Bowstrings is researched 
  • Fixed an issue where the early version of the Great Bombard dealt Ranged Damage instead of Siege Damage 
  • Sipahi now have the correct damage and attack range when charging 
  • Great Bombard bonus damage versus infantry reduced from 150 → 125 (early version unchanged) 
  • Great Bombard bonus damage versus buildings reduced from 580 → 525 
  • Early Great Bombard bonus damage versus buildings reduced from 480 → 400 
  • Imperial Palace radius increased from 10 → 12 tiles 

Variant Civilization Changes

The following changes apply only to the Variant versions of the Classic civilizations. Variant civilizations share in many of the changes made to their parent civilization listed above. 

  • Fixed an issue where Tower of the Sultan showed all the weapons individually instead of stacking them on the UI.
  • Fixed an issue where the Ayyubid archers were not getting the incendiary projectile (visual change)
  • Corrected an issue where Jeanne could still consecrate Keeps and the Red Palace, this is no longer needed because Companions are available at the Stable and Barracks
  • Jeanne’s Riders and Champions now appear in the correct age in the Tech Tree
  • Jeanne’s third level selection now properly states where the unlocked units can be trained
  • Cannon bonus damage versus buildings reduced from 500 → 450
  • Cannon gains +55 bonus damage versus Elephants
  • Jeanne d’Arc Nomad mode starts increased from 3 villagers and Jeanne → 4 villagers and Jeanne
  • Adjusted Grenadier unit tags to correctly state that they are Ranged Gunpowder Infantry and not Light units 
  • Fixed an issue where Grenadiers and Zhuge Nus would get incorrect (double) benefit from Ming Dynasty 
  • Nest of Bees range increased from 7 → 7.5 tiles 
  • Dali Horses upgrade now properly grants +20% attack speed to Cavalry 
  • Ming bonus increased from 15% → 20% damage on all unique units 
  • Fixed an issue where Order of the Dragon gilded Villagers did not gather from berries quickly enough


Community-Reported Issues:
  • Your reports continue being crucial to our prioritization and implementation of fixes and features in the game. Keep them coming!

For other known issues, please visit this page to see what’s being tracked!

Coming Up…

We’re already preparing for a patch in early 2025, so please keep your feedback coming!


Please note that this list is subject to change and should not be considered a comprehensive list of all the known issues we’re tracking. The above is to inform you of the team’s current priorities, which will change as other issues arise or take precedence.

For the latest updates and announcements, please visit our social channels.